Killing God Island

Chapter 1032: Heaven Tribulation Wan Qi 17: Crimson and Black Armor

Of course, Claude Ness also felt that Chen Tian's red-skinned red child ability should be close combat. After all, Chen Tian's red child state is actually a trick that just made everyone's blood run away. This trick is to instantly increase strength and Speed, and on the premise that the body's resistance defense has increased greatly, the skill of killing opponents at close range with the fastest speed, this skill is like instant drug use, of course, the red child state also comes at a price, and Chen Tian's body did not adapt in the early days. When this ability is used, after using this ability, the whole body will be very tired and the consciousness will be controlled by this ability, but now Chen Tian can completely control this ability, although this trick can no longer control Chen Tian’s consciousness, Moreover, the side effects on the body are getting lower and lower, but there are still certain disadvantages. The disadvantage is that the body turns red and emits high calories, but the effect will only be caused by its own blood burning, so the blood in Chen Tian is only 100%. The use of this trick in the blood state of more than 50 to more than 60 is a kind of suicide in itself. After all, a drop of own blood will burn in ten seconds, just like a motorcycle driving fast to save fuel, so Chen Tian will also This kind of red child state rose to the strongest from the beginning, although this heat began to make his body clothes smoke a little, continuing this heat will make the body clothes burn.

But Chen Tian does not now think about the undecent problem of burning his clothes. Now Chen Tian has only the solution to Claude Ness in his eyes, and Claude Ness himself has plans to have birds in his body, Fish, lizards, animals and many other genes, but in the end he chose to use insect genes to fight Chen Tian in close combat. After all, insect genes have strong repair ability, and more importantly, both strength and responsiveness. Soon, after all, the muscle tissue and strength of insects can instantly increase human strength by more than ten times according to human proportions, and the reaction speed and even the range of enemies observed by the eyes are far superior to the genes of humans and mammals. Overall, Claude Nais chose this kind of insect gene, just like the speed, strength, and defense of Chen Tian's instant strengthening in the red child state. Now what he sees is whether the side strengthens instantly or the situation after the battle has changed.

Chen Tian instantly forwarded Claude Ness and ran to him instantly in a lightning-fast mode. Since the distance was not very far, with the addition of this speed, he would have reached Crow within one second. Denis was in front of me, and what I saw in Claude Nice was just a red light like the Flash, after all, Chen Tian now gets hotter and hotter besides the skin red infrared body, especially when we run The blood burning will make his body more hot. Of course, this high temperature may burn himself after reaching a certain upper limit. Although Chen Tian’s red child state continues to become stronger with his own genetic changes, the blood and body in the body It is necessary to pay attention to the bearing, otherwise, this trick is very powerful but also very fatal!

Chen Tian runs like a red light all over his body. This speed of attack is really like a red light in a short distance attack, but Claude Ness’s speed is also quite fast, Claude Ness’s direct Protected Chen Chen's punch from running. Although Chen Tian's punch was very strong, he hit the right arm of Claude Ness covering the black armor. Although the red red was like a fire, it was blocked. Rodneys defended directly with his right arm, but Chen Tianke didn’t even shoot this punch. Although the first punch was exiled, Chen Tian followed directly into the stage of strong attack, and the right punch hit the defended The next second, the left arm followed with a left fist, and Claude Nais, like Chen Tian, ​​followed by raising the front left arm with the black shell armor that appeared in the front of the left hand. The left fist swinged by the sky.

In this way, Chen Tian’s attack immediately faced a forcible attack with a powerful offensive. In fact, it was as if he was going to kill Claude Nice directly with this offensive, but Claude Nice’s insect gene banker from the beginning The front part of the arm began to slowly appear, and the black armor that was covered and slowly growing on the side of the battle with Chen Tian was more and more, and with the black armor, the defense power also increased greatly, and not only the defense power, but also the strength From the inside of Claude Ness’s arm muscle tissue, it once again mutated and became quite powerful, and it was several times as strong as the previous strength. Chen Tian’s use of the state of opening the red child was several times its own strength, and it was instantly improved. Maximize the power, this power Chen Tian wants to control the price well, it is necessary to use the red state to use the blood burning in the body to perfectly control this power.

Although Chen Tian’s arm strength at this stage is greater than that of Claude Nice’s arm strength, but because of the appearance of worm-like black hard outer armor at the front of Claude Nice’s arm, he blocked Chen before he was fully fused with the insect gene Although Tian Tian’s first round of attack was not as powerful as Chen Tian’s arm, he still blocked Chen Tian by relying on his outer armor. Now 80% of Claude Ness’s body is covered in the same way as if wearing black armor. Even the armor resembles a helmet, but there are many eyes on the helmet.

