Killer Of MC's

Chapter 70 - Battle of the three armies

(Does anybody get that reference?)

Not much happened after Eggy left. People woke up from a daze when Eggy's father put them all to sleep. Some unfortunately died either by drowning in their tub, soup, or some other incident. The fact that water hasn't evaporated in this hot land is a mystery to Alex, then again no one should really rely on common sense from now on.

However that incident led the fire lord to launch a full scale investigation. The fact that someone or something did that to all of them without them knowing is something they must know.

Alex could have told them, but he didn't want to. Not like it was his problem. But he did benefit from that.

Alex actually collected the souls of those people who died and it surprisingly gave him bȧrėly enough to afford the reality stone.

{2B SP}

"Thank god that happened." Alex said.

Currently he was sitting down in the middle of the kingdom. In the middle was a luxurious white building. Alex did not know what that building is, but it should be something for only important people to enter because no one could enter without special permission. It was also surrounded by formations and guards.

In front of the building was a big fountain surrounded by flowers and statues that were sculpted from diamond, gold, and topaz with amazing details. A lot of people enjoyed the scene and would hang out there. There were even couples there.

Alex sat there as he waited for the sisters to come back. He was currently writing something on a blank piece of paper.

"Saviour! here is your food." Linlin and Lili sat beside him and offered to feed him directly. Linlin put the sandwich near his mouth and hoped that he would eat it. Lili was there to provide him

They brought him food that they 'bought' from a store nearby. It was basically a couple of sandwiches and some water. It wasn't anything luxurious, but they weren't picky about their food.

They still remembered how it felt like to eat the food from Purgatory. From that day one they swore to never be picky about food, as it could be their last good meal.

"Thanks. And how many times have I told you not to treat me like a kid." Alex knew that they meant well, but this looked like a mother feeding her child.

"It is our duty to serve you in every way, Saviour. And also, I think you are just embarrassed because we are out in public." Linlin smirked at him mischievously..

"No, I am not." Alex responded but he still took a bite out of that sandwich. Followed by Lili giving him water.

Linlin and Lili smiled in delight. This little action somehow made their hearts happy.

But that only fueled the rage of the male onlookers. But the girls were just talking about how cute they all looked. Alex was in his teenage form so they looked like siblings.

Alex preferred that form because it was simply more 'comfortable' than his ȧduŀt form. It was lighter and he felt more relaxed in a way.

It was like a habit or something. Whenever he faced powerful opponents he would change back to his ȧduŀt form, as it gives him more courage and confidence.

Alex, after all this time has never taken a sip of wine or any alcohol related beverages. It brings back painful and awful memories of his father, and he didn't want to be like him. Actually he was more afraid of hurting the Lu sisters if he lost control. He was not going to take that chance.

The twins knew the reason Alex never drank alcohol, and they understood. They have indeed drank alcohol in the world they used to live, but that was a long time ago and they weren't addicted to it.

After finishing his lunch, Alex's full attention was now directed at the paper.

"Saviour, what are you doing?" Lili asked curiously as she leaned closer.

"I am planning." Alex responded.

"Planning what?" Linlin also got curious and leaned on the other side. They looked like they were hugging in public.

The three of them actually paid no mind, as they were already so close that it felt natural to them.

"Do you guys remember the plan with Mjolnir?" Alex asked.

"The hammer thing? Yes we do."

"Well my plan failed. I intended to spread out our name and hopefully get some enemies to attack us, but that failed because we had to hide." Alex was pissed at Chu Feng's mom. If it weren't for her, their name would have spread out to god knows where.

"It's not your fault, Saviour." Linlin and Lili said.

"That is why this time we are going to do it again!" Alex's face brighten with confidence.

"How?" They asked.

"Simple, really. Follow me. I will need your guys' help for this actually." Alex pulled them from their hands and they flew at a rapid speed.

After flying for a while, Alex said: "Bluescreen."

"I want to buy the reality stone." Alex gave it some thought. He had a hard time choosing between the reality stone or the power stone, but if his plan goes smooth then he should get the power stone within days or weeks.


{Reality soul obtained}

{You have spend 2B SP}

{You are now as poor as a ċȯċkroach}

That last one made Alex feel as if bluescreen was rubbing it in his face.

