Killer Of MC's

Chapter 19 - Too much

Alex looked up at the sun, it was almost high noon, even now, Alex will continue to get stronger until high noon passes.

"Why do I sense demonic energy from you? Are you from the demon clan?" Asked Zeldris.

"I am part human, part demon, part fairy and part hollow. " Responded Alex truthfully.

"Hollow?" Asked Zeldris confused, as he had never heard of a 'hollow' before.

Without giving him a response, Alex's spirit spear launched itself straight at Zeldris, only bȧrėly cutting his right cheek. Zeldris reacted quick enough to dodge the attack.

"Hm? Interesting." Said Estarossa after witnessing that spear move on its own, it reminded him of Gloxinia's weapon.

Alex didn't stop his attack from there, he kept commanding his chastiefol to chase after Zeldris non-stop.

Zeldris had trouble bȧrėly dodging and blocking that spear with his own sword. The speed of the spear is just as fast as he is, or maybe even faster.

Each scratch the was inflicted on his body, would not be able to regenerate like always, this was due to the winged sword that Alex just fused with his Zanpakuto.

Just as Alexander was busy attacking Zeldris, a single fist came and knocked him back several feet. Alex sensed Estarossa about to punch him, which is why he was able to block his attack easily.

"Do you honestly think you can take on both of us at the same time?" Estarossa only looked at him with a smile, and nothing else.

"I don't think I can beat you two, I KNOW I can defeat you both." Alex responded casually.

"You're a funny guy." He only chuckled when he heard his prideful tone.

"Hm!" They both kept punching each other, with only their fists colliding with each other. Each of their punches made strong sound, as if they were creating a series of small sonic booms with their fists.


Back with the Lu sisters.

After getting away a fair distance from their saviour, Lili and Linlin stopped to meet the 4 Commandments.

They all stopped in the air, with their black demonic wings keeping them all in the air.

"Sis, this is gonna be fun." Lili said, awaiting for the battle to commence.

"Yup!" Linlin agreed.

The four other Commandments looked at them with a serious look on their faces.

Derieri took the first step and attacked Linlin, each time she punches and kicks her without being interrupted, her attacks get stronger with each attack.

Behind her, Monspeet used his demonic energy to cut her open while she is distracted.

Lu Linlin sensed his attack as well, and blocked his attacks easily with her hands. Linlin is a very skilled fighter, she can even hold her ground fighting against these two commandments.

Lili would have helped her sister, but found herself unable to when the other two commandments were fighting her.

Fraudrin took on Lili with the help of Grayroad. He didn't believe that such unknown people could be strong enough to defeat them.

Grayroad on the other hand, did not attack her directly, as he was afraid that she would kill her, and therefore the commandment of Pacifism would take effect.

However, that still didn't stop her from using her other skill sets on her.

(Although Grayroad is genderless, it has been stated that it is a 'she' I don't really understand.)

"Breakable bug!" Grayroad summoned a swarm of insects that headed straight for Lili.

Once Lili saw those bugs, she knew what she was trying to do, Grayroad was trying to trick her by killing these insects, and therefore the commandment of 'Pacifism' would take its effect.

But they don't know that Linlin and Lili are also Commandments, and therefore are immune to the Commandments of these other demons.

Using her cultivation, she instantly killed all of those swarms of insects in a flash.

"Hehehe! Now the Commandment of pacifism will take effect, and it'll drain your life force. It's over for you." Grayroad seemed to be joyful that Lili fell in her trap, but didn't realize that it was her mistake.

Dreyfus seemed to also thought the same thing, which is why he stopped attacking her. They both let their guard down.

But Lili was cunning to begin with, as she pretended to be in pain due to the Commandment of Pacifism. Using this time to her advantage, she took out her whip and inserted some nature essence into her attack, as well as some of her demonic energy into it.

As far as she knows. Grayroad might be the most formidable foe right now, since only god knows how many other abilities she possesses.

The whip is a dharma treasure she brought with her from the world of 'The dragon king's son-in-law' it could not be considered a high tiered dharma treasure, but it can't be considered low tiered either.

The whip had a binding light glowing on it, as Lili inserted her nature essence and demonic energy into it.

