Killer Of MC's

Chapter 69 - A deal of life and death

It's obvious who won the poll from the last chapter just by looking at the comments.

But I am still very surprised that NONE of the people who voted for Eggy at first are still here. Either they left or they changed their mind.

Anyways enjoy the chapter…


Alex and the girls went to explore the entire land that the Ignis clan owned.

The land that they owned was huge that not even the end could be seen with the nȧkėd eye. Of course there were several buildings everywhere.

Despite the intense heat, people seemed unaffected by it, as if it was just the normal thing to do.

In fact, everything seemed to be normal. The food, clothes, houses, buildings, you get the point.

Alex found out that the buildings were made out of special formations and ores that were highly resistant to heat. It made sense. But what didn't make sense is why they would be living in such a hot environment in the first place.

Many people talked about Alex and the others. They were not that infamous or anything yet, but the girls beauty and Eggy being an Asura is still something to talk about.

Alex was thinking of a good plan to collect souls. Lately their progress has been slow. But if they could take advantage of this world then it will be very beneficial to the 4 of them.

There were 3 powerful clans, and they all hate each other to the core. Maybe he can use that to his advantage…

"This place is too hot… I wanna eat ice cream." Eggy started to complain.

"What are you, a 5 year old?" Alex rolled his eyes.

"Hey! Just because I am an Asura spirit, doesn't mean that I am resistant to this heat. And how is this heat not affecting you three?"

Alex, Linlin and Lili looked at each other. They spent 1000 years in purgatory, which even the very air itself could kill you because of the heat. Not only that, they were immortal and Alex could generate heat as hot as the sun. In short, this heat felt like a breeze of cool air to them.

"Saviour, it seems we will need to restock on supplies." Linlin said ignoring Eggy..

"Really? Didn't we 'borrow' a lot of food and equipment from the last town we invaded?" Asked Alex. It hasn't even been 2 weeks since they restock on food and water.

They don't need food to survive, but hunger is one thing that they cannot overcome.

"Hey! Don't ignore this Queen."

"We did restock, but our storage rings turned to ash. And everything on it was destroyed." Linlin showed Alex her finger, what used to be there was the ring that Lady Zhen (refer to the earlier chapters) gave them before they set off to the Seven Deadly Sins world.

And just like Zhen Congming's knives, it was worn down and old, and had many cracks due to the many battles and struggles that they had to go through.

"Even the coconuts that Hancock gifted us are gone." Lili started to tear up a bit. Those coconuts were her favourite food and drink.

Lili looked like a kid who just destroyed her favourite toy.

"Indeed. Even the knives you two gave me were starting to melt like candles. If it wasn't because we used our dark energy as clothing, they too would have burned up." Alex said.

He was never prepared for this situation. One because heat doesn't affect him and they are immortal to begin with. But he didn't stop to think about their stuff.

"Saviour, we will be in charge of restocking our supplies. Let's go, Lili." Linlin took her sister's hand and ran off.

"Bye, Saviour." Lili cutely waves her arm to Alex.

"So… I guess I am stuck with you now. Great." Alex said to Eggy.

"And what is that supposed to mean?" Eggy said angrily,

"It means that you're a nuisance."

"If it wasn't because you were more powerful than me, I would beat you up right now." Eggy loudly said.

"That reminds me, you still need to bring me the soul of a Martial God Immortal 10 within the next 6 days." Alex said.

"Huh?! But you said that a soul of a True God was enough!" Eggy said loudly and angrily.

"Now the deal has changed. If you don't manage to accomplish it, I will have to strip you away from your powers and I will also refine your Asura energy and soul." Alex threatened her.

"Damn you, Anderson!" Eggy repeatedly punched Alex's ċhėst, but they felt more like a massage than actual punches to Alex.

Then Alex felt someone was spying on them. He or she was far away, but Alex could feel a hint of bloodlust from miles away.

He looked at the direction of the person and directed his own bloodlust at that person.

The one who was spying on them, was a woman in a black robe that concealed her presence, though the black robe concealed her face and body, her curves and brėȧsts could not be concealed.

The woman's body jolted in surprise when Alex saw her. She started to sweat a bit out of fear.

She was using a special device that could let her see from a very far distance, the device resembles a lot like a telescope. Even Martial God Immortals would have trouble finding her.

Then a man, who had a thick black beard and long dark hair, walked up beside her.

"Is she here?" The man asked in a deep voice.

"Yes." The woman wiped the sweat from her forehead. Though fear still lingered in her eyes.

