Twelve o'clock in the evening.

A blue taxi sped out of the center of Hanoi, onto the highway west of Hanoi, heading toward the dark end.

In the taxi, the driver was a man wearing a heavy mask.

Looking at the brightly lit buildings behind, the vehicles on the street are getting rarer and rarer. Ye Buqiu, sitting on the front passenger of a taxi, holds a small pill in his hand and swallows it.

Ye Buqiu took out a piece of human skin from the black box and pasted it on his face. If Gu Yuyan, Li Quan or Liu Jie were here, they would cry out, because ye Buqiu's face has become Zhao Donglin's.

Ye Buqiu rubbed his wet face and said, "Black Mamba, let's bet on who killed more people? If you win, I'll ask the snake king to give you a Tengyun snake next time. By the way, I'll give you a month's holiday. If you lose, leave me the pills in your hand. "

Black Mamba thought about it and thought it was not a bad deal, so he nodded and agreed: "OK, it's a deal."

As soon as the taxi got off the highway, it turned off its light and turned on a secluded wild path.

There is only a three story house in the front kilometer. The house is dark and poorly decorated. It looks like a residential place for Hanoi residents. It's just that there are people walking back and forth on the roofs and surrounding areas of the houses, as if they are on guard and patrolling.

Others do not know, but ye Buqiu is clear. This house, which appears to be a civilian house, actually hides a research institute under the house, which has numerous important research intelligence, including the military research results.

The taxi couldn't move on. It had to stop 500 meters away from the house. Hiding the car, ye Buqiu checks the things on his hand, and then makes a gesture with black mamba. They quietly touch the house one after another.

Close to 100 meters, they stopped in a deep ditch. Ye Buqiu gestured with black mamba. Black Mamba took out a small square thing from his arms and pressed it twice in succession. Ten minutes later, the power was cut off inside the house, and it fell into darkness.

Panic and quarrel came from the house.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, ye Buqiu and black mamba rushed in like a gust of wind. Instead of choosing the gate, they climbed over the wall of the courtyard, and then both sides helped each other and jumped into the first floor from the window.

The house has been in a panic for a while, but no one knows that outsiders have sneaked into it. Ye Buqiu and heimamba already knew the map distribution inside the house. They covered each other and trotted through the underground passage in the northwest corner.

Ye Buqiu is in the front, and black mamba is in the back.

"Who?" Someone asked, standing at the door of the safe passage.

From Ruan Yue Wen, we know that the safety passage will be guarded by personnel, and this passage is the only way for the underground research institute.

"It's me." Ye Buqiu said with the words he had learned from Gu Yuyan.


The man held the gun in his arms. When he was about to take it out, a sharp knife had been inserted into his throat.

Ye Buqiu ran quickly to drag his body, so as not to fall down and cause movement. Then he jumped over his body and walked down the stairs. He knew that the research institute must have a backup power supply, so before they started the backup power supply, he had to race against the clock to sneak into the underground research institute and get the important things inside.

"What happened? Why is there a sudden blackout? "

It was dark in the passage. A man who was walking towards him heard the approaching footsteps of Ye Buqiu. He thought it was his companion. He took out the lighter in his pocket and said, "it's really bad for the power failure at night. Come on, take a cigarette..."

Ye Buqiu didn't have any cigarettes to give him, but he threw him a knife.



Ye Buqiu put a long cloth around his neck to prevent him from making the slightest sound, and then stabbed the man's abdomen one by one.

The man is paralyzed powerlessly, the eyes in the dark are full of unwilling.

Along the way, ye Buqiu met with people to kill, ghosts to kill, without the slightest tenderness. He clearly remembers that the terrorist attack on the Pearl Grand Theater in Mingzhu city 20 days ago was carried out by these people.

Those who violate China will be punished even if they are far away!

This sentence ye Buqiu has long been deeply remembered in his mind.

Black Mamba came to ye Buqiu's ear and said in a low voice: "in five minutes, they will successfully start the standby power supply. If they don't succeed at that time, the research products will be transferred by them, and we may become turtles in a jar."

"Black Mamba, your children can come out." Ye Buqiu clenched the dagger in his hand and quickly went down the stairs.

Black Mamba smell speech, take out from the bosom just of that Oval small ball. Black Mamba opened the ball and there were lots of tiny insects flying out of it. It was just because of the darkness of the corridor that people couldn't see the appearance of these tiny insects clearly.

The little insects circled around ye Buqiu and heimamba. They seemed to realize that they were not their prey, and then they flew out in every corner. Soon, the house just in a panic fell into unprecedented silence.

There is a smooth passage at the bottom of the stairs. At the end of the passage is a circular metal passage door.

Two men standing in front of the passageway turn on the flashlight function of the mobile phone with a bad look. When they are sitting on the ground abusing the power manager, they see a small bug flying towards them.

These little insects are red all over, like sparks jumping out of the fire, and their wings are dark green. When they wave their wings, they are like fireflies in the night.

"What is this?" The two men stood up with puzzled faces, and the black faced man asked.

"I don't know. I guess it's from somewhere? There are so many insects in Hanoi on summer nights that it's not necessary to be surprised. "

The black faced man pinched the bug lying on his face and said with interest: "Hey, its body is still very soft, like a young woman's chest."

"Miss a woman? I want to say... "Another man had a smile on his face. However, he did not finish his smile, the smile on his face was stiff, and the next moment a sharp pain appeared in his heart.

Other black faced men also feel pain in their bodies.

"Ah..." two people hold their own throat, Adam's apple wriggles, but there is no way to make a scream.

Both of them were stiff, and the scarlet blood overflowed from their seven orifices, dripping down their clothes. At the moment when they fell down, ye Buqiu and Black Mamba, who just appeared, held them in time.

Ye Buqiu gently puts the body, then takes out a bunch of keys from the black faced man's waist, selects a round key and inserts it into the concave hole next to the round metal channel door. After that, he cut off the whole palm of the black faced man's hand and pressed his finger next to the groove.

Drop by drop.

The circular access door opens slowly.

A beam of light from the inside of the passage door reflects on ye Buqiu and black mamba.

The power supply of the house and the research institute is independent of each other. Heimanba cut off the power supply of the house by means of power supply, but there is no way to cut off the power supply of the underground research institute.

The entrance door opened, and the researchers in white coats came into view. Some of these researchers are carefully debugging various instruments, some are mixing strange liquid drugs, and some are doing records and Research on animal or human corpses.

These people are all focusing on their own work, not noticing ye Buqiu and black mamba at the entrance of the passage.

Around the two bodies of the group of small insects to see the passage door opened, as if found salivating food, one after another flew into the Institute.

"Why! What kind of insect is this? Who just worked it out? How can they be allowed to fly among graduate students? If it messes up my data, it will be terrible! "

"These little worms are really strange, Ike. Are you the one who made them?"

"No! This insect is poisonous. Who the hell put the poisonous insect out? " Some people realized that the bug was strange and his face changed greatly.

When an old researcher with disheveled hair raised his glasses and saw the two people in front of the entrance, he suddenly exclaimed, "someone has broken into the research institute!"

"Inform the security department, hurry up!"

"Kill these two puppies and dare to break into our territory! Ah... This little bug is sucking my blood, damn it

Ye Buqiu and heimamba close the door of the passage, and they look at everything in the Institute indifferently.

Gradually, the voice in the Institute became weaker and weaker, and finally became silent.

In the Research Institute, all the people were bleeding and dying.

"You lost!" Black Mamba pointed to the scene in the Research Institute and said to ye Buqiu.

Compared with the number of people killed, ye Buqiu did lose.

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