Although Claude Ness still maintains human form, at this time the brute force he displayed has not input the power of the human range at all, and the black head on the head still has a long angle upwards, It seems that this corner should be very powerful. So far, the entire body of Claude Ness is still a human body. The only difference is that during the evolution of the body, the entire face is not a human face, and the mouth and eyes have become The appearance of the bugs looks very scary, but the strength is really much increased. Now Chen Tian's frontal attack, Claude Ness no longer has to avoid or defend.

For Claude Ness, the time has come, it is no longer necessary to flinch, and now Claude Ness has become a real hard fight with Chen Tian due to the just defense and avoidance. This time it was not a black hard outer armor to defend. Now Claude Ness has a completely anti-guest posture, because the strength and defense of this complete human-insect gene fusion are stronger than Chen Tian. The impact of Tian's fist actually knocked Chen Tian back, which is enough to prove that the strength has exceeded Chen Tian's combat power.

Chen Tian has now realized that the other party should have started to move, so Chen Tian also has little effect in the third round of attack. Now the person's black body and black nail hardness are even punched by Chen Tian. It can't hurt the surface. At most, some internal injuries, but no more internal injuries are completely fatal, and it is impossible to hit the same place 100%. If you don't hit his important fatal part, even if it hits Ye in the rest White hit, Claude Naisi's defense power and attack power now surpassed Chen Tianchizi's power, so now he becomes fearless, and the active attacker is Claude Naisi, Chen Tian has already The turbulent posture just now fell to the defensive side.

But Chen Tian is not just thinking about going back at this moment, and there is nothing to escape in the battle between the two. The temporary evasion is really a fighting strategy. Chen Tian has never been afraid of the powerful people. The reason why Chen Tian fights can create many tricks with his own physique, so Chen Tian can become stronger through combat.

At this time, Chen Tian saw the armor of Claude Ness in front of him. Although this armor is very hard, for Chen Tian, ​​the hardness of the fist and the blood blade cannot penetrate. Of course, he has to try it with his own weapon. Chen Tian directly takes it Out of the silver dragon swing stick, the sound of this silver dragon swing stick is very crisp, and the delicate and handsome silver dragon pattern after three sections are stuck together, the silver dragon swing stick in Chen Tian's hand is super hard The weapon, many hard things were smashed and broken by the silver dragon in Chen Tian’s hand, so Chen Tianyi would use the silver dragon to throw the stick to attack if his own attack could not hurt the other party. This weapon was thrown to Chen Tian, ​​and Chen Tiancai became the third master of the silver dragon toss on the ground of giving him this sentence.

Claude Ness has now been suppressed by Chen Tian at the beginning, and it has become a suppression of Chen Tian, ​​so now the party that is attacking is Claude Ness, although now Claude Ness's power defense is stronger than Chen Tian, But the speed of the two is the same. Chen Tian’s defense or regeneration ability, even though the attack is suppressed, it is still not deadly. Although neither of them has mercy, but it is not so easy for the two to really kill each other. At this time, Claude Ness did not know that Chen Tian also had the weapon of the silver dragon throwing a stick, thinking that he could not beat Chen Tian. It was not enough to fear, so when he rushed over again, he did not expect Chen Tian With the left arm blocking Claude Ness's right fist attacking the instant, Chen Tian straightened the right arm of the silver dragon swing stick forward, although it was a stick, the dragon head in front of the silver dragon swing stick could be an even angle, and the dragon Although one of the horns was broken, the other one was still sharp and the two of them overall stabbed forward, and one quickly ran towards this side at a fast speed. Chen Tian’s Yinlong slam stick directly penetrated into Claude Nai Claude Ness thought that his black armor was absolutely hard. He didn’t expect that Chen Tian even had this weapon. He even pierced his surface black armor directly. It wasn’t because Chen Tian Yinlong was not long enough to throw his stick. Pierced Claude Ness's heart.

If Claude Ness’s heart has been completely pierced by an inch long, and now pierces his heart just a little bit, this kind of Chen Tian’s sudden blow, Claude Ness was almost directly killed. , Claude Ness, who realized the danger, jumped back suddenly and covered his left chest with his left hand. If the black armor on the left chest was raised high, it would die directly. Although it is not dead now, but Claude Ness was also hit hard by Chen Tian.

"Damn it! What is this guy's hand? Can it pierce my black armor?" Claude Ness looked at Chen Tian with a horrified expression, and Chen Tian also flicked the silver dragon on the stick Red blood, then walked again in the direction of Claude Ness.

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