"After so long… we finally found our daughter." He said not caring for the woman who also happened to be his wife. He already knew what had just happened to her, but he didn't see Alex as someone important.

"Lets go." He said.

Their clothing had a similar design to Eggy's.

The woman beside him had a power level of 10,000,000,000 where as the man beside her also had a power level of 10,000,000,000

Those two were Eggy's parents, and they had come to take her home.

Alex however could sense their presence. He only noticed them until now because the woman AKA Eggy's mother directed her bloodlust at him.

'They must be powerful world spiritists to be able to avoid my senses for this long.'

Alex could bȧrėly see through their formation. And the soul stone didn't help him much, because even with the soul stone, he could not see every soul if it was out of his reach.

The soul stone has a lot of uses, one of them is being able to see the souls of everyone, meaning that no matter how well hidden a person is, they are no match for the soul stone.

But since the soul stone is still not fully powered yet, Alex cannot display its full might yet.

"Eggy… it seems you have company." Said Alex.

"Company? What do you mean?"

"It seems that you have a family reunion to attend to."


"I finally found you, my little Queen." A woman's voice could be heard behind them.

"This voice…" Eggy instantly recognized this voice.

Turning around, she saw a mȧturė woman that looked almost exactly like her.

Immediately he took on a defensive stance.

"Mom." Eggy cried out in joy.

"My little Queen." The woman took Eggy into her embrace. The people around them seemed to have been drawn to them, it's not common for two Asura spirits to be in the same place, and they were both beautiful.

"I must say, thank you for finding our daughter. We have been looking for her everywhere for so long."

Alex heard a deep voice coming behind him. He even failed to notice his presence. He jumped away from them and got ready to attack.

"A power level of 10 billion. These two are experts who have reached the peak of this world." Alex was shocked by their power levels.

A power level of 10 billion means they have a cultivation of Martial God Immortal 10.

Alex did not know what to say or do in this moment. Were they enemies? Should he attack them?

"Little Queen, how have you been all this time." The woman did not care about Alex at all.

"I'm doing good." Eggy looked like a little girl who has been away for so long and finally met up with her family.

"It seems you have grown more powerful when you got kidnapped by that bitch from the Seven Realms Sacred Mansion. Impressive." Her dad said.

Then he turned to look at Alex once more.

"I can tell that you have no relation to that bitch who kidnapped my beloved daughter. Who are you?" He asked.

Alex didn't feel threatened or any bloodlust from that man. Either he is really good at hiding it or he really doesn't have any ill intentions.

He still put his guard up just in case.

"My name is Alexander Anderson. I am the leader of a group known as the Ten Commandments. I was also the one who freed Eggy and she has been with us ever since."

Alex wanted to read the mind of the man in front of him. But a single suspicious movement could put Alex in a bad position. The sun was up and he was way more powerful than them, but Linlin and Lili were too close to them and they might get hurt.

Until he is certain he can take them on, he will not take any chances.

"I can tell you are telling the truth. But what exactly have you done with my daughter? I can feel some evil energy within her, and this energy is also coming from you." He let out his bloodlust which affected the people around them.

Similar to the Conqueror's haki, they all fainted. Not just the people around them was affected, everyone in the Ignis land was affected.

Linlin and Lili, who were shopping for supplies almost fainted.

"Sis!" Lili said.

"Saviour… he's in trouble!" After regaining their composure, they began to run towards Alex without hesitation.

"Dad! Wait!" Eggy got in between him and Alex to prevent a fight between. No matter what, if those two will find it will be catastrophic.

"I was the one who asked him for that power. He didn't force it on me or anything. He also helped me in raising my cultivation level as well as helped me escape from the place where the bitch trapped me. Alexander is not an enemy." Eggy added.

Looking at his daughter's eyes, she seemed to be telling the truth.

Alex merely smiled. That is probably the nicest thing she has ever said to him.

"My little Queen, you've grown up." He merely chuckled and patted his daughter's head.

"As for you, Anderson, you have my thanks for what you have done for my daughter. And also thank you for not making her your spirit contract. And I have also heard of your accomplishments. Did you really destroy the Chu Heavenly clan?" He asked.

"Yes I did. How did you know?" Alex asked.

"The Chu Heavenly Clan is one of the many clans that I have come to hate. Naturally I will keep tabs on that place. Do you know Chu Hanxian?"

"Chu Hanxian? Sounds familiar…" Alex never really cared about the Chu Heavenly clan, so naturally he doesn't even bother remembering the names of minor characters.

