Killing God Island

Chapter 1034: Heavenly Tribulation Chapter 19: Flames of Life

At the moment when his eyes were dazzled, Claude Ness exchanged his arms for the fate of his head being opened. At the same time, Chen Tian also fell to the ground at the next moment, and turned directly to the silver dragon throwing stick in his hand directly to Crow Denise's upper body waved, and with a click, Chen Tian's tip of the dragon's tip was very sharp. Although the silver dragon's tip did not have a sharp blade as a whole, only the front corner of the silver dragon's tip was very sharp. The hardness is super strong and the sharpness is also quite against the sky.

Although the length of the dragon horn was not enough, he also successfully cut the black armor of Claude Ness’s chest directly into a long mouth. Although it did not bleed, because he did not scratch his meat at all, he had already cut his chest. The black armor on the hard surface was cut away, and Chen Tian's melee attack speed was quite fast at this time. The series of movements of the jump attack and the landing just now were only the consecutive movements used within two seconds, closely following the practice of the watch. In the third second, Chen Tian once again reversed the right hand from the crossed and thrown Silver Dragon swing stick, and once again opened a line on Claude Ness’s chest, now Claude Ness’s chest Chen Tian has cut a cross with the dragon horn of the front part of the silver dragon throwing stick. The silver dragon throwing stick that was drawn out in the third second and turns out makes the whole body rotate for one week, and the body needs to be installed again. Suddenly, he lifted his leg, kicked his foot reversed and kicked it at the intersection of the broken armor, and the strength of this foot was also quite large, directly kicking the seemingly hard outer armor directly.

I only heard Kara's outer armor at the crossroads. Chen Tian's whole body was dented by a sudden kick, and Chen Tian's foot was also quite strong, although he did not take Claude Ness's body. The degree of direct kicking, but also slightly dented the bones and internal organs of his body at least two centimeters inside. The internal organs and bones have definitely been smashed. At the same time, Chen Tian’s clothing has been worn for too long due to the red child state. It started to burn, and now Chen Tian also looks different from normal people. Although the whole body is crimson, the crimson and the pale red that appear around are slightly reddish golden firelight, as if igniting itself. The high temperature, even the heat of this foot, roasted the skin of Claude Ness’s chest, and the roaring lara resembled the sound of barbecue.

This trick is really quite strong. Claude Ness did not expect Chen Tian to use this trick. The heat of this foot is not only powerful, but now the heat of Chen Tian's whole body is quite high, as if he is the ignition point, but in this state The next Chen Tian is very dangerous and hungry. If you continue this way, you will burn your own body with your skills, but this power and heat are really extraordinary. This is the ultimate strength of Chen Tian Chizi’s life flame.

Stimulate your body's maximum instinct combat power by burning life. This is an area that Chen Tian has never dared to involve, because Chen Tian always wants to leave a life to leave this island. After all, he has too many wishes that have not been fulfilled. Most of them want to have a happy family, watching their family members have a happy life, and there are many concerns, the biggest concern has touched their own sister, when her sister was hit by a car accident and her life was dying.

Therefore, Chen Tian always wanted to stay alive, sometimes he gave his life willingly for his cherished partner, but if there is no cherished partner, he is still a person who values ​​his life very much, or Nor will he beat him with extremely high adaptability in front of opponents stronger than him.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, Chen Tian does not decide whether to live or die with one's own life as the premise. Of course, especially if he knows that it is a very dangerous move, Chen Tian will not use it easily. But this time Chen Tian has been in a state of being red for a long time, and the blood in Chen Tian’s body can’t be consumed anymore, and once he doesn’t use the state of Red Son, although Chen Tian and Claude Ness are about the same strength The strong, but if Chen Tian can’t use his abilities, and Claude Ness can use his strongest abilities, the strengths and weaknesses are still obvious.

Chen Tian knew that once he gave up the state of Chi Zi, he was destined to absolutely fail this battle. With Chen Tian’s current physical strength, once he released his status of Chi Zi, he would not be able to turn it on again, unless the body was completely repaired or had 100 in the body. Only 60% of the body's blood can be opened again, so Chen Tian must now use the red child state in a race against time.

And even if you want to give up your red child status to save your life now, but once the strength gap is too big to lose to Claude Ness, the result is still a dead end, so now if Chen Tian really gave up like this now, It is up to him to give up his life, so it is better to go all out than this, and Chen Tian did not expect the end of the red child state. What is his own high temperature, and how long his own body can withstand is unknown. The most important thing is Chen Tian. I also want to know whether the tricks used by burning my life force are really worth my life.

But this trick was only known when Chen Tian used it. This trick is simply too clear. No wonder this trick can't last too long. If it lasts too long, it's a bit too naughty. Chen Tian feels that his whole body is as light as the body and burning. The heat of him has made him naked, but Chen Tian can fly by running at this time, and it is because of the high temperature that he does not fly through the wings like a flame. This feels indescribable. He seems to have become a superman for a while. .

