Killer Of MC's

Chapter 8 - East ocean dragon palace.

Alex kept flying straight towards the east ocean dragon clan at a frightening speed. Now that he is a soul formation cultivator, his speed increased by several folds.

"You know, I've been thinking." Alex said.

"'Bout what?" The devil said as he kept eating souls.

"Maybe I should become the Fuma of east dragon clan, I would be able to marry that loli, I would have the support of a powerful clan. I am just saying that it would be very beneficial for me if I joined the east ocean clan." Alex said after pondering a bit.

"After thinking about it, yeah, maybe you should." The devil nodded slightly.

"Yeah…" Alex looked at the devil beside him.

They looked at each other for a few seconds, and then.

"PFFFFTTTTTT!! HAHAHAHAHAHA YEAH RIGHT!!!!" Alex laughed at this thought,

"Hahahahahahaha! Unless if you were dumb enough to join Hehehehehe, then maybe you should become the Fuma hahahahahaha! I can't stop LAUGHING!! ." The devil held on to his stomach from being unable to breathe from laughing.

"As if I really would do that! Come on, let's fuċk some dragons. AHAHAAHAHAHA I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING!!!" Alex kept laughing maniacally.

And soon, the dou laughed like never before, and kept on flying towards the east ocean clan.

Back in the dragon god shrine:

"YOU HAD ONE JOB!!! KEEP THE PRISONER IN CHECK AT ALL TIMES, AND YOU ALREADY LOST HIM!!!" Qingfeng Hermit yelled loudly at the inspectors in front of her. She only went out to get the machine, but now it was useless without Alex here.

"I thought Su Han could handle it." The elder looked at Su Han, who is in the corner thinking.

"Ahh… that's what happens to me when I rely on dragons, I should have brought him up to 9th heaven." The old woman kept on ranting.

"But you heard what Su Han said, this kid is very special. He managed to reach Peak Qian by eating the souls of prisoners, as well as that weapon that he possesses. There was no way for us to know that." An elder said.

"I heard, and that is why I am so angry! If he is that strong now, then imagine if we let him roam around the world on his own, it'll be a matter of time before he becomes as powerful as a eternal demon king!" Qingfeng Hermit said madly.

The other elders had their heads down. She had a good point, as the kid would become an extremely powerful person.

"First the immortal being, and now this." She said.

"Um, miss Qingfeng Hermit?" A level four inspector said softly, afraid to piss her off.

"What?!" She said.

"I brought in the information you wanted about him. I managed to find it after pulling out some strings." The elder handed her a file.

"Let me see that!" Qingfeng snatched the file from the elder's hand and began reading.

After reading the entire file carefully, the old granny closed her eyes.

"To think he was 'that' person." The granny sighed.

"What do you mean?" An elder said.

"When Su Han mentioned his name, it sounded way too familiar, but I didn't think that they were the same person."

"Who is he?" An elder was curious to know.

"He is supposed to marry Evangeline, the heavenly mother's daughter." She said.

The rest of the elders were shocked, even Su Han. Ninth heaven is the strongest heaven there is, and that place is actually buzzing with soul formation cultivators.

"My son works directly under the heavenly mother, so I know some stuff that happens over there. It is said that Alexander Anderson has an incredible future, that even the heavenly mother wanted to recruit him to her side to fight and nurture him." Qingfeng Hermit said softly, she cannot believe she wanted to kill Alex.

"What do you mean 'his future'?" Su Han asked:

"The heavenly mother is able to accurately tell the future, and she saw something in Alex the day that he was born. But is this what she saw in him? A killer?" Qingfeng Hermit said.

"But what happened? Why did he become like this?" Su Han wanted to know. She is very afraid of Alex as he has terrifying abilities and skills that even she wouldn't dare go against.

"I don't know what changed in him, maybe it was because his cousin, Ajax, stole his cultivation." She said after pondering a bit.

"He what?" They all said in unison. If that's the case, then that is why he turned like this, but why does the old grandma know about this? And why is he still able to cultivate?

