Killer Of MC's

Chapter 30 - Archangel Ludociel

A good hour had gone by in the real world. Meliodas flew with his demonic wings straight to a specific location.

He stopped on a rocky area, with almost no signs of humans near in sight, apart from travellers.

"Meliodas, to think that you would come here again. It has been 3,000 years, and the demon clan has already escaped. Are you here to destroy me?" A clear voice resonated from a deep and dark cave. There was no figure anywhere, only the voice could be heard.

"Ludociel. I came for your help." Said Meliodas in a crisp tone. He doesn't like this guy at all, but he is probably the only one who knows how to communicate with the Supreme Deity.

"This is new, coming from you. Are the Ten Commandments too much for you to handle?"

"The Ten Commandments are dead, a powerful foe defeated them all."

There was a moment of silence in the area. Ludociel is an Archangel, but even he cannot kill all the Ten Commandments. If he had such power, then he would have settled the war 3,000 years ago.

"I see. If the Ten Commandments are defeated, then there is no point in asking for my help, unless you want to defeat the Demon King, which we both know that is impossible. Only the Supreme Deity can stand equal to him."

"There is an even more powerful foe than the Demon King, my father. I don't have the power to handle such a strong opponent. That is why I came to you, to help me seek the Supreme Deity, and ask for her help."

There was another brief moment of silence before Ludociel spoke again.

"Meliodas, you should know that it is impossible to communicate with her, even with my help. So why bother asking me if you already knew the answer?"

"I know that the only way to communicate with her, is by recovering the 'light of grace'" Said Meliodas.

The light of grace is a gateway to the Celestial realm, also known as 'Stigma Headquarters' It is the only way for the Celestials to come to the Earth from their world.

The light of grace was used in the war 3,000 years ago, until Gowther and Melascula sabotaged it to connect it to the Demon realm. The light of grace can be used to turn the tables depending on who owns the gate.

But, after the Puppet Gowther sabotaged Melascula and the light of Grace, it actually connected to the Demon;s prison. It was the only way for the real Gowther to escape from that treacherous place.

After that, nobody knows what had happened to the light of Grace. Meliodas had tried searching for it, but to no avail.

Some say it was destroyed, while others say it is lost while it collects dust. The truth is, no one really knows.

"I need your help looking for it. Using your Grace, I believe we will be able to find it in time."

"This is no different from finding a needle in a haystack, even with my help, the odds of even finding a trace of the light of grace, is slim to none."

"So, you are not going to help me or not?" Said Meliodas.

"What if I don't want to?"

"I'll destroy the relic that holds your soul. If I were to destroy it, I will also destroy your soul." Meliodas turned hostile all of a sudden. At that point, he will resort to anything to save the people he loves.

"Yes, this is exactly how I remembered you, cruel and ruthless. Very well then, I will help. But you have to find me a body who is willing to sacrifice itself."

Meliodas scratched his head as he started thinking hard. Even an Archangel cannot possess a body by force, they need a body who is willing to give up its body. Some resort to a deal, which is the best and fastest way to possess a body.

"There is a town 3-4 Kilometers away on NorthEast. You might find someone there." Ludociel knows this because he has seen travellers come and go from this area, so he kind of knows a bit of things.

Meliodas was going to head straight over to the town, but halted in his footsteps. Looking at the inside of the cave, he had a good idea to save themselves some time.

He dashed straight into the chasm, and took out a modified Druid Altar, which is a relic that holds the soul of the powerful Archangel.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Not expecting Meliodas to just grab the relic, he got a little scared, because if he were to break the relic, it could possibly mean the end of him. And nobody wants to die, which is why he is scared.

"I will be taking you with me, that way I can save some time going back and forward."

He is not sure why Alex hasn't shown up yet (Because he doesn't know that Alex is in Purgatory.) Still, he has got to solve this problem quickly.

"Just don't drop me at all costs."

"Please, let there be someone there." He could faintly see a small town with his eyes. He was getting closer by the second.

Back in Istar.

"It's no use, I cannot bring Merlin back from wherever she is." Zaneri said, looking at the petrified statue in front of her.

If it weren't for Escanor's pleading, she wouldn't have risked provoking the one who attacked her when she tried this method not too long ago.

