Killer Of MC's


-Inside a gloomy tavern.

The inside of this building was like any other tavern out there, filled with drinks, fighting, drugs, everything.

The building was filled with people doing what their hearts wanted.

*BAM!* The sound of someone kicking the door with all their strength. The sound was so loud that everyone stopped what they were doing and focused on the door.

The sound was caused by a little kid, this kid was Kristoff.

"Boss, isn't he the kid of the family who didn't want to pay for our protection?" Said a skinny hooligan.

The boss was an ex-holy knight, so he is without a doubt stronger than most people. He is a bald, fat man with a pungent smell of sėx, alcohol and cigarettes lingering around his body.

"I think it is. Then again, there are a lot of kids in this shitty town, I don't even remember him."

"You know, it's the kid with the really hot mother. The one who you were chasing for the last month."

"Oh yeah, her. Such a good body gone to waste, shame." The boss lamented that he never got to enjoy the body of the boy's mother.

"I came here to kill all of you." Kristoff said loudly for everyone to hear.

There was a moment of silence, before it was replaced by laughter.

"HAHAHAHAH!!!" The whole room echoed of laughter. They did not make take the kid seriously. There was a Holy knight here, not to mention dozens of ruthless people.

"You killed my parents. And now I will do the same with everyone in this shit hole of a bar."

"Listen kid, there are 50 strong men in this tavern, and with the holy knights being so occupied by the demons that appeared, they have no time to worry about your problems. Now get out of our fuċkɨnġ sights, or I will do the same to you as I did to your parents."

Kristoff only looked down, as the voices of the men echoed in his ears. There was no use in talking to them.

Before anybody noticed, he disappeared from everyone's sights, as if he was never there.

Then suddenly, the person beside the ex-holy knight bled heavily from his throat. There was a clean, sharp cut from his neck, that a river of blood started trickling down his body.

Nobody could react before they found out that all of their throats had been slashed by some unseen force.

The cut was so deep that their vocal chords were too damaged to even function properly anymore. They could not even say their final words, as they plopped dead to the ground.

The ex-holy knight still had his bottle of beer and his lit cigarette in his mouth. He was the only one alive.

The whole room turned eerily silent, the lively atmosphere that was there a moment ago was gone, as if it had faded away into nothingness.

Kristoff appeared before the ex-holy knight, with a short dagger on his hand. He stole this weapon from one of the guys in this room, and used it to kill nearly everyone in a second.

"Pl=Please. D-Don-Don't do th-this." The ex-holy knight understood how grave the situation was. About 45 of these men had nothing to do with Kristoff's parents death, but he killed them anyway.

Maybe it was for the best, not one of them was a good person.

"I still remember the last words you said to my parents before they died 'It's all business.' Well, let me tell you something, this too is fuċkɨnġ business."

A yellow streak flashed through the dude's throat. Kristoff threw the weapon to the ground and left that bar like a badass. Seconds later, the ex-holy knight's head dropped to the ground along with its limb body.

"Mother, Father, your son has avenged you…" He softly murmured to himself, he was relieved that he killed the bastards that killed his beloved parents.

Then his whole aura and even his eyes changed entirely. This isn't Kristoff anymore, this was Ludociel who has completely taken over his body, as per the agreement.

"Hmhmhmhm. It's been quite a long time since I last felt alive like this. It's a nice feeling." Ludociel clenched his hands into a fist, and started to examine his new body.

It was quite young and if he had a choice, he would choose a more mȧturė body, but they are short on time and thus have no choice but to stick with this body for now.

Meliodas was waiting patiently outside the tavern.

"Ya done?" He asked impatiently.

"Yes. But before we search for the light of grace, we first need to find the other Archangels. If this guy is a strong as you say he is, then we will need the help of the other Archangels. I can feel a hint of their powers kilometers away from this town. Maybe they might also know just where the Light of Grace is."

"We don't have much time for this, we need the help of the Supreme Deity as soon as possible." Said Meliodas. He just doesn't think they have the time to find the other Archangels and get them bodies.

