Killer Of MC's

Chapter 75 - Zoldyck

Mihawk spend a bit more time than he thought fighting Zushi. Of course, Zushi had no chance on beating Mihawk.

"You have talent kid. Train and become stronger, and I will have to take you seriously some day." Mihawk left like a total badass.

Zushi's vision was blurry, but he could see Mihawk's blurry figure walking away.

"Zushi, you did great." Wing came to his side and carried him gently.

"Thanks, master. He is too strong."

"I know." Wing was really weirded out, he could not sense any Nen on Mihawk no matter how much he tried.

'He is that strong without any Nen training? I wonder what kind of beast will be awakened if he did learn Nen?' That was the one thing that bothered Wing.

He almost reminded him of Gon and Killua.

As Mihawk was about to leave, he saw a weird figure waiting for him near the exit.

"My, my, aren't you adorable." The man was none other than Hisoka himself.

Mihawk ignored the man and just kept walking.

"How would you like to fight me, without any rules restricting us? To the death." Hisoka released his Nen straight at Mihawk, but he dismissed it as if it were nothing.

Mihawk continued to walk and ignore him. He could not bother with a stranger again.

Hisoka seeing that his provocation did not work, he pointed his finger at Mihawk and released his bungee gum on him.

Mihawk sensed an attack, and he blocked his bungee gum with his arm. Mihawk was confused, as he cannot see anything at all, but he could sense that something is on his arm.

"Oh? You can't see it but you can sense it? Interesting indeed." Hisoka was somehow very interested in Mihawk. He made his powers invisible. Only one who knows Nen can see his bungee gum.

"What the hell did you do to me?" Mihawk asked in a threatening tone.

"Tell me, have you ever heard of Nen?"


"It seems you haven't." Hisoka unattached his bungee gum and let go of Mihawk.

Suddenly, Hisoka leaned close to his ear and said, "When you have learned to see and use Nen, I will find you again. Here is my card."

Mihawk saw him leave, and wondered what he couldn't see? What was that weird thing that Hisoka threw at him?

Mihawk had used his haki to sense his attacks, but could not see it.

"If you want, I can teach you." Someone said behind Mihawk.

It was Wing who said that. He came to offer his teaching to Mihawk.

Mihawk immediately recognized him as Zushi's master.

"Why would you want to teach me? It seems weird for a stranger to help another."

"I know. But I am afraid that if I don't show you the correct path, you will fall and never recover."

Mihawk understood him. He knew why Wing wanted to teach him.

"Let me guess: If you teach me, you only want me to use this power to not hurt people? To never use it for evil?"

"How did you know?" Wing asked.

"I know someone who is a bit familiar to you, though he is dead." He is referring to Red Haired Shanks. Wing's helpful character reminded him of Shanks for some reason.

"If I do teach you, do you promise not to hurt innocents? Never use it for the wrong reasons?"

"I cannot make that promise." Mihawk put the joker card away and left the area.

Wing was nervous. Mihawk was bound to learn about Nen from somebody someday. That worried him, because if Mihawk uses the power of Nen with evil intentions, there might be very few who can stop him.

Wing wanted to stop him, but something inside him told him to not attack him at all.

"I hope that he finds the right path."

Mihawk enters his room once more, to see two individuals drowning in their own sins and sleeping on the floor.

That was Steven and Blue, their bellies were fat, they were asleep and snoring, and made a mess of what was once a perfectly clean room.

"Hey! Stand up!" Mihawk kicked Blue and he woke up.

"No, mom! I don't wanna go to school today."

"I want you teach me about Nen." Said Mihawk.

Blue looked at him for a moment. "Nen? I don't know anything about Nen."

"I noticed something weird inside you long ago. You can see everything around you, even though you covered your eyes. That cannot be done with mere sound waves. And also, you have easily taken down your enemies as well, with a single finger."

Blue sat up, and drank a pop that was lying on the ground.

"It is true that I do not know much about Nen, only the basics, and a little bit more." Blue confessed while scratching his head in embarrassment. When he scratched his head, fleas and other types of filth would come out of it..

"How much do you know about it?"

Mihawk was curious. His main goal is to get stronger to defeat one person, Madara Uchiha.

As much as he hates to admit it, Madara has him beat. He cannot beat him relying only on haki and swords.

Even though he wished to also beat Alex, he knew that it was futile to catch up to him.

"I know enough to fight against the strongest in these lands. In fact… I don't need my eyes to see anything." Blue then proceeds to take off his hat.

