Killing God Island

Chapter 1040: Heaven Tribulation Wan Qi Pian 25: three hits one

"Oh! This is the case. After listening to your words, I can disappear with peace of mind. I'm tired. I don't want to wake up from your heart in the future. I hope you will let me show up again, and finally I Say a parting word too!"

"The previous things have passed. Although some things can’t be forgotten, it’s enough to remember the lesson. Some unnecessary additional emotions will make it disappear, although now you are in this **** person and it is possible to enter. On the killing God Island, I can only wish you more blessings, and cherish the life and death brothers who are willing to die with you!" Chen Tian finished this sentence, he also turned into a white light And another Chen Tian’s body turned into white light, but his head did not change. The only difference was that these white lights gathered together to form his body, and then he slowly closed his eyes and waited to open again In his eyes, he opened his eyes in reality, and the body that had just broken his hand was still completely repaired, and everything just now seemed to be a dream, but let him know that this is not the reason for the dream. It seemed to be full of power and there seemed to be a lot of information in his mind at the same time. The most incredible thing was to raise his arm. The whole arm appeared looming red blood runes. These runes just looked like runes, but they were actually Chen Tiangui. For the reason of the eye opening, although Chen Tian has only one eye left, and this eye can no longer be blinded, after all, when he lost that eye, he does not have the ability to regenerate and restore instantly, but he already has it and he still has it. Regenerating memory cells, but it’s a pity that the gene has defined that he has only one eye, so he didn’t wear a fake eye but a blindfold with the blind eye, but Chen Tian’s only eye now has ghost eyes, and Xu Shun’s thermal sensory eyes that open the Sky Tribulation state are different from those of Zhuo’s brothers and sisters’ evil emperor eyes.

Although Chen Tian still does not know how to use it freely, at present he can clearly see all the blood vessels on his right arm and really startled himself, but his eyes soon returned to normal. Chen Tian believed that just that was definitely not a dream. Since it was not a dream, it means that he now has all the powers understood by everyone's own personality, and Chen Tian's scope of induction into the micro realm is also much larger, and his expression is instantly serious. It got up, because Xu Shun was not far away playing three masters who opened the Sky Tribulation state. Xu Shun was injured just now, and now he is still reluctant to insist there.

If it weren’t for Xu Shun’s body with toughened war bones, and at the same time fighting with three masters who turned on the Sky Tribulation state, it wasn’t just that it was an internal injury. It might have broken his bones a long time ago. It is so simple to deform or stretch out the tail blade. Now Xu Xun has fully used his toughened war bones, and the original parts have basically been integrated into the hard bones of the whole body like steel, so these three are in the state of Heaven Tribulation The master did not solve him in a while, but the disadvantage is that only the bone is extremely hard, and the internal organs and bone surface have not changed in any way, so the basic injury has progressed from the initial skin trauma. Internal injuries and even many bones cracked. Although Chen Tian's bones were extremely hard, he had not applied all the hardness of the bones as hard as he attacked the tail bones of others.

I have always thought that after receiving many heavy wounds, the bones in some places will also split, but the ancient built-in weapons such as toughened war bones are actually not dead bodies, but a semi-living body that can repair itself and mutate and upgrade itself. , A terrible artifact that has undergone various changes in the strength of the parasitic body. It is not known whether who made this thing is actually made by humans. Anyway, the toughened war bone in Xu Shun’s body has a long-standing idea. Of course, there are many people who have used him, of course, the power they developed and exerted is also very different, just like Xu Shunming’s head-to-head battle is not as high as his girlfriend Ye Xiaotong’s, but the power and strength of using war bones are far from Ye Xiaotong. ratio.

This means that this toughened war bone will change differently in different people. Of course, the abilities and strengths that can be developed are naturally different, and Xu Shun will only continue to attack him in the face of the three openings of Heavenly Tribulation. The three of them can only keep defending and Xu Shun cannot use the very calm mind to deal with the next battle as before, analyze the opponent’s combat strategy and ability, and then use his own way to thoroughly Solved, but now it is obvious that Xu Shun is unable to protect himself. In the face of the three masters in front of him, it is really difficult to cope with their attacks at the same time, so let alone analyze with the mind, even the fastest response will not be able to It is easy to avoid the attack of three people, at most it is to avoid the attack of two people, but the other person can always find it. The ideal time to attack him, so Xu Xun's The injury is getting more and more serious. After all, Xu Shun does not have three heads and six arms. This is obviously the three masters who opened the Heavenly Tribulation. I understand that he is bullying him, and these three people are not lossless. It's not ordinary either.

auzw.comThe strength of these three people can break through Ling Zifeng in front of them, and it can be seen that these three people are much stronger than those people in terms of character, mind and strength, so even if Xu instantaneous potential is quite high , But still unable to drive the combined attack of the three.