"Meliodas, it is better to do this slowly and carefully, than to rush into it and fail. Unless if you want to lose more of your comrades to the hands of this Anderson fella."

Meliodas had no idea what to say. If they don't do this carefully, he might lose his friends again, but if they rush into this too quickly, he might lose even more of his friends.

"I'll go look for them, with my speed, things will be much quicker than you going. Good luck." Ludociel extended his angel wings gracefully and flew in a flash to gather his two other comrades.

Meliodas stood there looking at the spot where Ludociel flew.

"I'm screwed..."


"What the heck is it with these two? How the hell they did come back to life?" Said Ban as he continued to fight Estarossa and Zeldris.

No one would have guessed that it was Satan who was doing this behind the shadows. This is payback for stealing Meliodas' soul and almost took Merlin's soul from him.

Those two souls are even tastier and Hao Ren's soul, he can still remember their exquisite taste still lingering in his mouth.

He cannot kill them, but he can at least injure them enough to think twice before attempting to take the souls Alex offered him.

And most importantly, Satan finds it fun to use the characters of this world like puppets. This was something he had never done before, but it was both fun and hilarious.

Jenna, Zaneri and others had noticed that this is way too abnormal. They had never seen anything like this, so they have no idea how to deal with this.

Even after Ban took out their hearts, they are still moving as if they were immortal.

Satan only grinned. He let go of their bodies and recollected their souls once more.

His other aim was for Ban to take out their hearts. It doesn't matter if Jenna and Zaneri find a way to bring back their souls, a soul cannot stay inside a body that cannot function properly.

Lu Linlin and Lu Lili both took out the seven hearts of the other Commandments, and therefore the other Commandments cannot be brought back to life.

Ban really thought that the Commandments could help them in this fight, but Satan intervened before they could do anything.

Satan is not doing this for Alex, he is doing this for himself, he just doesn't want these people to steal back the souls that he had already eaten.

"Heh." He disappeared in the background, he left as he appeared.

"The hell was that all about?" Ban asked Jenna and Zaneri, as if they knew the question to what just happened.

"I am not too sure. But, we need to be careful if that ever happens again." Said Gowther.

As they were chatting, Jenna cast a fire spell and burned the bodies of the Commandments to ashes.

"No resurrections this time." Jenna left without saying much.

It was better if they did burn down the bodies so something unexpected doesn't happen to them again.

Ban really thought that they could use the bodies of these demons to find anything that could help them take down Alex, but Satan intervened before they could find out anything.

"Well, Ban, at least you tried to make a difference, but still failed miserably, you even almost killed some of us. Imagine how sad we would be if Howzer would die. Actually, nevermind, he won't be missed." Said Gowther.

"What was that?" Asked Howzer who thought he had heard his name.

"Nothing, just that you are too weak, I am surprised that you are still alive."

"You do know that I am a holy knight."

"You are? How unexpected. This world really has gone to shit, hasn't it?" Gowther then left the area where he wouldn't be bothered.

"Ignore him, he is like that most of the time." Ban comforted Howzer.

Elizabeth kept staring at the entrance where Meliodas left. She was worried deeply for his well being.

Zaneri stood beside Elizabeth on her own accord, she also stared at the direction where Meliodas left.

"Do you think Meliodas will come back to you?" Asked Zaneri in an emotionless tone.

"Yes. I know he will." Elizabeth said in a tone full of confidence.

"I am not saying that it's not a bad thing to have over confidence, but I believe that he won't come back, not in the same way we remember him at least."

"What do you mean?"

After a pause, Zaneri added.

"The Supreme Deity is without a doubt the strongest being I have ever seen, probably even stronger than the Demon King. But, what happened between her and Meliodas is something that she will never forget."

"What happened?"

"Meliodas, fell in love." Zaneri started walking away without sharing anything else.

"Wait, what happened 3000 years ago?" Elizabeth grabbed hold of her arm firmly, wanting to know Meliodas' past with the Supreme Deity.