The glowing whip wrapped itself around Grayroad, who was seemingly surprised that Lu Lili is still alive.

"How are you still alive?!" Asked Grayroad, unable to understand why the commandment of pacifism didn't work on her.

Grayroad tried to break and escape from this whip, but it didn't let her. Her entire body was getting squished hard by Lu Lili's whip.

Dreyfus was momentarily stunned before he launched another attack at Lili to help Grayroad, but it proved to be too late as the whip itself turned into a type of sharp knife, and it cut Grayroad up into several other pieces.

Grayroad was turned to pieces instantly because of her carelessness, and also because she relied on the power of her Commandment too much. It might work on mortals, but it has no effect on Lili, one of the people that Alex himself recruited

Dreyfus and the other two commandments could only stare and watch as the cut up body parts of Grayroad fell to the ground, making splashing sounds.

One of them just fell that easily. Grayroad isn't as weak as Galand was, so it was surprising for all of them that she fell that easily.

"Oi! Concentrate on the fight." Covering her fist in demonic energy, Linlin punched Derieri in the face, sending her down to the ground.

They were too focused on Grayroad, that they momentarily that they were fighting.

"It seems that these two are not that simple either." Monspeet stroked his little mustache, as he was trying to figure out who these two are exactly.

They all saw that Lu Lili wasn't affected by the Commandment of pacifism, which is a mystery to them.

"It seems that in this world, there are girls who are as strong as I am. It is very ȧssuring to see that." Said Derieri.

"Since the Commandment of Pacifism didn't work on her, there is a huge chance that each of our Commandments don't work on her, like an immunity of some kind." Said after thinking a bit.

"There is also the other one, they both might be immune to our Commandments." Dreyfus added. There was also the fact that the Lu sisters can use demonic energy like them, but the fact that they might be immune to each of their Commandments, is the bigger problem here.

"Don't underestimate us humans, we won't go down that easily." Lu Lili said in a fierce tone.

But, at this moment, the small pieces of Grayroad started ȧssembling together, until Grayroad was fine again.

"Ahh! Don't think that we demons, the pinnacle of all races, can be taken down that easily." Said Grayroad, seemingly disturbed that one of the girls did that to her, it was humiliating for a demon like her to get sliced up like that.

"We know, or else this fight won't be so fun." Lu Linlin said as she stood beside Lili. They were in their battle stance, ready to fight them any time.

"It seems that the goddess race, isn't the only ones we should be careful of." Monspeet started conjuring up a majestic fire in his hand, ready to launch it at the Lu sisters.

They all followed Monspeet's lead, and got ready to go full out against the twins. They surrounded them on all sides, with no chance of them being able to escape.

But the Lu twins didn't seem worried, they looked more confident and excited than they were before.


Back with Alex.

Alex and Estarossa didn't stop trading blows for a second, Alex had a fun time fighting Estarossa to the death.

But, Alex's attacks were getting sharper and more fiercer by the minute. Estarossa noticed this fact, and was troubled that he was getting stronger by the minute. At this rate, they will lose.

Summoning out his sword form inside his abdomen, he used his technique, full counter, to counter Alex's physical attacks.

But, what would that do to Alex? Who not only has the better version {Perfect Counter} but is an immortal, those wounds that Estarossa inflicts on Alex will prove to be ineffective.

Zeldris had a hard time as well, the spear got quicker and stronger by the minute, just like Alex. More noticeable cuts and wounds started to appear on his body, seemingly losing a lot of blood.

"Just what the hell are you?" Estarossa asked,

"I already told you, I am four equal parts of four races, human, demon, hollow and fairy." Responded Alex.

"System, what time is it?" said Alex in his mind.


"You keep mentioning this 'hollow' but I have never seen you use such a thing. I can see the fairy wings on your back, the demonic energy that we can use, but I have never seen you use the other one."

"You want to see it? Very well, I could use the practice." Alex stretched out his hand towards his Chastiefol, who it was still attacking Zeldris.

During his time training with the Lu sisters on Ethereal summit 2, Alex learned how to fight bȧrėhanded while using his Chastiefol simultaneously. He is really glad that he recruited the Lu sisters when he had the chance, otherwise, he would have regretted it.