And because his own heat is quite large, I did not expect that the silver dragon throwing stick can also make a special change in the entire silver dragon throwing stick through the heat of his body. Although the whole is still silver and white, the whole dragon body of the dragon that is carved to life is actually even It will change color after heating, and the whole becomes dark red, but the body of the stick is still silvery and bright. The only difference is not the dark red displayed by the dragon color of the silver dragon stick, but the eyes of the dragon head. It turned crimson, and the overall throwing stick became very hot. Now Chen Tian as a whole is a burning flame of human body.

Just kicked the blood to Claude Ness's non-stop spitting, and now Claude Ness also deeply realized that his black armor had no resistance at all in front of Chen Tian, ​​and just broke him The area of ​​the outer armor was also kicked by Chen Tian. Not only were the bones and internal organs damaged, but also the burns in the footprints were very serious.

Claude Ness's horrified hand covered his chest, and he wanted to jump to the rear to pull away the distance, but he didn't expect Chen Tian to move super fast at this time, and this guy did not give Claude Ness Any chance of Sri Lanka's counterattack belongs to the race to kill him.

So the moment when Claude Ness got up and just jumped, a red light flashed in front of him and attacked Claude Ness again. Of course, Claude Ness knew that Chen Tian was coming, so Claude Ness Once he gritted his teeth, he directly cut off his deformed right arm directly, and then suddenly turned his right arm into a black insect forelimb like a praying mantis. At present, only this thing can be used as a weapon to attack, regardless of its power. It is the most useful emergency trick that Claude Ness can use for the time being. After all, Claude Ness is now in a jumping state and the whole body has not landed.

In this way, a red light that Chen Tian ran past directly collided with Claude Ness, who jumped and threw out the right arm of the sickle. Chen Tian although the whole body now seems to have great eyesight, but Chen Tian also knows that Rodneys is now in a battle with himself to play the trapped beast. He is playing the last fight with me now, so he should not use too much of a move. After all, this is the last move to decide life and death, so Chen Tian also waved the silver dragon throwing stick whose entire dragon was discolored. He directly fought against the right arm sickle of the Claude Ness insect in front of him. Chen Tian Yinlong throwing stick was already extremely hard, and now it has penetrated Chen Tian. The heat on the stick of the silver dragon’s stick is not small at the moment when they are together. The huge impact makes the two not bounce off each other because of the force, and Claude Naisi's power is definitely not less than Chen Tian's strength, and can definitely withstand Chen Tian's blow from the hard side, but he loses the high temperature on Chen Tianyinlong's swing stick. If there is no high temperature, Claude Nai This sickle arm cannot possibly become brittle and soft with his hand in a few seconds or even make the nerves and flesh in his shell tingle.

But Chen Tian also used this opportunity to exert force again. Chen Tianyin slammed his right arm of Claude Nice’s scythe directly and hit him directly on the head of Claude Nice’s head. After taking Claude Ness's head, the whole body did not stop again and was completely worn out of Claude Ness's body directly with this impact.

All this happened only within three seconds of starvation. If you look at it in a normal person's eyes, it is a red light directly like the same red light, which is directly passed through the body of Claude Ness.

Claude Ness Although the entire head was beaten, the blood and brain plasma have flowed to the face. Claude Ness now has the body in addition to the fatal head injury, and the body has also been worn by Chen Tian in a big hole. Unable to heal again, Claude Nice, who was on the floor, stood up and slowly turned to Chen Tian. Unexpectedly, he was about to die. The last sentence he said with his mouth open was not a curse, but a very ordinary tone:" Awesome, awesome, you are really awesome. Although there are still many masters in the t zone, I didn’t expect to meet a master like you. It’s glorious to die in your hands. Everyone will die on this island, but as long as they die well It’s glorious, and you don’t have to use despicable methods to confront people who really beat me, what is your name?"

Chen Tian also looked back at Clodenice, who was about to die, and said, "My name is Chen Tian!"

"Chen Tian? Ha ha! It turns out that you are Chen Tian. No wonder those people attach so much importance to you. It’s really not a simple person, but you don’t think it’s okay to beat me. The top players in the four leagues are not just me, me. It’s just this time to lead the team, but after fighting with you, I think that if you don’t do it, you can really change the t zone.”

After Claude Ness finished this sentence, Chen Tian directly accepted the sentence: "Since you have recognized me in your heart, why should you be an enemy with me to the end, and keep fighting for your life and death, do you think the last sentence is still Does it make sense?"

"Oh! You are right, maybe the last sentence I said in your thoughts is meaningless, but this is my inner thought. It is probably the reason that people will die if they are good. I fight with you. In the end, I implemented my kindness towards someone. Some people can do anything to repay their gratitude, and I am such a person. Even if I knew that my final result was like this, I still would not give up. "

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