"Sorry." She felt a bit helpless in this situation, and could not help but feel bad for Escanor, who is on her side right now.

"It's okay, you did your best. Thank you." Escanor wept tears, as he sat down and faced the statue of Merlin with moistened eyes.

"YOU WANT ME TO WHAT?!?!" A loud scream could be heard very close to their location.

"Miss Jenna, you have to." Elixabeth said.

"No way! My sister risked her life to bring back Merlin, and now you want us to bring back the Ten Commandments back to life? Are you insane?!" Jenna has seen a lot of things in her life, but this is the worst thing that has ever happened.

A human girl, requested that the Druids, enemies of the Demon clan, to use her powers to bring back the Commandments back to life.

"I know it sounds insane, but we may need their help. Meliodas cannot do this alone." Elizabeth expected Jenna to react that way, so no surprise there.

"N-O. NO! Under no circumstances, am I ever gonna even consider bringing a demon back to life." Jenna kept refuting her words

"That may not be such a bad idea." Gowther said from the side.

"Right now, we are facing an enemy we cannot win. Our best chance is to gain the help of the Demon clan, and possibly combine our powers to take down this enemy."

Jenna looked at Gowther with an angry expression. She only helped Meliodas because he's a trustworthy guy. But, the Ten Commandments are another thing.

"I will not do it. If Meliodas is successful in bringing the Supreme Deity, then there should be no reason for me to bring back any Demons back to life."

"Sister." Zaneri said. "We also have to think about the possibility that Meliodas fails to bring the Supreme Deity. We both know just how stubborn she can be. And, there is also the fact that Meliodas and the Supreme Deity are not on good terms."

Jenna fell into a deep thought. Meliodas and Elizabeth were never meant to fall in love, but they did. And because of their actions, this pissed off the Demon King and the Supreme Deity.

It's no secret that Elizabeth is the daughter of the Supreme Deity. So naturally, she would hate Meliodas for taking away her daughter, and who knows if 3,000 years after, her rage subsided.

As there was a long moment of silence, there was another entity floating around them, without anyone noticing. It was Satan himself. He was curious to what everybody was planning here.

No one could see him or sense him. It was as if he isn't even there.

He took a good look at the corpses of the Ten Commandments. He snickered as a good idea went through his head.

"Come out." Extending his right hand out, 2 souls appeared on his hands. They are the souls of Zeldris and Estarossa. The other remaining Commandments were eaten by the Lu sisters. These two souls Alex gave him, in return for some SP.

However, the souls on his hand changed into a black and red-ish color. The souls that were white as a sheet of paper, turned completely black, looking almost pugent to look at.

He stuffed their souls into the bodies of Zeldris and Estarossa.

"Rise." He gave a simple command, and their two bodies rose up like a bunch of zombies.

Their faces contained no ounce of life in it. Their every move looked abnormal, as if they were zombies.

"Kill them." Satan pointed at the group of people.

Then the two Demons ran up to the group, their hands all the way back while their upper torso was leaning in front.

They are indeed Naruto running.

Several people noticed the two running towards and didn't know how to react at first. Zeldris and Estarossa were both dead, so how are they suddenly running towards them?

"Shit!" Ban reacted first, and charged at them straight on. He was surprised that they were suddenly attacking him, but his fighting instincts kicked in and he was able to block their attacks.

Then the rest started react as well. They all started to launch their attacks until they brought them down.

"Aim for the hearts! They have seven, if we can destroy them, then they will die," Said Jenna loudly.

However, the movements of those two changed, as if they were puppets. Their moves were abnormal before, but now they're just acting plain weird.

On the side, was Satan moving around his hands and fingers, as if he was controlling stringed puppets. He was smiling as he used the bodies of Zeldris and Estarossa like mindless puppets.

"You wanted their souls, you can have them." Said Satan.

{Why bother doing this?}

"Well, Blue, this way everybody will now think twice before they want to resurrect the Ten Commandments. And besides, waiting for Alex in Purgatory is so boring, so I am just passing time."

{Can't you kill them?}

"Have you forgotten why I can't kill anyone? I cannot kill a person, only Alex can. If I could kill them, then I wouldn't have forced Alex to do the dirty work for me."

{Ah yes.}


Back with Meliodas in god knows where.