Zeldris was bleeding heavily, he couldn't even use his demonic powers to heal himself. It was as if that weapon was imbued with some sort of magic that was very lethal to demons like them.

"Are you okay?" Asked Estarossa to Zeldris.

"Fine! You gotta be careful with that spear, it has something that is very lethal to us demons." Ignoring the wounds all over his body, he stood beside his brother, ready to take on Alex.

"I will show you my 'hollow' powers for 3 minutes, after that, both of you will die."

Alex stretched out his hand to the top part of his face, and as if there was something on his face, he pulled it out. But what appeared was a skeleton mask, that was vastly different from Ichigo's form.

The mask itself was not white, it was red, with black and white markings all over the mask. There appeared two distinct sharp teeth, that resembled a lot like a Sabertoot's teeth.

There was one eye that was black, while the other was white. The pupils on Alex's face-mask had the opposite colour of their eye sockets.

Alex looked scary yet badass. If that was the hollow form, then how would the other hollow form look like?

"That's it?" Estarossa said in a disappointing tone. "I was expecting a full body transformation, but all it does is it gives you a cool looking mask. Disappointing to say in the least."

Alex seemed to be angry that Estarossa ridiculed his mask, after he had spent millions of SP on it.

Alex pointed his spear at Estarossa, ready to fight. Then almost in a flash, Alex appeared behind Estarossa and Zeldris.

Almost immediately after, Estarossa's front body was covered in deep wounds, as if were impaled a bunch of times in an instant.

From his kneecaps all the way to his arms, Estarossa was full of holes, each of them bleeding heavily.

"What the hell just happened? I didn't even see him move." Estarossa looked behind Alex in disbelieve, no one should be that strong.

"I only had fun with you two for this long because I am a big fan of this world. But, now is time for both of you to die." Even though with the scary mask on, Alex's words could still be heard clearly by them.

Even Zeldris had trouble reading his movement, he thought that this was Meliodas's power when he was the leader of the ten commandments, when he was at his peak. Estarossa couldn't even heal properly, which means that the victor has been decided.

"{Droplet of life}" His spear once again turned into a giant flower, with a golden tear hitting Alex, thus recovering him to perfect health.

Due to him being an immortal, he could not receive any fatal wounds, but he still has a limited amount of stamina. The droplet of like can also restore one's stamina easily, as if it were a senzu bean or something.

"Now time for my other power to shine. {Ryujin Jakka} {Fortress Blaze}" By saying this command, the spear in his hand got hotter and hotter, because he had just activated his newly acquired Zanpakuto powers.

Then a wall of fire surrounded the two brothers, the fire was so great, that they might not make it out unscathed, even if they activate their demonic powers.

The two brothers had no idea what to do in this moment, even their demonic powers were useless against this wall of hellfire.

After all, this is one of the greatest offensive abilities in the animeverse, the fire can even be compared to the sun's core.


"Just in time. {Cruel sun}" Extending his hand up to the sky, he summoned the most powerful sun he had ever conjured.

"Die!" He easily waved at the sun, which aimed at the two brothers, who are still stuck in the fire wall.

"Somethings coming!" Zeldris felt something was coming from a very specific location, and got ready to block it.

Estarossa and him still had a hard time recovering from their wounds, but they somehow got on the defensive stand to block whatever was incoming.

*BOOM* In just a few short seconds, Alex's sun easily crossed the fire wall and managed to hit the brothers.

Zeldris and Estarossa used their remaining power to block that powerful sun. But, the sun proved too great for them, as they were getting pushed back easily by it.

"Hang on brother!" Zeldris said very loudly, the power of the sun is too much for even them.


A familiar figure appeared a fair distance behind the brothers, with another sun in his hand.

'Estarossa and Zeldris survived Escanor's attack in the anime/manga, so maybe two suns on both opposite ends can kill them.' This is what Alex thought, and he still needed their commandments, which means that he can't send them far away.

Using his {Sunshine} ability to its fullest, as well as the hollow transformation, Alex managed to quickly get behind the brothers, with a sun in his hand.

Zeldris and Estarossa had a look of fear in their eyes, to think that Alex was so ruthless, hitting them while they're pinned against the wall.

