People have Yin and Yang, cities have complex and poor areas.

In the northwest of Hanoi, there is a slum full of dust all year round.

The hot sun scorched the asphalt road, and the surrounding rivers dried up. Layers of wind and waves blowing hot air, in the high temperature of nearly 40 degrees, countless animals seeking shade to summer.

This area becomes an oven on fire, as if one would fall into the hell of fire if one stepped in.

In such a hot temperature, the two men are wearing heavy leather clothes, carrying a huge heavy wooden box, shuttling through the sparsely populated slums.

In the center of the slum, there is an abandoned residential building. Two men walk through the desolate grassland and enter the residential building one after another.

Abandoned residential building, second floor.

The big abandoned room was locked with heavy iron locks. There were nearly twenty men in the room. These men are either sitting on wooden cases smoking dry cigarettes, or leaning against the bed grinding blade, or smoking white powder in front of the table, with strange shapes.

The air inside was dull and two cheap electric fans were humming.

Dong Dong.

Two men carrying wooden boxes knock on the door three times. The man closest to the door in the room gets up and opens the door. He turns to let two men carrying wooden boxes come in.


The wooden box was heavily placed on the table, and most of the people in the room gathered around it.

When the wooden box was opened, a brand-new and bright gun came into view. These are relatively advanced and powerful thermal weapons, including AK submachine guns, Desert Hawk pistols, sniper guns and so on

"Good guy, it's really beautiful. It's sour when you can blow your head with this muzzle." A muscular man picked up the submachine gun and made a aiming pattern, then weighed it in his hand and said with arrogance.

"At last, we can start killing. I haven't smelled blood for a long time. I hope that group of international criminal police have some ability." The thin man touched the exquisite pistol and said with a sneer.

"Interpol? What the hell do you dare to come and give us an idea? Look, I won't tease you this time? "

"Lao Ge, don't argue with me this time. I'm going to take a bazooka and hit his mother."


Most of these people are swarthy, Asian and Southeast Asian, and their language is Thai.

One of the men with long hair pressed down with his hand to stop the discussion. Then he looked at the thin man lying on the side of the bed and said respectfully, "pigo, how is the cargo transportation now? What's the situation with Interpol? "

Everyone in the room looked at the thin man.

If the people of Huaxia International Criminal Police see this man, they will definitely recognize him as the murderous skin black snake in the golden triangle.

When PI Hei snake got up, the people next to him gave him a cigarette. The cigarette ignited. After taking a hard breath, PI Hei snake said, "all the goods transported last night have been sold, and the price is three points higher than the previous price. Don't worry. When we finish this vote, I'll draw 20% and reward my brothers. "

"Long live pigo..."

"Pigo, it must be right to follow you! This time, what are we doing with Interpol? They often go to the golden triangle to deal with us... "

"Pipigo, we'll kill you."

"Well, have a good rest. We'll work tonight." Skin black snake suppressed the noise of these people, then waved his hand, said: "you all let the brothers outside go to find some women to relax, remember to clean up, don't leave any tail. If our habitat is known by them, it's easy for things to happen

Hearing the words of PI Hei snake, these men in the room are as arrogant as demons, with ferocious smiles and shrill whistles. Some even clap their hands under them, looking forward to the next scene.

For a long time, the Hanoi government has not paid much attention to the management of the civilian caves in this area. Instead, it has allowed them to be abandoned and backward. Naturally, these men from the Golden Triangle want to rob several women in this area. In a short period of time, there will be no police intervention. Even if they intervene, it is a hasty matter.

Skin black snake's men are very efficient, just ten minutes later, a few men carrying large sacks came in.

The women in the sacks kept struggling, and at the same time, they made a cry, but they didn't know if their mouths were blocked by foreign bodies, and the sound was not very loud.

The sack opened and several women dragged out of it.

The women saw the ferocious men all over the room, pale and tearful, kneeling on the ground and begging for their mercy, while the women who were not strong enough to resist the pressure directly fainted.

