Killer Of MC's

Chapter 68 - Starfield

After running away from a powerful clan, Alex and the others kept on going and never stopped. They had seen many wonderful places, and also dangerous places.

There had been obstacles in their way, but they always took care of it.

In a short span of 4 days, Alex had killed many cultivators as well as beasts and took their souls, he was very close to obtaining his second infinity stone.

They were currently flying to a specific location.

{SP 1.97B}

He just needed 30M and he could get the reality stone. After that it will be harder to obtain the third infinity stone up till the sixth.

((Lu Linlin 900M))

((Lu Lili 898M))

((Alexander Anderson 1.5B))

Alex also made sure that the twins got a power up as well as himself. Chu Feng's mom had a power of a half god and was hard to deal with. But if they were to face her now, even Linlin and Lili wouldn't have trouble fighting against her.

It's surprising just how many people there are with high cultivation levels in such a weak world. As long as they keep farming for souls, they should have no problem reaching a cultivation level higher than Martial God Immortal.

As for Eggy, she is doing okay. Now that she is a temporary Commandment, her power level grew as well.

((Eggy 570M))

The only problem was that there were no Exalted experts in the upper realm. There are some, but are very rare to run into. Like trying to catch a legendary pokemon.

(Where the hell did that pokemon reference come from?)

"Stinky Anderson, you're doing this on purpose!" Eggy said with a pout. After spending some time with Alex, she has began to add in 'stinky' to his name.

"What do you mean?" Asked Alex.

"We are just flying around aimlessly when you know that we can take on that bitchs' clan. Aren't we powerful enough?" She was referring to Chu Feng's mother's clan.

"Eggy, we literally have all the time in the world to deal with that clan. It's not like we are in a rush or something." Alex responded.

Eggy had nothing to say to him. There was no real reason to take unneeded risks to destroy a powerful clan. It's not like somebody was kidnapped and needed help or some other cliche scenario.

"Saviour, are we there yet?" Lili asked.

"We are here." Alex halted in his tracks.

"But… but there is nothing here." Eggy pointed out.

"Oh wow, Eggy. I had not realized how great your observation skills were." Alex said in a sarcastic tone.

"Umm… thanks? I guess." Eggy did not realize that he was being sarcastic.

"Observe." Alex extended his hand to the open air. Once it reached a certain distance, part of his hand disappeared.

"This looks like nothing, but this is all a powerful illusion to keep weaklings away from this place. Only those with a cultivation of Heavenly immortal or above can enter this place without dying, and also those who have divine bodies."

"Saviour, you never told us what this place is." Linlin asked somewhat confused.

"After raiding several sects, I found in their libraries 'rumours' of a certain location that killed people. I thought it was like a slaughter formation or something, but after looking at its flaws, I knew that it was a powerful teleporting formation." Alex added.

"But teleporting formations don't kill people." Eggy added.

"And where does it lead?"

"I don't know. There were still too many flaws in those books and I couldn't find enough to know everything there is about this formation. But I believe that it will either lead us to a Starfield, or another part of the upper realms, or maybe some treasury vault." Alex said in full confidence.

He merely found this due to luck and finding out the flaws. Either way, it was bound that there would be something amazing on the other side of the formation.

"Saviour, what if it's a trap?" Linlin asked a bit worried. Someone who can cast a powerful formation that even they couldn't see, must be very powerful.

"I just read the formations flaws. We have nothing to worry about."

"And why would an expert like that would place a formation like this in the middle of nowhere? That doesn't make sense."

"Only one way to find out. Okay, everyone. Hold hands. We might possibly get separated if we enter this formation." Alex extended his hands to them.

Linlin and Lili quickly took his hand. Eggy had no choice but to take Linlin's hand.

They entered through the formation leaving the upper realm.

Madara, Mihawk and Steven left that weird restaurant already and never saw them again.

They also copied Alex and raided several powerful sects with success.

((Madara Uchiha 1.2B))

((Dracule Mihawk 1.18B))

((Steven 1.3B))

Those three naturally have a higher power level because there were only three of them, and they did not have a system to spend all their souls for SP.

If Alex did not spend so many souls then maybe they would have had a higher power level then Madara and the others.

But it makes sense, Alex aims to get the infinity stones. So there is no need for argument there.

