Killer Of MC's

Chapter 7 - A huge disaster caused by a heavenly tribulation.

After a while, Alex killed all the weak guards, they stood no chance against him. What's even worse, he didn't even bother using his whole strength against them:

However, he was very satisfied with his new weapon, as well as his immortality. Although it is uslesss against someone who uses soul attacks, it is still pretty cool to be an immortal.

He doesn't know yet how to confront a soul cultivator, since he only has a high cultivation but lacks in fighting techniques, and that's a huge problem for him.

The prisoners are all that's left. They are all hardened criminals, yet they're scared in front of a low Qian cultivator.

None of them possess soul based attacks, so they had no chance to actually harm that kid.

Su Han wanted to intervene because Alex kept killing her own people. She is starting to even believe that his truth commandment isn't even real. But she didn't intervene mainly because her cultivation is gone, she is took weak to fight him.

Alex noticed the subtle changes in Su Han. After stuffing the souls of the guards inside his space, he said loudly to the prisoners behind bars.

"Listen all of you! Because I am only willing to say this once!" Alex said loud enough for everyone to hear him.

The prisoners stood still like statues, afraid to make the slightest movement.

Making a few hand movements, the spear broke the bars which kept the prisoners inside.

"I am willing to make all of you an offer of a lifetime: if you want to be free, then go ahead and I won't stop you!"

Everybody including Su Han was shocked. These are hard earned criminals, what do you think will happen if they roam the world?

"However, once you are free you must follow my conditions: you will never do anything evil again, you will become a member of society and will help those in need.

My second condition is also simple. You will destroy your own cultivation, to live a simple life. That way you won't hurt anyone else ever again. Did I make myself clear?" Alex finished adding his conditions.

When the prisoners heard him, it was as if music ranged through their ears. This offer is a once in a lifetime chance. But of course, there are those who will take advantage of such an offer.

"Wait! You cannot do such a thing! These are criminals and will go back on their word!" Su Han said very loudly. Some of these prisoners were locked up by her, so there is no question that they will cause trouble to her and several others.

"But my dear Su Han, who would ever dare lie to me?" Alex said with a bright smile, no signs of a killer could be seen on him.

Su Han knew what he meant. He didn't make this offer because he's a nice guy, he only did it because he wants to prove that his truth commandment exists. If it is true, then Su Han will never break her word.

"Is this offer real?" A prisoner asked, unable to be sure if he was telling the truth or not.

"I am Alexander Anderson of the truth, I never go back on my word or hell will turn my body to stone." Alex laid his arm on his ċhėst to make it seem legit.

"Hey, is it's just those conditions then sign me up." A prisoner said.

"Yeah! I am willing to become a respected member of society!"

Everybody said this and ran at a fast pace towards the nearest exit. But little did they know, that once they ran passed Alex, they all turned to stone.

Alex only smiled that his plan worked perfectly. He was willing to let these guys go, but he knew that they would break their word right after.

He didn't trick them, if they were actually willing to change their ways then Alex would have let them go freely.

All the criminals that ran passed Alex were turned to stone soon after. Their stone figures stood in place never to move again.

Su Han covered her mouth out of fear and her eyes widened in shock. It turns out that his truth commandment is real, and now her freedom has been taken by this man.

"Really? All of you tried to take advantage of my promise? I was expecting at least one or two of you to change your ways, but all of you tried to trick me?" Alex shook his head slightly.

However, even Alex knew that it would be impossible for them to keep their promises, it's like asking a man to never have any sėxuȧŀ thoughts whenever he sees a hot lady.

"Now, Su Han, do you believe me now?" Alex faced Su Han who was very afraid of him.

She didn't say anything, but her expression said everything.

Alex ignored her expression and began taking the souls of the people he turned to stone. Even when they have been turned to stone, they are still alive, unless if an idiot were to break the statue into a thousand pieces.

He took the souls of all the prisoners, which was more than a thousand. They were all either Kun level or Qian level, which is a great harvest.

After eating the souls of a few Qian cultivators, his cultivation rose from low Qian, to peak Qian, just one step away from reaching the soul formation level.

After stuffing those disgusting souls in his mouth, Alex walked up to Su Han and touched her forehead.

"Gift!" Alex murmured softly.

