Looking at the row after row of people in white falling down in the Research Institute, ye Buqiu felt sad.

No one is born a killer, no one is born cruel!

Ye Buqiu is not willing to take this road if he can. But he had no choice. At the moment when she saved his life, he was doomed to march forward bravely on this thorny road.

There is also a small room inside the Research Institute. The door is closed and there is no gap. The flying insects in the research institute can't get into it. However, the sound insulation effect of these small rooms is very strong. Even if the people in the research institute are all dead, the people who are doing experiments in the small rooms may not come out.


A small room opened, and a slovenly man with a face full of scum came out with an experimental book recording the results. He looked up to see the scene in the Research Institute, and was not as surprised as he made a sound. The small insects in the air covered him as if they smelled the smell of blood.

The experimental book fell to the ground, and the slovenly man pinched his neck with his hands. His seven orifices bled and fell to the ground.

Ye Buqiu didn't even look at the slovenly man. Instead, he was looking at the things on the table in front of him. Half a minute later, he picked up one of the black little things in surprise and said in a hurry, "Black Mamba, check all the tables in the Institute."

"There are not two minutes left."


Ye Buqiu put away the black little things, went to a sealed room, and gently pressed the button beside the door. As soon as the door of the room opened, he went in with a dagger like the wind.

In the action of exterminating the drug lords, Zhong Wei, the captain of the criminal police team, was aware of the explosion of explosives at the first time when he abandoned the factory. At the critical moment, he took two companions and jumped into the sewer beside the abandoned workers.

Although he was lucky enough to avoid the damage of the explosive, he was shocked by the aftershock of the explosion and fainted in the process of the explosion.

During his coma, a cold stream of water irrigated from his tianlinggai, which made him awake instantly.

When he awoke, he found himself tied to a chair, unable to move, and blinded by the cloth.

Zhong Wei's ear rings a group of people are talking in Thai, but he is not proficient in this aspect of the language, do not understand what they are saying. When he thought of something, the cloth that covered his eyes had been torn apart.

The strong light stimulated Zhong Wei's eyes, which made him squint subconsciously. When he got used to it, he slowly opened his eyes and looked at the strange environment in front of him.

He is now in a high-end villa. The furniture and decoration are brand-new, and there are many new paintings on the walls. In front of him, a thin man is leisurely lying on the sofa to trim his nails. Behind the thin man, there are several cold faced men.

"Black snake!" Zhong Wei recognized the thin man on the sofa.

"Captain Zhong, I've heard so much about you The black snake's eyes didn't even look up, and he focused on his own pruning work.

Although Heipi snake is Thai, after he joined the organization, he also learned the world's major languages, including English and Chinese. Although he is not fluent in Chinese, he can communicate without any problems.

"I didn't expect that you were cruel enough to betray your subordinates. Others say that black skin snake is cruel and cruel. Today I see it. It really deserves its reputation Zhong Wei vomited the water stains in his mouth, looked at the black snake and said with a sneer.

Black snake put the nail clipper on the table, picked up the white towel beside to wipe his hands, then took out a dagger and came to Zhong Wei.

"Would you like to have a try?" The black snake squatted in front of Zhong Wei and said with a smile.

"Come on!" Zhong Wei snorted.

"As you wish."


The dagger stabs Zhong Wei's left chest and cuts the numbness with a sharp knife. A piece of flesh and blood in front of his chest is picked out by the black skin snake. The scarlet blood flows in an instant, and the white bones are faintly visible.

Zhong Wei's body vibrated constantly. The sweat on his forehead was as thick as the dew of spring morning rain. His face was pale and bloodless, and his lips were constantly shaking. He clenched his teeth and stifled the pain in his throat without a single cry of pain.

"Captain Zhong is really a hero. He can't feel the pain to the bone and can't make a sound." The black snake licked the bloody mark on the dagger and laughed coldly“ If you compare captain Zhong to a person, I think it should be Guan Yunchang, the general of the Three Kingdoms period. "

"Come again!" Zhong Wei's face was ferocious and roared.


Another cut.

This knife cuts the flesh and blood above the biceps.

A large piece of flesh and blood was picked out by the dagger and jumped to the ground, while the floor under Zhong Wei was already red.

Zhong Wei's left arm keeps beating. It's like the reaction of the robot arm when the robot program fails. The damaged flesh and blood inside is clearly visible, and the independent meridians and blood vessels are still squirming inside. It can be seen that the black skin snake is very skilled in this kind of torture process.

"This is the" lingchi "criminal law inherited from ancient China, which is to cut off the flesh and blood of people one by one, completely remove their limbs, and let the prisoners die in pain." Black snake grinned, revealing his teeth caused by years of drug abuse“ I think captain Zhong, as a member of the Chinese Criminal Police Brigade, should know something about this kind of means? "

The other people in the villa saw the black snake's way, and their back was cold.

Zhong Wei knows more than a little. He is familiar with such means. In the difficult cases he dealt with before, he often dealt with the murderer who did not blink an eye. Such cruel means are also common. However, he did not think that this kind of punishment would be applied to himself today.

Zhong Wei's body trembled with pain, and his sticky saliva flowed down from his mouth.

Hei hei chuckles. Instead of trying to torture Zhong Wei, he walks into a room and comes out with a laptop. The black snake put the laptop computer in front of Zhong Wei, turned the screen to him, and then hit the return key.

The screen shows a picture of countless children playing splashing water with pots and cups of water and singing and dancing from time to time. The scene is extremely lively.

After a while, a man with a kind smile appears in the picture holding a little girl.

"My Lord." Seeing the man in the picture, the black snake gave a respectful cry. The acquaintance behind the black snake also bent subconsciously.

This man is Asian face, about 50 years old, his face is warm and kind, facial features, a neighbor uncle dress. But who would have thought that such a man should be the ruler of a certain area of the golden triangle, the drug lord who kills people without blinking an eye, and the devil Danton who makes countless people scared.

Zhong Wei looks up hard at the man in the picture.

"Old friend, we haven't seen each other for a long time." In the display, Danton said with a smile.

"It's really a long time no see!" Zhong Wei weak smile, his pale colorless face appeared a touch of irony.

"Xiaoya." Danton fondly stroked the head of the pregnant girl, pointed to Zhong Wei in the picture with a smile and said, "this is uncle Zhong Wei. Say hello quickly!"

"Hello, uncle Zhong Wei!" Cried the little girl sweetly.

"Hello! Your name is Xiaoya, isn't it? I didn't expect to see you for ten years. You've grown so big. It's so beautiful. It's all made by your mother. "

"Uncle Zhong Wei, is my mother very beautiful?" The little girl asked innocently.

"Beautiful." Zhong Wei nodded weakly“ Your mother is very beautiful. She is a rare beauty in the world. Once her face was amazing in my heart! "

The innocent expression of the little girl's face gradually solidified, and then a haze like clouds shrouded her little face, eyes full of frost. All of a sudden, she began to laugh, which was as bleak as the scream of a kid in a horror movie.

She stared at Zhong Wei and said, "why did you kill her?"

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