Killer Of MC's

Chapter 47 - The Crimson Fuckr

(No, it is not a typo. That is how the Crimson Fuckr is spelled)

Lu Linlin and Lu Lili were being hugged tigthly and showered with love from Hancock and her sisters. It was a nice feeling for them.

After getting rid of Hancock's and her sisters scars, they were happier than they had ever been. A part of their shameful past had been erased just like that.

Hancock usually acts cold to others, but when she gets familiar with somebody, she shows them her cute side.

During the time the twins got to know Hancock, they grew rather fond of her and accepted her as a friend. And also, that only made their hatred for the Celestial dragons grow.

They stayed in Hancock's place for many hours, and discussed various things.

Until, one of Hancock's crewmates barged in through the door with a message.

"Hancock-sama!" a random girl said.

"What?" Hancock asked. The twins were just listening by the side.

"The marines are out. They know that the twins are here and they want to ask questions?"

Lu Linlin and Lu Lili already sensed a ship outside of the island, and already guessed it was the marines. As for the reason why they came here, it should be very obvious.

"Tell them to go away." Hancock ordered. But the girl had something else to add.

"An admiral is the one who requested this. He also came here with 5 warships."

"They dare sent an admiral and an entire fleet to my island! Clearly they forgot who they are dealing with." Hancock couldn't just ignore them anymore. If it had been a rear admiral or a vice admiral, she could ignore them as she had done in the past.

But, an admiral bringing an entire fleet of warships can only mean one thing 'Do what we want and no one gets hurt.'

Hancock, her sisters and the twins followed her. Once outside, they saw indeed 5 warships all carrying over 100 men in their ships.

Hancock had ordered her people to get ready for a possible battle. So all of the Kuja pirates residing on the island had prepared for battle.

On the front of those ships, was an elderly, blind man carrying a sheathed sword. It was none other than admiral Fujitora. (My favourite admiral so far)

The 500+ men stared at Hancock and the twins. Never have they seen such beautiful women in their lives, and all together at once.

Lu Linlin and Lu Lili stood behind Hancock with their guard up. Even if these ships can't hurt them, it could damage the island that Hancock loves as well as the people.

"What the hell does the marine want now?" Hancock demanded in a harsh tone. She doesn't get too well with men, especially those from the marines.

"I just want to ask the twins a few questions." Fujitora turned to the direction of the Twins, and asked them in a nice tone "Do you know where Madara Uchiha is?"

"No." Linlin responded truthfully. Even if they are all linked with the power of the Commandments she doesn't care what Madara does.

"I see. Do you know who this Alexander Anderso-"

"Blep blep blep! Blep blep blep!" Fujitora's snail phone rang at a terrible moment. It was a call from the marine HQ.


"Admiral Fujitora. We have just received details of this Anderson fella. Turns out, he just killed Big Mom like an hour ago." A marine said in a tone like he couldn't believe it.

"Did he now…" Fujitora grumbled. 2 Yonko dead in a week. Now that is something that no one would have thought possible.

The twins, Hancock and the rest of the Kuja pirates heard them, all but the twins were shocked speechless.

"It looks like Saviour made a move." Lili said with a hint of pride in her tone. Whatever Saviour did was amazing in their eyes.

"He did." Linlin responded in a happy tone as well.

"And also, a reporter named 'Charles' was there when Anderson killed Big Mom, and he recorded everything, even his face."

"Thanks for telling me this."

"Yes, sir." The marine from the other side hung up.

Fujitora looked at the twins for a minute, then decided on his next action. "Everyone, let's go." He ordered.

All of the admirals looked at him and at each other in confusion. They were here for another purpose, but Fujitora was leaving before they did anything.

Fujitora's words were final, and everyone sailed the ships away from the island.

Linlin and Lili knew that they weren't here just to ask them questions, they were here for an entirely different reason.

"What a smart man." Lili said. If they had fought, the marines would have been massacred in cold blood.

After a while, a vice admiral came up to Fujitora.

"Admiral Fujitora, why did you leave? Weren't we ordered to capture the twins and use them to lure in Madara Uchiha?" He asked separately.

However, Fujitora thought otherwise.

"I know what my orders are, but I am not stupid." Fujtora sat down and ate a cup full of ramen.

"What do you mean?"

"I could sense the twins' powers. If we had fought, we wouldn't have stood a chance, not even me." He showed no hint of emotion at all, but he continued to happily eat his ramen.

