Killer Of MC's

Chapter 20 - *Title hidden*

Back with Alex.

The entire battlefield was a disaster, there was even a giant crater in the center of the field, it was not as deep as when Meliodas caused that giant hole in Donafall, but it wasn't far behind.

Alexander landed on a tree far from there. Even he didn't expect that he would cause something like that.

"Maybe that was a bit too overkill." Said Alex.

"I think your heavenly tribulation was way more devastating to this." Said the devil beside Alex, he still remembered that event that Alex caused in the 'dragon king's son in law world'

"Huh?" Alex was still ignorant that he caused the fall of a continent.

"Nothing *whistle*" he didn't say anything else, and just whistled his way out.

Alex ignored the devil, and went to check the situation of Zeldris and Estarossa.

At the deepest part of the crater, there were two identified bodies lying there. Estarossa was definitely dead, but Zeldris wasn't.

Alex knew that Zeldris was immune to magical attack, so that is why he planned something else for him.

When his chastiefol caused the huge explosion, it actually managed to pierce through Zeldris' ċhėst area soon after.

Zeldris was alive, but bȧrėly. The spear was still in his ċhėst, not letting him move an inch while causing him to be in a lot of pain.

Zeldris could not even speak. All he could do was watch as Alex looked down on him, as if he were an ant.

"Oh Zeldris, how I pity you." Alex descended down, stepping on his body harshly. Zeldris only puked blood, staining Alex's shoes. But, Alex didn't mind at all.

"You wanted to be the demon king to resurrect the one you love. What was her name again? Gelda?" He said in a mocking tone.

Zeldris has his eyes wide opened. How does Alex know about that? Not even his dad, the demon king, knows about it.

"I know you have an unbelievable set of skills, even better than Estarossa. I would have recruited you to be in my own team, but it's a pity that I know you will betray me, after all, I did kill Estarossa. Such a shame really."

Alex had an idea to recruit someone like Zeldris. But won't do it. His demon pride won't allow Zeldris to be under the command of someone like Alex.

Alex grabbed his chastiefol tightly, and yanked it out from Zeldris's ċhėst. The pain was excruciating even for someone like Zeldris. Even more blood came out of his ċhėst area, with no signs of it healing.

"System, they are now weak, collect their commandments for me." Said Alex.

The system did not even respond, before two distinct black orbs exited the body of Zeldris and Estarossa.

Alex stuffed both those orbs inside his storage. He still needs to collect eight more, and he knows where to collect them.

Zeldris could only stare as the man in front of him stole his commandment. 'Where did such a monster come from?' Is what he thought.

"Since you have entertained me, I'll give you a quick death. After all, you can finally reunite with your loved one." Knowing that he won't get a response out of him, he cut off his head with his chastiefol.

This is one thing that Zeldris was looking forward to, he can finally reunite with Gelda in the otherworld, who he believes she is waiting for him in the afterlife.

But being the bastard he is, Alex knelt down before their corpses, and proceeded to collect their souls.

He now had two white souls in his hands, both from very important characters in the anime.

"Didn't you just say that he will finally meet his loved one? Then why did you take his soul?" Asked the devil.

"To give him a sense of hope. And also to pay him back tenfold for trying to kill me." Alex smiled a bit mischievously. Since they dared tried to kill him, he should pay them back 10x the amount.

He has learned to not be merciful to his enemies, or they will come back to bite you in the ȧss one day.

He is not gonna be like those useless MC's, who either think with their dɨċk, or forgive their enemies when they tried to kill them. It's just stupid to someone like Alex.

"I see. Are you gonna sell those souls or are you gonna eat them?"

"Depends. How much is their total worth?"

"I'd say… 900,000 SP for the both of them."

"How much would my strength rise if I ate their souls?"

"Their souls are very old, not to mention that they are strong characters. They should be able to boost your strength a lot. Of course, it's hard to say how much exactly." He said after thinking for a bit.

"But how much exactly?" Asked Alex.

"Well, in terms of cultivation level, you could go up to Kun-Big demon king level, in terms of power, that's a lot. But, what I recommend is to absorb the Commandments you absorbed instead."


"I am now gonna change the power levels of the story. Meaning that we will stop measuring the people's powers by cultivation levels, and use the Nanatsu no Taizai way."

"I don't follow." Said Alex, even more confused than he was before.