"Excuse me, I need to fix some stuff before I leave to 9th heaven." She disappeared in a flash leaving the elders with a shocked face.

"What should we do now?" An elder broke the silence.

"For now, we need to figure out how to counter his truth commandment. Use the statues of the prisoners and experiment on it, and find answers!" The level five inspector said.

"Yes!" Two elders bowed then left.

"We just don't need to lie in front of him, and even he isn't immune to his own power." Su Han said.

"Su Han, have you ever heard of the Ten Commandments?" The level five inspector said.

"Yes I have, I am a teacher at a school." Su Han responded.

"It is said in the bible that there are Ten Commandments, if what Alex said is true, then it is possible that there are also other commandments like him."

Su Han had her eyes widened out of shock. She never thought of this possibility until now.

"I know that you are under his command, but that was my mistake as we underestimated him. For now find out whatever you can about him, even the tiniest information could help us kill him."

"Yes… but you know I can't lie if he asks me about your orders." Su Han said.

"I know, but there must be a reason why he let you live, until then this is your job. Once we take samples of the prisoners we might be able to save you from his commandment. And one more thing, we mustn't risk telling the other dragon clans as the last thing we need is more chaos."

Su Han didn't say anything but left through the door. She still hasn't told them about Alex's immortality or the secret mission he gave her.

"What the hell are you doing now?" A hint of anger crept up on Su Han. She would be lying if she didn't want to cut him up in pieces, but what can she do about it.


Back at the east ocean clan.

"Do you think uncle will be okay?" Zhao Yanzi asked her parents. She is very worried for her uncle who is nowhere to be seen.

The family was in a room, pondering on what to do. Even the dragon king doesn't know what to do, as his cultivation is nowhere near strong enough to find him, or even fight against the immortal being.

"He's okay, he won't go down that easily, after all, he is the strongest person that I know." Zhao Hongyu comforted her daughter as she rubbed her back gently with her arm.

Zhao Guang just sat there thinking to himself. He knew that the other dragon clans have sent their Qian level cultivators, but they only have one Qian cultivator, and that's his brother.

*SWOOOSH* as if his timing wasn't perfect, Zhao Kuo flew inside the house with his painting. Several bruises and cuts could be seen on his figure, as a result of fighting demons beast that are lurking on the sea.

Usually he would come out unscathed fighting the demons of the ocean clan, but the granny did a number of him, causing him to be gravely injured.

"Uncle!" Zhao Yanzi ran up to her uncle and helped him up, the other two followed her steps as well.

"What happened there?!" Zhao Guang asked his brother, whom he loved so much.

"Long story, just please fetch me some medicine while I go to sleep, I need to rest." Zhao Kuo waved off their hands and began walking sloppily towards his room.

Zhao Guang and the others were very familiar with his stubborn attitude, so they heaved a sigh of relief that he is alive.

"Zi, bring all the medicine you can find on the medicine cabinets." Zhao Hongyu commanded her daughter.

Zhao Yanzi didn't feel reluctant to do work, because this involves in her uncle's health. She ran like a cute bunny towards the medicine cabinet.

Zhao Hongyu went to get some clean clothes for him, while Zhao Guang went to attend his brother in whatever else he could think of.

Zhao Kuo never felt such humiliation from a grandma, even if she is a soul formation cultivator. He is too ashamed to face his family now, he didn't plan on telling them the truth of his appearance, so he is gonna blame the immortal being for it.


Back with our favourite MC with a cheat system.

With the help of his system, he easily found whereabouts of the ocean clan. According to it, it should be under the sea, deep below.

However, the sight of a wonderful beach caught Alex's eye. He has only ever seen the beach on the internet, whenever there is bikinis involved, you can guess why.

"Man, this view is amazing. You know what could make this scene even better?" Alex asked the devil.

"Bikinis!" The devil said with a smile.

"Bikinis!" Alex agreed.

