Killer Of MC's

Chapter 67 - Chu Feng's mother

After Alex took over the Chu Heavenly clan, he first cleaned up the blood and bodies that laid there in his new base.

Of course, Linlin and Lili both helped a lot with the cleaning. Eggy refined their profound energy first and got rid of the bodies with her gaseous black flames.

Alex was inspecting the interior of the base. There were a lot of martial books and world spiritist books as well, among other relatively useful books as well. He didn't leave none behind and recorded them all in his library.

"Can I please grow a forest here? Or even a garden?" The little princess Mansherry asked Alex.

Ever since Alex kidnapped her from the One Piece world, Mansherry hasn't done a lot. She never killed, never stole, and never contributed much to the group. But the twins took very good care of her this past year.

"Okay." Alex said. Mansherry mostly doesn't do a lot of stuff until she gets permission. It's not something Alex told her to do, but it was something that she wanted to do, because she was scared that she might somehow offend Alex.

"Thanks." Mansherry ran out as quickly as her little legs could bring her. She was still afraid of Alex.

{Was there any need to bring her with you?}

"Bluescreen, I have been asking myself the same question this past year." Other than healing and growing trees and flowers, Mansherry doesn't have much use.

{Are you going to make her a Commandment?}

"Never in a million years."

{Then why did you bring her with you?}

{Oh, and just to remind you, you have passed the second test. You may leave whenever you want to}

"Great." Alex responded. But he was not going to leave this world any time. It was too good of a chance to let go when he could harvest souls at an extremely fast rate.

"~Clean clean clean clean clean clean clean clean clean~" That voice came from the Lu sisters. It was a small made up song that they sang whenever they cleaned something.

They always looked cheerful and happy. That was one of the many things Alex didn't want them to change.

Days have passed since then. And while people kept going on with their lives, there were two people who were shedding an uncontrollable amount of tears.

"Chu Feng… my poor Chu Feng." It was a young lady. She was hugging a corpse on her bosom as her tears kept flowing out of her eyes like a river.

Beside her was a strong man. But he was keeping his emotions in check, but he still felt bad. It should be of no surprise that these two are Chu Feng's parents.

"I… I did not know that Chu Feng would die this quickly. Had I known, I would have been there for him." Chu Xuanyuan said.

"*Sob* My poor little baby is dead *Sob*" Chu Feng's mother didn't listen to his words at all.

There was not one single cultivator left in the entire Eastern Sea Region. He has only been away for a year, and yet a catastrophe had appeared.

Chu Xuanyuan sensed that the one who caused the deaths of all these people had just recently left. He could tell that this was the work of various people, around 6-8.

As they killed more and more, they became stronger.

"Please… help me bury our son…" Chu Feng's mother carried her own dead child. She could do it, but even she found the lack of strength to do something like burying her child.

"Hm…" Chu Xuanyuan made a deep whole with his power. He made it deep enough so no one would find him and would refine his energy.

"Let me." Chu Xuanyuan extended his hands to take Chu Feng's body from her, but Chu Feng's mom backed away.

"Just… let me have a couple of moments with him… please. *Sob*" She said.

"Take all the time you need." She answered.

Chu Feng's mom wasn't even supposed to be out of her clan's base. But she escaped when Chu Xuanyuan told her about Chu Feng.

Chu Xuanyuan took ten months to deliver that message to her. He had no choice, as the people from her clan were too powerful even for him.

Not to mention that she lived very far away. He had to act sneaky and safe.

When they arrived, they saw Chu Feng's body, already decomposing.

At that moment, is when Chu Feng's mom broke down in tears. She thought she could revive her son, but his soul had been taken by force.

She tried to bring back his soul, but to no avail.

Satan was not going to make the same mistake twice like the time with Meliodas.

Seeing as there was no way for her to bring her son back, she cried and hugged his body.

"Hon… the one who killed him is very powerful. He was an Exalted expert when he first arrived here. But when he left, he had the power of a Martial Exalted. His progress is too fast even for me."

"I know… he deserves to die for what he has done to my baby!" Rage filled her aura. She deeply cared about her son.

"I believe I am already enough." She let out her cultivation, and it was the power of a Half God.

"What?! Why didn't you tell me you had this sort of power?" He was shocked. He remembered back then that his wife didn't have a higher cultivation than him.

(This was never proven in the series, so don't bother looking it up.)

'You stay here… my people from my clan are looking for me and will not rest. After I am done avenging my son, I will go back to my clan."

She kissed Chu Feng on his forehead and gently placed his body on the hole. More tears kept flowing out uncontrollably.

"Hon, let me help you." Chu Xuanyuan said.

"NO! I asked you to take care of our son, and yet he died before he could even start his life! You just dumped him in this world and left him to his own devices! I thought you would be a great father, but it seems I was wrong about you." She started to get angry at Chu Xuanyuan. She blamed him for what had happened to Chu Feng."

"I thought that if he were to know the meaning of suffering, it would temper his mind and he would become stronger and have a better future."