After he said this, Alex felt his own cultivation was draining. After a few seconds, it fell from peak Qian level to nothing, it was as if he never had cultivated from the beginning.

However, Su Han felt an incredible power surge through her body. She felt even more powerful than before her cultivation was taken.

"Peak… Peak Qian level!" She said after sensing her strength. She was still a long way from reaching peak Qian level, and yet she reached this level when Alex touched her forehead.

"My snatch ability has the ability to gift others as well. You don't need to say anything to me." Alex began eating more souls to fill up his cultivation level. Since he has about 1000 of these powerful souls, he should reach peak Qian level again after eating 15 souls.

Su Han didn't know what to say in this moment. She just lost her freedom to him, and yet she reached the realm that she has dreamed of for a very long time.

"Who-who are you?" Su Han asked.

"Who am I? That is a simple question." Stretching out his hand, his spirit spear chastiefol came to his hand. He held it with his hands which made him seem more badass.

"I am the one who stands on top of all the clans. Alexander Anderson of the truth." Alex said with a tone filled with nothing but pride.

"The one who stands of top of all clans…" Su Han murmured those words as to not forget his name.

"Nah. Escanor says it so MUCH better." The devil said.

"Well duh." Alex responded.

"It'll be a matter of time before that old hag realizes that I escaped. But, I still need you to do a few things for me."

Su Han was prepared for the worst. If she doesn't comply then she might end up as a statue, or dead like her fellow inspectors. It was hard looking at them like that, but she can't do anything about it.

"Your first mission, is to tell everybody about what you saw here, including what you know about my skills, but you cannot tell them about my immortality." Alex stretched out a finger.

"Second mission; in exactly two weeks from now on, a human will become a dragon cultivator. Once you see him, you must help him reach Gen level without the use of pills or anything like that." Alex said as he stretched his second finger.

"A human becoming a dragon cultivator? But how?" Su Han did not believe that as it is almost impossible.

"You don't need to know, just help him reach Gen level as quick and efficient as you can. But you cannot tell anybody else about this mission, only you and I must know about this." Alex made it clear that no one else should know about this.

"Okay. I'll do it." Su Han said. She thought that he would order her to do impossible things, but this is easier than she expected.

"It's not like you have much of a choice." Alex smiled and began exiting the building. He summoned his spear and climbed on it, he dashed straight out of the building.

After reviewing his missions, if he were to kill Hao Ren now, then he would miss out on a lot of SP. He decided to kill Hao Ren after he becomes stronger.

Su Han watched the immortal in front of her flew away in his spear. When he disappeared completely, it was as if all the pressure slipped out of her body, and she could finally breathe again.

"I sold my soul to the devil." That was what she thought.

But reaching just the soul formation realm is far from enough to Alex. He knows that a soul formation is nothing compared to a big demon, not to mention an eternal demon king.

He can't do this alone, he will need help from others to conquer this world.

Currently, he had two perfect candidates in mind to help him achieve that level. Hint: they're powerful twins.

Before he can do any of that, he quickly hid in a thick jungle. There was almost no jungles within the area, but he managed to found one with the speed of his spear.

He was worried that his cloud surfer was faster than his spear, but it actually pales in comparison to the speed of his chastiefol. He also has fairy wings which look dope as fuċk.

"What are you doing here?" The devil asked.

"I need to be in an area where there are no cultivators to interrupt my heavenly tribulation." Alex responded as he took a good view of this jungle.

"But why a jungle?"

"I dunno." Alex said with a shrug.

"System, how much value are the souls inside my storage space?"

[Calculating...47,390 SP]

"That's lower than I thought. Hm… sell souls equivalent to only 30,000 SP." Alex said after pondering a bit.

[sold 627 souls. You currently have 311 souls left all Qian level.]

"Hey, thank you for the souls. It's my first soul in decades." The devil said with a smile, it's been a long time since he had eaten a soul, not to mention 600 of them at once.

"Now buy me war hammer Gideon."

[30,000 SP deducted] you currently have 107,000 SP left.

"WHY WOULD YOU BUY THAT WEAPON?!?!" The devil said very confused to why Alex would waste his SP like that.

"The Gideon warhammer is a perfect weapon for absorbing magical attacks, like the lightning that will strike me when I activate the heavenly tribulation. If I absorb the lightning with the Gideon hammer, then I would come out unharmed and I would become a soul formation cultivator. It's genius!" Alex said.

