He had always wanted to give these people an even stronger version of himself. He wanted them to feel that he was completely capable of protecting them. He wanted them to be able to safely depend on him.

So right now, he couldn't stop or go rest. He had to make himself stronger and give others a sense of security. to be able to give them a more cosy and secure harbor.

Although she could not completely understand Hao Qiang's thoughts, as a little woman who was facing her lover, she could completely understand Hao Qiang's difficulties. She knew Hao Qiang was just an ordinary person and was not an omnipotent god, so she had never wanted him to push her too far, she just wanted Hao Qiang to act a little more ordinary. Even if Hao Qiang was not as radiant as he was now, it didn't matter, because at that time, she would still love him.

She loved him, not because she loved his appearance, nor because she loved his talent and ability. She just loved this person, so it didn't matter even if he was ordinary.

"Mengxi, I hope you can stay by my side." Hao Qiang placed Qi Mengxi's forehead behind her ear and whispered into her ear.

Qi Mengxi felt warm in her heart and replied with a "En".

There wasn't much she could give him. She could only stay by his side and watch over him. This was the best thing she could do for him.

Hearing that soft reply, Hao Qiang was overjoyed.

"The thing that I don't regret the most in my life is encountering you. You are the lucky one of my life." Hao Qiang said.

Qi Mengxi blushed as she looked at him shyly, "Don't say anymore, even if you don't want to be embarrassed, I will be ashamed for you. Aren't you tired?" "Hurry up and go rest."

Hao Qiang looked at her and revealed a gentle smile, "I'm not tired now, I want to sit here with you and watch TV."

Qi Mengxi looked at Hao Qiang's frozen expression on the TV screen and lightly nodded her head.

Thus, Hao Qiang happily hugged his future daughter-in-law as he watched his own play.

When Hao Qiang was acting, he didn't think much about it. However, as an audience member, he was deeply shocked.

However, as one of the participants, Hao Qiang didn't have any special feelings towards this kind of play. But now, after going through the processing, dubbing, and various types of editing, that kind of tense and solemn feeling, as well as the feeling of being there, was something Hao Qiang had never felt before in any of the movies.

Even though Hao Qiang had heard of her name before, Hao Qiang had never been able to understand her in depth. However, he never would have thought that when he heard about this book, Hao Qiang would come out with such a shocking performance, he never would have imagined that there would be such a tragic yet passionate music, in which, he felt the hope and despair of life, the unwillingness and freedom of death, and this also happened to reflect the pessimistic and free life of the protagonist!

Hao Qiang was deeply shocked by this tragic scene. Unknowingly, under the watch of the two of them, the first three hours were over just like that.

"Hao Qiang?" Qi Mengxi looked at Hao Qiang You with a puzzled expression and asked.

"Do you know who the music producer is?" Hao Qiang looked at Qi Mengxi and said.

Seeing the look of shock on Hao Qiang's face, Qi Mengxi understood what he was thinking and revealed an understanding smile.

"Of course I know. This is the person I recommended to them."

Hao Qiang looked at her in shock, "I didn't expect you to know this kind of person. I thought you only knew how to write novels."

Qi Mengxi couldn't accept that he was looking down on her. She pouted and said, "Don't underestimate me. I know a lot of people."

Hao Qiang nodded with a look of "I know I was wrong".

Qi Mengxi then said with satisfaction, "That person is my aunt. Because she's been living abroad all this time, you don't know her, but recently, because of the 'History of Qing', she's been living in the country. If you like, I can bring you to see her."

Hearing Qi Mengxi's words, Hao Qiang felt a burst of excitement, but he did not lose his mind. Right now, he was undoubtedly a troublesome person. He would bring trouble wherever he went, so it was better not to visit him now.

When Hao Qiang explained his thoughts to Qi Mengxi, she expressed her agreement.

"Anyway, aunty intends to stay in the country for a long time, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future." Qi Mengxi said.

"I did not expect you to be interested in this."

Hearing Qi Mengxi's words, Hao Qiang smiled but did not reply. In fact, he was only curious about the kind of person who could produce such shocking music.

While the two of them were joking, Lei Li pushed open the door and entered with a stack of papers in his hands.