"Where is Satan? I haven't heard from him in a while." Alex missed having chats with Satan, as weird as it sounds.

{He is… gone to visit his brother}

"His brother? You mean God?"


{Remember that giant explosion/earthquake/event that happened a year ago? It was so powerful that it shook the entire world}

"I remember. How can anyone forget about that?"

{As it turns out, it might be something big, hopefully nothing, but Satan has gone to talk with his brother about it}

"But it's been a year and he hasn't returned?"

{It might be a year to you, but to Satan it's been less than 5 minutes}

"What?" Alex asked confused.

{I'll explain this as simple as I can: Each world you visit has a different time zone. Some go faster than others, and others go slower than others, like the Purgatory world you have in your command}

That made sense to Alex now.

{It is confusing, but it's true. Even I don't understand it that well and I am trillions of years old}

"Trillions of years old?"

{What? Did you think I was a few years old or what?}

"Nothing. I just didn't expect for you to be so… ancient."

{Oh, dear. I know some friends who are as old as me if not older}

"What do you mean by friends?"

{Did you think that I am the only bluescreen in existence?}

"There are more of you?"

{Yes. This is something I am not meant to talk to you about, yet. You are still not ready.}

"Not ready?"

"That's because this is the first time I have heard of this."

{Trust me, Alexander. You might have travelled to many worlds, but you don't know the real dangers of the mutli-verse.}

{But I can say that you are indeed the second one in a trillion years who has made this much progress}

"Oh, yeah. I remember Satan mentioning that there were other guys besides me who also had the system powers." Alex almost forgot about that.

"But I am the second to make it this far? Who was the first?"

{You will have to guess that one}


{You should be grateful, Alexander. Not many carry the will and luck to make this much progress. Most of them either die before they could make a bit of progress, or they lose their minds completely, or some are so overconfident that they pick fights with opponents stronger than themselves}

"Sounds tough."

{It is. God. Did you know that one guy actually went to Akame Ga Kill world just so he could bang Esdeath}

"Oh god, not her. Don't tell me that he="

{She froze his body, cut his limbs, pierced his body with a long spear and hung them outside a town where he lived, to serve as an example to others, and all this while he was still alive. I didn't know whether he died from excessive blood loss or from the pain. And she killed his family, too}

"That stupid idiot. Did he think that since he had a system, he could do things without consequences. What does he think this is? A low quality, shitty fanfic? It's real life!"

(Author: I mean seriously, who writes fanfics these days? Come on. *Snorts*)

{Pretty much. And also this was the time when Esdeath fell in love with Tatsumi, and he also received the same mission like you to kill the MC of that world. Yup, he was not ready at all}

"Though Esdeath is cruel and merciless, like me, I actually could relate to her. I mean, if some strange man tried to **** me I would have done the same thing, only 1000x worse." Note that this does not mean that he will travel to Akame Ga Kill world.

{... I don't even know how to respond to that}

"Anyways, bluescreen, do you know when I will be 'ready'"

{You are close, but you need more power. I will let you know when the time comes}

{Until then, have fun}

Alex stopped chatting with bluescreen. He learned some new things and it also piqued his curiosity about the existence of bluescreen.

They landed in the middle of a field.

Not too far from them, there was a battle with 3 different armies. The three of them were from the powerful clans that had been mentioned so much. The Glacies clan, Fulgur clan, and the Ignis clan.

The three way battle was intense. And all three sides seemed to be equally powerful.

Blue Screen had merged his second infinity stone into his knuckles already. Four to go.

"Saviour, what are we doing here?" Linlin asked, she and Lili did not know what he wanted to do.

"This is the plan. I will disguise myself. completely concealing my aura and face, and with the help of the reality and soul stone, this will be easy. I will drop in the center of the battle field, demonstrate the power of the almighty hammer and kill most of the members of the Fulgur and Glacies clan."

"Okay. then?"

"And then, that is when I *die* on purpose, therefore my body will disappear and therefore Mjolnir will now drop to the ground. But that is when you two will pop out and wield the hammer. Sound good? I will be in the shadows collecting souls."

"If that is what you wish, Saviour." They said.

"Excellent." Alex flew up high to the sky so no one could see him.