"{Cruel sun}" Alex threw the second sun at the brothers.

Zeldris somehow still had the will and the strength to stop the other incoming sun. Estarossa was busy taking care of one sun, while Zeldris took care of the other:

"BROTHER!!!" Zeldris said. Both their backs were pinned to each other by the suns, if those two suns touch each other directly, then that will be a huge disaster for the two brothers, who happened to be in the middle.

Their backs were getting crushed, while the extreme heat of the suns were boiling both of them alive.

However, that still didn't guarantee Alex a kill. He looked down at the two struggling brothers, fighting for their lives, literally speaking.

Alex didn't conjure up a sun this time. Instead, he raised his arm, as his spear was hovering over his hand.

"This is gonna be so brutal. But with twenty seconds left, I will use this power." Said Alex.

"HEY ZELDRIS AND ESTAROSSA!!!" Yelled Alex so the two brothers could hear him.

But, why would the brothers bother listening to Alex, when they were gonna get crushed by the sun, or burned alive. Even if they tried to, they would never escape this situation.

"DO YOU WANT TO SEE SOMETHING COOL?!?!" Even though they couldn't hear him, Alex still yelled at them.

And just like last time, they couldn't hear his yelling.

"It goes like this. {BAN...KAI!} {Zanka no Tachi}"

The heat emanating from Alex became so hot that it actually made the two suns seem like a breeze of cool air.

This was his Bankai, the strongest ability ever.

"In that state, you could perish if you hold it for a long period of time." Said the devil, not affected by the heat of Alex's Bankai.

"I know, that is why I bought battle axe Rhitta."

Alex controlled the intense heat, and transferred it directly into his spear.

The spear turned into a bright red and yellow color, as if it were as bright as the sun.

Alex transferred all his heat, right into this spear, anyone who even came close to him would be incinerated before they can even touch him.

Zeldris and Estarossa could not believe that such a power exists, his character is too overpowered,

The entire area was burned due to his flames, even the entire kingdom of Camelot perished to the ground. That is the true power of Alex's Bankai.

"Die." With 5 seconds before high noon ends, Alex waved his arm so the spear could hit the brothers.

Of course, when the spear and the two suns collided, it created a huge explosion that was felt by everyone. Even Alex was sent back meters back due to the immense power his attack carried.

(Maybe it was a bit too overkill.)

Not only was the explosion big and powerful, but the heatwave reached everyone, that included the Lu sisters, everyone in the kingdom of Liones.

That also included the seven deadly sins.


The seven deadly sins were discussing their plans to take out the Ten Commandments. The fact that they ran away a while ago, didn't matter to them as they were glad that weren't here right now.

They were all inside the kingdom with everyone, that included the king himself present, as well as several other holy knights.

The king started to get a strong headache, but instead saw a vision, or an omen to exact. His ability is called {Omen} (I think)

He can see the future, which is how Meliodas was able to form the seven deadly sins, if it weren't for the king's omen, then the seven deadly sins would have never been born.

"Father, what is it?" Asked the annoying Elizabeth by the side. She was very familiar with his Omen's, which is why she became increasingly worried for him.

Everybody who was talking and chatting, paused when they saw the king in pain.

"I see… darkness. I see fire, like molten lava, all around…" the king had trouble continuing the sentence.

"The kingdom of Liones?" Said Merlin.

"No. I see a bright fire, engulfing the entire world. Followed by darkness and death."

Everyone had a serious and worried look on their faces. Mostly what the king sees in his omen becomes true, but this time, they hoped he was wrong.

"In the center, I see a young man, white hair and a red mask. Although I cannot see the figure behind the mask, I can tell he is very young, but very terrifying."

Meliodas and the others started thinking, what the king described just now was a person, but who is he?

"I cannot make out the rest. Forgive me while I sit."

The omens got tiring for the king, so he had to sit down and rest for a little while.

*BOOM* the whole kingdom started shaking. On one side from the window, a bright yellow sun illuminated the sky.

But that only lasted for a brief moment, before disappearing again.

"Merlin, did you feel that?" Asked Meliodas, that power was incredible.

"I did. Let's go check it out. {teleport}" Merlin took just the captain with her to whatever was causing such a thing.

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