"It's how the people in this world use their power levels. For example, Zeldris's total power level was 61,000 PL Estarossa was 60,000 PL.

(I actually like the power levels of this world, and I am sure it's less confusing for a lot of you if I used this method. It's kinda like Dragon Ball Z style.)

"Oh yeah I remember now." Alex slapped his forehead for not realizing this.

"Your current power level is actually 75,000 PL. But, if you add in your hollow form, it's 175,000. And add that with your sunshine ability, it's easily over 350,000 PL."

"I see. Not to mention that I have my other skills, which makes me stronger than some people in my level." Said Alex, but he wasn't happy that this was his power level.

"The fake demon king of this world, and the supreme deity's power level easily surpasses 500,000 SP. it can even go up to a million easily."

"If I happen to take these two commandments, how much will my strength rise?" Asked Alex,

"It can raise your power level to 100,000 PL. Not to mention just how much higher your PL will reach with your hollow form and sunshine ability. And there is also with swallowing the other commandments, even I don't know exactly how much it'll raise your power, but it's a lot."

There is a difference between the commandments of this world, and the ones that Alex buys in the system shop,

The ones in the world of the seven deadly sins are considered to be 'Fake commandments' since they were the source of the power of the demon king of this world.

But, the ones that Alex and the Lu sisters have, came from the true demon king, which he deems them as the real deal. Alex cannot absorb the power of the real commandments, because the devil won't let him.

But absorbing the fake commandments is allowed. (I dunno why exactly, so don't ask.)

"Very well then. Sell these two souls for 900,000 SP." the souls in his hands disappeared without a trace.

[900,000 SP has been added.]

"System, help me absorb the power of the commandments."

[Warning: there is a slight chance that the host will lose himself to the power of these commandments. Are you sure you want to do this?]

"Oh yeah, it's better if you absorb the powers of the ten fake commandments at the same time. It's easier for you and will save a lot of time." The devil said, stuffing the souls on Zeldris and Estarossa into his mouth.

"You could have said something from the beginning." Alex said angrily, he never mentioned that there might be side effects by doing this.

"Hey! Who's there?" A male voice yelled from outside the hole.

Alex heard that familiar voice from somewhere. He looked up, and saw two very familiar figures looking at him.

It was Meliodas and Merlin. The other sins couldn't come here for various purposes.

"Oh my god no." Alex could not believe that he finally met two of the seven deadly sins.

Alex jumped high enough, and landed safely behind Meliodas and Merlin.

They both kept their guard up, they don't know whether this person is a foe of an enemy.

"Okay, okay, okay. Before we do anything else, I just want to ask you two questions." Although he might not look like it, but there are things that he has been dying to know.

Meliodas and Merlin had weirded out expressions. They knew that Alex just killed two of the strongest commandments, and yet he acts as if it was nothing.

"Meliodas, are you a leprechaun?"

"..." the devil

"..." Merlin.

[...] System.

(...) author.

((Hahahaha!)) readers.

"No…" said Meliodas, that was the first time anyone had ever asked him that question.

"Where are you hiding your invisible pot of gold?" Asked Alex.


"Are you seriously doing this right now?" Asked the devil.

"I have been dying to know these questions, and I finally have the chance to ask them." Responded Alex.

"Okay so you're not a leprechaun. Another question, are you Irish?" Asked Alex to Meliodas.

"God no! Where are you getting all this from? And what is an 'Irish'?" Asked Meliodas, getting kind of annoyed by his weird questions.

"The schmuck squad." Alex responded truthfully.

"Who?" Asked Meliodas. On his side, Merlin was finding this amusing.

"System, buy me a bag of potatoes." Demanded Alex.


"If Meliodas is Irish, then he won't resist a bag of potatoes."

[Can… Can I do that?] this time, the system asked his administrator, which was the devil.

"I…" even he had no idea what to say in this situation.

"Okay no potatoes. Merlin, I have a question for you too. How the hell do your clothes not fall of? I mean, they are so small and almost cover nothing, yet you fight a lot and your clothing stays the same."

"..." Merlin didn't know how to respond to that. This guy is asking the weirdest and unimportant questions she has ever heard.

At this time, those three felt a magical source of power miles away from them. There seemed to be a fight going on there.