"I cannot say. If Meliodas has never mentioned it, then there must be a good reason for that. If you want to know, then you better ask him."

"Or I could just peek into your memory and I can just share it with everyone present." Gowther popped out of nowhere and used his invasion ability on Zaneri.

"I hope you don't mind."

"Actually, I do mind."

"How about now?" Gowther used his ability and changed something inside her mind.

"I don't mind anymore. Do whatever you want."

"In short, Princess, what happened is that the Captain fell in love with a thot, and that caused the Demon King and the Supreme Deity to curse their own children. Did you know that the person Captain fell in love with looked a lot like you, and she even had the same name as you?"

"What do you mean, Gowther?"

"It would be easier if I showed you." Using his ability, he shared what he saw in Zaneri's mind and showed it to Elizabeth.

Elizabeth started seeing images of the Holy war. At one point, she saw the same Meliodas along with others as well, two looked like the current 10 Commandments Gloxinia and Dolor.

She also saw a beautiful woman with bright-white wings, and what was even more strange is that this woman looked like Elizabeth, she was the thot in Zaneri's mind that fell in love with Meliodas.

There was also Luduciel, Tarmiel, and Sariel, the remaining Four Archangels.

The memories that flashed through her mind went by so fast, that she got a headache. Moments later, a bright light formed around her, as if she were reborn or something, and both her eyes were now in the form of a triskele.

Seeing this, everyone else ran up to Elizabeth, they were panicking because they thought it was an ambush.

"Gowther, what happened?" Asked Ban impatiently.

"I only showed her some memories that I *Borrowed* From Zaneri."

Then Elizabeth sprouted two beautiful pairs of wings from her back. Two large ones and two smaller ones that were underneath the two big ones.

The reason Meliodas never mentioned anything about his past, is because he was afraid that Elizabeth would unlock her memories of that time. If that were to happen, then she would be in trouble.

(It has never been proven just how much Elizabeth needs to remember to fully trigger her memories from her past life, but whenever I have a dream that I forget, then I see something that reminds me of that dream, like a nail or a gun etc, then a bunch of memories start flooding in. So, yeah this is what happened.)

"I remember everything." Tears were rolling down her cheek and dropping into the ground. This is something that always happens to her whenever she remembers her past life.

"Elizabeth… what happened?" Asked the legal-loli-fairy princess.

Zaneri couldn't actually believe it. The thot that she saw 3000 years ago was actually Elizabeth!

'Now it all makes perfect sense!' Zaneri thought.

(I wonder why Zaneri and Jenna never compared Elizabeth with the one who existed 3000 years ago? Maybe because of plot or something? It might be the writers fault or something.)

Meliodas felt an uncertain uneasiness creeping up on him. This strong feeling is something he will never forget, mostly because he has experienced this over 100 times in his entire life.

"Elizabeth… you remembered. DAMMIT!!!" Meliodas punched the ground hard which sent rubble flying in all directions.

Whenever Elizabeth remembers her past life, the Demon King's curse will take effect and she will die 72 hours later no matter what (3 days)

Meliodas wanted to go back with Elizabeth, especially after the curse has taken effect once more, but finding the Supreme Deity is of most importance right now.

He began searching every corner, specifically the area where they fought in the Holy war 3000 years ago.

Since the last known location of the Light of Grace was somewhere in this area, then he thought that it might be a good place to start searching.

He had a good idea, but it will take a long time to find it, and who knows if it is still functional.

After searching for it like a madman for 5 hours straight, 3 new figures appeared above him, extending their proud wings for everyone to see.

"Took you three long enough. Help me find the-"

"We already found it." Interrupted Ludociel.

"What?" Meliodas couldn't believe what he had just heard.

"As it turns out, while I was looking for Tamriel, this store where they sell rare antiques, had the Light of Grace with him. Who would have known that something so important was in a store in the middle of nowhere."

"... the Light of Grace, was in a goddamn antique store all this time?!" (PLOT TWIST!)