Other than killing and eating souls, Madara and Mihawk enjoyed drinking wine, eating and sleeping. Steven is just being himself.

They were minding their own business, until they realized that the air got colder and their breaths let out steam.

"Why did it get so cold?" Mihawk thought.

Then in a matter of seconds, the carriage itself froze in its tracks as well as the man riding it. They were now completely frozen solid.

The three leaped back before the ice could touch them.

"An ice attack?" Madara said. He almost mistook it for a Kekkei Genkai, because there were also records of ice users in his world.

"It came from over there." Mihawk drew his sword out and ran to the direction of the attacker,

The closer they got the more colder it got. Mihawk cladded himself in haki and it did manage to fend off the cold a little.

Madara did not even bother. He used a ninjitsu to keep himself warm.

Steven did nothing as the cold seemed to not affect him at all.

Upon arriving, they saw a girl dancing in the middle of the freezing cold. She wore a loose, blue robe, with part of her lower face covered in a blue veil.

There were unique runes and designs on her robe they looked amazing.

She danced gracefully with a pair of ice swords in her hands, it was as if she was fighting while dancing at the same time.

Madara and Mihawk were more surprised by her power level.

((??? 1.5B))

(The ? is her name)

Alex gave Mihawk, Madara and Steven Balor's magical eye, so that they could see people's power level.

Someone with a power level of 1B is already a Martial God Immortal, by far the highest cultivation level that is known in the entire MGA world.

And now there was someone with a power level higher than that. It's not surprising one bit since even Alex could have a power level of over 3 trillion.

Then she stopped when she sensed a presence.

"Who goes there?" She said on guard.

She has keen senses thanks to her power level.

But before giving the others a chance to explain, she launched a destructive ice attack.

Madara and Mihawk dodged her attack.

Since she bothered to attack them, they were not going to go easy on her.

"Fire style: Fire ball jutsu!" This should be obvious what it does by the name alone.

"What?" She didn't expect Madara to use a fire ability, which is pretty rare or even non-existent in the upper realm or below.

She used her ice to block the fire attack, but the ice could bȧrėly hold Madara's fireball and it shattered to pieces.

There were obvious burn marks on her body and part of her clothing was burned off, but that didn't matter to her right now.

"What is someone from 'that' doing here?" She asked herself while looking at Madara.

Without giving her much to think, Mihawk came up beside her with full intent to slice her body in half.

The young girl drew her swords and blocked Mihawk's Yoru.

"What the hell do the both of you want?" She asked a bit pissed and angry at them.

"You attacked us, we are just repaying you back." Mihawk then let out the full might of his Conqueror's haki and the young girl somehow resisted it, but it did manage to make her take a few steps back.

She was actually pushing back Mihawk only because of her higher power level, but with Mihawk's haki she found herself unable to keep pushing him back further.

The young girl jumped back to gain some distance from the two attackers.

"I have no other choice then." She reached out for her cosmos sack and took out a white pearl.

*Crush* She crushed the pearl with her own hand.

Then suddenly, the air around them stopped. And it was getting colder even colder than before.

If it was cold that it was tolerable, then this time it was much, much worse.

Madara and Mihawk found themselves planted firmly on the ground, as the ice beneath them trapped them both.

Then within 1000 yard radius of the girl, the whole place became a literal ice age. Even Madara and Mihawk were frozen solid like statues.

But, it seemed that the harsh cold even affected the girl. Her breathing became harder, and she was shivering uncontrollably. Her nose and cheeks turned red.

"No one but my family can survive in this cold. Though it is a bit too much for me, I can still bear with it. This is a life saving treasure that my grandpa bestowed upon me incase of emergencies." She mocked the frozen statues of the two people that she killed.

"And now I am talking to myself… great."


She felt a warm breath on the back of her neck.

She turned to see Steven looking down at her. He was a huge Pegasus to began with. And even the cold seemed to not affect him at all.

"What? How can this be?" She exclaimed in shock. No one but her family can survive in such a cold environment. And Steven seemed unaffected by it.


There was a cracking noise behind her. It was Mihawk and Madara that broke out of their ice statues.

"That ice is annoying. But still, nothing I can handle." Madara folded his arms and looked down on the young girl.

