How would you feel when you decided something was wrong and suddenly realized it was a mistake?

Hao Qiang and the others felt like they had been cheated.

There were all sorts of indications that this person was that person, but the truth in the end told them that it was all wrong!

"Are you sure?" Jiang Lin asked without giving up.

The butler did not seem angry at his question. He answered with the same expression, "I am not the 'Gallo' as you call me."

Once again obtaining a positive answer, Hao Qiang and Jiang Lin's disappointment overflowed with words and expressions. Lei decided to look at them from the sidelines. He didn't understand what kind of riddle these two were playing.

He had heard of that 'Jia Luo' before, but why was it related to Guan Jia now?

"What's going on?" Lei Li curiously asked.

Hao Qiang glanced at him, not in the mood to answer his question.

Seeing the two of them in such a bad mood, Lei Li cleverly shut his mouth.

"However, if you wish to know who 'Gallo' is, I can send someone to investigate." The butler smiled.

Hao Qiang shook his head and said, "No need, I was just a little curious."

The butler nodded with a smile.

"Oh right, you said that you want to bring some things back. What is it?" Hao Qiang said.

"I've already ordered some people to deliver all the items to the Hao family's warehouse. If you want, I can get them to deliver them at any time. "However, I must remind you that those weapons are very lethal weapons, and if there is any accident, everyone here will be affected." said the butler.

"Uh, there's no need for that. Let's just leave it at the Hao family residence." Two drops of cold sweat slowly dripped down Hao Dao's forehead as he replied stiffly.


"But if you don't mind, as my housekeeper I feel there's something I need you to explain to me." After extinguishing his desire to see this so-called lethal weapon, Hao Qiang looked at his butler and said.

The butler listened to him with an expression of expectation.

"Mister Hao, I don't know Hong Luo because we were in the same class when we were in university. After graduation, we split up, but I didn't expect to meet him again last time and he invited me to develop a new weapon for him." Butler lowered his eyes and said.

"How could you do this?" Hao Qiang asked curiously.

"Every housekeeper of the Hao family has to undergo training in all aspects. When necessary, not only will they have to act as stewards, but they can also take charge of the Hao family in the absence of the family head." "I am only interested in the field of weapon development," replied the butler.

Hao Qiang was surprised by this answer. He had never thought that the steward of a hidden family in Demonic City would actually undergo training in the field of weapon development. Wasn't this a bit too strange?

If it was just a business family, then wouldn't these skills be too excessive?

Furthermore, according to Guan Jia, he had only stayed in the Hao family because he was grateful to his ancestors. Later on, he said that every housekeeper in the Hao family would receive this kind of training, so wouldn't that mean it was a long-term project? It was not just the generation that started with the Guan family.

Moreover, the resources and energy invested in the training of a talent in all aspects were enormous, yet the Hao family had been carrying on such a task for a long time. It was definitely not something that could be ignored, but what exactly was the Hao family's purpose in nurturing these people? For the first time, Hao Qiang was curious about the history of the Hao family.

Putting all these aside, just having a butler to learn how to develop new weapons was already strange enough. In this golden age, the Hao family was just a business home, they didn't need to participate in the struggles between countries, and they didn't need to worry about being shot with nuclear weapons. What made them pay so much attention to the development of these weapons?

Seeing Hao Qiang's pensive look, the butler didn't say anything and silently retreated.

Jiang Lin looked at his disappearing figure with tears in his eyes. How could such a person not be Gallo? He would never believe it unless the other one showed up in front of him!

Looks like I need to check it out. With this thought, Jiang Lin quickly disappeared from the room.

After a while, the room returned to silence. Lei Li looked at Hao Qiang, who was in a daze, and felt that if he were to ask him any more questions at this time, Hao Qiang would definitely reward him handsomely, so he chose to remain silent.

When the sun had set in the west and Qi Mengxi came upstairs to urge them to eat, the two of them left the study in silence.

Once he had a question, Hao Qiang immediately wanted to know the answer. Thus, the next day, Hao Qiang got someone to prepare a car and drove back to the Hao family.

Hao Qiang's parents expressed their joy at his return. However, when they saw the empty space behind Hao Qiang, Hao Qiang's mother did not hide the displeasure in her heart.

"Why didn't you bring Wei and Ai over? I haven't seen them for a long time!" Mother Hao looked at Hao Qiang furiously. This was sufficient proof of her affection for the two daughter-in-laws who hadn't even passed yet.

