Killer Of MC's

Chapter 74 - Deal

About a half hour had passed, and Alex was enjoying the spectacular battle between Netero and Meruem. Somehow, Netero managed to make Meruem fight him.

However, this time, Meruem was going for the kill instead of taking his limbs.

Alex felt like a little boy as he watched Netero used his 100-hands-of-pure-awesomeness on Meruem. It was like watching a real life superman, only more awesome and more gore.

"Time is almost up." Alex said, knowing what was about to happen next.

Netero, died by the hands of Meruem, after taking a blow to the heart. When his heart stopped, a bomb went off inside him and detonated, taking him and Meruem to the after life.


Alex just waited, and waited for the right time to take action. And when he does, Meruem will join his team.


Mihawk swiftly advanced through the levels easily. And in a short period of a few hours, he made it to level 200.

When they got to the 100th floor, Steven and him enjoyed the luxurious foods provided by the staff. Even their new friend, Blue, was with them.

"Man, I don't remember the last time I have eaten something this good." Blue said as he stuffed large amounts of food into his mouth.

"Why are you here?" Mihawk asked. Blue just followed them everywhere they went.

"Aw, don't be like that."

After reaching the 200th floor, Mihawk, Steven, and Blue were confronted by Nen users, and were trying to oppress them. But they didn't stand a chance against Mihawk or Steven.

Steven didn't bother advancing to the 200th floor, since he won't get paid if he advances after the 200th floor.

Mihawk was only in this to fight strong opponents and hone his skills, nothing more nothing less.

Mihawk got up, and was ready to fight his next challenge, which was basically a nobody who only targeted noobs.

After winning ten fights, one can go and fight the floor masters, which are the most powerful ones in the Heavens Arena. So naturally, Mihawk was not gonna let this chance go.

But if he were to lose 4 before he reaches 10 wins, he will have to start from the very beginning.

Now that he is allowed to use weapons, he brought his swords with him.

"Bye." Blue did not bother going with Mihawk, but just enjoyed the food.

'Don't these people have anything better to do with their lives?' He thought.


Mihawk didn't even need to bother with such weaklings, merely by showing them a bit less than 1% of his power, they all faint, and it wasn't his conqueror's haki that defeated his opponents.


Zushi is the little kid that was with Killua and Gon during the Heavens arena arc.

At one point, Zushi actually challenged Mihawk to possibly learn from him. Zushi's score is 2 wins and 0 losses.

Wing, Zushi's master, as well as the one who taught Nen to Killua and Gon, was curious about Mihawk as well, 'cause Mihawk did not show any signs of Nen despite being so strong.

Mihawk was able to sense the Nen that came from that kid in front of him, that is why Mihawk accepted the challenge just to test what kind of powers this world had to offer.

"Are you two ready?" Asked the ref.

"Yes." Zushi responded confident.

Mihawk nodded slightly.


Mihawk released a bit of his power level to defeat the kid, but the kid was only forced to take a few steps back.

Zushi started to sweat a bit, even when he protected his body with Nen, it still affected him.

Mihawk was kind of impressed. He used a little bit more to release his aura than usual, and Zushi was still standing. That would even make a grown man fall unconscious.

Zushi ran directly to Mihawk, and launched a series of kicks and punches. Mihawk could easily see through his attacks, and dodged them all without much effort. And he hasn't move from his spot at all.

Zushi was getting frustrated that none of his attacks are connecting.

But, Mihawk suddenly responds with a kick to his stomach, launching him to the side of the wall, creating a fog of dust.

Wing got up to check on his student.

"Clear hit! 2 points for Dracule Mihawk!"

The crowd cheered.

But, Zushi got up and surprisingly did not take that much damage, only a few bruises and blood coming out of his mouth.

"Interesting." Mihawk said. That was an ordinary kick with no haki infused at all, but not even a kid should even get up from his kick.

On the city, there was a huge screen that showed the fight between Mihawk and Zushi, and many people were interested in it.

One particular person, was seemingly interested in Mihawk.

"Ohhhh. Looks like I have a new toy to play with. It's turning me on." He entered Heaven's Arena and went straight to the 200th floor.


Linlin and Lili were studying on how to deliver children. Right now, the nurse was actually delivering a baby, with a doctor and a couple nurses as well.

The nurse somehow convinced the doctor to let the twins participate, and thus that is the end of the story.

The twins were taking some serious notes. They saw a lot of blood and a lot of disgusting stuff happening there. There was also the intense screams of the pregnant woman echoing throughout the room.

"Sis… how much pain do you think she is in?" Lili asked, amazed at this sight.