"Ah I see. But that lightning attack will be redirected at the earth, and it will damage the wildlife here as well as the earth."

"Not my problem. It's not like I am gonna be living here for the rest of my life." Alex seemed as if he didn't care if others had to pay for his actions.

"Hehe. I picked the right guy for the job." He smiled at the fact that Alex didn't care about the life here, only himself. That is how a killer should be.

A giant warhammer appeared out of nowhere in front of Alex. It was so big and heavy that it crushed some trees like a pancake, it even made a heavy sound as soon as it hit the ground.

"Man, how am I gonna place this big weapon? It's too big."


"Don't you dare say 'that's what she said'" Alex interrupted the devil.

"I was gonna say something else…"

"Oh, what were you gonna say?" Alex asked.

"You can actually combine the two sacred treasures. You can absorb the abilities of Gideon and transfer it to your chastiefol." He said.

"Wow that is useful. How much SP will it cost?" Alex widened his eyes after hearing this useful news.

"Nothing." The devil responded casually.

"All right! System, absorb the abilities of the Gideon hammer and transfer it into my chastiefol."

The giant war hammer emitted a faint golden light. The tip of it began to disappear as it slowly entered the spear.

The giant war hammer that was here moments ago left as it appeared.


"That was quick!" Alex said surprised how fast this process lasted.

"Well whatever, how do I activate the heavenly tribulation?"

"With the system of course." The devil responded.

"Cool. System, activate the heavenly tribulation!" Alex said.

[Requirements met to activate the heavenly tribulation. Processing… 3% 8% 17% 44% 66,6% 99.9% 100%]

[Heavenly tribulation activated. Prepare for the first round out of nine lightning rounds.]

The sky was clear, but dark clouds soon enveloped the area. The animals living near the area ran away at the sight of this. They all felt that this was something very powerful, and it made them fear it.

The nearby cultivators felt it, and were very shocked because this kind of thing only happens when a Qian level cultivator activates the heavenly tribulation.

They didn't know whether to do anything about it, as that person could be protected by another powerful cultivator, or something like that. But they were too scared to kick an iron board so they didn't bother with it.

Alex looked at the giant dark cloud forming on the sky. He smiled and showed no hints of fear at all.

He commanded his chastiefol to be ready for a lightning attack at all times.

"Increase!" Alex said softly.

The spear split up into a bunch of small darts. God knows what Alex has in mind.

*BOOM* the sound of thunder echoed through the sky, and soon lightning struck right towards Alex. But with the spear in the way, it redirected the lightning straight toward the ground.

The ground shook, and several trees fell down to the ground within a 20 mile radius. Other wildlife animals somehow got injured while running away. This was the first round yet such damage already occurred.

"I didn't think that the lightning would be so powerful in the first round." Alex looked at his surroundings, and was pretty surprised that this is the ability of [lightning rod] from Gideon's war hammer.

"You have killed literally over thousands of people, the more you kill, the more difficult each lightning tribulation will get." The devil responded as he ate some souls like they were Doritos.

"Hahaha! If heaven wants to send these kind of powerful lightning bolts straight at me, then let them do it, it'll affect the Earth and the wildlife living on it." Alex said in pure joy.

*BOOM* the second round of lightning hit straight towards Alex, this time twice as more powerful than the last one.

The tiny darts that were floating around Alex redirected the lightning towards the ground.

Even more trees fell, from a 20 mile radius to a 40 mile radius. Several other land animals died, they fell like dominos one after another

The earth that Alex sat turned dark and brown, no more plants or trees will ever grow in that piece of land ever again.

"COME AT ME BRO!" Alex provoked the heavens even more.


The third and fourth round hit straight towards Alex only to be redirected to the ground by the chastiefol.


On another part of the earth.

In a lab, there were a bunch of scientist with a bunch of high tech computers were working on stuff in there.

A specific scientist was sipping on a hot cup of coffee, despite it being hot outside, weirdos.

This scientist was looking at the earth's tectonic plates on a paper graph.

(I am so sorry if I sound stupid, but science has never been my greatest subject. So I apologize if this part makes you cringe.)

The line graph suddenly changed for the worse. It basically exploded when it sensed the sudden change on the lithosphere.

The scientist spit out coffee at this sight. He quickly dialed a number on a phone and said.

