"Rogue students? Seriously disabled? I'm ashamed to be associated with such students. "

"I heard that he is Gu YuYan's apprentice and Jiao Tianya's Apprentice. My God, I like Gu Yuyan the most. I didn't expect that her younger martial brother was actually this kind of goods. I strongly asked Dean Jiao Tianya to return it. "

"Look at those students lying on the ground. They are so pitiful. It's too much for this guy to hit so hard. I beg the police uncle to punish such black sheep severely! "

"19-year-old Internet addicts indulge in games, go astray, and finally cause a catastrophe. Is this the fall of morality or the loss of human nature?"

"The one upstairs, you went to the wrong post. It's the legal channel you're looking for when you go out and turn left. Take your time

"Who said I went wrong? I think this guy is too obsessed with the game, reality and fantasy is not clear, will lead to such a big mistake


The Affiliated Hospital of Ming University.

Lying on the bed, Lu Yuhong brushes his mobile phone and laughs wildly.

"Have a good time, have a good time!" Lu Yuhong laughed loudly and wildly“ The wall fell down and everyone pushed. How can this boy get along in Mingda this time? Let's see if the old man Jiao Tianya is willing to continue to recognize this problem? Ye Buqiu, ye Buqiu, I didn't expect you to have today? "

"In front of Lugo, this guy can't even compare with scum." In the side of the four eyes emaciated boys flatter said.

"It must be." Lu Yuhong was very happy. He patted four eyes on the boy's shoulder, took out more than ten red tickets from his wallet and said, "Liu Feng, follow me in the future. I promise you to drink spicy food. What's the use of Ye Buqiu's brute force? I can't just move my finger and play him with applause? "

"Yes, thank you, Lugo." Liu Feng quickly took the red ticket and said gratefully.

Liu Feng is just a college student from the countryside. His family is poor, and his monthly living expenses are only 600 or 700 yuan. Lu Yuhong's simple hand directly exceeds his two-month expenses, which makes him feel the light of the road ahead.

Dong Dong.

There was a knock outside the ward.

Liu Feng looked up and saw Yan Ruyu standing outside the door. He said to Lu Yuhong lying on the bed, "brother Lu, just now my friend has something urgent to do with me. I need to go there first. If brother Lu has anything you need, just call me."

"Go ahead, leave me alone." Lu Yuhong was very satisfied with Liu Feng and waved his hand.

Liu Feng came out of the ward and passed by Yan Ruyu.

Yan Ruyu bit her lips slightly and walked towards Lu Yuhong's bed. In fact, Yan Ruyu is not good-looking, and her chest is mediocre, but she has a pair of long legs that many boys covet. Looking at the white legs dangling in the air, she gives people a strange style.

Yan Ruyu was about to sit on the chair when Lu Yuhong stopped her and said, "come and sit by the bed."

Yan Ruyu hesitated for a while. When she saw Lu Yuhong's cold eyes, she felt chilly and could only sit on Lu Yuhong's bed.

"Peel an apple for me." Lu Yuhong put his head in his hands and leaned on the head of the bed. He said faintly, "Liu Feng can't take care of people. He can't cut an apple except buying a box lunch. But this boy is very easy to buy, more than a thousand yuan to him, cheaper than a dog

Yan Ruyu takes the fruit knife and apple on the head cabinet and skilfully peels the apple.

Lu Yuhong looks at Yan Ruyu's beautiful white legs on the bed and puts his hands on them. Yan Ruyu's body trembles, but he doesn't resist Lu Yuhong's aggression. Subconsciously, her body leans slightly toward the end of the bed.

"Give me a bite." Lu Yuhong said with a smile.

Yan Ruyu cut the apple into pieces, picked out a piece and fed it to Lu Yuhong. Lu Yuhong closed his mouth and chewed it happily. His face was full of enjoyment, and the juice flowed down the corner of his mouth.

Lu Yuhong kept stroking his intoxicating legs, then slowly moved his palm upward, and a finger slowly dipped into Yan Ruyu's short skirt. Feeling the abnormality of her body, Yan Ruyu stands up and pats Lu Yuhong's palm with her left hand.

"What? And the temper? " Lu Yuhong sneered and said: "believe it or not, your parents will become laid-off workers directly, and your sister will also encounter some copulation tragedies without plot and emotion. You said, "what can a family like you do against the Lu family on that piece of land?"

Lu Yuhong and Yan Ruyu are villagers. They belong to the same city. In the city where Yan Ruyu lives, the Lu family not only controls the white business, but also has some influence underground. If Lu Yuhong moves his finger, Yan Ruyu's family can easily encounter "accidents.".

Yan Ruyu sat back. Lu Yuhong sneered and put his hand on Yan Ruyu's beautiful leg again. He slowly leaned up, stretched out his finger and poked it hard. When Yan Ruyu's body was shaking, he said in a cold voice, "I apologize."