"Compared to that admiral Aokiji, I would say that you are on par on him." Said Mihawk.

"That's impossible! How can you all be alive in this cold?"

Mihawk and Madara did not bother to answer her. Apart from their immortality, they could adapt to anything, otherwise their fame would pretty much have been a lie.

But Steven felt that this was a waste of time, so he kicked her in the back of her head knocking her out instantly.

Steven used so much force that her slid through the frozen ground, like a hockey puck, and she hit a frozen tree hard.

"Hm." Madara merely chuckled. He approached her to take out her soul, but Mihawk stopped him.

"What? Are you going to fight me for her soul?" Madara asked.

"No. She said something about a 'family' do you think there are powerful sects with her ability?" Mihawk said.

"I'd hardly doubt it. Divine bodies and bloodlines only mean that the person born with those have better reflexes, are stronger, faster, but consume an enormous amount of resources." Madara had read several books about those bloodlines, and they are nothing compared to his world.

"It's a vast world, anything is possible." Mihawk thought about that as well, but after fighting her, he seemed to be interested.

"I'll ask her, but in return, I will eat her soul." Madara said.

"No problem."

"Neigh?!" Steven came up to Madara to confront him. He was the one who knocked her out so he should get her soul.

"Steven." Madara seemed to understand what Steven wanted. "Remember last time when I killed that entire sect myself, and you ate half of their souls? And I also remember that you owe me for that time. And this is the time to repay me."

Steven thought about it. He trotted away and didn't bother to pursue it any further. They might want power, but they didn't bother to fight for souls because that will be the end of their downfall. They knew better than that.

Madara rested his hand on the girl's head and took out her soul, but it was a different method this time, he was using his own rinnegan ability to force her soul out, this is called 'the human path.'

It's the same technique that Pain used in the Naruto world.

Madara could also use Pain's rinnegan abilities. The human path is when a rinnegan user could extract a person's soul and can also tell him all of their secrets. But it will kill the host in return.

Madara doesn't like to use this ability as often, as it is slower compared to the original method of extracting souls. And besides, he could always keep people under a genjutsu and make them tell him all their secrets, but that too takes a long time for him.

"Oh. Interesting." Madara said.

"What did you find out?"

"There are actually three powerful sects in a single Starfield, and all three of them are actually enemies. These three sects are each very powerful even for us. The sect that this girl belonged to was called Glacies. The only sect where her entire clan is able to use ice abilities."

"Sounds like we found a good place to raid. What about the other two sects?"

"The other sect is called 'fulgur' it's a clan where they control only lighting abilities. As for the other one… it's called 'Ignis' the only clan that can use fire abilities."

"A clan with lightning abilities and fire abilities. Do you know how to infiltrate any of those clans?" Mihawk asked.

"I do. Follow me."

Madara knew everything about the little girl as well as her family.

The young girl's name was Vy Glacies. The youngest granddaughter of the master of the Glacies sect.

Madara knew that the girl was just honing her skills before they fought her. Back in her home, she would find herself very busy and unable to have the time or freedom to practice.

So she sneaked out by using a teleporting formation.

But who would have thought that she would be unlucky enough to encounter three members of the Ten Commandments.

If she had merely tried to talk to them instead of attacking them, then maybe, she wouldn't have had to die.

Madara found the teleporting formation. It was so well hidden, that maybe only those who either had eyes like his or were very lucky to encounter it would be able to find it.


Alex and the others had entered the teleporting formation. They were currently standing in the middle of a road.

It was an entire new world compared to the other realms Alex and the others had been.

The temperature seemed to be hot, even hotter than the scorching sun when someone is walking in a dessert.

Despite that, there were plants that grew, animals that seemed unaffected by the temperature.

"It seems this Starfield doesn't apply to the basic laws of science." Alex said. Though it's not surprising considering the many other worlds that exist that don't make sense, like One Piece, Dragon Ball, Naruto, and so on.

"If I remember correctly, each Starfield is different. Some can increase your cultivation by leaps and bounds without doing the slightest bit of work. And there are others that are dangerous that can you kill on the spot, even immortals aren't an exception." Eggy added.

"Oh wow, Eggy. I think this is the first time since I've met you, that you actually proved to hold some valuable information. Congrats." It was unknown if Alex was being sarcastic or not.