Their orders were to capture the twins in the name of justice to bring down Madara Uchiha. But, that didn't work out.

Fujitora was not a fan of justice like Akainu, but killing a fleet admiral is something even he won't tolerate.

At first, he thought that he would subdue the twins and treat them fairly, not like animals. But, when he got a clear look at them, he got scared to face them in battle.

"But sir, they're just a bunch of weak woman. Aren't you overestimating them?" Obviously, this guy is a sėxist and thinks that all women are weak… (Hasn't he heard of Big Mom before?)

"It's that kind of thought why you will always be a vice admiral. Word of advice, never, ever, underestimate woman. They are just as deadly or deadlier than men."

Calling them a devil is a compliment. They act and look like two nice girls, but within them, they are not human.

"If we take account of their strength, plus Madara and this Anderson guy… we may just need every single power in the marines to have a slight chance of winning." He said to himself.

After watching them leave, the Kuja pirates went back to their usual routine.

"Hancock, thank you for having us here. You're a good friend." Lili bowed slightly to her as a sign of gratitude.

"You're leaving?" Hancock asked. They just got to know each other. Not to mention that they helped her cure the scars of their shameful past.

"Our Saviour is calling for us. He needs our help on something." LInlin added.

"It can't be helped then. You are welcome to stay here any time."

"Thank you. We will see you later, Hancock." The twins extended their wings and flew to a specific area.

Hancock and her sisters just stared as they flew. What she thought started out as a rivalry between them, only ended up being friends.

After flying away, Lili asked to her sister. "Saviour didn't call for us, right?"

"No. I had to use him as an excuse." Linlin kind of hated herself to use her Saviour's name to get out of a situation, but she had to lie.

"Where are we going then?"

"I am pretty sure we both know the answer." Linlin responded.

"I know. I just wanted to make sure." Lili smiled.

There was a moment of silence, before Lili said something. "Sis… the guy Hancock loves is…"

"I know. It's Luffy, the one who Saviour has to kill." Linlin said. They had forgotten that the one man Saviour needs to kill is the one Hancock is in love with.

They didn't even remember until much later. This complicated things between, but they are still willing to follow their Saviour and respect his decisions. They just met Boa Hancock but they had spent over 1000 years with their Saviour.

It might be the main reason they got rid of Hancock's scar, because they felt bad for what they are going to have to do to Monkey D. Luffy.

Feeling that it wasn't enough, they decided to take it onto themselves a mission to get rid of the garbage of this world.

"Let's do it, Sis. We will destroy the Celestial Dragons." Lili said. And just like that, they decided to destroy the one thing that had plagued this world for a long time.

They are not doing it for the people, they are doing it for Hancock. And also because it's a good way to collect souls and to get stronger.

-Back with Alex.

Alex tracked down the giant elephant all over the place. After much effort and time, he finally found it.

Then, a wonderful idea emerged from his brain.

"System, how much would a giant elephant's soul be worth?"

{The Zou elephant is over 1000 years old. It's size and it's age are worth something indeed}

{I estimate a value of 50,000,000 SP}

"... you're fuċkɨnġ kidding me, right?"

{What do you mean?}

"If I find the One Piece, I will get 10,000,000 SP. But, killing an ancient elephant will net me 50,000,000 SP?"

{What do you mean? Finding the One Piece will bring you much more SP than 50,000,000}

"Then why is it in the mission that I will get 10,000,000?"

{It clearly says 10,000,000 ohhhhh… I made a mistake. Hold on.}

{Find the One Piece: 100,000,000}

Alex smacked his head. He was about to get 10M SP instead of 100M SP. If he had known about this hude price since day one, he would have already found the One Piece.

{My mistake}

"Sure it was. After I find the damn Poneglyph I will kill this elephant."

Alex infiltrated Zou. He saw a bunch of furries crucified everywhere. They were all near death's door.

He remembered that Kaido's crewmates attacked this place, led by Jack. Jack and his crew must of left after they heard the news of Kaido's death.

It must of been recently because there was still Ceasar's poison lingering around the area.

Alex walked up to most of them and read their minds to know where the road Poneglyph was. He couldn't ask them, as they are very loyal to their friends and would lie for him.

After reading their minds, he made his way to the road Poneglyph and copied it down in his Library of Heaven's path,

Once he finished copying the third road Poneglyph, he made his way to the face of the elephant.

