Killing God Island

Chapter 1033: Tiankai Wanqi Chapter 18: Silver Dragon Stick

Claude Ness has now been suppressed by Chen Tian from the beginning, and it has become a suppression of Chen Tian, ​​so the party that is currently attacking is Claude Ness, although now Claude Ness's power defense is stronger than Chen Tian, But the speed of the two is the same. Chen Tian’s defense or regeneration ability, even though the attack is suppressed, it is still not deadly. Although neither of them has mercy, but it is not so easy for the two to really kill each other. At this time, Claude Ness did not know that Chen Tian also had the weapon of the silver dragon throwing a stick, thinking that he could not beat Chen Tian. It was not enough to fear, so when he rushed over again, he did not expect Chen Tian Using his left arm to block the instant attack of Claude Nice’s right fist, Chen Tian directly ruled the silver dragon swing stick on his right arm forward. Although it is a stick, the dragon head in front of the silver dragon swing stick can be an even angle, and the dragon Although one of the horns was broken, the other one was still sharp and the two of them stabbed forward, and one quickly ran towards this side at a fast speed. Chen Tian’s Yinlong slam stick directly penetrated into Claude Nai Claude Ness thought that his black armor was absolutely hard. He didn’t expect that Chen Tian even had such a weapon. He even pierced his surface black armor directly. If it wasn’t because Chen Tianyin was not long enough to throw his stick Pierced Claude Ness's heart.

If Claude Ness’s heart has been completely pierced by an inch long, and now pierces his heart just a little bit, this kind of Chen Tian’s sudden blow, Claude Ness was almost directly killed. , Claude Ness, who realized the danger, jumped back suddenly and covered his left chest with his left hand. If the black armor on the left chest was raised higher, he would die directly. Although he is not dead now, but Claude Ness was also hit hard by Chen Tian.

"Damn it! What is this guy's hand? Can it pierce my black armor?" Claude Ness looked at Chen Tian with a horrified expression, and Chen Tian also flicked the silver dragon on the stick Red blood, then walked again in the direction of Claude Ness.

Claude Ness clutched his chest and loosened for a moment. After all, Claude Ness's chest recovered quite quickly. Although this wound almost punctured his heart, it was fatal, but after all, it was a matter of not hurting the heart. No, as long as the wound is a little deeper, the ultra-fast healing ability can be healed in just a few seconds, as long as the internal organs and bones are not damaged too much, this puncture is for Claude Ness and Chen Tian This kind of reinforcement is a minor injury.

Of course, Chen Tian also knows this. Chen Tian didn’t attack directly just now, the main reason is to give the opponent a little deterrence, but also to give Claude Nais a warning to let him know that I can kill you too, you give me attack convergence Of course, Chen Tian is also a mental tactic in combat. Fighting people with people who are weaker than him is naturally an attack without any concern, because no matter how the attack can kill the other party, as long as you pay attention to the other party’s sneak attack However, in the face of people who are similar to their own strength or stronger than their own strength and speed in all aspects, the main undefeated method is calmness, followed by tactics and strong adaptability. Of course, there are many kinds of tactics. In addition to attack tactics, psychological tactics should also be used.

This kind of mental tactic is to limit and make him fear, so that his next attack cannot be carried out as unscrupulous as he did just now, because he was not afraid of Chen Tian at all, because he knew that Chen Tian could not kill with any attack. It’s more casual to attack myself, but it’s different now. Chen Tian’s blow almost killed Claude Nice’s life. Although this is not a big deal for Claude Nice, but In the heart, it was a blow.

This kind of blow made Claude Ness no longer dare to attack at will. Of course, Chen Tian also saw a little fear in his eyes, although he could not be afraid of the silver dragon throwing his stick in Chen Tian’s hand. It was dying, but Claude Ness began to be more careful on the next attack.

So even after seeing Chen Tian walked towards himself after the injury, Claude Ness did not make an attack, mainly because Claude Ness did not know the cold silver in Chen Tian’s hands. What special function does the white swing stick have? But in fact, the silver dragon swing stick itself does not have any special exclusive abilities or organs. The silver dragon swing stick is just a particularly high hardness plus a very pulling appearance. The silver dragon swing stick The most important thing depends on who uses it. The strong one is naturally stronger and the weaker one cannot reflect the self-strength of this silver dragon throwing stick. In fact, the reason why Chen Tian does not often use the silver dragon throwing stick is because the attack distance is too short It's not convenient, but Chen Tian also knows that the hardness of the silver dragon stick is extraordinary, so Chen Tian uses the silver dragon stick as an armor-breaking weapon. Only when he encounters a hard thing that he can't fight, he will use the silver dragon stick.

So Chen Tian also walked to Claude Ness and said, "You ask me what is this in my hand? Don't you have such common sense? This thing in my hand is a stick swing, but it is more handsome than a stick swing. Many, it is said that the former owner is a member of the Chinese Dragon Group." "It turned out to be a weapon of the dragon group members!"