"I'm sorry." Yan Ruyu choked back her tears and said in a choking tone.

"That's right!" Lu Yuhong was very satisfied with Yan Ruyu's attitude. He pointed to the door of the room and said, "lock the door of the room, and then come back."

Yan Ruyu got up and walked mechanically, obediently obeyed Lu Yuhong's words, closed the door of the ward and walked towards the bed.

"Off." Lu Yuhong pointed to Yan Ruyu's skirt and said.


Blue sky building, 16th floor.

Lin Xiyuan put down the document in his hand, drank the tea that his assistant had just sent, and rubbed his temple with a headache. He was quite distressed.

This distress does not come from her work, but from her private life.

I don't know what's going on. From this morning until now, the story of her being "divorced" by Ye Buqiu has spread all over the upper circle of Mingzhu. Now every household who can get on the stage knows that her talented president of blue sky International Group has been divorced by an anonymous man.

Although Lin Xiyuan didn't care about other people's comments, the protagonist of the matter was himself. No matter how indifferent he was, his heart was still a little strange.

"Ignorant guy, do you want to use this as the capital to show off?" Lin Xiyuan was a little disgusted with ye Buqiu. In addition to Lin Xiyuan, ye Buqiu and the woman in his mouth are the only people who know about the whole thing. It's impossible for him to spread the story, so the only thing that they can do is that ye Buqiu deliberately did it.

Naturally, ye Buqiu is the only one who has spread the saying in the upper circle of Mingzhu.

"What on earth do they want to do?" Lin Xiyuan was filled with anger“ Are you trying to destroy my woman? Is it not enough to come to the door and "divorce my wife"

Don't worry.

The phone on her desk vibrated. After looking at the caller ID, Lin Xiyuan rubbed his eyes and connected the phone: "grandfather, I'm still at work. What can I do for you?"

"When I go to work, I know how to go to work all day, and I don't know how to combine work with rest. Some things to the following people to do on the line, do not always do everything personally, you are not tired, I see tired ah The voice from the other end of the phone was old and full of blame and doting“ Your father really is. He stays in their research institute all day and studies energy formula. When can he go to the group to help you? "

"Grandfather, I'll be fine." Lin Xiyuan said“ Father focuses on chemical research, which is his hobby and work. You should support him rather than oppose him. What's more, it doesn't help to ask my father to come to the group for help. After all, my father has never studied management. "

"Alas." My grandfather, Lin Canghai, sighed and said, "I didn't get back so fast when I knew it. Your grandmother has been blowing in my ear for several times, always blaming me for removing my armor too early. It's really hard now, you girl. When you were young, you dropped out of school to take over the group. If you blame me, you blame my grandfather

"Grandfather, I'll be fine. Now that you have been busy for most of your life, you should be enjoying your happiness. Just enjoy it with Grandma! " Lin Xiyuan comforted.

"You are so tired alone. Your grandfather is old and useless. Your father can't help you. Your brother is still young. Now I hope a man can accompany you, so that I can share some pressure for you. " Lin Canghai said

Hearing his grandfather's words, Lin Xiyuan felt quite helpless. It seemed that his "divorce" had spread to his grandfather. However, it's not surprising that from the perspective of the importance grandfather attached to his own marriage, he was naturally more interested in it than anyone else. It's really more difficult for him not to know about it.

"Grandfather, I'm still young and I'm not going to think about it." Lin Xiyuan said. She is only 21 years old now. Most of her peers are still studying on campus.

"Grandfather knows that you are still young, but some wishes have not been fulfilled. Even if I'm buried in the earth, I can't close my eyes." Lin Canghai tone some lonely said.

Lin Xiyuan is silent. She knows that her grandfather still hopes to be with ye Buqiu.

Lin Xiyuan didn't speak, and Lin Canghai didn't speak either. After a long silence on the phone, Lin Canghai sighed and said, "Xiyuan, what do you think of that child in Buqiu?"

"Smart, eloquent and careful, it seems that they still have the ability." Lin Xiyuan did not tell ye Buqiu's bad words to Lin Canghai like other girls, but made an objective evaluation. To the end, Lin Xiyuan added: "just because of his practice, I still have a bad impression."

At the other end of the phone, Lin Canghai said helplessly, "don't blame Buqiu too much. He is also a poor man."

"Good." Lin Xiyuan said.

"Since you can't be a couple, try to be a friend. Now I can't force you any more." Lin Canghai said.

"If you have time tonight, go home for a meal. Your grandmother went to the supermarket to buy dumpling skin, waiting for you to come and make it."

"By the way, I'll call Buqiu to meet my family and have a happy dinner. It's been so many days since I came to the Pearl, and I haven't been able to come and have a bite of rice, which makes me feel sorry for his parents who died! "

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