Meliodas was strolling around in a shabby looking town. He held the Druid artifact tightly as he looked around for a person who is willing to sacrifice their body.

"May I recommend going into a hospital. There are many people there that need help, so maybe you can find someone there who is desperate enough to make a deal with me." Said Ludociel.

Meliodas nodded. Even after living for 3,000 years, he has never come across this town, which was very new to him.

After asking for directions from random people, he found the hospital building. The building was also worn down, but it was a bit bigger than some houses in the nearby area.

The inside of the building was not much better, there were bȧrėly any healers in this building. Especially after the resurrection of the Ten Commandments, there have been many casualties around the world.

Meliodas looked through many rooms. Most of them had patients that were dying, or dead. He only saw one person helping these sick people, and he didn't even work here.

However, in a room, there were two beds, a woman and a man were both lying there, but we're dead. In the center of them, was a boy, no older than 13 years old. He was crying hard, as his parents died in front of him.

Meliodas thought that it was the work of Demons that killed them, but taking a little closer, there appeared to be wounds from weapons on their bodies. Red and Silver Demons do not use weapons, they rely on their skills, claws, teeth, fire breathing skills, etc.

"Meliodas, he's perfect." Said Ludociel, as if he found the greatest treasure in the world.

"I am not going to use a Kid." Meliodas might be desperate, but not enough to sacrifice a kid.

"Relax, I am not that evil. Once we have found the light of Grace, I will leave that kid's body."

Meliodas raised his eyebrow slightly. Last time he trusted him, they almost hurt Elizabeth badly.

"Who are you?" The little boy noticed Meliodas standing in front of the door. He was scared of him, because he thought he was here to hurt him.

Meliodas didn't know what to do. Should he or should he not trick this kid into giving up his body?

"How did your parents die?" Asked Ludociel. Anyone could hear Ludociel's voice from the artifact, he's not like Satan who can hide his voice and presence at will.

The boy looked at the artifact, and he was very shocked. He has never seen anything abnormal (except demons) and found it hard to believe that an object is talking.

"My parents… were killed by a group of men. After so much destruction has happened in our town, the people living here became more violent and aggressive to each other. People then started to steal, ****, kill anyone, because they thought that the world is ending." Said the Kid.

Meliodas already knew this. When the Holy war occurred 3000 years ago, it was the same situation with the Humans as well. The Ten Commandments can be said to be a plague of this world. Some Humans can be the worst. Thought Melidoas.

And also, there were bȧrėly any doctors here because they already fled. Although it is their profession to save lives, saving their own life is much more important to them.

"And you want revenge on the people that killed your parents? Am I right?" Asked Ludociel.

"Hm." The kid only answered with a firm nod. There was some anger in his eyes, he really wanted to kill the ones who killed his family.

"What is your name?"


"Well, Kristoff, how would you like to make a deal?"

"What kind of deal?"

Meliodas just stood there emotionless. He was against using a Kid as a shell for Ludociel, but he is desperate. And if Ludociel does not give up the Kid's body after finding the Light of Grace, he will force him to leave the Kid's body by any means necessary.


Back in Purgatory again…

The Lu sisters were fighting each other, not because they lost their insanity again, but because they wanted to practice enough to take down the Demon King.

Since bluescreen could tell them the location of the Demon King, they don't need to spend time to look for him. Instead, they can just get used to their newfound powers.

Lu Lili was getting used to her new {Infinity} skill that she bought from the system 100 years ago. Alex was gonna spare nothing to defeat this Demon King. Not only would he get 10,000,000 SP, but a new powerful skill as well.

Spending a few 300,000 SP is nothing. He still has a few million SP remaining.

Alex has put in a lot of thought on what to buy from the system, but there is nothing else that fits his style, or that can help him for now.

He doesn't want to rely on too many skills, otherwise he will never get stronger. He is going to stick with his Dark-Demonic powers and fire abilities. He has an idea to merge powers and skills together, very similar to his {Perfect Counter}

There is no denying that {Perfect Counter} is a better skill than {Full Counter} so what if he can do the same with his other skills.

There is also the possibility of merging {Sunshine} and {Ryujin Jakka} but the worth is over 100,000,000 SP. There is no telling just how OP Alex would be once he merges these two abilities.

