Killing God Island

Chapter 1041: Heavenly Tribulation Wan Qi Pian 26: Survival from the Dead

Both the front and the whole body can attack and there is a two-meter-long tail blade for frontal combat. If Udeel's sword technique is not successful, he will definitely be easily killed by Xu Shun, while Udian and Deside are in the state of heavenly disaster. It is a human form, and the skull of another skull head is a bit scary. The skull in the whole body is wearing a coat, which looks very scary, but the movement is quite fast. He has a very fast bone speed, although the whole body The inside is hollowed out and no internal organs can be seen at all, but there is a cloud of black smoke looming over his body where there should be internal organs.

The three did not attack together at the beginning, but they were very worried about Xu Shun, because Xu Shun’s state was simply a counterattack using the built-in artifacts in his body. It was enough for the master who turned on the Heavenly Tribulation state level to kill him. On the contrary, he can fight with any one of the three of them to make a five or five attack. This is undoubtedly causing the other three to be completely afraid of him. After all, this person is so powerful without opening the Heavenly Tribulation. It is necessary to press the three of us, and their goal is to kill Chen Tian. The red dot detected by the watch can be seen that the two have separated. The position of Chen Tian’s red dot has not moved. That is definitely the person in front of him who has hidden Chen Tian. Get up, and then you want to block the three of us, it seems that you are really arrogant enough, but I am afraid that no matter how you play tricks.

So the three of them did not want to waste too much time with this person in order to hurry, and decided that they must solve this person before killing Chen Tian. If they are left alone, this person will definitely be a big hidden danger for us in the future, so three People looked at each other and nodded after confirming each other's eyes, they launched simultaneous attacks on Xu Xun from different directions at the same time. Xu Xuan was originally very confident in his fighting power, although these three were very strong , But no matter who they were fighting with me alone, they absolutely could not help me, so Xu Shun thought that he could still get some time for Chen Tian to repair, but what he did not expect was that these three soon changed the combat routine, three People attacked Chen Tian at the same time, and they attacked at different locations at the same time. This kind of attack is very mean. After all, the three are masters and it is true that they have lost their identity together, but now they are not asking for identity. The identity of the identity, they are now important to complete the task, and the current plan of the three of them is that the three of us join forces and you will definitely die, this shameful style you will die, no one will know, and we still have important things There is no time to entangle with you here.

The person who said this was Udil, who was holding a blade among the three of them, so I’m sorry although I really want to fight you for a real fight, but this is not the time, so the three of us decided to send now You hit the road.

As soon as the words of Udeel's words fell, he raised the knife and rushed straight ahead in front of Xu Shun. He followed Udeel and swung out directly with a knife, and a white knife hung toward Xu Shun's neck. In a flash, Udil’s blade is very long and it is impossible to avoid at this moment. After all, his current running speed is at most synchronized with Xu Shun’s running speed at the moment, and it is unlikely to want to avoid backwards. But Xu Shun looked straight ahead with calm eyes. The main reason for Xu Shun's calmness was that he didn't fear the knife that Yudil had chopped at him, because the coccyx blade behind Xu Shun had been lifted up from behind to lift , From the back to the front, an overall arch bridge is generally convex and forms a sharp ancient section like a zigzag, but from the sharp triangular section of the bone section, it can be determined that Xu Shun’s tailbone blade The tailbone is definitely not entirely formed and extended by the human spine. The component of the real steel war bone ancient artifact is actually the blade of the ancient dragontail, so it will look so deterrent.

Xu Xian directly blocked the blade he faced with his coccyx blade. Although the blade was only a few centimeters away, he would chop Xu Xun's neck, but it was caught by Xu Xian's coccyx blade between these centimeters. Stopped, the sharpness and hardness between the bone joints and the bone joints directly caught Yudir's blade.

At this time, Judean's expression was extremely disturbed. After all, such a rapid attack could block few people in the t zone, not to mention that he was still in the state of Tiankai. I didn't expect to make the male tailbone of the glasses in front of him, and The intensity of chopping in the past turned Xu Xuan back half a minute, as if the next one was so perfect and so easy, which made Judier even more angry, so the other two have not directly attacked him. In a few seconds, the two hands held the knife forward and flicked Xu Xuan’s coccyx directly away from his own blade, so as to preserve his face, and Xu Xuan just separated from his blade and felt that both his left and rear Arriving at the same time, Xu instantaneously threw it out laterally with the tail blade that had not retracted immediately.

