Killer Of MC's

Chapter 46 - Madara Uchiha cares

After what felt like an eternity, Alex finally managed to find the road Ponyglyph. Only to realize he has no way to actually translate the damn thing.

The Library of Heaven's path can only tell the flaws of an object, but deciphering a lost language that only a few people know is a little out of its reach of capabilities.

He copied the whole thing down in his Library of Heaven's path. Even if he can't read it, he knows someone that will translate it for him.

"Looks like I will have to pay a visit to the straw hat's earlier than I had imagined." Alex said to himself. Only Nico Robin was able to translate those poneglyphs.

But, he still needed 3 more road Ponyglyphs to collect. One was at Zou, the other with big mom, and the last one was in an unknown location.

Alex guessed that the location of the last road poneglyph was with the marines or with Shanks or even Blackbeard or with Dragon.

So many places to visit. It's a pain in the ȧss, but it'll all be worth it for that delicious SP.

Before, Alex would have killed just to know what the One PIece was. But now, he didn't care anymore. It might be one of the most mysterious things in One Piece since the beginning of the series, but it mattered little to Alex now.

The other most mysterious thing about the One Piece world, is how the people are so tall. There is Kaido, Big Mom, Doflamingo. They're all just really tall bastards.

"I already know the location of big mom, so I will visit her first." He extended his beautiful fairy wings and flew towards Big mom's location, which was recorded in his Heaven's path Geography art.

He made it to big mom's place in no time. It was heavily guarded, and one would find it impossible to infiltrate, unless that one person was someone like Alex.

Alex was not the sneaky type, but he was smart. He used his full speed to get past the guards guarding the area. The guards always had their haki on 24/7 but all they sensed was like a gust of wind going past them.

No one has the speed like Alex, not even the Admiral Kizaru can match up to Alex's speed.

What Alex was totally ignorant of, was Big Mom's powers. And basically the entire Big Mom arc. You'll see why.

(Big Mom's DF powers are one of the most complicated I have ever seen, so I will TRY to say this as simple as I can put it.)

Big Mom has the power to steal part of people's souls and infuse them into objects, which they are then granted life, Big Mom refers to them as 'Homies'

The soul fruit also has other functions, like taking people's life force when certain conditions are met, infusing the user's soul into other objects, etc.

Alex hid in on the houses that were made out of… biscuits?

"Why are houses made out of biscuits?"

"Well… I might have skipped a feeewww chapters in the manga, and by 'few' I mean mostly."

{Then how the hell did you know the location of the road poneglyphs?}

"I used to have this friend that spoiled everything related to anime, mostly about dragon ball super, Naruto and One Piece." Alex explained.

{But, still… wait, what was the last chapter of the One Piece manga series that you read?}

"I probably didn't even make it halfway through the Big Mom arc. Probably somewhere in the beginning of the arc."

{Why didn't you finish it?! That is vital information.}

"Well I don't know, bluescreen. Maybe because I got, oh I dunno KILLED! during a store robbery REMEMBER?!"

{Fair enough.}

According to what Satan told Alex, he could not get information about the story that he hasn't seen. For example, he didn't finish reading the Dragon King's son-in-law after chapter 555 so he doesn't know all the details after that.

Sure, there was a part where Satan told Alex about the ending of the Dragon King's son-in-law, but it was expected that Hao Ren would have married his harem. 90% of the readers probably already knew that would have happened long ago.

Alex had fairly remembered what his friend told him about the Big Mom arc, though some details were left out.

All he knew was that Big Mom was strong, and had a soul devil fruit, but he doesn't know what abilities her devil fruit powers contain.

And he also remembered details like Sanji's forced marriage, his family, and that was pretty- much it.

In fact, Alex did not know that Kaido had a devil fruit, like many people, he thought Kaido had the immortal devil fruit and not a dragon devil fruit.

Not even Alex had all the time and capability to remember all the details in every light novel, movie, manga and anime he sees.

