Killer Of MC's

Chapter 76 - Specialist

"Don't move." Alex said to Komugi.

Alex transformed his Chastiefol into a huge flower, and it dropped a golden tear that landed on Komugi's face.

Seconds later, she opened her eyes and they were normal.

"I-I can see!" Komugi started crying tears of joy, followed by an unbelievable amount of mucus.

"Are you Meruem-sama?" She looked at Alex.

"No. He is." Alex pointed at Meruem who was beside them.

"Thank you so much!" Maybe because she was so happy, she leaped into his embrace, which covered Meruem's entire ċhėst with tears and mucus.

Meruem hugged her back gently. Alex left as so they could say their goodbyes. Nobody knows how long they were going to be apart after Meruem leaves.

Meruem understood that, so he didn't make Komgi leave him embrace, but rather embraces her back.

He had no idea what he felt for her: Love? Admiration? Respect? He has no idea, but that wasn't what mattered to him. All that mattered is that he knew she was going to be safe while he was away. After his debt is complete, they can play Gungi as long as they want.

Alex enjoyed the scenery of the floating island. He was amazed just how much thought was put into this world. The author of HxH is really something.

Then, that got him thinking.

"If the author of Hunter x Hunter didn't exist, would there even be a Hunter x Hunter world?" Alex thought.

"Would it even be here if Yoshihiro Togashi didn't exist? Would that also include the other anime worlds, like Naruto and such?"

"That doesn't make sense, but at the same time it does. Gah my head hurts." Alex laid down and stared at the sky.

"I am possibly the only prove that the Multiverse exists. And also bluescreen is proof of that as well."

{Don't stress too much about the multiverse. Even I don't quite understand}

"Can you at least tell me something about this in a way that makes sense?"

{I can, but that would also create more questions than answers}

{Just know that these worlds do exist. They all exist}

"But did they exist before the authors created their worlds?"

If such worlds did exist, like Naruto and Onepiece, then did they exist before people knew about it?

{No. These worlds did not exist before the authors created it}

This surprised Alex. If they didn't exist, how were they created?

{I cannot say much about the multiverse because you need to focus on what's in front of you. Worry about the multiverse later}

"Do you promise to tell me how they were created?"

{I may not be able to tell you. But you will know about it, someday, not today}

And the conversation between them ended.

Even after a thousand years had passed, Alex never thought about the multiverse. How was it created? Who created it? Why did they/he/she create these worlds?

So many questions to be answered.

But bluescreen was right, that doesn't matter for now.

Meruem then stood behind Alex.

"Ready?" Alex said.

"I am."

"Before we go, give Komugi this." Alex handed him a fountain of youth to Meruem.

"Tell her to drink even till the last drop."


"I don't know how long we will be gone. Drinking this will ensure that she cannot age or die. By the time we return to this world, she will look the same."

Meruem didn't have to think much and brought the fountain of youth to Komugi.

Alex just remembered that bluescreen once told him that every world is different when it comes to time. If they were by some chance leave this world, by the time they come back a million years could go by, or even a hundred years.

This does not mean much to Alex, but normal people like Komugi will die within 100 years unless if they have immortality.

After that, Meruem returned once again after saying their goodbyes for the last time.

"Let's go." Alex activated his time stone and teleported the both of them to a far place.


Mihawk was listening attentively to the story Blue had to say.

"I come from a tribe in the Dark Continent. We are not the strongest, but we are really powerful when it comes to seeing the future."

Blue pointed to his eyes. "When we reach a certain age, depending on our physique and spiritual power, a powerful beast that we refer as our leader, scratches out our eye balls, but in return we can see what no one else can see."

Mihawk got interested in this story.

"You see, when our leader scratches someone, that person or being can have the ability to see the secrets of the world. It's because of him that our tribe has been able to live for so long."

"But one day, we all saw a catastrophe that could not be avoided. There is a clan known as the Din, who destroy their opponents by using loud noises."

"How do they use these noises to attack you?" Mihawk asked.

"The vibration in their voices and the instruments they carry, that's how. Once they make a sound, it's so painful that feels like a thousand needles were to poke our bodies."

"If they use a higher pitched sound, they could destroy our brains, or our entire bodies without much effort. And we got attacked by this group. Even though we saw it coming, we could not outrun the range of their sound. If we ran, they would have killed everyone in their."

Blue started to cry hysterically.

"Our leader, run away, not because he was a coward, but because we told him to. Our clan will die if he dies as well. And also, the Din wanted the power to see the future, and our leader is the only one who can give them that power."