"Chu Hanxian is known to be the strongest in the Chu Heavenly clan. And he also happens to be an old enemy of mine." Talking about Chu Hanxian made Eggy's dad angry.

"If it weren't for him, my dear daughter would have never been taken from us."

Alex did find it weird that Chu Feng's mom, who wasn't even a Martial God Immortal at the time, was able to kidnap Eggy and escape successfully from people with power levels of 10 billion.

As it turns out, her father-in-law had a hand in that.

Eggy seemed even more pissed. Her rage for the Chu Heavenly Clan grew even more.

But luckily for them they had destroyed the Chu Heavenly Clan and killed most of the people affiliated with the stupid clan.

"I would have destroyed the Chu Heavenly clan myself, but feared my daughter's life was in danger." He said.

Then he handed Alex something from his pocket.

"If there is anything we can help you with, then apply some of your profound energy into this thing and you will teleport to our place."

What he handed was like a small disc. It was dark and shiny and seemed very ordinary.

It contained a special teleportation formation which is how Alex will be able to the Asura world.

"Let's go." He grabbed Eggy's hand and his wife's and was ready to leave, but a hand reached out to his wrist.

"Wait… where are you taking Eggy?" Alex asked.

Eggy was surprised. Did he not want her to leave his side? Did he love her?

"Back to her home, of course. Where she belongs. Do you plan on fighting us?" He asked in a deep voice.

"I don't have a problem with that. But she owes me big time. She still hasn't cleared her debt."

"That's what you're angry about?!" Eggy was fuming with rage. She couldn't help but kick and punch him repeatedly.

"I see… what is it gonna cost?" Eggy's father understood. He didn't expect Alex to save Eggy for free.

"She owes me the soul of a Martial God Immortal 10 and also the life of a strong Asura spirit." Alex said.

He needed the energy of an Asura spirit to further strengthen his hollow transformation. Which is one of the reasons why he brought Eggy with him, to help him identify a powerful Asura spirit. The more powerful an Asura spirit is, the more beneficial it will be for Alex.

"Oh, okay… what! What kind of debt is that?" Eggy's father was confused.

"It's a long story." Alex explained.

"Saviour!" Linlin and Lili jumped in front of Alex ready to protect him from Eggy's parents.

"Linlin, Lili, back up. These two are not people you can fight with yet." Alex pulled them back.

"But Saviour…" They could tell that Eggy's parents are stronger than them, but they are willing to sacrifice their lives for him at any cost.

"Do as I say." Alex said.

Left with no choice, the twins backed up but were still on their guard.

Eggy's parents merely examined the situation in the meantime.

While Eggy shook her head and thought 'These two girls don't know how to read the situation.'

"Friends of yours?" Eggy's dad asked.

"They are more than friends." Alex responded.

"I see…"

"Alexander Anderson, that was your name, right?" Eggy's mom finally spoke. Her voice was soothing to hear.

"It is."

"I don't know what kind of debt my daughter owes you, but she must return to our world. She has been gone for too long. Do you understand the suffering a parent has to go through when their only child was taken from them?"

"No. Not really." Alex said nonchalantly.

"I don't want to settle this with a fight, as I don't like to get my hands dirty. But if it is for my family, then I will do whatever it takes to protect them, even putting my own life on the line." Eggy's father stepped up.

"Or we can settle this by paying up the debt that your daughter owes me." Alex added.

"Hm…" He thought about it for a while.

"You said you wanted an Asura spirit, right?"


"If you wanted one, couldn't you have made any daughter your spirit contract?"

"I do not want to do a contract with any spirit. My method is a bit 'different.' But if I used those very same methods on Eggy, then she would have died." Alex said truthfully.

"In that case… I cannot hand any of my people over to you."

"And why is that?" Alex was a bit pissed.

"If it was an ordinary spirit contract, then I wouldn't have had a problem with that. But you just confessed that you were gonna kill one of my people. And that is something that I cannot overlook."

"It sounds like you are the kind of person who values your kind a lot." Alex said.

"I do."

"I understand that. I do. But a debt is a debt. And someone has got to pay for it."

"And what if I don't want to pay for it?" Eggy's dad asked.

"You tell me. I currently see three Asura spirits in front of me. And I also hold a special disc that will let me teleport to your world." Alex said.

At that point, Eggy's dad understood that he had messed up. If he were to try to escape right now, it wouldn't make a difference as Alex could go to their world right now and kill his people.

"I see… I guess I have no choice but to kill you." Eggy's dad let out a huge killing intent even more terrifying than the one he displayed earlier.

"STOP!!!" Eggy quickly stepped in front of her father.