Back on topic. Alex hid inside an empty house made of crackers, he had no clue why there was a house made out of food. But then again, this is One Piece, weird shit happens all the time.

But, then he noticed two people fighting, however one of them was weird, he was wearing a suit made out of biscuits, even a shield and sword made out of biscuit.

Alex could tell that the weird man was strong, even his armament haki was strong, but not perfect.

The other one was somebody Alex easily recognized. He is Mad Monk, he is severely wounded from the fight

Cracker did not reveal his face to others, even his own bounty poster had the face of one of his biscuit soldiers instead of his real face.

After defeating Mad Monk, Cracker was about to take him away to the prison, until someone stopped him in his tracks.

"Excuse me, do you know where I can find Big Mom?" Alex asked.

Cracker jolted in surprise. He didn't even sense somebody sneaking up behind him.

"Who the hell are you?" Askec Cracker. Alex has yet to reveal his face to the public.

"Just a wanderer."

Cracker was smart, and he knew this man had nothing to do with Mad Monk, otherwise he would have done something already,

But, for him to be at this exact time is a weird coincidence. And he could not sense nor detect anything with the man in front of him, he felt weak, but he had this weird feeling inside to run as far as he could.

"You are trespassing on Big Mom's territory. I will free your head from your body and feet it to the sea monsters."

"Isn't that a little too dark. We just met. But, if you want to cut off my head then so be it." Alex closed his eyes and extended both his arms wide.

Cracker knew this was a trap, but Alex was wide open. He dashed at a great speed and cut off his head from the neck.

However, his sword broke upon hitting his neck.

"Man, you're too weak, Cracker of the 4… 3 sweet commanders." Alex used his Library of Heaven's path to see his identity, he did not expect him to be one of the big shots from Big Mom's crew.

Cracker looked at his broken swords. No matter how strong Alex was, there is no way he could use haki on his neck and make it out unscathed.

"Who the hell are you?" He said as he summoned various biscuit soldiers. That's cute, pretty useless, but cute.

"My name? It's Alexander Anderson."

"What?" Cracker choked in his spit, it can't be him! The whole world was talking about the mysterious man who is the captain of the one who killed Kaido.

"It's only fair that I repay you back for almost cutting my head off." Alex grabbed Cracker's head, dragged his head all over the ground leaving a huge trail behind.

Cracker could not even make Alex flinch at all. He tried stabbing him, punching him, but he didn't even flinch.

Finally, Alex raised Cracker's body up high. After reading his mind, there was no point in keeping him alive.

*Crack!* Alex applied enough force to crack his skull. Cracker died instantly.

Alex collected his soul and Mad Monk's as well, he never liked Mad Monk for some reason.

The reason Alex wanted to be sneaky was because of Big Mom. He didn't know about her devil fruit abilities, until now. Now that he had Cracker's memories, he knew most of Big Mom's powers now.

Alex was weary of soul based users. Fighting against the Mother of Chaos left him a deep scar.

"Big Mom's devil fruit ability is weird. To be able to take the soul of somebody and giving objects life. I would rather just sell the soul for SP or eat them."

{You know, there is a similar thing like that in the 'Library of Heaven's path' shop}

"There is? I'll look into it later. Searching for the One Piece is more crucial right now."


Alex had this idea of calling out Big Mom and killing all of her crewmates one by one in an epic fight, but he thought it would be a huge waste of time.

Instead, he had a better idea.

He summoned out his spear, and plunged it deep into the ground beneath him.

The entire ground underneath him slowly turned a bright yellow red, cracks appeared, and then the whole landscape around him was sinking. And it showed no sign of stopping.

"I am going to drown this entire island to the bottom of the ocean.' He said in a menacing tone.

-Big Mom.

"Pekoms, Capone, I want you to bring Sanju Vinsmoke here so he can marry my daughter. And make sure he makes it alive, or else." Big Mom said in a sharp and deadly tone.

"Yes, Big Mom." Pekoms and Capone said afraid of her. She was terrifying no matter how many times they see her.