"Because I can see everything." Blue shows his eyes being clawed out by someone or something. The claw marks on his face reached from his eyes all the way to his mouth.

Mihawk didn't notice it at first, because his dirty beard covered most of the scars.

"Dracule Mihawk, Steven, I have been waiting for this moment for far too long."

"You were waiting for us, weren't you? Us meeting wasn't a coincidence."

"Indeed. I waited only because I am in need of your help." Blue got on his knees and proceeded to kneel before them.

"If I teach you two everything I know about Nen, will you two please help me?"

Mihawk had found it strange that this man acted like a friend to them, and was also very powerful. But, he is not gonna let go of the chance to learn Nen.

"First you have to tell me what you need and everything I need to know."

"I… I came from a place called the Dark Continent. And right now, my children and lover are in trouble…"

In a hospital, there was a couple of people crying in the same room.

These were Knov, Morel, Palm, Knuckles and Ikalgo(Octopus guy)

They were crying, because Killua and Gon were both dead.

"Gon…" Palm kept repeating his name over and over again. She was too busy watching Meruem's last moments with Komugi, that she did not witness the death of Gon and Killua. And right now, she still doesn't realize that Meruem is still alive and well.

"It's all my fault. I should have been there." Knuckles punched the wall and made a large crack. He thought he could make a difference if he had been there for the kids.

And adding that fact that Netero was dead did not help the mood at all.

Palm was sure that Meruem was dead by now, thus she told everyone that the Ant King was dead. Hearing this, they were relieved but that didn't help their mood when they heard of Killua and Gon.

While Palm was looking at Meruem playing with Komugi, that was when she heard about Gon and Killua's situation. She did not bother looking at Meruem anymore, which is why she doesn't know that Meruem is alive and well.

They ȧssumed that it was Pitou that had killed both Killua and Gon. And didn't suspect anyone else.

And also, since Palm thought that Meruem was dead, she did not bother using her other eye to look at his whereabouts. She was too depressed to do anything.

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

Morel was covered with bandages. But he reached out for his pocket to get his phone.

"What?" He screamed harshly.

"Mr. Knov. According to the file report you sent us about the Chimera Ants, you did say that all the Royal Guards and the King had died, right?"

The one on the other side was Beans. He is that funny looking guy that looked like a bean head. And yes, Beans is his name, quite ironic.

"Yes. Though some of the Chimera Ants did survive, they are the ones who can be trusted."

"I see. Because I saw a picture of a Chimera Ant that was roaming the streets, along with a tall man and a blind girl. Some hunters send me pictures of them when they saw them. They wondered if the Chimera Ant was anyone to be worried about."

"Blind girl? It can't be!" Hearing the word 'blind girl' there was only one who fit that description.

"Palm!" Knov yelled.


"Check if the Ant King is still alive!"

"That's impossible. There was no way he could still be alive." Though she believed that Meruem was dead, she still used her eyes to check just in case.

A second later, shock and fear appeared before her face.



Alex, Meruem and Komugi were blindly walking a heavily populated city, not caring about hiding their faces. Meruem was not seen by people on TV, some who have seen his face might recognize him.

Since Komugi was blind, she affected their speed. So Meruem carried her in his back.

Before Alex could make Meruem a member, he first needed to make sure that Komugi was safe and that her blindness was cured.

Alex did not mind going through all this trouble. It was not like he had anything else better to do.

"Sorry for the trouble." Komugi said a bit troubled that they had to keep her safe from harm.

Meruem wanted to keep her safe, incase they use her as a hostage like last time. If she dies, he would have no reason to live.

Alex had tried to explain to Meruem that it doesn't matter if she died, he could bring her back, as well as anyone, back to life.

Meruem believed him, but would not like to take risks when it involves her life.

Alex smiled and agreed. He too would not put Linlin and Lili's life at risk no matter what. So he could understand Meruem's thinking.

Then, they stopped in an old building that was worn down.

"Is this your place?" Meruem asked.

"Yes. I have to get my stuff from there. All my records of Gungi are there. Sorry for causing you two trouble."

"It's all good." Alex said.

Meruem gently placed down Komugi, and then she went into her house to collect her stuff. Meruem wanted her safe from harm, and Alex had an idea where to take her.

"Too bad she can't stay here. Other people already know her and would probably arrest her. And some hunters have probably already seen and recognized you." Alex said. He laid down and started snacking on some chips that he bought on the way over.