"I don't even want to know." Linlin was way too into this, and did not even blink.


Madara and Eggy kept flying and flying. They had absolutely no idea where to go. Until, they saw a huge tree that was even taller than skyscrapers.

They got curious and flew all the way to the top of the tree. On the way, they saw several people attempting to climb the tree.

On the very top, they saw these huge species of birds, all the size of a house.

The two Commandments were not that surprised at all. Madara has seen giant slugs, snakes, frogs, so this is honestly nothing new to him.

"Finally! Something to eat." Madara said menacingly as he looked at the giant baby birds.


Alex did nothing but just killed time for a couple of hours. He sat and watched as Gon murdered Pitou and turned her body into mashed tomato.

Right now, Killua gently carried Gon on his back, bȧrėly alive from using too much Nen.

"First things first, he needs to die." Alex disappeared from his spot and appeared before Killua in an instant.

Killua didn't even sense the person in front of him. Once he did, in a millisecond he quickly took a leap back creating a distance between the two of them.

"Hi, Killua." Alex smiled. His body towered over Killua as if he were an infant.

Something inside Killua told him that 'he is death' and 'there is no escape' his instincts told him that, and he was right. He didn't even feel this threatened when he saw the royal guards, or even Meruem.

Despite that, he quickly activated his god speed and ran into the opposite direction.

He ran and ran, but Alex was already waiting for him there.

"Where are you going?" Asked Alex while he was sitting.

Killua didn't respond but kept running and running. But every single time, Alex was already waiting for him on the other side.

"How can he be so fast?" Killua was shocked. And Alex was merely sitting all this time.

"Haven't you noticed? You have never left this spot."

Killua noticed something. All this time he thought Alex was using his speed to catch up to him, but in reality, Killua has never moved from the exact same spot.

There was a red flow on Alex's knuckles. It was the reality stone.

"Reality can be whatever I want." Alex said.

Killua didn't believe it. But, instead of running and wasting his energy, he put Gon down and proceeded to attack.

As if Alex already knew what Killua was about to do, he grabbed a stick that was lying around him.

"Lightning bolt!"

"Perfect Counter."

Alex redirected Killua's lightning bolt, and it did some damage to him.

Next, Killua brought out his yo'yo's and threw them to the side so it can hit Alex. These yoyo's weight a lot, and getting hit by them will cause a lot of damage.

"*Sigh*" Alex was bored already. He disappeared from his spot which made the yoyo's miss him.

Killua was on alert and looked everywhere for him and was on guard, waiting for his attack.

"I don't need you, Killua. I only need him." Alex appeared behind Killua with Gon on his arm.

"GON!!!" Killua realized he had made a grave mistake, and quickly attempted to rescue Gon.

"Not today." Alex activated his space stone and teleported Killua somewhere else.

Killua was now 10,000 feet up in the sky. Killua didn't know what to think, because it was so cold.

Alex teleported Killua super high up in the sky, just for fun. At most, Killua will either die from the sheer cold, or die from the impact when he reaches the ground. He won't be falling down anytime soon

Killua, could do nothing but fall to his death. He tried to look down on the Earth, hoping that he could catch a glimpse of Gon one last time.

But, he couldn't. He could only see the clouds that blocked him from seeing anything.

Killua already accepted his fate, and knew what was going to happen next. He closed his eyes, as he remembered every single moment he spent with Gon.

From the moment they first met, when they went into Heavens Arena, and also the time they trained in Nen together, the moment when they fought against the Phantom troupe, when they trained with Bisky.

All the happy moments and sad moments, he remembered them all so clearly.

"Gon…" Killua said as tears escaped from his eyes, "I have never been happy. I was always training to become stronger and become an ȧssassin. I never had friends. I believed that good things happened, but I never believed that it would happen to me. Until… you came into my life and changed me."

More tears escaped from his eyes uncontrollably. But his tears froze seconds later. His voice turned into a more sorrowful tone.

This was gonna be his last words, and he hoped that it would reach Gon.

"My only regret… is that I never got to thank you *sob* for being my best *sniff* and only friend. *sob* If there is an after life… I hope the both of us… can be together again, but more… than just friends… forever… and ever."

Killua finally saw the ground, and was gonna fall at any moment. He closed his eyes and awaited for his fate to be sealed.


A huge crater was created when Killua dropped into the ground. Alex and Gon were just beside Killua's body.

Unknown to them, Gon let out a small tear from his eye, as if he had heard Killua's words.

Alex collected their souls, and said.

"Blue screen… please take care of these poor souls." Alex did not understand the true meaning of bromance, until now.

