Ye Buqiu felt that the atmosphere between them was very ambiguous and a little strange. He quickly changed the topic and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that my initial situation would be so one-time. It seems that I am quite gifted in this aspect."

"If you have talent in acting, it means that the teacher is not wrong. If you are a Dou who can't help you, you will only make the teacher a target for people with ulterior motives to attack. " Gu Yuyan also follows this topic.

"But compared with your elder martial brothers and sisters, I'm still much inferior."

"The heart is not enough, the snake swallows the elephant. You have just started, and several of us have been in the entertainment industry for many years. If we could be the same, the teacher would have kicked us out of the school. " The valley rain Yan white leaf not autumn one eye.

They had a good conversation, but they avoided the topic about the situation with tacit understanding.

Ye Buqiu doesn't want to talk about this topic because he doesn't know how to deal with the ambiguous relationship between them and how to face Gu Yuyan.

The reason why Gu Yuyan doesn't want to talk about it is because ye Buqiu doesn't want to talk about it.

Li Quan, with a ruddy face, ran to them excitedly, praised them and said, "Yuyan, Buqiu, this advertisement is perfect. I found that you two are just natural performers. You can not only express the characters in the script incisively and vividly, but also find out the deficiencies in the script, so as to react and change quickly. "

"Yuyan really deserves to be recognized as a young film queen in the world. Only in the aspect of performance, I can't catch up with this old guy. And not autumn, you are also a very good newcomer, day and night, you will certainly become a high status star in the Chinese entertainment film industry

Ye Buqiu laughs and doesn't speak.

"Lao Li praised me. The performing arts are as deep as the sea. We are just beginners in this industry. There are still many things we need to learn in the future. " Gu Yuyan replied with a smile.

"Yuyan, the old man asked you a question. What's wrong with the script? How do you see it? " Li Quan said without shame.

Seeing Li Quan's reaction, ye Buqiu is really depressed. It's obvious that the old man still can't see heresy, and he still sums it up as the problem of the script.

But this is good, save him to spend time to explain the relationship between him and Gu Yuyan.

"It's a woman's sixth sense." Gu Yuyan explained in a serious way“ For every bit of emotion, women are naturally sensitive creatures, just like flies smelling broth. Naturally, it's not difficult to find something different from it. "

Seeing Gu YuYan's serious explanation and Li Quan's serious listening, ye Buqiu almost couldn't help laughing.

This woman is so good at acting!

"I see." Li Quan nodded with an educated face“ I personally wrote this advertisement script. At that time, I also learned from many love examples, and it took me two days and two nights to get it out. It's just because of personal subjective factors, it's difficult to consider it from the perspective of women, so there are loopholes in this script. "

"Mr. Li, it's not your fault. After all, you are a man."

"Yes, I'm a man after all, so it's hard to see the details. It's better for women to be sensitive to the problems of many things. " Li Quan sighed.

Hearing this, ye Buqiu's eyelids jumped.

Then he looked up and down at the old man Li Quan, thinking darkly that if he went to Thailand for surgery, I wonder if old Li Quan's body can stand the toss and turn?

Liu Jie and yalna also came to several people's side.

Liu Jie holds a sun umbrella for Gu Yuyan to keep out the hot sun, while yarna brings the cold drinks she just bought to ye Buqiu one by one.

Several people went back to the rest area to talk about the shooting. Suddenly, there was a lot of noise outside the crew.

"Longyuntian, longyuntian. What's going on out there? " Li Quan called out.

Long Yuntian is the person in charge of the drama. He is slightly fat and has thin hair.

When he heard Li Quan shouting, he ran over and looked at the people under the umbrella flatteringly. He said to Li Quan in a low voice: "director, there are some gangsters coming outside, claiming to collect protection fees. We have informed the Hanoi security and are negotiating with them. It will be solved soon. "

"Come and collect the protection fee? What does the Hanoi government think? Can they be allowed to play such a fool? Since we are here as guests, they should show enough sincerity and guarantee, right Li Quan frowned.

Before the crew came to South Vietnam, they had negotiated with the Hanoi government, and the Hanoi government also agreed to give them sufficient security.

"Director, just leave it to me. Don't worry."