In response to this question, Hao Qiang could only speak the truth, "Mom, Meng Xi recently received a new movie and is busy writing a script at home. "Wenwen went home yesterday because she had something to do at home."

"Then you must bring them along next time." Mother Hao said.

Hao Qiang quickly replied.

With regards to Hao Qiang's explanation, Mother Hao reluctantly accepted it. Only then did she take a look at Hao Qiang from head to toe. However, she felt that he had recently lost weight, so she quickly got the kitchen to prepare a table of soup for him.

Hao Qiang obviously couldn't refuse his mother's love, so he had no choice but to clean up the soup. When he chatted with Hao Fu in the afternoon, Hao Qiang could hear the soup still swaying in his stomach, making loud noises.

The sight of Hao Qiang clutching his stomach in pain had undoubtedly amused Father Hao.

"If you can't drink it, just say that you don't want to drink it, and your mother won't blame you." Father Hao said.

When Hao Qiang heard this, he revealed a gentle smile, "Although Mother won't blame me, I've only been back this long. If I refuse, she will definitely be hurt."

Thinking about his wife's character of loving his son as if his life depended on it, Hao's father shook his head and smiled helplessly.

"Every time you come back, you have something to ask me. What is it this time?" Father Hao looked at Hao Qiang and said in an understanding manner.

As for Father Hao's prophecy, Hao Qiang chuckled. He moved closer to him and asked, "Dad, do you know what our ancestors did?"

When Hao Qiang suddenly asked this question, Father Hao first expressed his surprise, "Why did you suddenly ask this?"

"Hehe, I'm just curious." Hao Qiang said.

Looking at his secretive expression, Father Hao was suddenly enlightened, "It's because of the batch of weapons Guan Jia brought back from the Hong Gang last time."

Hao Qiang was surprised. "How did you know?"

Hao Fu smiled, "I have to look through every single item in the warehouse of the Hao family. Furthermore, the target of those weapons is so huge, how could I not know about it?"

When he heard Father Hao's words, Hao Qiang smiled awkwardly.

"Although I don't know what exactly you are doing these days, Hao Qiang, you must know your limits. When that batch of weapons isn't necessary, I definitely can't use them without permission. Once I use them, the consequences will be endless." Father Hao looked at Hao Qiang and said solemnly.

Hao Qiang naturally understood Father Hao's words. Thus, he silently nodded his head.

"But Dad, do you know who developed that batch of weapons?"

Father Hao frowned as he looked at him, his eyes filled with deep contemplation. "That kind of weapon isn't something that can be developed in just a year or two. Someone must have been working on it for a long time. Although I don't know who it is, I can't help but be wary of him."

Hearing Father Hao's words, Hao Qiang was stunned. He thought that Father Hao already knew that Guan Jia was behind all of this, but from the looks of things, Father Hao didn't seem to know at all. What was going on? Who was lying? And for what? What was his purpose?

"Dad, are you sure you don't know who made these weapons?" Hao Qiang said uncertainly.

Seeing his expression, Father Hao was stunned, "You know about it?"

Hao Qiang nodded his head and said, "Yes, Guan Jia."

Father Hao didn't expect Hao Qiang to give such an answer. After being stunned for a short moment, he fell into silence.

Hao Qiang looked at him nervously. He had a feeling that he was about to learn a secret.

"Hao Qiang, actually Guan Jia has a twin brother." Father Hao said.

Hao Qiang was stunned, "Why have I never heard of this before?"

Father Hao sighed and then continued, "Because that person has already been dead for ten years. At that time, it was I who buried that child in the Hao family's tomb. "

Facing this answer, Hao Qiang could only express his helplessness. His life was truly filled with dog blood.

"Can you tell me what's going on?" Hao Qiang said.

Father Hao nodded at him: "Actually, the people of Guan have always had inherited heart disease, so their lifespan is usually very short. But since the disease is not suitable for the next generation, but China's tradition has always been to have no future, so every generation of Guan family members still insist on having their own next generation. However, among these people, their lifespan is getting shorter and shorter, until the generation of Guan Jia and his brother, they were tested to have inherited a congenital heart disease in their family. The doctors at that time also advised them not to have these two children, but no one would be so cruel to deprive their two children of their hope of survival."

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