"Boss, come here quick!" The scientist said in a worried voice.

The boss on the other phone recognized the voice, and immediately ran towards a certain spot.

"What's wrong?" The boss demanded to know.

"The tectonic plates are shifting a lot. At this rate we will be looking at a 7.1 earthquake!" The scientist said.

"Shit! Sound the alarm!" The boss ordered.

The earthquake alarms are very loud, it should be able to warn most of the people in this country.

(I am not gonna say which country Alex is in, as I don't wanna somehow offend some people who are from different parts of the world.)

*VVRRROOOOOOOOO!!!!* the alarm sounded, and it pierced the ears of everyone nearby.

Several people quickly reacted to this alarm and hid under anything that they could find.

"I hope that this doesn't get any worse." The boss said as he smoked a cigarette.


Back with Alex.

"Come on already! This was only the sixth heavenly tribulation and yet it is still so weak! Why don't you hit me with your best shot!" Alex said as he still hasn't realized the trouble he is causing to innocent people.

*BOOM* the lightning turned purple, and it strike the chastiefol once again.


Back with the unknown country.

"Shit boss! It reached 8.7. At this rate a huge Tsunami will hit our country!" The scientist with fear written on his face. It's the highest magnitude of an earthquake that he has ever seen.

"Get us a helicopter! We must leave before it's too late for us!" The boss said:

"What about the people living in the city?!"

"We can only pray that they will somehow survive this ordeal." The boss had lines on his face. Even if they acted now they cannot save anyone, the sudden change of this earthquake came out of nowhere, so they weren't prepared for something this big.

The scientist understood that he couldn't do anything, so he ran off with his boss to the helipat.


"Come on one more to go! I have better things to do you know! So just hit me already!" Alex kept screaming to the heavens for no reason.

"Why are you yelling? This isn't like the ultimate scheming system, so there is no point for you to KEEP SCREAMING!!!" The devil covered his ears out of annoyance of Alex's constant yelling.

"I have never been this excited in my life, except when I shot my dad but that was years ago. But now, I finally have that feeling of adrenaline rushing through my veins." Alex said with a huge smile on his face.

*BOOOOOOM* the last lightning tribulation hit the chastiefol, even that powerful lightning was redirected easily by the chastiefol.


Back to the country in peril.

The scientists and the boss somehow made it safe to the helicopter before their building was suċkėd by the earthquake.

The scientist who still had the graph sheet for the tectonic plates, he still kept examining the changes of the tectonic plates.

"B-...boss…" the scientist could not believe the changes of the results of the tectonic plates.

"What is it now?" The boss didn't want to hear it, but he must.

"It reached 10.0. This country is doomed." The scientist had an extremely gloomy look on his face, especially when he has family in this country but he couldn't even warn them in time.

"..." the boss or any other scientists present couldn't say anything about this. This is the worst earthquake ever in the history of the world, even the biggest one before this was a 9.5 but this is so much worse.

"What in the world caused this?" That was all they wanted to know. Was it a bomb? What was it something very powerful that caused the tectonic plates to shift to a magnitude of 10.0?

Only god knows what happened.


"Ah, that was easy, wasn't it." Alex felt happy to achieve the soul formation level.

The entire area around Alex was black, as a result of the lightning hitting the ground. There wasn't a sign of life anywhere within a 500 mile radius of Alex.

"And here I thought that god was a destroyer, ever since he caused that flood a long time ago." The devil smiled at the unfortunate events that Alex caused to the people of a certain country.

"You mean that story about Noah?" Alex said.

"Maybe…" the devil chuckled a bit. He is as old as the Earth itself, so he knew stuff that nobody could imagine.

"Well now that I achieved this level, my next quest is to recruit the Lu sisters. According to the story, they should be locked up in the east ocean dragon palace. If I help them break out of that prison, they will call me either Master, Gongzi, or saviour."

"Well what are you waiting for?" The devil pursued Alex to hurry up. He was in a good mood because he got a show and food at the same time on the same day.

"Hehehe, Lu sisters, here I come." Alex summoned his spirit spear to its original form and rode it straight to China.

"I thought that this heavenly tribulation would cause a disaster, but only a few trees died so it wasn't a big of a deal as I thought it would be. Neat!" Alex said to himself, still unaware of the destruction he just caused.

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