"Then what the hell was my point in wasting 5 hours of my life in this area?"

"I dunno? Comedic purposes."

Meliodas didn't know whether to cry or be angry. For over 3000 years, it was passed down generation to generation by a family of collectors.

"We stole it back after the vendor tried to make us buy it. I mean, millions of lives are at stake here, and yet he wants money for something that originally belonged to us. Greedy bastard."

"Whatever, let's just go to Stigma headquarters before it's too late."

Ludociel also couldn't believe that the Light of Grace was in an antique shop. But, he guessed that Lady Luck was on their side.

"Hopefully Lady Luck will convince the Supreme Deity to help us, even if she needs to put her pride aside for once." The four began to fly towards the location of the Light of Grace where they last left it.

Meliodas had a lot going on right now, Alexander Anderson, The Supreme Deity, The Ten Commandments, Elizabeth's curse. So many things are happening right now that he can't deal with it.

However, the one thing he couldn't get was where was Alexander Anderson? As long as he lived, he will never guess that Alex is in Purgatory, waiting to kill the Demon King.

Alexander was enjoying life to the fullest. He sat on the burning ground as he stared into the sky that was lit on fire.

After spending almost 1000 years in Purgatory, he and the Lu sisters got accustomed to the area, it was like a home to them.

They had almost forgotten how the outside world looked like. They could not wait until they take down the Demon King, kill Meliodas (again) and go to another world.

If it weren't because Satan kept refreshing his memory of all the anime/manga/LN that he had ever seen, he would have never remembered one bit of those amazing stories.

"So wait. The Dragon King's son-in-law has been completed?!" Asked Alex as he had a lovely chat with Satan.

"Yes, yes it did."

"How did it go? Was it a nice ending or…?"

"WAY too rushed. I swear, I haven't read another Light Novel so rushed than 'In a different world with Naruto system.'"

(It's an okay novel with a super rushed ending)

"Oh I love that fanfic. And yes, the ending was super rushed. But still, how did it end?"


"Hao Ren ends up marrying Zhao Yanzi and Xie Yujia, not surprising to say in the least." Said Satan.

"Oh, so he does end up marrying the Lu sisters as well. Glad I killed him."

"Well… sorta."

"Sorta? He never marries the Lu sisters, the same ones who gave him the most help out of everybody else? Are you kidding me?"

"Like I said, super rushed ending. It had many things unfinished. Sun Wukong, Su Han, and so on."

"Sun Wukong? The Monkey King?" Asked Alex with a surprised look on his face.

"Yes, he exists in that novel."

"Man. I missed out on so many cool things when I left that world. I can always revisit it whenever I want."

Alex has never read Journey to the West, but he has heard many tales in Youtube comments about that story. He even looked it up once, and it looked interesting.

Too bad he died before he got the chance to read it.

"Oh. Looks like your time is up." Satan said as he stood up.

"It's already been 1000 years."

"Yes. Now kill the Demon King of this world, and bring me his soul."

"Finally! We were getting bored of this world. Lili! LinLin!"

"Yes, Saviour?" Both sisters appeared before him in a flash. They still had their cute smiles even after living 1000 years in this hellhole.

"It's finally time."


"Steven! Wake up ya lazy-ass. We can finally leave this place." Alex walked up to Steven and kicked his ȧss to wake him up.

Steven doesn't enjoy it when people wake him up. But, after hearing that they can finally leave this place, this got him hyped.

"While you do that, I am going to play 'Link's Awakening' on the switch." (THAT GAME ISN'T EVEN OUT YET! BUT IT DOES LOOK VERY CUTE AND COOL!)

"Yeah, you do that. Bluescreen, lead us to the Demon King's current location."

{He is just 1000 Kilometers to your right}

"I have waited 1000 years for this, and the moment has finally come." Alex cracked his knuckles, he was looking forward to this fight very much.

"Ready when you are, Saviour." Linlin said after getting ready.They too have been waiting for this moment.

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