The night came quietly.

On the road from Hanoi to the suburbs, one military off-road vehicle after another roared by, like a lightning running through the whole countryside.

Inside the SUV are all armed Interpol. They are seriously and carefully examining the arms and ammunition clips in their hands, cutting them in one piece, not saying a word or laughing.

In terms of the Chinese criminal police team, there are 18 members, together with Zhong Wei, the team leader, with a total of 19 people. They are sitting in the three cars at the back.

The four cars in front are all Interpol from South Vietnam. They are also well-equipped and powerful.

It can be seen that the international criminal police of the two countries attach great importance to the encirclement and suppression of Hanoi.

Qin ruxuan was sitting in the outermost car, near the door. She gazed out of the window into the darkness and slowly wiped the saber on her hands with a cold expression.

Next to Qin ruxuan is Wang Zhengying from the Mingzhu criminal police team.

Wang Zhengying is very fond of Qin ruxuan. On her first day in the criminal police force, she approached her intentionally or unintentionally to collect her hobbies and habits, but the final result was that he had a headache.

Qin ruxuan, a woman with a cold personality, seems to have a vague aversion to men. From her previous contacts, she has not gained much.

However, Wang Zhengying was not discouraged.

After all, it has been said that the more difficult things to get, the more you know how to cherish them. Similarly, the more sense of Conquest!

For Wang Zhengying, women are like mountains, which need to be climbed and conquered by themselves.

He has conquered countless hills and kaolin, and also conquered the peak of Chongshan, but he has not tried Mount Everest like Qin ruxuan.

He is a challenging man, and he has patience. He believes that with his own strength, it is possible to win Qin ruxuan.

It's just a matter of time.

Wang Zhengying looks at Qin ruxuan's delicate side face. He knows that Qin ruxuan doesn't like to talk to men, so he doesn't go up and look for topics like an idiot. Instead, he silently checks his equipment.

In his opinion, only by showing his strength in actual combat can he conquer this woman.

And tonight will be a great opportunity.

Seven cars turned around the suburbs and headed for the end of the road.

They got accurate information and learned that the Golden Triangle team led by the black snake would appear in the road in an hour, and they would seize the opportunity to kill the black snake and others.


Seven off-road vehicles stopped at the side of the road. After a short communication, they drove from several directions to hide their bodies in the dark.

Qin ruxuan suddenly raised her head and looked coldly at a certain place. Then she raised her gun and pulled the trigger.

As the sound of her gun rang out, there was a bright light in the dim night sky.


After a loud noise, the South Vietnamese criminal police car in the West flashed a lot of sparks, and then exploded instantly. The mushroom fire was extremely dazzling in the night.

"Ambush, ambush." Someone is shouting.

"The enemy has a bazooka. Get off quickly!"

A South Vietnamese criminal policeman who just ran down from the car had his head exploded and fell to the ground, dead.

"Report to captain, the enemy has a sniper gun..."

"I found the enemy at three o'clock, I found the enemy..."

In a short period of time, Interpol damaged a car, and several others were shot in the head. All these add up to ten disabled people.

In a flash, there was a panic in the remaining six police cars.

Some people immediately chose to drive to avoid the enemy's rocket launcher, while others jumped out of the car and took out their weapons to confront the enemy in the dark.

Most of them are experienced and other aspects of Interpol are very good, after a short period of heavy damage, quickly returned to the usual level, holding weapons against those drug lords.

Just then, the strong light from the surrounding buildings hit them, exposing their bodies to the enemy.


There were gunfire, and five or six Interpol officers fell unconscious.

The criminal police quickly start the night vision mirror function to minimize the interference of strong light on the line of sight, and quickly find a good cover to avoid exposing themselves to the outside and becoming a target for people to shoot at random.


Countless vehicles roared in and surrounded their military off-road vehicles.

The machine guns and submachine guns on those vehicles kept blazing, which made the military off-road vehicles into a sieve. In an instant, the two vehicles were dyed red with blood.

Several other vehicles made an emergency U-turn and tried to rush through the encirclement of the Golden Triangle team. However, the firepower of the vehicles was too strong and the targeting of the vehicles was too obvious. As a result, they were forced to stop, and more than a dozen criminal policemen quickly jumped out of the vehicles.

"Captain Zhong Wei, there are spies in our team, otherwise our actions will not be revealed." Wang Zhengying called in his headset. At the moment, he was frowning and crouching under a water outlet with a shrinking body, occasionally firing cold guns at the enemies around him.

"Now is not the time to think about it. I will kill them first. He's a granny, and a group of savages dare to work with us? " Zhong Wei's angry curse came.

"Yes." The Chinese criminal police began to speak one after another.

After a brief confrontation, Interpol suffered heavy losses. The number of deaths reached as many as 20, of which almost 15 belonged to the South Vietnamese criminal police.

"Now at my command. Qin ruxuan and Wang Zhengying, you two quickly occupy the two highest points and report the enemy's distribution points in time... "Zhong Wei quickly gives the order.

"Team 3 is on the right wing, team 2 and team 5 are on the left. We must break through a route that we can leave at any time. The rest of the people should do a good job of covering, especially Qin ruxuan and Wang Zhengying, to ensure that they can occupy the highest point. "

When he was in Lijiang military region, he had already known the strength of each team member, and just now he knew the specific number of disabled and dead Chinese criminal police on the scene, so he made the assignment in a short time.

Huaxia criminal police quickly obeyed the order of Captain Zhong Wei and made an immediate response.

The terrain here is simple, just in dense grassland and small forest. Among them, there are two abandoned buildings, but they have become the treasure land for the two sides.

These two abandoned buildings are the best environment for sniping. The people who occupy them have a smooth insight into the whole battlefield from the perspective of high-rise buildings.

Qin ruxuan didn't like to obey other people's orders.

I don't like to listen to men.

But in the competition of Lijiang military region, he lost to Zhong Wei. In order to fulfill her promise, she can only obey Zhong Wei's unconditional orders.

At this time, Qin ruxuan was nestling under a big tree. After hearing Zhong Wei's order, she quickly shifted her position and ran to one of the abandoned buildings with an S-shaped route.

The two buildings are close to each other, one high and one low, forming an H-shaped highland environment.

Wang Zhengying saw that since Qin ruxuan had chosen the high building on the left, he could only move towards another building with his body.

They set out at the same time, Qin ruxuan first came to one of the abandoned buildings.


The people on the abandoned building found Qin ruxuan's figure and immediately started shooting in her direction with an AK submachine gun.

Seeing that Qin ruxuan's direction was blocked, Zhong Wei immediately directed his firepower to the abandoned building and suppressed the man with AK submachine gun who had just emerged.

Seeing this, Qin Rushuan immediately climbed over the wall and went through the obstacles like a ghost. From time to time, she raised her pistol and shot at the checkpoint in the dark.

With the firepower suppression of Zhong Wei and others, combined with Qin ruxuan's thunder power and accurate shooting, no one in the Golden Triangle team on the abandoned building dared to show up.

However, at this moment, a sniper chewing gum on another abandoned building aimed at Qin ruxuan's advancing figure.

"Beautiful miss Huaxia, goodbye in the afterlife." There was a sneer at the corner of the sniper's mouth. He aimed again and pulled the trigger mercilessly.


Sniper shots rang out.

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