A loud explosion was heard from outside, followed my more explosions, earthquakes, screaming, etc.

"The hell is going on there?" Before anyone could answer her, the front of her castle made out of cake broke down in pieces.

The whole ground suċkėd everything down. Capone, Pekoms, Big Mom and several other of her crewmates caught sight of what was down below.

Normally, there would be nothing but a deep, black, hole underneath the floor. But no. There was a bright and burning fire underneath them.

Some of the weaker men fell to the fire, but they burned to death even before they could touch the fire. Their bodies burned to ashes.

To some, it looks like all hell broke loose and was causing death and destroying everything in its path.

Big Mom and the other strong ones reacted quick enough to dodge that burning death hole.

Big Mom flew on her cloud called 'Zeus' it was a special homei she created by infusing her own soul in it.

She was not expecting an attack on her island. She stood there as the earth swallowed her home and burned it all to a crisp.

Her wonderful dream home, was destroyed in mere seconds.

"Big Mom, watch out!" Zeus cried out suddenly.

Big mom saw a huge sun headed towards her. She was somehow able to catch it with her bȧrė hands, which were cladded in haki.

The one who threw that sun was none other than Alexander Anderson.

The sun which Alex conjured up, was consumed by Big Mom's second homei, it was a sun homei called 'Prometheus.'

Prometheus was technically just a flame, but it was treated as a sun because it emitted light rays similar to the sun.

Big Mom was panting heavily. Her arms were damaged severely. The fact that she could withstand the might of the sun with just her hands was amazing.

Of course, Alex knew that he was bȧrėly holding back on purpose. He purposely made a weak attack to record Big Mom's weaknesses on his Library of Heaven's path.

"Big Mom. I have heard so much about you."

"Same to you, Alexander Anderson." Big Mom said.

Alex was shocked. How did she know his identity?

"You have been on the papers lately. And since I have never seen your face, and neither is there any pictures of you anywhere, I can only ȧssume that there was a chance that the mysterious man would be you, because no one has the power or the guts to go against a Yonko. And judging by your expression, it seems I was right."

Her deductions were spot on.

"Wow, you should be a detective." Alex said. She was by far the smartest person he met on this world.

Big Mom stared down to see her whole island being devoured by the flames.


"On it!" The fireball with a face was about to head down and consume the flames, but how could Alex let that happen.

"Not so fast." Alex cut off his path.

Prometheus thinks that because he is a flame, no one could hurt him. And if Alex were to attack him with another sun, he would just consume it.

However, Alex merely reached to Prometheus and took out his soul. His soul was the smallest one he has ever seen.

Prometheus dissipated shortly after.

Since Prometheus had a fragment of Big Mom's soul, it was only natural for Alex to take it's soul, and it would be gone.

"PROMETHEUS!" Big Mom charged at Alex with a sword in her hand which was also a special homei. Followed by a thunderstorm created by Zeus.

"Oh please, Big Mom. You're not even worth killing, but I will gladly take your soul and devil fruit."

Alex used his Extreme sonido and snatched her soul, and her devil fruit as well.

Big Mom plunged to the ground. Dead before she even fell.

Reading those books about devil fruits was really worth it. There was a special place on people's body where a certain part of the devil fruit is stored.

If one can snatch it, they can gain access to that devil fruit.

Blackbeard must of used this method on Whitebeard. Which made a lot of sense. His understanding on devil fruits was really frightening.

Seeing Big Mom's soul, he found out it was a mess. Several people's souls were somehow infused with her soul. It must be because of the lifespan and the souls she ate.

"System, how much for her soul?"

{Not much. It's a messed up soul that can damage one's soul if they consume it. If you can purify her soul it might be worth something}

Alex thought the exact same thing. He stuffed Big Mom's soul in his storage space. So far, he has Sakura's soul, Big Mom's soul, and the Mother of Chaos's soul. Three useless souls stuck in his storage, just rotting away.

Alex had already copied down the second road poneglyph in his Library. Two more and it will reveal him the location of the One Piece.

