Although they did not occupy the first position among the three great families, their ancestors were once important officials of the palace in the old society and had also made many meritorious deeds in the founding of the country. Thus, even though they were merchants, there were no lack of people who had once been an official, and among them, there were many people who had done a lot of things for the people of the country.

Although the Qi family had become a merchant, they had connections in the political world. The head of the Qi family was also a legendary existence, he had become one of the Qi family members when he was a teenager, and had left the Wu family behind in the years he was in power. More importantly, in contrast to Yuwen Mu, Qi Ying, the head of the Qi family, was an extremely infatuated person.

Although he and his wife had been married for commercial reasons, and both of them had been reluctant to marry, what was unexpected was that their lives after the marriage were filled with love. Since his wife had refused to participate in any social events, Qi Ying had brought his wife along to those events, even though they were not supposed to be there.

It was because at that time, there were really too many people who raised lovers. That already became an existence that everyone tacitly agreed to. So, it still caused quite a commotion at that time.

However, Qi Ying's wife was a natural weak girl who had almost died a few times. Fortunately, her family was not bad and she had the money to keep her life. After marrying Qi Ying, Qi Ying had invited famous doctors to take care of her. However, as husband and wife, as well as the head of the Qi family, Qi Ying had the responsibility to help the Qi family.

Since Qi Ying's wife was not fit to have children due to medical reasons, the two of them still didn't have children after several years of marriage. Although the couple didn't care much about it, they continued to live their own lives, but the elders of the family became more and more anxious, urging them to marry each other.

However, Qi Ying had been delayed because there was something wrong with his wife's body. After a long period of time, she had finally angered the Qi family's elders, and had openly found a lover for Qi Ying to give birth to his children.

This was undoubtedly a provocation to the couple, so they finally agreed to give birth to a child for the Qi family. Although it was one thing to agree to it, it was another matter whether they could conceive it or not. However, after a year of being unable to produce any results, the elders of the Qi family had brought them home.

Although Qi Ying held absolute power and prestige in the Qi family, he was still a member of the family for a long time. No matter how much he struggled, he was still unable to escape from this calamity.

In the end, she was infatuated with Qi Ying and even thought of marrying him. Thus, she went to the Qi family and tried all sorts of schemes and machinations, but after giving birth to a baby boy, she was only kicked out of the Qi family, and ordered everyone in the family to keep quiet about the matter.

The baby boy was named Qi Lin according to the family tree.

In his heart, Qi Ying's wife was his own mother, and she was only thirteen or fourteen years old. However, one day, he accidentally found out about it from an old servant, and Qi Lin, who was in middle stage two, lost his cool, became agitated, and went on a rampage. He did not understand why his own mother was kicked out of the house, why he had to call a woman who was not related by blood for his mother for more than ten years! So he went up to question her, and then he found out from his father about what was going on. He wanted to go find his real mother, but he was stopped by the Qi family, so Qi Lin gave up.

I'm going to find my own mother, what right do you have to stop me? What's wrong with me? I just want to see my real mother.

So he left in a fit of anger, but this kind of young master, not only did he not have any survival skills, he had fallen down and almost starved to death. Then one day, he met someone!

The man thought he was as pitiful as he was, had no home to go home to, and was obsessed with something that had to be done, so he adopted him.

Then one day, that person suddenly discovered that this young man was actually a talented Adept. As a result, that person exploded. He accepted this young man as his disciple …

As a result, everyone knew what happened afterwards.

Hao Qiang and Lei Li were speechless as they stared at the thin piece of paper that was filled with dog blood. They lamented in their hearts that life was really full of all kinds of surprises.

"What do you think?" Hao Qiang glanced at Lei Li.

Lei Li looked at him and frowned, "Why don't we put on a show and build a good relationship with the Qi Family, letting him come with us to clean up the family and the Wu Family, and end up with a happy ending?"

Hao Qiang expressed his contempt towards Lei Li's words, "Are you stupid? Didn't you see that Qi Lin still had ill intentions towards the Qi Family? "Isn't it annoying for us to just let them marry us like that?"

Lei Li scratched his head, "What do we do then?"