"We were captured and enslaved. Until one day I had a dream, which is weird because our clan never has dreams. I dreamed that I met you and Steven. I knew it was real because it was the furthest anyone in my clan had ever seen."

"I came up with a plan to escape. But since their hearing is so good, there is no chance for me to escape. So I had to pretend to betray my tribe."

"Pretend to betray?" Mihawk was confused.

"You see, I could not escape using any other means, so I had to trick them all, even my family. I told the Din that I would find the leader in return they would let me, and my family go."

"Making a deal with an enemy is considered treason for our clan, so I knew the consequences, but one has to cross the line in order to do what is right."

Mihawk nodded in agreement.

"I told them I would find the leader, but really I will come to find you two. And believe me, it wasn't easy. I think I spend 2-3 months looking for you two. They also gave me about like 6 months to find the leader, or they will kill my children and lover."

"So they just let you go like that? Wouldn't they think that you were tricking them or trying to escape?" Mihawk asked after finding a flaw in his story.

"They did suspect me. Which is why 2 people from the Din clan followed me all the way over here. And also that they're using my family as a hostage."

"There are currently two powerful nen users, from the Din clan, right now, somewhere around here?" Mihawk asked.

"No. I lost them back a few weeks ago when a powerful Chimera Ant King ambushed us. They are probably dead now."

"Then why do you smell like that and have an appearance of a homeless?" Even still, the stench was something that Mihawk will never get used to.

"Oh. A couple weeks ago, I also had a run in with these monsters that can only use their strong sense of smell to locate other beings. So, I had to cover myself in the most disgusting things I could find, like mucus, shit, and other stuff I would not like to mention. That was the only way to escape those monsters. I honestly gotten used to the smell not too long ago."

Mihawk felt grossed out, but admired his courage and smarts to use the stench to stay alive.

"We will help you, until you have taught me how to use nen." Mihawk said. The Dark Continent did pique his curiosity, and he wants to go there. At least until he has mastered his nen and honed his swordsman skills.

Mihawk does not mind giving something to get something.

"Deal" Blue said happily.


Madara and Eggy were both eating 200-300 pounds of chicken that they found. Behind them, were the bones of a huge bird species.

"This is good." Eggy said.


After eating, they took a long rest.

"Do you even know where we're going? This world seems a bit weird, but weak."

"I don't… unless." Madara spread his wings and flew up high until he reached the Earth's atmosphere. Eggy also followed him.

Above the atmosphere, they could only see the beautiful blue Earth, covered in white clouds and the sea.

"What are you doing up here?" Eggy asked.

But, Madara didn't respond as shock filled his face. He looked into the far distance, and saw something unbelievable.

He flew at full speed in that direction. One cannot see that far, but Madara had the best eyes out of the Ten Commandments.

Eggy was confused by his actions, but followed him.

As they flew closer and closer to the distance, they noticed that the entire place had changed dramatically.

Heavy rain covered the area, followed by storms, lightning, thunder, hail, level 5 tornadoes, and also complete darkness where the only light was the lightning.

"I can't see." Eggy had no training at all incase of dark situations. It was no different from being blind.

Until, she crashed into something.


"Ssshhhh?" Madara quickly covered her mouth.

"Don't make a sound." Madara whispered very silently to her.

Eggy was starting to get scared for some reason. She was surrounded by complete darkness, was wet, and the only one who could see was Madara.


The flash of lightning illuminated the entire area for a brief moment. Behind them, was a creature, like a serpent, the size of 3 skyscrapers. It's body was covered in black scales, with pointy teeth like spears, and it's eyes like that of a cat.


Eggy looked behind her, and with the light from the lightning, saw the humongous snake. It was smiling creepily at them.

Fear enveloped her heart. Never has she seen such a scarier creature in her life. Anyone in her position would feel the same way.


"Crap!" Madara quickly activated his Susanoo protecting them both, just as when the giant snake took a bite out of them.

Madara quickly slashed the snake, cutting its head off from its body. The snake died and it's body fell to the ocean.

"Why are you afraid? Aren't you a Commandment?" Madara yelled at Eggy for giving them away. He also deactivated his Susanoo.

"Well I don't know. How the hell would one feel if they were to be face-to-face with a thing that can devour a whole city!" Eggy protected her dignity, not once has she ever screamed like a little girl, especially in front of another.

"Can't you see in the dark?! You're useless!"

"Take that back!" Eggy punched Madara hard in the stomach, but that only pushed him back several meters. She has gotten used to the darkness, and she could sense Madara's presence, meaning that she could at least sense him in the darkness very well like she could see him.

"It makes me wonder why Anderson recruited you. It seems that it was only because of your face fits your Commandment, I cannot think of another reason."