The skin black snake waved. The men in the room took off all their clothes, and then the fish surged up. They tore up the clothes of several women and crushed them to the ground.

As a result, waves of pain came from abandoned residential buildings. And the sound lasted three or four hours.

A few hours later, five or six men were filled with satisfied men carrying bags. They chose a wasteland and buried them with a shovel.

By the West Lake.

"Who are you? Why are you making trouble here? Don't you know there is an international star Gu Yuyan shooting an advertisement here? " Ye Buqiu grabbed one of the South Vietnamese gangsters and shouted.


He slapped the South Vietnamese gangster heavily. The gangster spat out two bloody front teeth, and his cheek was red and swollen. I'm afraid his appearance was seen by his biological parents. At least we need to use a DNA testing machine to recognize that this guy is their flesh.

"What are you talking about? I don't understand


"I said I couldn't understand. What are you still talking about there? Bullying people, right

If that group of South Vietnamese thugs understood ye Buqiu, they would probably cry.

Who the hell is bullying?


make love!

No matter how those gangsters cry and how they kneel down to beg for mercy, ye Buqiu slaps them in the face mercilessly. In a moment, the gangsters who were just so arrogant were all beaten up.

Ye Buqiu patted his buttocks and got up, then patted the glasses man on the shoulder and said, "it's up to you. Ask them why they came here to make trouble as soon as possible. If they don't answer, you can have a good time yourself. "

"Yes, yes." Glasses man see ye Buqiu just cruel means, straight cold sweat, busy nodding.

Ye Buqiu walks towards Gu Yuyan. Before leaving, he kicks some feet at the gangsters who are lying on the ground and wailing.

"The wicked have their mill, and the strong have their hands. Little monsters sing conquest in front of Altman, and big monsters Dance Latin in front of Altman, which is international practice. " Ye Buqiu said with a smile“ So according to the Convention, these shameless guys kneel down in front of me

"Mr. Ye, you are very good." Yarna's eyes were full of stars, and she praised her.

For women, the man who can fight is not the most handsome. The man who looks good and fights badly is the most handsome.

In yarna's view, ye Buqiu obviously belongs to the latter.

Liu Jie's face was full of smiles, but she sighed in her heart. In the face of absolute power, even if ye Buqiu has excellent skills, he can only be as vulnerable as an egg against a stone.

"Although they are gangsters, they are at least citizens of South Vietnam. If we maim them in Hanoi, we can easily fall into diplomatic problems. I don't think you'll get us into trouble with your wisdom, will you Gu Yuyan stares at ye Buqiu and asks. She is so intelligent that she can see things that others can't see through.

"They come here with a purpose to make trouble. If things get big, we have the confidence. Of course, I'm sure they don't want to make a big deal out of it. Otherwise, it's hard for the people who instruct them at the back to get off the stage. " Ye Buqiu shrugged his shoulders and said.

"Do you have evidence of their trouble?" Gu Yuyan asked with a smile.

Ye Buqiu raised his mobile phone and showed a sly smile.

Several people were surprised. They didn't expect that ye Buqiu recorded the whole story from the beginning.

"It's no wonder that you didn't choose to come out when those bastards first smashed up. Instead, you wait until they smashed almost, and then you slowly take care of them." Gu Yuyan sighed and said, "it's just a pity that they destroyed one of our equipment. It seems that the shooting schedule can only be delayed a few days later."

"Elder martial sister, is that what you want to see?"

The delay in shooting means that they spend more time together.

"Younger martial brother, you are too clever." Gu Yuyan covered her mouth and said with a smile, "but women like smart men."

"But elder martial sister, I don't think you like the new friend you just met on the plane?"

"Men who think they are smart are generally disgusted by women."

Looking at the two people who talked happily, the sense of crisis in Liu Jie's heart has increased a lot.

She thought in her heart, it's time to give Dong Shao more hints. If it's too late, YuYan's gorgeous flower will be broken by Ye Buqiu sooner or later.

Ding Ling.

A short message came from ye Buqiu's mobile phone.

As soon as he opened the content of the short message, his face gradually sank.

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