Somehow, Alex even let out a small tear from Killua's confession. If he had any other choice, he would have let them both live.

And if it was possible, maybe those two will be together in hell, and possibly reincarnate together and be together again.

{Very well}

{First mission: Complete}

Alex has never felt any sympathy for any other soul, not even when he killed Luffy, Naruto, Hao Ren, or anybody.

"Have I gone soft?" Alex asked.

{No. You have always remained the same}

{You just felt bad because you did not feel that those two did not deserve to die}

"I killed a lot of people who deserved to die, and some who did not."

Without saying much, Alex left the corpses together and left the scene.

"It's time to start my other plan."

Right now, Meruem was dying, and his royal guards were all dead.

Meruem right now, was playing his favourite board game, Gungi, with the one person he cares the most, Komugi.

Alex hid his presence so well, that no one was able to sense him.

"Am… am I allowed to be happy?" Komugi said as tears of joy fell down like a river.

"Can, can so many wonderful things… happen to a person like me?"

Meruem can feel her emotions. He felt something that he has never felt before.

"Komugi… I must tell you the truth…"

Meruem explained how he has little to live, and wants to spend his last moments playing with her. He also tells her that if she spends any more time with him, she will die from the contagious poison from his body.

'Oh god… why am I crying?!' Alex did not cry easily, but somehow this scene did.

{*Sniff* Have a tissue}

Then a tissue appeared before Alex.


"Meruem… right now, I am very happy. I may not be worthy, but please allow me to join you." Komugi said.

Unknown to most people, when she said, "I may not be worthy, but please allow me to join you." That is the old way, the Japanese woman used to say to accept being someone's life.

In short, Komugi is confessing her feelings to Meruem. And she wants to be with him not as a Gungi opponent, but something much more.

"I believe… that I was born to be here at this moment."

And just like that, Meruem and Komugi kept on playing Gungi until the poison kills them both.

"This doesn't have to be your last moment." Alex said through telepathy.

Meruem was startled, and he finally noticed Alex behind him.

"Go away." Meruem said.

"What?" Komugi asked.

"Not you."

"I am talking to you through telepathy."

"I don't care. I just want to enjoy my final moments with her." Meruem responded through telepathy as well.

"These don't have to be your final moments. I have a way that can save you both."

Hearing this, Meruem stopped midway from placing a piece into the board.

"Meruem-sama?" Komugi was confused as to why Meruem suddenly stopped.

"Is what you say true?" Meruem asked.

"It is the truth. I have no reason to lie."

"I am guessing that you still want me to join your group?"


Meruem kept playing Gungi as he was in deep thought.

"I refuse." Meruem flat out rejected him.

"Why is that?"

"If I were to join your group, I would have to spend less time playing Gungi."

"That is indeed very true. But if you join me, I will make you a deal that I have never done before."

"What deal?"

"If you join me right now, not only will I save your lives, but I will also cure her blindness."

This caught Meruem's interest. Curing Komugi's blindness? Not even his royal guards were capable of that.

"I will also grant you both the ability to live forever. That way, you two will be able to play Gungi, for millions and millions of years to come."

Now that really got Meruem's attention.

"How much time would I have to be away from her?" He asked, a bit intrigued.

"A couple of years, at most. But it's a small price to pay for an infinite life. Don't you agree? And you will also gain even more power, which will serve to protect not only yourself, but her as well from any harm."

Meruem got into thinking once more.

He would have to leave Komugi for a few years, but that would save their lives, cure her blindness, and give them infinite life.

Meruem didn't suspect Alex of lying. There was no point in lying at all.

"Komugi." Meruem said.

"Yes, Meruem-san?"

"What if I said that I could save our lives, cure your blindness, and be able to play Gungi longer than a million years?"

"A million years?! I would say that would be great. *Sniff* Being able to play Gungi with you for that long, *Sniff* would be a dream come true." Komugi believed that Meruem wasn't fooling around and was telling the truth.

Komugi didn't care if her blindness was cured, she only wanted to play with Meruem.

"But, I would also have to leave for a while, maybe a few years. But if I return, we will both play Gungi for as long as we want."

"As long as we want?"


"I… If this is true… then it will be *Sniff* great. We will not be able to see each other *Sniff* for a few years, but I really want to play Gungi with you for that long *sniff*."

This thought made her very happy.

Meruem smiled. He too would like to play with her for that long.

"I accept your offer. But only after she is safe from any harm." Meruem's only concern was her.

Alex also smiled. He will do anything that it takes to get Meruem to join him, and he did it for small price though.


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