Martial God Asura did not have any chips in their world, so he had bought some on this world.

"I sense some people tailing us. I couldn't kill them because Komugi was on my back." Meruem also sat down beside Alex.

"I'll handle it… later."


All of a sudden, several hundreds of pro hunters appeared behind their backs. All of them were strong.

A few of them stood out from them. Meruem and Alex sensed that their power levels were as on par with Netero's.

One was an old man, who was short and had white hair.

The other one was a much taller and muscular man, but with long hair that reached his back.

Those two were Zeno and Silva Zoldyck, grandfather and father of Killua.

"Zoldyck." Alex recognized them. But he already knew they were coming.

"Those two, are not as strong as the one I fought before." Meruem compared them to Netero, and saw that they still did not reach his level. He has met Zeno before and did not like him much, since Zeno did injure Komugi at one point.

Alex and Meruem didn't bother with them, and just sat down waiting for Komugi.

"I didn't think that Netero would die and you would still be alive. It seems you're a much more formidable opponent that I thought." Zeno did not let Netero's death affect him.

"He was strong. But I'm stronger." Meruem responded.

The Zoldyck family were immediately contacted and appeared before Alex and Meruem in such a short amount of time. The Hunter ȧssociation is not something to be underestimated.

"Hey, Zoldyck." Alex suddenly said.

"What?" Silva asked a bit annoyed.

"How is Killua?" Alex made fun of them. They did not know that Killua was dead.

They frowned at his response. That could only mean a few things, but they weren't sure yet…

"What do you mean?" Silva asked.

"He's dead."

There was a sudden change in their eyes, but it was back to normal.

"The ȧssassins world is one where anyone could die. The fact that Killua died means that he was not strong enough." Silva said, and he was Killua's father.

"Such a waste of potential talent. In a few decades, he would have surpassed us at some point." Zeno was a bit more affected, but not to the point that one would expect.

"But how would you know this?" Asked Zeno.

"How couldn't I. I was the one who killed him."

They expected his answer already, and thus were not surprised. Death was very common to them. If they were to get angry because every time one of their family members dies, the Zoldyck family would have been wiped out long ago.

"I usually do not kill for free, but I am willing to make an exception for you two." Zeno was a bit calm. He focused his entire aura into his hand and prepared to attack Alex.

Though Zeno does not kill unless if there is a reward, he is gonna kill Alex for messing with the Zoldyck family.

"Sorry, but all of you are not worthy to fight me. I would rather settle this in a more peaceful manner. *SNAP*" Alex snapped his fingers.

All the Hunters paused in their movements, including Zeno and Silva.

Meruem looked at the hunters and Alex. He could tell something was about to happen.

"What's happening?" One of the hunters saw his hand turning to ash, until his whole entire body also turned to ash.

The same happened with all the other hunters. Some tried nen to protect themselves, but it was futile.

Until, the same happened with Silva.

"Silva?" Zeno looked back, a bit shocked to see his son being dusted away.

Silva accepted his fate as he looked composed. He closed his eyes and then his body became ashes.

Zeno looked at his hand, and the same was happening to him.

He looked at Alex, but showed not a hint of anger or sadness or any kind of emotion.

"Pity." That's all he said and died.

"What was that?" Meruem, seeing all those powerful hunters dying in a matter of seconds, could not understand what Alex did.

"It's one of my many powers. One snap and I could make everyone in the whole world die like them." Alex showed Meruem his infinity stones as he said that.

"Why do you need to recruit others, if you already have the strength to take over the world in an instant?"

"Because where is the fun in killing everyone in a single snap?"

In another part of the city, Palm looked in shock as she saw all those professional hunters die with a single snap. She felt a greater power from Alex than she ever did from Meruem.

"I don't feel so good." Palm said.

"Palm? What's happening to your body?" Knov asked in shocking tone.

Palm looked at her hand, and she too was being dusted away.

"It can't be!" Palm didn't have time to say anything else as she had the same fate as those hunters.

Alex already knew about Palm and he targeted her as well.

"I'm ready." Komugi had no idea what had happened during the brief period of time while she was getting her stuff from her house.

Alex took the three of them to another place using his space stone. The place was far away, very deep in the Dark Continent.

The reason why Alex brought them to such a dangerous place was mainly because this was the place where Komugi would be safe from any harm.

The area was huge, about 2000 acres. It was filled with strange creatures, but were small and harmless.

It was a beautiful scene. With fruits, trees, a clear, blue sky. Such a place should not exist in the Dark Continent.