However, Xu Shun’s toughened battle bones are still very hard, and the body skeleton is quite hard. After all, the attack of the three of them can be completely different from other other reinforced people. The attack of these three is quite powerful. The stiff bones have been crushed by the powder body. Although his bones have not been deformed, the skin and internal organs of his bones have basically been seriously damaged. Although Xu Xun’s repair ability is fast, he can’t stand these three. Such a powerful person keeps attacking, these three people are all in the micro realm to attack.

The fast attack mode allows Xu Shun to resist the attacks of two people to the maximum extent, but there is always a strong attack on Xu Shun by one person. Xu Shun also has no way. After all, the strength of these three people makes him very Headache, regardless of the speed and accuracy of these three people, it is difficult to guard against, so even if Xu Shun opens the full body of the toughened war bone, the toughened bone begins to cover the surface of the body in a large area, but there will still be more than half of the body exposed section.

So they will continue to attack Xu Shun’s parts without bone protection, so Xu Shun also tolerates his internal injuries and the three continue to carry out high-speed displacement battles. The sparks between the surrounding fierce weapons and the tail blades are four. Yi, although it is full of ornamental but positively responsible for fighting with Xu Shun is the strongest of the three, Yudir, one of the other two is obviously not a human form but a skull, in addition to the skull A very good sneak attacker is called Dieside, and 80% of Chen Tian's internal injuries were caused by this Dieside.

The Skeleton Man supported Xu Shun’s attempt to counter the other party’s intention to cause any harm to the two. This Skeleton Man will immediately stop and press with considerable combat power, and the front is particularly responsible for fighting Xu Shun directly. Deere is also a character that is quite difficult to deal with. This has a slightly higher combat power than Xu Shun. Because he uses a war knife, he can attack both the front and the whole body and has a two-meter tail blade. In frontal combat, if you can’t do it, you will definitely be easily killed by Xu Shun, and the state of the Heavenly Tribulation between Youdian and Dieside is human form, and the state of the Heavenly Tribulation of the other skull head is somewhat Scary, the whole body of the skull is wearing a coat, it looks very scary, but the movement is quite fast, the bone of the whole body is very fast, although the body of the whole body of the bone is hollowed out, you can't see any internal organs, but it should be there. There was a cloud of black smoke visibly covering his body.

The three did not attack together at the beginning, but they were very worried about Xu Shun, because Xu Shun’s state was simply a counterattack using the built-in artifacts in his body. It was enough for the master who turned on the Heavenly Tribulation state level to kill him. On the contrary, he can fight with any one of the three of them to make a five or five attack. This is undoubtedly causing the other three to be completely afraid of him. After all, this person is so powerful without opening the Heavenly Tribulation. It is necessary to press the three of us, and their goal is to kill Chen Tian. The red dot detected by the watch can be seen that the two have separated. The position of Chen Tian’s red dot has not moved. That is definitely the person in front of him who has hidden Chen Tian. Get up, and then you want to block the three of us, it seems that you are really arrogant enough, but I am afraid that no matter how you play tricks.

So the three of them did not want to waste time with this person in order to hurry, and decided that they must solve this person before killing Chen Tian. If they are left alone, this person will definitely be a big hidden danger for us in the future, so three People looked at each other and nodded after confirming each other's eyes, they launched simultaneous attacks on Xu Xun from different directions at the same time. Xu Xuan was originally very confident in his fighting power, although these three were very strong , But no matter who they were fighting with me alone, they absolutely could not help me, so Xu Shun thought that he could still get some time for Chen Tian to repair, but what he did not expect was that these three soon changed the combat routine, three People attacked Chen Tian at the same time, and they attacked at different locations at the same time. This kind of attack is very mean. After all, the three are masters and it is true that they have lost their identity together, but now they are not asking for identity. The identity of the identity, they are now important to complete the task, and the current plan of the three of them is that the three of us join forces and you will definitely die, this shameful style you will die, no one will know, and we still have important things In the body.

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