"Stinky Anderson! Don't underestimate this Queen's intelligence."

Then they all sensed someone incoming behind them.

It was a carriage being pulled by two majestic horses, instead of having hair, they had fire that came out of their backs and tails. It looked weird but it also looked pretty awesome.

The carriage itself was not made out of fire, it looked ordinary compared to the horses but it also had its own unique design on it.

"You there!" An old man came out of the carriage. He looked like any other man with a power level of 400M except his clothing had the same design as the carriage. It must be like their clan or family symbol.

The symbol looked a lot like a dragon's claw. The symbol itself was just purely made out of red and gold.

"The fire lord wants to speak with you." He said Liz

"Fire lord?" Were they now in the Avatar the last air bender world? (Nah that won't be happening)

"The four of you did enter the teleporting formation, right?" He asked.

"Yes. We did."

"Whenever someone enters that formation, it means that they are worthy enough to pass through the killing formation, have a divine body, as well as being able to have a high enough cultivation to join our family."

Alex understood. It was exactly what he explained to Lili and the others before they entered the teleporting formation.

But it seems that this was also a test for those worthy enough to join a powerful sect. If they failed they died, if they passed they are blessed.

"Okay. Let's go." Alex said. They didn't know much about this world, and getting all the information they need will prove to be useful.

And he is literally close to being able to afford another infinity stone.

They got into the carriage, which was surprisingly big despite its small appearance from the outside.

As for Madara, Mihawk and Steven, after they had just entered the formation, they too were faced with a cruel environment, only that this time it was colder than anything else even when they faced that young girl.

(These guys are adapting to the cold climate, because why not. Almost in every single anime, there is a character who is immune to harsh climates.)

The climate was so harsh that hail never stopped coming falling down. An ordinary person wouldn't even be able to see far ahead.

And there was also a pile of snow that covered the land, it actually reached as high as Madara's waist.

"Follow me. I know the way." Madara led Mihawk and Steven to a place that he knew because of the information he stole from the young girl.

But shortly after they left, five horsemen came to the formation.

"Sir, this is the place where miss Vy went." A soldier said.

These men wore loose robes, similar to the young girl's, with the exact same symbol. Their symbol resembled a snowflake. It was made of blue and white colours.

"Good. Guard this place and don't let anyone near us." The one in charge entered the formation after giving his men a command.

It wasn't even five minutes until he saw the young girl's body, just laying there.

Disbelieve could be seen in his eyes. He was equally shocked and he could not believe what he was seeing.

No matter what, the young girl had a power that exceeded a Martial God Immortal. Even powerful clans from a Starfield would want someone with her level of cultivation to join them.

But she was dead. And she died in an Upper realm nonetheless.

"NOOOO!!! VY!" The man began to let out a stream of tears. He picked her up and hoped to bring her back to life.

But her soul was gone. Even if he tried every method at his disposal it wouldn't make a difference.

"VY! Please don't go! Please! Your uncle is here…" The girl was important in his life, she was like a daughter to him and they could be said to be very close.

Though he is not her biological uncle, it was something that she always referred to him since she was just a child.

"Sir! We found footsteps… Oh my god." A soldier came back to deliver some news, but the scene in his eyes shocked him.

"Did-... what did you say just now?" He asked.

"We… we found a trail of footsteps. We believe that these people came from the Upper realm… There seemed to be two men and one horse. It also seemed that they were here before us shortly after we arrived."


He started to connect the dots. The girl in his arms seemed to have died not too long ago, and there appeared to have been some sort of struggle as well.

It was too much of a coincidence. Those men had something to do with her.

"Sir, these tracks are exactly like the ones we saw out there." The soldier pointed to the ground. And sure enough, it was the tracks of Mihawk and the other two.

"There's no mistaken it… those three killed my precious niece."

Rage filled his eyes. He let out a killing intent that even made the young soldier vomit.

"Follow those tracks, but do not engage. Sent me a message once you have located them! I will be taking Vy back to her home to see if it's possible to bring her back with the clan's resources." He carried her body in a princess style and left.

He doesn't have the requirements or skill to return a soul to a body, but he knows someone more skilled than him who can accomplish that.

"Yes, sir."

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