With his great eyesight, Alex saw a nice looking cottage 200 meters away from the beach. It was a simple two story cottage house, but the placing of this house is great, as it has a great view and was very close to the beach, who wouldn't want to live like that?

"Nice house." Alex complimented the house, even though he didn't know who lived there.

"Grandma, I'll be going to school now." An ordinary boy said as he exited the house.

"Be safe!" The very old grandma said with a warm smile, as she saw her grandson walking to the school.

"Wait, that couldn't be him?" Alex was very confused by this scene.

According to his knowledge, Hao Ren lives with his grandma very near the beach. But this is the only cottage house near east ocean, and the boy looks to be around Hao Ren's age.

This is too coincidental, but it couldn't be.

"It's actually him." The devil said as if he knew what Alex was thinking.

"Man, to think that he will become the main character of a light novel. It sickens me." Alex said in annoyance.

"You sure you don't wanna kill him now?" The devil asked as saliva dripped down from his mouth, he wanted to eat his soul very much as that is the main reason that he brought Alex here.

"I already instructed Su Han to train him when he becomes a dragon cultivator. If I let that happen, his soul will be even tastier than before, and I get more SP. it's a win-win for both of us." Alex explained carefully.

"I've been living for god knows how long, so what's another few weeks or months." The devil could only say this, as he cannot control Alex's thoughts.

Alex wondered what he should do at this point. Should he make Hao Ren suffer by killing his grandma, or something else.

He quickly abandoned those thoughts as any of his actions could possibly change the future plot.

Well… he already caused a lot of damage, but hopefully that doesn't affect Hao Ren from becoming a dragon cultivator.

"Well whatever, lets dive!" Alex flew straight towards the ocean and swam deep below.

Using his new found cultivation powers, he managed to repel the water around him, which gave him a bundle of oxygen.

Using his superior senses and his speed, he easily found the dragon palace, and it was magnificent.

There were a lot of defensive and complex arrays all over the area, but Alex could just dodge them all or avoid them. What are these arrays to Alex, who is a soul formation cultivator.

At first, he didn't know very much about arrays, but after examining them for a while, he began to understand them.

Although these arrays look awesome to him, he was not here to learn arrays, he came here on a mission to save the Lu sisters.

After breaking into the dragon palace undetected, Alex silently strolled through the entire palace, searching for the sisters.

He found a lot of things he had never seen, such as cultivation techniques, monster beasts, dharma treasures, and so one.

Alex got curious about the cultivation techniques, as Hao Ren cultivates one of these techniques.

There was almost no one here, which is weird. Either they were out looking for the immortal being that he summoned, or something else had happened, it was weird.

There were some dragon cultivators guarding the area, but Alex managed to successfully avoid detection.

After looking for a while, he saw a familiar name: Light splitting sword shadow scroll.

It's the exact same cultivation technique that Hao Ren uses in the light novel.

Alex is pondering on whether he should destroy this cultivation technique, as it would be a very powerful technique. If he destroyed it, it would affect Hao Ren's progress, as well as Zhao Kuo's, who also practices this technique in the future.

"Will you give me anything for destroying this scroll?" Alex said.

"You mean to say if I would reward you for ċȯċkblocking Hao Ren's future progress? Then yes!" The devil replied happily.

[steal/destroy the light splitting sword shadow scroll. 20,000 SP]

"DEAL!" Alex took the scroll from its shelf and stuffed it inside his storage. He might find something useful out of this scroll, but he won't cultivate this technique ever.

He also took the copies of that scroll just to be safe.

[20,000 SP] has been sent. You currently have 127,000 SP

"Yey!" Alex cheered. Easy money.

"Who are you?!" A young voice asked behind Alex.

Alex turned around alarmed by the voice. It was a young boy, but his power isn't weak at all.

"A small kid, has a power I never felt before, looks arrogant yet kind of smart. Are you Zhen Congming?" Alex asked after examining this kid carefully.

"How did you know?" Zhen Congming asked surprised that this person recognized him.

"I know a bit about you, especially when I came across your master not too long ago." Alex said truthfully.