In the middle of the battlefield, it was pure chaos, even the terrain was changed. ⅓ part of the land was covered in ice, the other part was covered in fire and the other was full of electricity, and Alex still isn't sure how that last one is possible.

Many bodies laid on the ground. Many other men and women were fighting for their lives, some were injured, others were dead or dying.

"I can taste those infinity stones already." Alex said. This is just too easy. He observed the battle carefully and recorded their flaws into his library.

He noticed a girl, who was quite beautiful, but still did not come close to Eggy or even the twins.

She is the fire princess, the daughter of the fire lord. She is currently the one in charge of her clan and her men. Because of her, they are doing better than they should.

Alex yawned. Just another cliche character who is a genius and is also a princess and blah blah blah. As if MGA doesn't have enough of those already.

"Hey, blue screen, you said that only I can decide who is worthy of Mjolnir, right?" Alex asked.

{That is correct}

"Then let Linlin and Lili become worthy to wield the hammer of Thor."

{But there is 2 of them and only one hammer}

"I have an idea."

{Okay then}

Alex actually transformed into a different person thanks to the reality stone. Once he gets the power stone, the reality stone, as well as the other infinity stones will become more powerful.

His entire person was different. From his height, looks, hair and aura. He also wore the type of armour that people on Earth used long when they still used swords, shields and arrows to fight.

He looked exactly like Alucard(Dracula) from Hellsing Ultimate. It's when he releases his level 0 restriction. Which to be honest is one of the most badass looking characters ever.

He breathed in deeply, then he bellowed "SILENCE!!!"

His voice rang throughout the entire field. Everyone stopped fighting and looked up.

Alex descended down gracefully and elegantly. He hands behind his back as his hair was being pulled by the wind.

When he touched the ground, the area around him turned dark and ominous. As if hell itself was with this man.

Everyone was weary, even the fire princess as well as the other princes and princesses from the other clans.

"Who are you?" A soldier from the Fulgur clan asked.

"I said 'silence.'" Alex used his conquerors haki to shut him up. He kept his eyes close to appear even more badass.

"I came here to stop this madness. Those who oppose me shall perish before this hammer. And-"

"Saviour." Linlin pulled his sleeve.

"Linlin, you weren't supposed to come out yet!"

"But… look." Linlin pointed around him.

The next thing he saw was literally everyone on the ground unconscious. Even more people died when they landed on their weapons and stabbed themselves to death.

"Saviour, you used your conqueror's haki a little too much." Lili added.

"But, but, but. SHIT! And I worked on this plan for so long." This is the first time Alex had used the conquerors haki so he still didn't know how to use it well.

{You worked on this plan for like 5 minutes. And you are literally recycling the same plan you had a week ago, only this time you failed miserably}

Bluescreen's words were like a knife piercing his heart.

"You know what, screw it. Linlin and Lili, help me collect the souls of everyone in this battlefield and leave no one behind." Alex said.

Now that he ruined his own plan, he could only make use of this situation the best he could.

Linlin and Lili thought that this was a better and faster plan than his original plan. Though they would never mention that to Alex as it could hurt his pride.

After half an hour of cleaning, they finished.

"You girls eat a part of those souls. Raising your power levels is important now." Alex said. He is not going to take all of those souls, just most of them.

"'Kay." They started munching on the souls and could feel the rise of their power levels increasing dramatically.

Alex also ate a portion of the souls, but spend the rest on SP.


"HELL YEAH!!!" Alex rejoiced. To think he could earn so many soul points in so little time.

In fact, he could even buy 2 more infinity stones and still have some left.

"System, buy me the power stone and the space stone." Alex said cheerfully.

{That was a great harvest. Good job}

{You have bought the Power Stone for 4B SP}

{You have bought the space stone for 8B SP}

Without saying anything much, Alex's knuckles were infused with 4 infinity stones. 2 more and he will have the greatest power known to mankind.

"Man, this is so much better than my original plan. I should do this more often." What was the point in all of that planning?


"... yes, yes you should." Linlin and Lili said with a smile.

{I believe you should get the mind stone next, I am getting worried}


{I fear you will become completely stupid if you don't do something about it. And you know just how people hate a retarted MC}

"Oh, shut up, bluescreen. And besides, I never said I was smart." Alex said. Maybe he might have said that and just forgotten, nobody knows.

{Hm. Good point. But still...}

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