"I'll do whatever I have to do." "Hao Qiang looked at him in disappointment," Qi Lin is one of us now, so Qi Lin will decide what to do with the Qi Family in the future. Therefore, treat him well in the future. "

"Didn't you just say that you wouldn't allow him to marry you?"

Hao Qiang was angered by this fellow's stupidity, "Are you stupid? Although Qi Lin does not wish to recognize the Qi Family now, we can still change that. Think about it, in the future when Qi Ying or whatever dies, the Qi family is still not Qi Lin's, and he has no other heirs other than Qi Lin. "

"So, who do you want Qi Lin to have a longer lifespan compared to?" Lei Li came to a realization.

Hao Qiang: "…" Could he knock his head off right now and see what's in it?

Looking at Hao Qiang's expression, which seemed as if he wanted to kill him, Lei Li revealed a begging expression: "I was just joking, don't be too serious, I know what you mean, aren't you trying to think of a way to get Qi Ying to step down from his current position and let Qi Lin take his place? I understand! "I understand!"

Hao Qiang finally nodded his head in satisfaction.

Then the two heads came together to discuss how to get Qi Lin to obediently go home and then obediently push Qi Ying down from this position to sit on himself.

While the two of them were happily chatting with high proficiency, a rhythmic knocks on the door sounded out.

The knocking sound was very rhythmic and polite, and both of them were very familiar with the rhythm of the knocking.

It was the knock on the door of the long-lost butler.

Ten seconds after the knock was heard, the door was pushed open from the outside. Who else could it be but the butler in a suit?

Today, the butler had returned to his usual clean and meticulous appearance. Compared to the unshaven appearance Hao Qiang had seen that day, he was much more pleasing to the eye.

Looking at Hao Qiang and the others, the butler placed his right hand on his left chest and slightly bent his head as he said, "Mister Hao Guan, Mister Lei has not seen you for a long time."

Hao Qiang nodded, "Long time no see."

"Would you like some tea?" said the butler.

Hao Qiang looked at him and said, "Thank you."

"Mister Hao, you are welcome." With that, the butler closed the door gently and walked into the tea room.

Lei Li looked at him strangely, "Why do I feel that you are a bit different from before when you saw the butler?"

Hao Qiang cast a glance at him, not intending to bother with his question.

Should he tell Riley that this butler was likely to be one of the people he had once admired the most? He wasn't brainwashed to the point that he had to be explained to him.

Lei Li looked at him and knew that he definitely wasn't willing to answer his own question, so he automatically changed the topic, "Last time you said that he was actually helping Hong Luo develop a new weapon during his time in the Hong clan and even brought back half of the research results, do you know what that is?"

Does Hao Qiang look at him like he knows what it is?

Other than Lei Li, who dared to claim to be number one, no one else had ever dared to claim to be number two for a technical event like how to read Hao Qiang's martial arts.

Just as the two of them were getting impatient, the door to the study was suddenly pushed open from the outside.

"I heard that Guan Jia is back?" The person said excitedly.

Hao Qiang and Lei Li looked at him in unison.

Jiang Lin looked curiously at the two of them, "What's wrong?"

Hao Qiang replied, "He's right behind you."

Jiang Lin instinctively looked behind him and saw an expressionless face right behind him. He was so frightened that he immediately took a step forward.

In response to his overreaction, the butler walked into the room and gracefully placed the teapot on the table. He then looked at Jiang Lin with a smile and asked, "Mister Jiang, what are you looking for me for?"

Jiang Lin shook his head before nodding as if he had realized something. "Yes, I do!"

"Go ahead." The butler smiled.

Jiang Lin looked at Hao Qiang, then looked at the butler, before saying hesitantly, "Do you recognize 'Jia Luo'?"

Hearing this name, the butler didn't even blink, "I've heard of it."

Hearing this, Jiang Lin became excited. "Actually, there are two 'Jia Luo' people, right? One is you, and the other is the young master of the Hong gang, Hong Luo."

Hearing this explanation, the butler paused for a moment before shaking his head without hesitation … Shaking my head …

Hold on.

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