"This weapon is so vivid because of the dragon carving around the body, so I call it the silver dragon throwing stick. It is said that China has a very powerful special killing organization called the dragon group that works for the country. And each member will have an exclusive weapon, and although I became the owner of this person, although I killed a lot of people, I have never understood the subtleties of this weapon, but I know that this weapon has an advantage!" Chen Tian said these words with a grandiose expression.

After hearing this, Claude Ness immediately asked: "What the **** do you want to tell me? Do you want to tell me the merits of your weapon? Isn't it just me? What do you like?"

Chen Tianfu’s exaggerated expression did not become a wave of the silver dragon swing stick in his hand. The silver dragon swing stick was even more dazzling under the sunlight: "Oh! My silver dragon swing stick is not just a gram. You, it's a bit very hard, as long as you are hit by the consequences, haven't you just seen it? The attack just just started, and then I will let you slowly realize what the silver dragon sling stick in my hand has. What a great use!" Chen Tian finished his sentence, his eyes widened in the exaggerated expression, and then stepped forward again in front of Claude Ness.

Claude Ness smiled slightly when he heard Chen Tian's smug expression, "Okay! Although I have to admit that your weapon can actually hurt me, you think you can kill it by throwing the stick in your hand." Did you? I’m really naive, since you think you can kill me with this play, then I’m in front of you, come! Let me see how great you are!”

"Okay! Then I will show you how powerful this thing is!" Chen Tian finished this sentence, and ran straight to Claude Ness again. Of course, the real use of swinging the stick is not just to attack, Chen Since Tian is still in the red state, when he was running, a red light ahead drove forward to Claude Ness, and at the same time, Chen Tianyi raised his hand and directly shone the silver dragon swing stick in the sun. The silver-white snow-bright stick is too much reflective than the reflection of the mirror, so Chen Tian aimed at the angle of the sun and jumped with his own, closed his eyes and lifted the silver dragon stick, Claude Nais did not know Chen Tian’s intention. All he saw in his eyes was Chen Tian’s red light, and he jumped directly and wanted to attack from the air, so Claude Nais also looked up directly. He glanced up at the silver dragon swing stick and it emitted a very dazzling light from above. The dazzling light directly shook his eyes.

Claude Ness couldn't open his eyes, but he could also feel that Chen Tian was attacking himself from above. With his anxiety, he used his right arm to move up one gear, and there was a smack of Chen Tian's attack. Lodnes is merciful, the silver dragon throws the stick without looking at the whole without a blade, but the power of the hit can be quite large, and the black armor of the right arm lifted by Claude Nes is directly dented into it, although the arm does not hit The whole body fell off, but a master like Chen Tian knew at a glance that Claude Ness’s right arm had been basically constant and could not be lifted.

At the moment when his eyes were dazzled, Claude Ness exchanged his arms for the fate of his head being opened. At the same time, Chen Tian also fell to the ground at the next moment, and turned directly to the silver dragon throwing stick in his hand directly to Crow Denise's upper body waved, and with a click, Chen Tian's tip of the dragon's tip was very sharp. Although the silver dragon's tip did not have a sharp blade as a whole, only the front corner of the silver dragon's tip was very sharp. The hardness is super strong and the sharpness is also quite against the sky.

Although the length of the dragon horn was not enough, he also successfully cut the black armor of Claude Ness’s chest directly into a long mouth. Although it did not bleed, because he did not scratch his meat at all, he had already cut his chest. The black armor on the hard surface was cut away. Chen Tian's melee attack speed was quite fast at this time. The series of movements of the jump attack and the landing were just the consecutive movements used within two seconds, followed by the practice of the watch. In the third second, Chen Tian once again reversed the right hand from the crossed and thrown Silver Dragon swing stick, and once again opened a line on Claude Ness’s chest, now Claude Ness’s chest Chen Tian has cut a cross with the dragon horn of the front part of the silver dragon throwing stick. The silver dragon throwing stick that was drawn out in the third second and turns out turns the whole body for one week, and wants to put the body over again. Suddenly, he lifted his leg, kicked his foot reversed and kicked it at the intersection of the broken armor, and the strength of this foot was also quite large, directly kicking the seemingly hard outer armor directly.

I only heard Kara's outer armor at the crossroads. Chen Tian's whole body was dented by a sudden kick, and Chen Tian's foot was also quite strong, although he did not take Claude Ness's body. The degree of direct kicking, but also slightly dented the bones and internal organs of his body at least two centimeters into the inside. The internal organs and bones have definitely been crushed. At the same time, Chen Tian has been open for too long due to the red child state, and the clothes on his body have been It started to burn, and now Chen Tian also looks different from normal people. Although the whole body is crimson, the crimson and the pale red that appear around it are slightly reddish with golden fire, just like igniting themselves. The high temperature, even the heat of this foot, makes the skin of Claude Ness's chest recessed roast and makes a roasting sound like a barbecue.

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