He might also rely on the other system powers that the bluescreen has yet to unlock. Per every new world that he travels, he gains one new system shop.

It could be anything, the Naruto shop, One piece shop, Dragon ball shop. The possibilities are endless. And the thought that he can merge more of these powers to his own, he will become super OP.

"Super saiyan, when will I be able to unlock something like that?" Said Alex as he lay there, and looked at the dark-red sky. He really wished he was a super saiyan, cause having the power to destroy worlds would be awesome. But, he needs to unlock the system shop for it first.

"Nei." Steven said from the side. His skin turned smoother, and darker. He now looked like an ordinary horse, with only two legs. His wings were longer and sharper, but they looked smoother than silk.

Steven went through a massive transformation these past 700 years in Purgatory. His power is now ((3,500,000))

Alex thought that absorbing the energy flying off in the air, is what gave Steven his strength. He was correct, but the only thing in the air was death, as a result of how many deaths occurred in the countless years that animals lived and died here.

In the anime, Meliodas mentioned that the Demon King greedily consumes the life of the living in this world, which is why he is so strong. But, who would have known that Steven could do the exact same thing.

But, Steven had absorbed so much of the area death energy, that there was bȧrėly any left for him to absorb any more. Which is why he hasn't powered up dramatically like before.

"Saviour, are you hungry?" Lu Linlin and Lili said with a bright smile. They had also gone through a huge transformation, their hair was longer, and red. Their skin smoother and whiter than before, their eyes as dark as the night, which made them seem more beautiful.

Their lips were rosy-red, which made them look very sėxy. They no longer looked like the cute maids that Alex knew, they looked more like serious woman, but they were more dashing and beautiful than any other woman in any other world.

Lu Linlin's hair went straight touch that it touched her buŧŧȯċks. Lu Lili's hair was still in a ponytail possession, but it reached down to her hɨps, but her wing's stretched out far from her back which what made her stand out from her twin sister.. They each looked very fine and sėxy

Alex smiled when he saw them. They might look different, but to him, they will always be the cute girls he has known for a long time.

They look different, but their personalities are still the same. Lu Linlin was smart and cunning. Lu Lili was playful, full of life and joyous.

"I am hungry. Let's go eat." Alex had grown very fond of them. They were his best friends, as well as family. No one could ever replace them in his heart.

It's surprising how strong Alex can hold onto his sėxuȧŀ urges. Even when there are two beautiful girls who followed him like loyal puppies, he has never thought of them that way.

(Like I said, no harem.)

When he stood up from the ground, there was a giant difference in their height. Before, Alex was a bit shorter than the Lu sisters, but now he is 2-3 heads taller than them.

His face looked serious, but kind. His body exhumed the appearance of a full grown man, with muscles all over his body, but not as exaggerated as those bodybuilders.

He didn't look like a kid anymore. His hair was now in a flat top style, he had a haircut that fits his personality quite well.

He was now "6 '11 he is as tall as Ban is. If you look at him carefully, his appearance is almost similar to Ban's. Only his hair is white, shorter hair, no visible scars on his body, with wings on his back.

(His hair was done by the Lu sisters.)

"Blue Screen, how much longer? This is getting boring for us." Asked Alex. He didn't find the point anymore to stay in Purgatory, although their power levels have increased a lot, he doesn't feel that they will get stronger in Purgatory, they have already reached their limits.

[5 more hours]

"Really?!" A bright smile appeared on his face.

[In real life time. You still need 300 more years to fight the Demon King.]

"Bluescreen, you damn troll." Alex said angrily.


(I felt that they should have their appearance changed, because of all the time they had spent in Purgatory. They sound more badass than before, so I am gonna stick with it.)


I did not update any chapters the past week, because I am working on another Fanfic that I have started writing for over an entire year.

I am SO CLOSE to finishing that Naruto Fanfic, and I do not plan on giving it up when I am so close to finishing it.

It is basically my first book ever, so there are lots of plot holes and its kind of bad. But still, I am going to finish it probably this month or next month.

If you guys want to read it, go to "RoyalRoad: In the Naruto world" By Lodoly.

It's over 95 chapters long (And counting) each chapter is at least 3000 words or longer.

Check it out if you want. Once I finish that Fanfic, I will focus more on this fanfic. Bye.

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