Alex knew that it was the Lu sisters. Since he has no other business here, he is going to help them out.

"I gotta go now. But, the next time we see each other again, we will be enemies." Alex didn't want to kill Meliodas, not yet.

He is not afraid of his power, he is afraid of the spells and skills that Merlin possesses. God knows just how much power Merlin has.

Extending his beautiful fairy wings, he flew off at an amazing speed to the Lu sisters.

"Hey!" There was a huge chance that Alex was the one in the kint's omen, which is why he won't let him go.

Merlin followed her captain to help him, because she saw that Alex's power is higher than her captains. There was a huge difference in their power levels, Meliodas has a power level of 60,000 while Alex has 75,000

Alex noticed a leprechaun and Merlin trying to catch up to him. He summoned his spear, ready to use one of his abilities.

Meliodas and Merlin were momentarily stunned, because that weapon that Alex carried, was the same exact one that king always brought with him.

A huge amount of rage weld up inside him. He thinks that Alex took King's chastiefol, and killed him.

It's only understandable that he thinks that, as the chastiefol is a very unique weapon.

"Ryujin Jakka! [Fortress Blaze]" Alex didn't want to be anywhere near Merlin, which is why he trapped Meliodas and her inside his fortress blaze.

"Full counter!" Meliodas reacted quick enough to draw out his sword, and redirect his flames back to Alex.

The flames now surrounded Alex, but he only absorbed his flames into his spear. He didn't want to use his {Perfect Counter} as to not expose his abilities too much.

"Tsk! Looks like I am gonna have to fight you." Alex said in annoyance, he didn't plan on fighting these two today.

"Who are you?!" Asked Meliodas, seemingly on guard.

"My name is Alexander Anderson. I am part demon, fairy, hollow and human."

"Why are you here?" This time Merlin asked a simple question.

"Business. I also came across the Commandments and killed two of them. My two other friends are taking care of them right now as we speak."

Even this far, he can still sense how the Lu sisters are doing in their fight. They are actually winning, which is a huge relief for Alex.

"Look, if you guys want to fight me, then let's do it right now, I have some more important issues to take care of." He still needs to gather the power of the other commandments, and to complete the mission that the system gave him.

Meliodas had a feeling that he couldn't take on this foe, as his countless years of fighting experience told him to not mess with this guy, he even defeated both Zeldris and Estarossa by himself.

But, something else told him that if he doesn't take him down now, he'll be an undefeatable opponent in the future. Even he, combined with the other seven deadly sins, won't be able to kill him in the future.

"What the hell did you do to king?" Asked Meliodas.

"King? Oh... I see." Alex hadn't met King yet, but he understood why Meliodas thought that way. The Chastiefol is the weapon granted to King by the fairy king's forest, so it was natural that Meliodas misunderstood that.

Instead of telling Meliodas the truth, he thought of something else.

"I actually took this away from King. Sadly, I had to kill him because he didn't want to give up his spear. I killed him, and that giant girl as well." He had a sinister look on his face, to make it seem more legit.

"But, I didn't just kill them, I ate their souls as well. They will never have a chance to reincarnate ever again."

Something inside of Meliodas happened, as if time itself froze for him.

As the captain of the seven deadly sins, he has come to love every single one of them. And hearing that 2 of his best friends had been killed and their souls eaten, and unbelievable amount of rage erupted out of him.

Even Merlin got angry and beared hatred towards him. Right now, they wanted nothing more but to avenge their fallen comrades.

Black demonic energy spread out on his body, this was his ȧssault mode, he becomes increasingly powerful when in this form.

"System, what is his power level?" Asked Alex. Meliodas's power level is 60,000, but after activating his ȧssault mode, it's hard to say just how much stronger he is.

{Do you want to buy Balor's magical eye? It'll tell you a person's power level.}

"How much?"

{900 SP}

"Buy it!"

{Bought Balor's magical eye successfully. 900 SP deducted.}

After he read the notes from the blue screen, he saw a series of numbers floating on top of the head's of Meliodas and Merlin.

((Meliodas current power level 142,000))

((Merlin's current power level 4,710))

'Hm. It's lower than I thought.` Alex thought when he saw their power levels. Merlin should not be underestimated, her power comes from the spells she has in her arsenal.