"You met him!" He asked still surprised again.

"Well not exactly met him, but he wanted something from me, but he wasn't able to get it."

"Something from you? What was it?" He asked.

"Remember that black and yellow light that pierced through all the heavens, it was because of me." Alex said with a smile.

"You summoned that immortal being!!!" He almost couldn't believe it, but for some reason he believed Alex.

"But that doesn't matter. What matters is why are you here?" He still wanted to know why Alex was here.

"I came looking for two immortal maids." Alex said truthfully.

"It looked like you were stealing some cultivation techniques." He pointed it out.

Alex scratched his head in embarrassment, as he didn't expect to also steal scrolls on his way here.

"Hm?!" Zhen Congming noticed the spear beside Alex, and found it very special and powerful.

"What is that?" He pointed at chastiefol.

"Oh this? That's my mighty spear." Alex said.

"God don't make it gay." Zhen Congming said with a blush.

"You do know that pedophiles receive the worst punishment in hell." The devil said.

"..." Alex didn't mean it to sound gay, but he just wanted to show off his spear to a little kid.


"It's called chastiefol. It is said to be made from the sacred tree from the fairy realm." Alex explained it in a short and simple way.

"Who are you trying to trick? There are no fairies in this world or any other world!" Zhen Congming said angrily.

"Then what do you call this?" Alex took off his shirt and showed off his magnificent wings. The sight dazzled even Zhen Congming because they look so awesome on Alex.

"You really are a fairy!" He said.

"Well I guess I am 33.3% human 33.3% demon and 33.3 fairy." Alex said after thinking about it.

"What about the 0.1%?"

"I am actually 100.1% pure badass, and that's the truth!" Alex said.

"That doesn't make any sense! The percentage can't go higher than 100%" Zhen Congming yelled at Alex.

"Well that's just how awesome I am." Alex said trying to show off. If he believes he is awesome, then it must be true.


"Anyways kid, can you tell me where the immortal maids are?" Alex asked.

"If you let me examine that spear, then I'll tell you." Zhao Congming wanted to negotiate instead.

Alex did not get mad at him, but had a better idea instead.

"I'll make you a better offer: I'll show you everything that my chastiefol can pull off, but you need to do a few things for me." Alex said.

Hearing this, Zhao Congming thought for a bit. He was very curious about that spear as he had never seen such a weapon.

But, as long as this deal isn't impossible for him, then he will accept.

"What do you want?" He wanted to know.

"After you showed me where the immortal maids are, you will follow me outside and build me come complex array formations. After that you can examine my spear." Alex said.

"Is that all?" If that was all, then this will be easier than he thought.

"Just one more thing: in the near future, a kid my age will appear in this palace looking for a dharma treasure and/or a cultivation technique. He will be the fuma of east dragon clan, so you will be able to tell right away this person when you see him."

"What do you want me to do about him?" He asked.

"Nothing. Once you see him, ignore him and don't interact with him in any way. You may be curious about him at first, but stay away from him. If he tries to befriend you, don't let him." Alex said.

He did not want Hao Ren to meet Zhen Congming, because that would also limit his future progress. He wanted Hao Ren strong but not too strong.

"That's it?!" Zhen Congming asked to be sure.

"That is all." Alex said.

"Okay then. As for those immortal maids, follow me, but you better not go back on your word!"

"I am Alexander Anderson of the truth, I will never go back on my word." Alex said.

After getting a confirmation from him, he nodded and then led Alex to a specific part of the palace.

"Next stop, Lu sisters." Alex said with high hopes in finally meeting his favourite characters of this novel.


I just finished this chapter, but I have some bad news.

I won't be posting anything for the next few days because of a bad cut I received on my right hand.

It'll affect my writing, that is why I must take a break for a while.

Do not worry, I will not give up writing on this novel like so MANY other authors do. I am just taking a short break to let my wound heal, that's it, I may do a mass release after a week.

Stay tuned for more of this fanfic. And sorry for the inconvenience.

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