"Eggy, I know that he saved your life, but he is a threat to our people."

"It's not that. I don't want you to die." Eggy quickly explained.


"I know how powerful you are, dad. But you cannot win against Alexander. He is too powerful for anyone in this world." Eggy hastily said.

"That's not possible. There are only a handful who can possibly match me."

"Please, trust me."

"Sorry, daughter. But I cannot let him live." He thought Eggy was saying that because she was protecting Alex.



A huge explosion occurred and destroyed most of the buildings and hurt most of the people beside them.

Only Eggy's parents were sent flying back.

They were on guard this whole time, but they did not expect Alex to attack with such strength.

What they saw next was Alex in his ȧduŀt form and his final hollow form. His new form was ominous, as if it was made from evil itself.

"What… what kind of power is this? This goes beyond that of a Martial God Immortal 10!" Eggy's dad said out loud.

((Alexander Anderson 15B))

Alexander's power level was originally 1.5B but multiplied with his final hollow form it equals 15B.

"You're not a human, are you? No human can have this power."

"You're right. I am not human." Alex responded and pointed at the sky. "I am the one who stands above all." Alex said as he summoned out his Chastiefols.

"That's pride." He said.

"Is it? Can it be called 'pride' if one cannot prove me wrong?"

Eggy's father feared Alex, not because he was afraid of dying, but because he was afraid to lose his family again.

"Take our daughter far away from this place. I will hold them back as long as I can."


"No buts! Just go and don't look back." He interrupted his wife.

Eggy's mom bit her lip. She quickly took Eggy's hand and began to run. Though tears formed in her eyes.

"Anderson! Wait!" Eggy tried to stop Alex from killing her father, but her mom's power was something that she cannot go against.

The reason Eggy's mom could not teleport herself and her daughter to their world at that moment is because of the fact that it takes too long to activate the teleportation formation.

Lili and Linlin were about to go after them, but Alex stopped them in their tracks.

"You are willing to sacrifice your own life to protect your family?" That was the first time Alex has seen such a selfless man in this pathetic world. And that is saying a lot.

"I didn't think it would have come to this. Had I known I would have brought in some help." He said.

"Before we fight, tell me your name, I have never seen a man, much less a world spirit, be so noble."

"My name is Leo."

"Leo... this is the first time that someone has shown me something in this world that I thought I would never see." Alex said.

"And what is that?" Leo did not care about this talk, he merely wanted to stall for time.

"Hope. You had shown me that there is hope for this world. I thought that all the people only indulged in their sins and forgot what really mattered in this life. Glad to see that I was wrong." That still didn't fully change his entire view of this pathetic world.

"Wise words, Anderson. Had it been any different, I wish we could have been friends." Leo said. He too has only seen the true intentions of men, which is why he is only loyal to his people and not to humans.

"Likewise… do you see this disc?" Alex showed him the teleportation disc that Leo handed him 10 minutes ago.


Alex used too much force in his hand and broke the disc in pieces.

"What?" Leo did not expect Alex to do that.

"The truth is… I never needed this disc to enter your world. I already knew the method to enter your world 4 days ago after I read the mind of that bitch who kidnapped Eggy."

It has been mentioned that Chu Feng's mom somehow broke into the Asura world which is how she kidnapped Eggy. Alex had read her entire mind before he killed her, naturally he knew the way to enter the world.

But still, he is going to wait to get all the infinity stones to infiltrate such a place.

"You knew all this time?"

"I did. I could have actually entered your world anytime I wanted and kill countless Asura spirits for my own benefit."

"Then why didn't you?" He said.

"Because I know just how powerful you Asura spirits are, especially the Asura King. One day I will get so strong and powerful that no one in any universe will be able to stop me."

Alex let his demonic aura seep from his body. Asura spirits auras are also sinister looking. But compared to Alex's aura, they were nothing.

Alex stepped closer to Eggy's dad. Each step made he got closer to him, he felt that he might suffocate from his aura alone, since it was so sinister.

'I need to report this to the Asura king as soon as possible! This human cannot be left alive.' He thought in his mind.

He only thought that for the safety of his family. If by any chance Alex comes after his family, he will not be able to stop him.

"Stop! Don't kill him!" Eggy somehow escaped her mother's grasp and got between Alex and Leo.

"Eggy? You are supposed to get away from here!" Leo said.

"Anderson… please don't do this to my family. I beg you." Eggy pleaded. She knew Alex's personality too well, and he won't spare her dad. But she must try.

"Why shouldn't I? You are just a temporary member of the Ten Commandments. I will kill anyone I want to. And no one can stop me." Alex said.