"Try to be peaceful. We're here to film, not to make trouble." Li Quan nodded and agreed to give it to long Yuntian“ If we don't handle it properly, if there is a conflict between the two sides, it is easy to delay our shooting process, and it may also tarnish the international image of our Chinese people. "

"All right." Long Yuntian nodded and ran with his big stomach.

Although yarna has a little understanding of Chinese culture, her understanding of Chinese is still very strange, and she can't understand the dialogue between them. Li Quan saw this and took the initiative to explain the whole story to yalna.

Yarna nodded, her face became ugly, and said angrily, "Hanoi government has let us down. We have introduced tourism resources for them and paid huge funds for our shooting, but I didn't expect that they can't guarantee this little thing."

"Miss yarna, we'll deal with it soon." Li Quan said.

However, it didn't work out as expected. During the conversation, the noise was getting louder and louder.

When they turned their heads, they saw a few men in untidy clothes coming in from the West Lake arch bridge with steel pipes and sticks in their hands. They raised their hands and smashed at the crew's tools, even aimed at the crew.

A few timid female employees screamed and ran away in a hurry.

"What do you want, you bastards? Why should we smash our stuff? " Li Quan couldn't sit still. He got up from his seat and looked at the arrogant men.

"Director." Long Yuntian covered his head full of blood and ran to Li Quan with tears in his face, whining out: "these bastards don't listen to me. We just wanted to negotiate with them, but they didn't say a word and said hello to us directly."

Those men didn't seem to hear Li Quan's words. They were still making a mess there. They were still cursing.

Li Quan didn't allow the gangsters to come around. He called on the male members of the crew and immediately surrounded them. He angrily scolded the gangsters.

"Elder martial sister, what are these Nanyue monkeys cursing?" Ye Buqiu squints at this scene, playing with his mobile phone, and asks Gu Yuyan.

"We Huaxia people are called pigs, and we Huaxia are a sick panda." Gu YuYan's face is not very good.

Because of her family background, her love for the rivers of her motherland is not weaker than that of ordinary soldiers. Now when she hears people insulting her country, even though she is good at self-cultivation, she is angry.

"Pandas don't get angry. Do they really think we are mild cats?" Ye Buqiu sneered. Eyes completely condensation down, slowly toward the crowd in the past.

The gangsters were armed with ferocious weapons. Li Quan and his crew did not dare to rush forward, and the gangsters smashed the props and equipment in the crew.

"Does anyone know the language of South Vietnam?" Ye Buqiu walked into the crowd, frowned, looked at the crew and asked.

"I will." A man with glasses said in a voice.

"Tell them." Ye Buqiu pointed to the domineering gangsters and said coldly, "between their hands and feet, they can only choose the same thing. The choice time is five seconds. If time passes, both hands and feet will be broken. "

The glasses man was startled and looked at ye Buqiu with dementia.

Ye Buqiu grabs a small stone beside him and smashes it at the head of one of the South Vietnamese gangsters. The gangster falls down and lies on the ground twitching.

The rest of the gangsters turned their heads and looked at ye Buqiu angrily. They chattered and came here waving their weapons.

"Say it." Ye Buqiu gives the man a cold glance.

Looking at the dying gangsters on the ground, the glasses man swallowed his saliva, nodded quickly, and then chattered a lot of South Vietnamese language to the gangsters in a trembling voice.

When those South Vietnamese gangsters heard the words of the glasses man, they became even more angry. They raised their weapons and kept on chirping.

"Translation." Ye Buqiu is cold.

"It's all kinds of rude words that abuse our people. They say you... You're a son of a bitch. What else do you say..."

"Five seconds." Before the glasses man finished, ye Buqiu interrupted him.

Ye Buqiu's figure, like a gust of wind, rushes towards those gangsters, overthrows the front two gangsters with the power of destroying the withering and decaying, and then, like a tiger into a sheep, destroys the fighting power of these arrogant gangsters in twos and threes.

After seeing several gangsters lying on the ground, ye Buqiu didn't give up his promise. Instead, he walked to them faithfully, and then raised his foot to their limbs and stepped on them.


When they heard the sound of bone fracture, they could not help feeling numb.


"Ah..." the crowd resounded with the cry of anguish.

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