"DIE!!!" Meliodas charged right at Alex with the intention of killing him. He has lost himself to his hatred, so it is even dangerous for Merlin to be here, as her captain could accidentally kill her in a fit of rage.

Alex quickly activated his hollow form, and clashed weapons with Meliodas. Sparks flew when they clashed their weapons, but both sides showed no sign of giving in.

Meliodas didn't notice it, but Merlin could confirm that the omen that the king had was indeed this guy. Not only that, but that mask raised Alex's power level from 75,000 to 175,000. His power level was too exaggerated.

Second after the clash, the dominant side started showing signs of overpowering one side. Alex has a high power level than Meliodas, so it was natural that he was getting overpowered.

Alex managed to push down Meliodas down to the ground easily. He was pushed down several meters underneath the ground.

"This would have been easier if I had my sunshine ability active , but it looks like my hollow form will have to do now." muttered Alex softly. It was already past noon, and now his sunshine ability has started to weaken.

"Magic seal." Taking this chance, Merlin casted a sealing spell to stop Alex before he kills them both.

Magical seal does as the name says, it seals strong enemies, as long as it hits them.

Alex always kept his guard up on Merlín, so he was ready for her attack.

"{Perfect Counter}" he used the hidden knives underneath his wrists, and easily deflected her attack back to her.

Merlin did not anticipate Alex to know full counter as well. Her attack made contact with her body, and her body disappeared, only leaving behind her clothing.

In the centre of her clothing, there was a small erect thing popping out of there. Then, a small cute figure appeared from underneath the pile of clothing.

"Dammit, for this to happen to me out of all people!"

It was Merlin, but she is in her true form, the form of a loli.

"On my god. You are even cuter in person." Alex examined the little loli, he found her too cute.


Meliodas jumped up from the hole he was in, and got ready to use his attack once more. His rage made him stronger than before, but he still wasn't as strong as Alex.

Instead of clashing weapons with him, he used {Perfect counter} on Meliodas's attack.

His perfect counter, can deflect both magical and physical attacks, and return them by three times the power.

Meliodas had a deep slash cut all over his ċhėst, that was due to the power of Alex's [perfect counter] but as a demon, he is able to regenerate fast.

Alex saw the loli Merlin running towards her sphere, to cancel the magic that Alex inflicted on her.

Alex used this opportunity to kick Meliodas down once again, and then he stopped Merlin in her tracks by cutting her path with a blazing firewall.

As long as Merlin is in that form, she cannot cast spells without the help of her sphere.

"Sorry Merlin, but I cannot let you get that sphere. You're a scary person to begin with." Alex looked down on her, with no emotion in his face at all.

Merlin could only stare at his figure, unsure of what to do. She could tell that those flames would burn her alive if she were to cross the wall.

Alex stretched out his hand to her sphere, and used his [Snatch] ability to pull to his hand. Merlin's sphere is not in his hands.

"Troublesome indeed." He examined the sphere in his hand, unsure what to do with it.

Meliodas once again went for the attack, but this time from behind. In his ȧssault mode, he even forgets the most basic of basics, if a move doesn't work on an enemy the first time, it most likely won't work the next time.

However, Alex didn't do anything at all, he let the sword impale him right in his ċhėst. Coughing up a lot of blood, he plopped dead into the ground.

"Captain, you did it." Merlin said to wake Meliodas out of his ȧssault mode.

Once Meliodas stabbed his sword through his heart, his eyes and face came back to normal.

"Although that didn't last long, he would have been a terrifying enemy if we didn't take care of him."

Meliodas wiped the blood and sweat of his forehead, relieved that he killed him.

Merlin agreed too. The fire around them started to dissipate, until there was only a burned field with nothing left.

"However, his death won't bring back Diane and King back to life." The death of his two comrades still made him sad, some tears managed to escape from him eyes.

Merlin felt the same way. Although they killed Alex, that won't bring back their dead friends.

Meliodas looked at the spear, just lying on the ground. He walked up to it and proceeded to take it with him. He wanted to bury it with King's body, as soon as they find his body and Diane's.

(They still don't know that King and Diane are still alive.)

Merlin dragged her clothes that covered her body, and proceeded to get her sphere. But, she couldn't see it anywhere.

She looked around for it, but it was nowhere to be seen. Where could it have gone?

When Meliodas got close enough to the spear, he saw that it had impaled his ċhėst, he didn't see it move.