"Hao Qiang, it's great that you're back. I happen to have sent information about the three great families over here. Take a look." After saying this, Lei Li awkwardly looked at the two people sitting side by side on the sofa, "Uh, just pretend you didn't see me, I'm going to the study room first."

Hearing his words, Qi Mengxi's face turned red. "I suddenly remembered that I have something to do, so I'll be going now."

As he spoke, he rushed back to his room.

Hao Qiang looked at Lei Li, his eyes were filled with accusation against the timing of his appearance.

Lei Li scratched his head. How could he know? Seeing that the door was open, he walked in. He was also very embarrassed when he saw the couple kissing Mi Mi.

Regardless of what they were thinking, in the end, the two of them still obediently went to the study room.

"This is the information I received about the three great families. Take a look." Lei Li handed the documents over to Hao Qiang.

Hao Qiang reached out his hand and took it. Then, he started to flip through the pages one by one.

Other than the Yuwen Clan, which was having a lively battle with Hao Qiang, there was also the Qi Clan and a Wu Clan. These three clans controlled the other major businesses in the city, excluding the half of the business that was controlled by the Hao Family. Furthermore, such a model had existed for a long time. It truly deserved to be called with a long history. Therefore, it could be said that it would be easy for the Hao family to deal with any one of the three families. However, the Hao family was connected to the other three families, and their relationship was extremely complicated. This was also the reason why Hao Qiang didn't dare to make any big movements before. Although the Hao family and the military had their own forces when necessary, the risks involved were too great, so he definitely had to take down the Yuwen family without making any noise. The reason why he announced the Hong gang's cooperation with Mu Haotian's Clear Sky Group in such a high profile was only to provide an additional safeguard when the matter was exposed one day.

Moreover, among the three families, Yuwen Clan was also ranked last, but its strength was not to be underestimated even though it was ranked last among the three families. As one of the three families, it would be very difficult for them not to be snatched away after a long period of time.

Therefore, even if Hao Qiang were to win the battle against the Yuwen Clan in the future, his future path would still be very long. Moreover, if Hao Qiang guessed correctly, the three families would also secretly raise their own special ability users, just like them.

The last time Mu Haotian was injured, Hao Qiang had asked Lei Li to investigate the situation on the day of the incident. The results of Lei Li's investigation showed that it was clearly the work of an Adept. Furthermore, among all the special ability organizations that Hao Qiang knew about, none of them had accepted this mission. Therefore, the only explanation for this was that the three brothers from Yuwen Clan had sent out their nurtured special ability users.

Therefore, it was impossible for Yuwen Mu to not know about the matter of the Adepts that the three brothers had dispatched.

Hao Qiang didn't know what to say about this person who was so cruel to his own son. Even the so-called tiger poison wouldn't eat his son. He didn't expect that Yuwen Mu, as a man, would be even more cruel than that tiger.

It was precisely because of this that Hao Qiang had truly made up his mind to deal with that old fellow Yuwen Mu. There were some things that Hao Qiang could do whatever others wanted him to do or say. However, there were some things that Hao Qiang would never forgive. Mu Haotian was his relative, and just by this point, he couldn't let others have ulterior motives.

Of course, Lei Li was well aware of this fact. Thus, he did his best to keep the details of the investigation to the best of his ability, preventing Hao Qiang from taking any detours.

Hao Qiang carefully looked at the information in his hand. Finally, he stopped at one of the pages, and his eyebrows creased even tighter.

Lei Li looked at his expression and curiously walked over. "What's wrong?"

Hao Qiang turned the information in his hands around and pointed to one of the names.

As Lei Li looked at the name, his eyes couldn't help but slowly widen.

If one were to talk about the most wonderful thing in the world, then it would be fate. Some people would never be able to see each other again in their entire lives, some people would not want to see each other, some people would miss it, some people would miss it, and some people would continue it after missing it.

However, in this world, there was another type of destiny called … dog blood!

For example, Hao Qiang and Lei Li's current situation.

"I didn't expect this. No wonder that Shi Xueman of yours would do such a thing. So it's because of this." Lei Li sighed with emotion.

Hao Qiang shot him a glance, "You didn't know about it before?"

Lei Li shook his head. "I took this as soon as I got it. It even has information that the military has helped to collect. I didn't even have the time to look at it." "What are you going to do now?"

Hearing Lei Li's words, Hao Qiang felt a headache coming on.

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