That hit Eggy hard. It was true, Alex felt that the Commandment of Purity fitted Eggy's personality and appearance, it was mostly because of that that Eggy was even a Commandment.

Part of it was also because she was strong, and she was an Asura spirit.


Just as Eggy was about to punch him again, another similar serpent appeared before them. Behind that serpent, an army of serpents emerged from the bottom of the ocean, and they looked at Eggy and Madara with hostile eyes.

The number of serpents was unbelievable, it was never ending.

"How many are there?"

"Here we go again. Susanoo!"

And just like that, an epic and scary battle occured in the dark ocean.


Alex teleported Meruem and himself to the middle of a city.

"Okay Meruem, if you want to join this team, then you gotta know what we do and know everything about the way we work." Alex said happily. He just got the 8th Commandment with him, just 2 more and that was it.

"I never wanted to be a part of this."

"But you said you agreed to be in this team."

"Only after you gave me an ultimatum." Meruem responded. It was either death, or this.

"I have no idea what that means, so let's change the topic. Now, absorb this." Alex handed Meruem a black orb known as a Commandment.

"This is the Commandment of Repose. Anyone who dies within your presence shall fight for you."

Meruem got it and immediately absorbed it easily in his body.

"Awesome. That was quick." Alex has never seen someone absorb a Commandment that easily that wasn't him.

He also secretly bought the Commandment immunity, meaning that Meruem is immune to his Commandment.

After handing him the fountain of youth, Meruem was all set.

Meruem felt stronger and more alive than ever. His respect for Alex grew just a bit.

"Now, Meruem, step one: When you see a rare human, what do you do?" This was a simple test that Alex gave to Meruem.

"Simple, eat him."

"Wrong! We don't eat human flesh-... wait, is eating souls better or worse than eating human flesh?" Alex was confused.

{I… I don't know}

"Okay nevermind, you can eat humans. Question 2: If you see a man you have never met before, and he needs your help because his house is burning, and his wife and daughter are inside the burning house, what do you do?"

"Easy, ignore them." Meruem responded.

"YES! Unless they are important people in your lives, don't bother helping them. We are not saints, we are the bad guys." Alex was proud to say that, not many people would be.

Meruem nodded. He was worried that he was going to have to change his ways, but it seems he was wrong. There is nothing more annoying and more cliche than helping people in need.

"Question 3: If you see a man trying to kill you, but this man is so weak, that you could squish him like an ant… er I mean."

"That's racist." Meruem refuted and seemed a little angry.

"Sorry. That was a slip of the tongue."

Meruem only looked at Alex a bit hostile. Alex felt awkward to keep pursuing the question.

"Question 4: If you saw Komugi in trouble, but I tell you not to save her, what would you do? Would you go against my orders? Or save her?" Alex released his aura a bit to make him seem like a dominant figure.

"I would save her." He didn't hesitate at all.

"Even if it means going against me?"

"Yes." Meruem didn't refute.

"Good." Alex smiled. "That is why I picked you to be a part of this group." Alex began to walk and leave.

"What do you mean by that?" Meruem asked.

"I do not want a bunch of wimps on my group. I want people who have strong beliefs and have a heart, even if it means going against me or the universe. Like the time you kneeled before a soldier ant, just for the sole purpose of seeing Komugi one last time. People who stick to their heart and believes, are the strongest and most fearsome."

"That won't always work." Meruem added.

"True… but people who are willing to do what you did have my recognition."

"But what are the rules to this group?" Meruem asked.

"The rules? There aren't many rules at all… I think." Alex got into deep thinking.

"I guess some rules are… I don't think we have any."

"So we just do whatever we want?" Meruem asked.

"Something like that. Except that if you want to explore certain parts of the world, then always travel in a group of two, and also my words are final in this group."

Meruem didn't refute the rules at all.

Alex smiled, because he thought that Meruem might be against the idea of being under someone else's leadership, and he might refute. But Meruem was smart enough to see the big picture.

As long as Komugi was safe, and that Alex would complete his part of the deal, Meruem had no problems doing these things for him.

"Meruem, I will now tell you everything you need to know about this group…"


Mihawk was learning about the basics of nen. Blue was surprised because Mihawk and Steven both learned how to use nen in such a short amount of time.

They haven't mastered it yet, but were pretty close.

Mihawk could feel the aura around him, he felt power like never before.

"Let's try water divination next." Blue already prepared beforehand a leaf and a cup filled with water. This weird test will tell Mihawk which category of nen he belonged to.

Mihawk put his hands between the glass of water, and the leaf, as well as the water turned dark.