With the spear on his ċhėst, he could only go down on the ground, with a painful expression on his face. He couldn't even move if he wanted to.

"I cannot believe that actually worked." That voice was Alex's.

He got up with no injuries on his body, as if the wound that the sword that stabbed through his ċhėst was nowhere to be seen.

"W-what?" Merlin couldn't believe what she was seeing. No one should be able to survive that, except maybe demons, but Alex doesn't even have 7 hearts.

"I forgot to mention one small detail about me. I am an immortal." Alex said with a smile. He enjoyed watching their expressions.

He pretended to be dead so they can let their guard down. And once the moment came, he struck them down when they least expect it.

After thinking about it, he cannot let these two live after seeing what he is capable of, so he needed to kill them, or he will suffer the consequences later.

He still had the sphere in his hands, but it was in his storage to make sure that Merlin doesn't get it.

He kneeled beside Meliodas, kind of feeling bad for doing this to him.

"You know. I really respect you. For the last 3000 years, you have remained faithful to the woman you loved. You could have been a harem king, but you remained faithful to Elizabeth, for that I respect you a lot."

That was true, if anybody else were in Meliodas's place, they would have created a harem long ago.

It was unknown if Meliodas could even hear him, but it was the thought that counts.

"Will I immediately teleport to another world once I take his soul?" Asked Alex to the devil.

"There is no rule that once you kill the main protagonist of a story, you have to teleport to another world. You can stay here as long as you like, even after killing the MC." Responded satan truthfully.

"Sorry about this, but I have to do it. I'll be sure to send Elizabeth on your way, and who knows, you can be reunited once again, like many times before. Bye."

Alex placed his hand on Meliodas's ċhėst, and took his soul out. The purity of this souls was much purer than Hao Ren's. This is due to Meliodas watching Elizabeth ting over 100 times, and all the hardships he had to face in over 3000 years.

Before Alex could say something, he heard a little girl say something.

"Stop! Don't do it!" Even in her loli form, she still wanted to protect her captain.

"Why not? What do you have to offer for this soul?" Asked Alex.

"I'll give you whatever you want. I'll make sure that the kingdom of Liones gives you whatever you want, and we can perhaps come to an agreement." She is trying to find a way to stop Alex from doing anything to that soul.

"There is nothing for me there. I only seek recognition from people, that is all I want." He lied, he never sought fame or anything like that.

"You defeated two of the ten commadments, you will be praised as a hero on the whole world. I will make sure that you are bathed in riches and fame-... What?"

As Merlin was talking, her entire figure turned to stone once again.

"You lied to me, the commandment of truth. So how does it feel Merlin, to fall for the same magic twice?" Asked Alex with a smile.

Her loli figure became a loli statue, remaining motionless forever. Even as she is now, it'll take some time before the Commandment can wear off her body.

Alex noticed a subtle change in the sphere he was holding, he could guess what it was that happened, but he wanted to make sure.

"System, is her soul stuck in his ball?"

[There is indeed a soul inside the sphere. But, you are unable to control it, because the one who owns it is Merlin.]

[Would you like to remove Merlin's ownership of this item?]

"Yes." He said without hesitating.

Whenever Merlin is about to die, or something is about to happen to her, the sphere in Alex's hand will automatically transfer her soul into the round ball.

[Removed ownership. The item is now ownerless.]

[Would you like to be the owner of this orb?]

"Is there a price?" That was what he wanted to know.

[Not at all]

"Then I accept the ownership."

[You now currently possess 'Morning star Aldan']

"Hey. What the hell just happened?" A very familiar voice came from the orb, it was obviously Merlin's.

"Hm." Alex smiled that now Merlin's life is in his hands.

"How much for Meliodas's soul?"

"1,000,000 SP." Satan responded quickly.

"Do it." The soul in his hand disappeared, then there appeared another blue screen in front of him.

[1,000,000 SP has been transferred to you.]

"Yes! Another good quality soul, and it's the best one yet!" He didn't wait a bit until he ate Meliodas's soul.

"Just don't have another ȯrġȧsm." Said Alex.

"Too late." He smiled brightly, the texture of this soul was the best.

"Ew." He almost hurled, again. He doesn't need to know that.

"Heheh. Fuck the Disney channel!"

*The Fall of the Dragon's sin of wrath*

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