This was probably the second biggest, oldest, elephant he has ever seen, next to his mom. (AWE SHIT!)

He pointed his finger at the elephant and launched his most powerful cero "El Dios!"

The giant beam his head head, which resulted in a huge explosion. What shocked Alex was that it did not kill him, it only managed to stagger him a bit.

The elephant began to walk again as if nothing had happened.

"His skin is too thick. But, this should kill it."

Alex activated the power of The One V2 and combined it with his new hollow transformation.

((Alexander Anderson 1.05B PL))

Alexander's power has exceeded a 1B mark. Combined with his 51,800,000 PL and The One V2 it would equal 351,800,000.

If he multiply it with his new hollow transformation, which grant multiply his power by 3, it would equal 1055400000

The giant elephant sensed the enormous power in Alex, and he halted in his tracks.

Alex pointed his finger at the elephant once more, and shot out the same beam "El Dios" at it. Only this time, it managed to erase the elephant out of existence along with the Mink tribe and that Raizou guy.

His cero was so strong that there was even the entire ocean was divided in two. Alex did not expect such a result to happen.

He collected the Elephant's soul along with most of the Mink's tribe souls.

"System, sell the elephant's soul."

{You have received 50,000,000 SP}

Sometimes, Alex feels a bit cheated. Not one of the main characters he has met had a soul worth over 1M

Naruto's was worth 900,000 SP Meliodas 1M Hao Ren was less than that.

And yet, the Supreme Deity was worth 200,000,000 SP and she wasn't a main character.

{I know what you're thinking, and you're right to feel cheated. The souls of the main characters are indeed very cheap}


{There are so many main characters out there, and if all of them were worth over 100,000,000 SP it wouldn't be much of a challenge for you if you unlock all the items in the system shops}

{That is why most MC's are worth less than 1M Monkey D. Luffy's soul is worth 700,000 SP whereas someone like whitebeard would have been worth a lot more than that}

Alex thought it made sense. As he keeps growing stronger, most MC's out there would be rather easy to deal with.

(If it were that easy and simple, then this would be a very short and boring fanfic.)

"Okay then. I will now buy the ability to bend all the elements from the Avatar shop."

{You have bought {Water bending} {Earth bending} {Air bending} }

{You have purchased these abilities for 900,000 SP}

{You have met the requirements to buy the {Avatar state} }

"I will buy that as well. But, can you tell me what can it do exactly?"

{The Avatar state is a defense mechanism designed to empower you with the skills and knowledge of your past lives. But, since all your past lives you were just an ordinary person, it is useless}

{You will however gain significant power depending on the power of your soul. It can also strengthen your soul in various ways}

{Your soul power is weak compared to your physical body. If you manage to strengthen your soul it could be used as a great trump card}

Alex thought about it. His soul is his one weakness. Buying the Avatar state would help him a lot.

(I know that in the series if Aang were to die while in the avatar state, the avatar cycle would be broken. I think this is another way of saying that his soul will be destroyed if he died in that state)

"I'll take it."

{You have bought the Avatar state for 5M SP}

Alex was about to activate his newAvatar state, until a damn bird ran into him.

"Damn bird! Watch where you're going." Alex got angry at this bird, that's the third time it's interrupted him. It was one of those birds that delivered newspapers.

The bird regained its balanced and flew away, but not before one of the newspapers it was carrying slipped from his claws.

Alex grabbed the newspaper and read it. One the front page, was a picture of him fighting Big Mom. There were various other pictures of him.

There was even a bounty on his head because he took down Big Mom. But it wasn't as high as Madara's.

Now everyone knew his face.

"Ah well." Alex could care less about that. But, then he saw something in the newspaper that he forgot.

{Doflamingo is hosting a fighting tournament at high noon for anyone who wants to win the Mera Mera no mi}

"I have been so busy looking for those road poneglyphs that I almost forgot the tournament." Alex dropped the newspaper and flew to Dressrosa in a flash.

Finding the One Piece if important to him, but having that fire fruit is just as important as it can further strengthen his sun powers.

-Back with Madara.

After hearing what those kids had to say, he was somewhat surprised. The little girl's name is Celia Lane and the other is Robert Lane.

These two kids are from a Celestial Dragon family, and one of the most influential ones.

However, their parents were not the bastard celestials that most people think they are.

The parents of the siblings are actually good guys. They have been freeing slaves that have been captured by the Celestials and also killing those bastards Celestials.