Had it not been for the time they had spent together, he would have killed Eggy long ago.

"Does this past year mean nothing to you? Am I really nothing to you?" Eggy said.

"To me…. no. At most you are just acquaintances and nothing else." Alex said.

"I don't believe that! I may not have known you as much as the twins, but you must at least view me as a friend." Eggy added.

At that moment Eggy's mom appeared beside them.

Alex thought about it something.

"Even if I did view you as a friend, I will not spare your father since he thought of taking my life. You should know from this past year that I am not the type to show mercy, and I mean NO ONE."

"I know, Anderson… I know you are very powerful and you have skills that are not from this world. I don't think anyone can match you. Which is why I am willing to propose a deal." Eggy said.

"A deal?" Alex did not expect Eggy to perform a deal.

"I believe that in one year… no, make it 6 months. In 6 months, I will be able to surpass you. As long as you spare my family." Eggy said with a face full of confidence.

"So… you mean to say that in half a year, you will be able to beat me?" Alex asked to be sure.

"Yes." Eggy said.

There was a moment of silence. Before laughter broke out.

"AHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Alex got down on the ground and started to furiously punched the ground making cracks. He started laughing uncontrollably like never before.

Even the Lu sisters were stunned since they had never heard him laugh like that. He isn't emotionless, it's just that he doesn't laugh easily.

"I know that it sounds stupid, but I am confident to be able to beat you if you give me time." Eggy pouted a bit. First time she is this serious and Alex laughs at her.

"Forgive me Eggy. I just thought of something hilariously stupid when you proposed that deal." Tears rolled from his eyes.

He did not laugh because he didn't believe that Eggy could surpass him.

He laughed because this is how most MC's in literally EVERY novel operate.

First they are weak, then they propose a deal with someone stronger than them that they will somehow defeat them in battle after training for a month or longer.

The fact that Eggy was the one to say this first and not Alex, made him realize how his role was indeed the antagonist role.

It's been 1000 years since he has read a light novel, so these memories rushed into him and made him laugh.

"Okay, Eggy. I think this is the first time in a while… actually, now that I think about it… Linlin, Lili, how many people have I spared that have tried to kill me, in the entire time you guys have been with me?"

"Um… adding all the worlds we've travelled and all the people we met… Su Han... I think Su Han is the only one." Linlin and Lili said.

"Just Su Han? Really? I was sure there were more than that."

"No. If someone else comes in mind, we'll let you know."

"Okay… Eggy, you got your wish. I will give you 6 months to surpass me and defeat me. If you cannot, I will eat your soul and strip you of your Asura power and Commandment. In short, your life will be mine." Alex said menacingly.

'Okay. But if I were to win… you will have to start treating me with respect, and start calling me 'Lady Queen' and… I will think of other conditions after I win." Eggy said.

Somehow she felt relieved. She was 99.9% sure that her deal wasn't going to work.

"After you win? Pretty confident for someone who has been living under my shadow this whole time." Alex mocked her.

Eggy merely smirked.

"Get out of my sight. If you fail to find me within 6 months I will hunt you down. There will be no world, no land, no place you can hide where I cannot find you." Alex threatened her with a deep voice.

"I know. Stop pestering me." With a simple wave, she flew back with her parents and disappeared.

"Saviour… why didn't you just kill her dad instead of taking that deal? You know that she is only buying time to let her parents escape." Linlin said.

Linlin also did not like sparing people who threatens her or the people close to her.

"Because Eggy knows just how powerful I am, and yet she claims she can surpass me within 6 measly months. She isn't stupid. But someone who has the balls to dare claim something like that is worth sparing, and also worth having as a Commandment." Alex said with a smile.

"There's a catch, isn't there, to all this?" Linlin seemed to have caught on something.

"Yes. There is." Alex also had a plan which is why he accepted that stupid deal. Taking that deal was just a cover for something important to him.

"I guess if she is willing to do something so bold like that to protect the people close to her, I guess she isn't that bad either." Linlin said with a shrug.

"But if she fails to meet my expectations, I will indeed deem her unworthy of the power of the Ten Commandments." Alex suddenly added.

"Being able to prove and saying such things are two different things. I want to see just how far Eggy will go to protect those precious to her from me. After all, I don't want any dead weight in this group."

Linlin and Lili shook their heads. They knew that Alex meant every word he said. This will be up to Eggy, whether she somehow succeeds or fails will be up to her.

Meanwhile the people of the Ignis clan were still sleeping, even the fire lord and his son.

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