"AND HOW DID THAT WORK OUT?!?! What kind of bullshit reason is that? Was it too much to ask for him to learn under you? Was it too much to ask to be there when he needed you most?"

"And do not dare to say that this is your clan's fault. Was your clan that more important than the life of your only son?" She said loudly and angrily.

"Xuanyuan! Xuanyuan!" An old ape came up to them, he was sweating a lot and he took deep breathes as if he had escaped hell.

"Old friend, what happened to you?" Chu Xuanyuan asked.

"The Chu Heavenly clan… has been taken over." He answered.


Meanwhile Alex was just chilling. After he finished what had to be done, he played with his newly acquired infinity stone.

"Someday, I will get all six stones and no one will be able to stop me." Alex could not wait for that moment to happen.

{I also forgot to mention one important thing, the price of the infinity stones will increase after each buy}

"What do you mean?"

"Fuck! I thought six billion SP was expensive. Now you want me to spend… 2,4.8 SIXTY THREE BILLION FOR THE COMPLETE SET?!?!"

{Did you think it was going to be that easy? These are the infinity stones we are talking about, not some crappy stuffed doll that you can buy anywhere}

"Ah… good point. And yes, I thought it was going to be easy. Great, now I have to earn 2B SP for another stone."

This changed Alex's original plan. With how much SP he earned from killing two Heavenly clans, he thought it would be easy and quick to earn those other infinity stones, but it seems he is going to have to wait a little longer.

"Show me the list of infinity stones one more time."

{Time Stone 2B}

{Power Stone 2B}

{Space Stone 2B}

{Reality Stone 2B}

{Mind Stone 2B}

Alex now had to really think which infinity stone to buy next. He was either thinking the reality stone or the power stone.

(Remember, I am just choosing the stones according to the majority of the people voted on the poll)


A loud explosion occurred on the base and it flung Alex off as well as the others. It was an unexpected attack from an enemy.

The entire Chu Heavenly Clan was demolished to pieces. Alex made sure to not destroy the buildings because he liked now. And now it was all gone.

"Okay! Who has the balls?!" Alex grew in a fit of rage. Not only was his base gone but someone had the nerve to attack his friends.

He flew up, but was met with another surprise attack.

"This is for my son!" A woman unleashed her attack and it was headed straight for Alex. That was the might of a Half God.

The attack landed on Alex directly. There were severe wounds on his body, even his arm was cut off. Alex covered his body in haki at the last second, or else his body would have gone into pieces.

But seconds later, his body was back to normal. Hooray for immortality.

The woman was shocked to see Alex heal instantly.

"Linlin! Lili! Eggy!" Alex shouted.

"We're fine!" The three girls came out of the rubble and were fine.

Seeing that they were okay, Alex sighed in relief.

"Now, who the hell are you?" Alex asked the lady.

"My name is of no importance. What you must know is that I am here to avenge my son!" Rage, anger, sadness could be heard from her voice.

"Oh please, I have killed many people's sons, thank you very much. What makes you so special?" Alex was also seemingly pissed.

"The one who you killed was named Chu Feng. Sound familiar?"

"Chu Feng? Hm… sounds familiar." Alex started to search in his mind, but he had long forgotten about Chu Feng's name.

"He is the one who I was inside." Eggy said.

"Oh, right…"

"YOU?!" Chu Feng's mom recognized Eggy.

"So you're the one who kidnapped me from my home and sealed me inside of your son!" Eggy said. She too was pissed at her.

Imagine being kidnapped and being sealed inside a stranger for the rest of your life. Who wouldn't be pissed?

"I sealed you inside my son because I saw the potential you had. If you had grown together with Chu Fneg, perhaps you two would have made a name for ourselves and become known throughout the Starfields within 10 years." She said.

"Humph! I don't need someone's help to become stronger. I alone am enough." Eggy said pridefully.

"Is that so?" Alex added. It seemed like Eggy didn't need his help to become strong.

"Don't you dare take away my power from me! I am going to get the soul of an Exalted cultivator for you within ten days." She seemed to understand him.

"Well… there is a Half God right in front of you. Go ahead, and kill her." Alex said.

"All of you shut up! I will avenge my son. All of you will die right here right now AH!-" Chu Feng's mom somehow lost her strength and fell from the sky.

"What's wrong? Did you drop a coin?" Lu Linlin came up to her and stepped on her back.

"It seems your Commandment of love has taken effect, Sis." Lili added.

Linlin held the Commandment of Love with her. Anyone who shows rage in front of the user's presence shall lose all strength.

"Sometimes I forget how OP our Commandments are." Alex said. Not even Chu Feng's mom could escape from the punishment of the Commandment.

"What did you do to me, you bitch?!" Chu Feng's mom said angrily. She tried to get up but her strength left her body. And with Linlin standing on top of her as if she were a rug, made her more angry.

"Woah! You kiss your son and husband with that mouth? Let me give you a hand with that." Linlin cladded her foot in haki and kicked Chu Feng's mom in her teeth.