In fact, they are the ones who helped rescue Hancock all those years ago.

They give information to the ones who free the prisoners. Since they are very influential among the Celestials, no one suspected them of going against the Celestials. And they hold very vital information.

But, one day, they were caught all because of bad luck. After they were caught, they were executed on the spot.

The siblings were able to escape from the Celestials before they were either enslaved or killed. The older brother had protected her sister for 2 days after being pursued.

After that, is when they found Madara.

Madara did not expect such a story from two young kids.

"Sir, please take us to an island far from this place. We must give this information to the revolutionary army as quickly as possible." The boy showed Madara a paper containing very vital information.

Before their parents died, they entrusted them important information. That is why they sacrificed themselves, to protect their kids so they can have enough time to escape.

"Let me see that." Madara asked for the paper in the kid's hands. Robert hesitated before handing the sheet of paper to Madara.

He read it, and found very interesting stuff. Then, there was one piece of information that caught his eye. 'The location of the One Piece'

"Didn't he say that this One Piece is important to him?" Madara remembered that Alex mentioned something about a One Piece.

He continued to read the paper, and saw that the last road poneglyph was in the hands of the Celestials.

Madara did not know that a road poneglyph was in Wano country. Even if he did, he would have still drowned that island to the ground.

"Tell me, do you want these Celestial Dragons to die?" Asked Madara.

The two siblings looked at each other, before nodding slowly. Right now, they wanted to avenge their parents, and thought that the best way possible was to contact the Revolutionary army.

"Very well. Lead me to them and I will grant your wish."

"But, Mister Madara, these Celestial Dragons are strong and merciless. If we go back there we will die!" Celia said still fearful of the Celestials.

"I am only doing this because I want to. Either you show me where they are or I will go there myself and leave you two behind."

Robert and Celia clenched their fists. But, remembering the power Madara displayed to them earlier, maybe he might be able to damage the Celestial Dragons.

Robert and Celia grabbed ahold of the oars and proceeded to take him to the Celestial Dragons.

"Hm." Madara sat down and began trying to control and unlock the power of the ten tails.

Unknown to him, a pair of powerful twins were headed this way as well.


The entire place was full of strange people and living toys. The strawhat crew had already arrived in Dressrosa long ago.

Zoro was running to chase the thief who stole his sword. Sanji was busy pleasing a girl. Kinomom was doing his stuff.

As for Luffy and Franky, they were just outside the coliseum, they were talking to a one-legged toy with a soldier outfit.

"This is the last entry for the coliseum." A young woman said loudly in case there were still people who wanted to join.

"Oh, here, here. I want to enter! Enter! Enter! Enter! Enter!" A certain Luffy said. He was disguised as an old man

"No you don't! You're too old!" The toy said.

"I want to enter as well." That voice sounded young, almost like a teen.

Looking at him, he was carrying a pillow like a teddy bear. He looked no older than 17, had white hair and looked rather handsome.

"Hey! You're just a kid! You will die if you enter!"

"There is no rule that states that no one under a certain age can enter." The kid responded.

"But still, I will not allow you to enter." The toy soldier jumped at the kid to restrain him, but Luffy stopped him.

"Oh come on. If he wants to enter then let him be."

"He is just a kid." Franky added.

"Let me go!"

"Thanks, random person I have never met before in my life." The kid said. He then proceeded to check himself in the tournament.

The woman in charge looked at him, unsure if she should let him enter at all.

"What's your name, kid?"

"My name? Uh… my name is the 'Crimson Fuckr'"

The kid, was none other than Alex in disguise. He could change his appearance to that of a teen or an ȧduŀt, similar to how King can in Nanatsu no Taizai.

It's an ability he just bought from the system. He doesn't want to attract attention, yet.

"That's not a real name!" Luffy said.

"Oh really? What's your name?" Asked Alex.

"Luf *SMACK*" He was smacked in the head by Franky for almost revealing his identity.

"I mean, it's Lucy."

"Nice to meet you, Lucy. I am the Crimson Fuckr. And if you are wondering about my name, it's because my parents were crack addicts."

Alex had deactivated his Commandment of Truth so Luffy wouldn't turn to stone. Yes, he is able to do that at his will. He knew Luffy would come here in a disguise and would lie, that is why he deactivated his Commandment.

And also because he doesn't want to kill Luffy this way. He is one of his favorite characters of all time and deserves a proper death.

"Oh… I have no idea what that means."

"..." Alex.

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