After seeing that the whole island was burned to a crisp, Alex was satisfied and left the area. Unknown to him, there was somebody who took his picture without Alex knowing.

Alex did not think someone would be bold enough to sit on a fire of lava, just to take his picture.

"I got it! I got the picture of Alexander Anderson!" The bold man, was none other than Charles. Yes, the very same Charles that also took the picture of the Lu sisters.

Charles was a bold person who took big risks to gain wealth and fame. But, it was his bad luck that got in the way.

Several of his past pictures would have been viewed as something big and important. But, there was always something getting in the way. Like, out of space for pictures, his camera getting smashed to pieces by tripping on a rock, a seagull snatching his pictures from his hands.

He wasn't a bad reporter, he just had terrible luck. Until today.

Charles was investigating the island where a Yonko resided. But didn't think that the whole island would burn down. And did not believe he would witness Big Mom getting killed by the mysterious man everyone has been looking for.

He took many pictures, and he was going to guard them with his life.

Charles rowed on his tiny boat to the nearest village where he can report this.

On another part of the ocean.

"I don't care who you are or what happened." Madara said to the kid in front of him.

After saving the kid's life, he immediately regretted it.

First he cried for so long and so loud. Second. he covered Madara's clothes in snot and tears. Third, the kid wanted to tell Madara what had happened to him and his sister.

Madara did not care. But the kid was quite persistent.

"Please, listen to me!" The kid said loudly.

"I said I. DO. NOT. CARE!" Madara yelled at the kid, which he began to cry again.

Then, Madara had a bright idea 'KILL' if he killed the kids, no one would know.

However, he was interrupted by a small voice.

"Brother, leave him alone." The little woke up and pulled her brother away from Madara.

"Okay." He complied easily.

"..." He just suffered 20 minutes with this kid, and that was all it took?

"Sorry for being a bother. We will leave you now. And thank you for saving our lives." The little girl acted like a noble princess. She bowed to Madara out of gratitude.

Her attitude and tone was not what Madara expected. To be that young and educated is very rarely seen.

The sister pulled her brother to her bloodied boat, and proceeded to row with her brother.

Seeing those two kids going away, Madara thought of one thing. "FREEDOM!"


His short celebration was paused when he heard several loud splashing sounds.

As it turns out, there was a huge boat with the symbol of the Celestials carved beside it. It's cannons were aiming directly for the young siblings.

One of the cannons hit the kid's boat. The boy tried to swim but had trouble getting on the ship. The sister also had trouble balancing her body on the boat.

With the numerous cannonballs heading at them, it was hard to think.

Madara just stood there. Wondering… 'I'm gonna miss those kids. HA! As if I would ever say that.'

The boy saw Madara, and knew that they had a chance of surviving.

"Mister! Please save us!" He cried out to Madara.

'It's fun to breath.' Madara thought as he ignored his pleas.


'Oh look, a seagull. How great.'

"MISTER! We're gonna die!"

'It's really fun to. AWE FOK IT!' Madara could not take it anymore and launched an attack at the giant ship.

"Fire style: Majestic flame jutsu!" A huge ball of fire engulfed the ship and everyone on it.

Madara then rowed his boat to the kid's. He pulled them both on his boat. The boy was about to thank Madara, but he said.

"Boy, I swear if I hear a single word out of your mouth, I will drag you to the bottom of the ocean, along with your sister!" He threatened a 10 year old kid.

The boy just kept his mouth shut.

Madara then turned to the little girl. "Okay, you have caught my attention. Tell me why the hell those guys were chasing you?"

The little girl was shivering, the ocean was very cold But looking at Madara, she decided to tell him.

"It's a long story."

"I have time to spare."

"Okay. It started when…"

Author kun used his most deadliest technique of all time: CLIFFHANGER NO JUTSU!

Nobody could resist the urge to smack the Author on the head whenever he used this annoying technique. It's a technique most author's used, and the fans can't do anything about it.

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