It surprisingly didn't do a lot of damage. She was still someone who had a power level of 500M where as Linlin only had a little over 100M

"Linlin, can you please let me handle this? I still need to pay her back for sealing me inside her son." Eggy came up behind her.

"Very well. But make sure she suffers a miserable death." Linlin went back to her Saviour to check if he was okay, Lili already did that.

Eggy got down and looked at Chu Feng's mom directly at her eyes.

"Before I kill you, I must know something. What was the other reason that you sealed me in your son?"

"I already told you, because you had potential."

"Bullshit! There were clearly more powerful Asura spirits with more potential than I. So why me?"

"I will tell you why. Because you were weak and pitiful when I first saw you. You reminded of me when I was younger and weak. But I saw in your eyes your will to live. Despite going against me, you showed no fear in your eyes, you only wanted to live. That is why I sealed you inside my son, because you were perfect."

"Hm… then why did you seal that other Asura spirit inside him?" Eggy was referring to the second Asura spirit inside Chu Feng.

"Because two was better than one. I just wanted my son to be protected all the time." She said.

"Eggy, you do know she is just buying time." Alex came up behind Eggy.

"Buying time? For what?"

"I read her mind. Currently her husband, as well as her clan are currently looking for her. It should be a matter of time before they find us." Alex said.

Alex was shocked to read her memories. There were even more powerful people that exceeded a power level of 1B.

(I just think that Bee will somehow pull out another list of cultivation realms that exceed a Martial God Immortal just so he can continue to stretch out the story}

Alex did not want to be here when they arrived. The sun was about to go down, so he couldn't rely on his Sunshine V3.

"You bitch! You lied to me!"

"I didn't lie, I meant every word I said." Chu Feng's mother responded. The anger in her eyes was still visible, but she couldn't wait until her clansmen arrive to get her.

"We should leave, like now." Alex activated his Final Hollow form and his power rose to 1B.

Before anybody could any anything, Alex stabbed her ċhėst, killing her instantly and collected her soul.

He also activated his Sunshine ability and his power rose to three trillion. A power unseen in this world or most worlds.

He grabbed Eggy by his arms, and carried the Lu sisters, as well as Mansherry in his dark energy and ran away before anybody could see them.

Minutes later several powerhouses arrived, it was a group of over a dozen individuals. The strongest among them had a power level of 5B.

"She… she is dead!" One of them shouted.

The reason Alex did not fight them, despite having more powerful than them, is because the sun was about to set. After that he will be too weak to fight those people.

Alex has a power level of 100M multiplied by 10x it will be a billion. Although he has the soul stone in his arsenal, it was best not to risk it since not only were those individuals were super powerful, but they also possess world spiritist techniques that would give Alex some trouble.

Not to mention that they could also have some powerful treasures at hand.

After running for a few minutes, he had already crossed several other Upper worlds and was sure that no one could follow them.

Finally the sun went down, and so did his power.

"That was close." Alex sighed. He made sure that everyone was okay and that his soul stone was still with him.

"Hey, hey, hey! What the hell was that?" Eggy asked seemingly angry at him.

"Why are you angry?" Asked Alex somewhat confused.

"You could have taken care of those guys with your power. So why did you flee?"

"Because of the sun, when it goes down my power does as well."

"But still, you had enough abilities to take care of them." Eggy said.

"Eggy, it's better to be careful and not take unnecessary risks. Chu Feng's mom was very powerful, but her clansmen were even more powerful. Until we can be certain we can defeat such foes, we will not fight them. Until then, let's just continue to grow stronger and wait."

Most people in the MGA world would find it humiliating to flee from a battle, but not Alex. He has run many times from a fight before, like the time with the Mother of Chaos, or the dragons from Dragon King's son-in-law, and so on.

But, he patiently waited to get his revenge and grow stronger than his enemies. It might be the reason why he hasn't died.

"No! You were clearly stronger than them! Running away is so humiliating, don't you know th-"

"Eggy, shut up." Alex turned to face her and was getting annoyed by her.

Eggy didn't say anything. She could see in his eyes that he was getting annoyed at her.

"Eggy, having honour and pride isn't a bad thing, but it isn't everything. Being smart is what counts. I could have taken care of those guys, but that would also leave the rest of you defenseless and that would be game over for us. They had higher power levels than us and probably had other aces up their sleeves."

"I ran away, not because I was scared of losing a fight, but because I was scared of losing the people that I care about most, including you, Eggy and Mansherry."

Eggy somehow pouted. Does that mean that she isn't someone important in his life?

But that only made the sisters smile.

"Let's go. There are a lot of people in the Upper Realms that are powerful, but we have to lay low. Chu Feng's mother's clan are probably looking for us as we speak."

After that, no one spoke a word.

Eggy was thinking about what Alex said. Maybe because everything was easy until now, she thought that she could settle everything with her new powers and her asura techniques, but she still has yet to realize how small and insignificant she is.

Alex ate Chu Feng's mom's soul and gained a new power level of 600M Now he can raise his power level to a maximum to 6B but it still wasn't enough for him.

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