It was like an island, only that it was floating very high. Many dangers lurk below the island, but as far as Alex knows, this island hasn't been discovered yet by anybody other than themselves.

"Where did you bring us?" Meruem asked.

"This place is the Dark Continent. Probably the safest place on the entire planet."

"What is the Dark Continent?"

"It's where your kind was born, actually. This is where the Chimera ants all live, and also other strong creatures reside in this area."

Meruem didn't know how to feel at first, until he heard the word 'dangerous.'

"If this place is so dangerous, why did you bring her here?"

"It's safe. This island will not be discovered for another 10,000 years. We have plenty of time."

After Alex encouraged Meruem that the island was safe, only then did they settle.


Linlin and Lili both just exited the hospital. They learned a lot and took many notes during the pregnancy procedure.

Linlin touched her stomach as if she could already feel that she had a baby inside her.

"Sis, you're not pregnant yet." Lili said.

"I know. I am just wondering how it feels to have another life inside. It must be amazing." Linlin blushed at the thought of that.

'And painful and bloody.' Lili's memories were still fresh from the gory scene. She has seen much worse, but she cannot imagine herself in the same position as the pregnant lady.

As they were walking the streets, there were a group of powerful nen users walking down the opposite direction.

"Hisoka really did it. He is actually waiting for the boss to fight him to the death." A young boy with blonde hair said.

"If he was smart, he would quit. Hisoka has no chance against the boss." The cute girl with glasses said.

"Even if he has no chance against me, it is a part of our deal since he did help convince the nen exorcist to get rid of the judgement chains from my heart that the chain user used."

These guys are the Phantom Troupe/Spider.

They were walking to the location of Heaven's Arena where Hisoka awaited them.

Linlin and Lili both crosssed paths between them, and all of the Phantom Troupes felt that immense power from the twins, but they didn't show any reactions at all.

Once they were a fair distance away, they said, "What the hell was that?" Phinks said as sweat dripped from his forehead.

"Those two were clearly not Hunters, but they are really strong. Probably on par with my Father and my Grandfather." Kalluto Zoldyck said.

"I haven't felt that kind of dark aura in my life, not even Hisoka's is that sinister." Nobunaga said as he sheathed his sword.

Chrollo didn't say anything. They all just kept walking and walking minding their business.

Linlin and Lili also felt their aura, and also didn't react.

"Sis… this is a bit weird world." Lili said. They too felt the power of the Phantom Troupe.

"I know. I think that this world doesn't rely solely on strength, but also other terrifying abilities. This world is by no means weak." They did not fear the Phantom Troupe, but were cautious since they did not know much about the Hunter x Hunter world.

And they were correct. The world of Hunter x Hunter is anything but weak, it could even overpower DBZ characters with ease.

One of those instances was Killua's sister, Something. She has the ability to make wishes, like Shenron, but is a bit more sinister.

Another reason are the Chimera Ants. Species that are not only strong, but produce at an alarming rate. A single Queen is able to produce a King like Meruem many times.

If taking the simple logic of normal ants, then maybe the Chimera Ants are the strongest and most feared beings anywhere, due to their population, size and power. Since on Earth, there are hundreds of thousands of ant colonies around the world.

Who's to say that there aren't a thousand of Ant Queens in the Dark Continent? If that was true, then there will be thousands of Ant Kings as powerful and Meruem if not more powerful than him, and also the Royal Guards which are triple in number of Kings.

A single Guard was able to almost kill Gon's plot armour, and those Royal Guards, despite being 2 months old at the time, were the strongest ones to be introduced in the anime.

There are also many unknown secrets residing in the world of Hunter x Hunter.

Linlin and Lili's hunch told them to not underestimate this world. It could very well be the most dangerous one they have ever been in.

Unknown to them, there were 2 pieces of paper stuck on their clothing on their backs. This was Kalluto's doing, he has a special ability that involves mostly about papers.

Something inside Kalluto told him that he needs to know about those twins. He believes that they could be either a huge threat to them, or nothing at all.


I would like to say that the Hunter x Hunter world is also something to be taken into consideration. Many of us had only been focusing on stuff like the plot and stuff, but never considered the other possibilities that the world had to offer.

There are some pretty dark, and disturbing things about Hunter x Hunter, and I love it, which is why I chose this world next.

Too bad that the story is on a hiatus, 'cause I can't wait to see what it has to offer.

I think I am going to enjoy writing about this story, maybe, who knows.

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