"Wow. A specialist." Blue said, but was creeped out that Mihawk's aura was so sinister and vile. That was the only explanation he could have thought of because of how dark the water turned.

For some strange reason, Blue put the tip of his finger in the water and put it on his mouth.

"GROSS!!! *SPIT* *SPIT*" Blue tasted it, and it wasn't good, which should have been very obvious from the start.

"Did it taste good?" Mihawk teased.

"NO! It was sticky, it tasted worse than shit, and it's burning my mouth and throat." Blue began to drink a coke that was lying nearby, but it did not help one bit.

'That was just a drop. Imagine if you drank a mouthful of it." Mihawk grabbed the water bottle and placed it inside his bag, just in case he needed it.

"So I am a specialist. Now what?"

"You have to find your own powers. I don't know what it is, because everyone's is different. But I do know that your powers depends on your emotions, your character as a whole, and the way you think."

Mihawk scratched underneath his chin as he was in a very deep thought. One can choose their own powers that they think feels right for them.

Mihawk grabbed both his swords, Yoru and Excalibur. He closed his eyes and got to thinking.

Blue and Steven waited patiently for Mihawk. They didn't want to disturb him.

'What is a good ability for me?' Mihawk thought. He already knew haki, and he learned the shadow scroll thing that Alex made for him. He was already powerful, but this one moment will decide just how even more powerful he can become.

He focused so hard that sweat dropped from his forehead. Until, something happened.

"PAH!!! Hello master!" Two different beings appeared before Mihawk in a puff of smoke.

Both almost looked like Hello Kitty dolls, except one was yellow and the other was red. Both did take on the appearance of a humanoid cat, but were cuter.

Their eyes were black, their bodies were the size of dolls. They were extremely cute to look at.

"Is this… my ability?" Mihawk looked at Blue in confusion.

"Yes. I honestly do not know what they do." Even Blue was clueless and did not expect this at all.

Seeing that he was alone in this, Mihawk had to figure it out himself.

"What are you two?" Mihawk asked.

"I am Roj." The red doll said.

"And I am Arm." The yellow doll said.

"What do you two do exactly?"

"I am in charge of examining the quality of the swords. And also I can find a good quality weapon within a certain distance." Arm said.

"And I can fuse two swords into an even more powerful version." Roj said.

They flew around Mihawk like they were a bunch of flies.

"I can identify two weapons in your hand right now, and those two are compatible with one another." Without asking for Mihawk's permission, Roj combined the two swords into one.

"Wait! I did not want this!" Mihawk tried to stop him, but failed.

"You see, master. Once you have two great quality swords in your hands, I will come out and fuse the weapons immediately." Roj acted in a playful manner.

"I will also come out when I have sensed another powerful weapon when you are close to it. Bye."

And just like that, they both left.

"Huh, neat." Blue said.

"What's so neat about this?" Mihawk asked.

"Look at your sword." Blue pointed at him.

Mihawk examined it, and found some weird engravings on it. The engravings looked ancient, and it felt like there were souls on them.

"Master, there were already souls of powerful swordsman in this weapon already. Once you slash an enemy to death, their souls will go to this sword." Arm appeared once again before Mihawk.

"Is that your ability?" Mihawk asked.

"No, this is your ability. Each sword fused is different. But I rank the quality of this sword as a B+"

"What are the grades of the weapons?"

"The highest grade is naturally S+ then there is S- A+ A- B+ and so


Mihawk had a hard time believing that the sword that Alex gave him was not of an S quality.

"But, if you keep on killing people with powerful souls, the grade of this sword will higher. Bye." Arm left Mihawk once again.

Mihawk examined his sword. He waved it around a few times, and found that Mihawk grew even more powerful from that upgrade.

"You have the power to fuse two weapons together, and make a better one. That is indeed the power of a specialist." Blue added.

Mihawk merely chuckled. Maybe it was fate that made him keep gathering souls to become powerful. He might not have the highest power level, but with the sword and with his new ability, he will become even more powerful.

He also remembered that if he found another 2 swords that matched together, he could get a new ability from it.

Mihawk's may not be insanely OP, but it was still something to be wary of.

"Let's go to the Dark Continent." Mihawk sheathed his sword and got ready to leave.

"We're leaving now?" Blue honestly thought that Mihawk would have rathered wait a few more days until they left.

"It's a part of our deal. You teach us nen, and we help you in return."

"THANK YOU! THANK YOU THANK YOU!" With tears forming in his eyes, he launched himself at Mihawk.

Unknown to them, a terrifying battle was about to begin above the room they were in.

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