The two also saw the power of Xu Shun’s coccyx, so they all jumped in the same second, and the two big trees around Xu Shun, because they were within two meters of Xu Ji’s coccyx, would instantly become very thick. The big tree was cut neatly and neatly. This power is really terrible. Such a thick trunk was cut neatly and neatly. If it is swept, the entire body will be cut in half, so it jumps up. The Skeletons and Dieside also wiped the cold sweat from their heads in the air. They just saw the moment when Xu Shun and Udil were fighting each other. Although they didn’t see much change, they both used A lot of strength, but the two forces cancel each other after colliding with each other, and did not cause too much momentum, so it did not show much deterrence, but in fact, you can just let Udir just throw his knife out to cover up The embarrassed side of his knife body was stuck and could not be pulled out. That’s why Udil would hold the knife in both hands to get rid of Xu Xuan’s coccyx, but the other two did not expect Xu Xian’s coccyx to be powerful, thanks to the two The instinctive reaction between the masters immediately chose to dodge, mainly because the two of them also had no weapons to temporarily block, so while the two jumped instantly, Xu Xun plunged into the ground after being thrown out by the blade of the tailbone, and then used the tailbone’s Bouncing strength, he instantly jumped up at a very rapid speed without both feet and attacked the two.

While Xu Shun's bone wings ran to the two from the jump, the bone wings behind him unfolded instantly. The deliberately small bone spurs had a very high degree of separation. Xu Xuan usually uses bone wings for defense. , So don’t look at the bone wing looks not thick, but the hardness is quite high, of course, in addition to defense can also attack, and the sharpness of the attack is larger than the area of ​​the coccyx blade, and a very sharp small blade , Attack angle can be attacked from different solitary positions.

Therefore, the two of them saw that the situation was not good and wanted to withdraw, but it was not so easy. Although the two also avoided Xu Shun’s wings attack, but only the important parts of the body were not injured, and the upper body was also marked with a lot of openings. , These mouths are deep and shallow but they did not hurt the important parts of the two, especially the skeleton human body has no internal organs and flesh, but he was also physically attacked, but he did not bleed, and he can be seen The marks of the attack were scratches on his clothes, but Dieside looked much more serious than Skeleton, mainly because he had a fleshy body, and the blood from the five or six openings did seem to be injured. Very heavy, but in fact, this condition does not hurt important internal organs, Diside's recovery ability is still very fast.

Don’t look at the wound is deep, but it will heal automatically after a maximum of ten seconds of bleeding. As long as it is not fatal or the physical strength reaches the upper limit, you will never be afraid of this injury. In the case of Xu Shun’s serious fight, these three people are profound Realizing that the person in front of me is not very annoying, don’t look at the fact that the Heavenly Tribulation is not turned on, but the person in front of him is very dangerous, even if he really struggles with him, but this kid is full of inexplicable weapons all over his body, so three Everyone realizes that the risk factor of Xu Shun is very high, and the three of them didn’t want to waste time. Since they decided to ask three people to work together to solve him at the beginning, now the three of them are more sure to take out all the real ones. The strength of it came to kill him. After all, it was just the first tentative attack that the three attacked together for the first time.

Although this injury was nothing to him at all, it increased his anger, so the three rounds of the three men's attacks were all serious. Each of them seriously fought with Xu Shun. Xu Xian wouldn't be able to move the person together immediately, barely able to resist the frontal attack and side attack of Yudir and Skeleton, but was always attacked by Diside from behind.

Although Xu Shun did not want to be attacked by this guy, but the main reason why he chose to withstand the damage of Dieside was that the attacking force of Udeel and the skeleton rack was much stronger than that of Dieside It’s much higher, so in the case where Xu Shun can only barely use his existing power to block the attack of the two, he naturally wants to minimize his injuries, so he can only choose to let the three of them die in the match. His own attack, and Xu Shun also avoided his fatal attack to a great extent, so overall Xu Xu has been following the three of them' non-stop attacks, and has allowed himself to limit his strength to one enemy. Third, to minimize the injury, Xu Xun can't attack alone now. If he adopts this state, he will expose many of his weaknesses.

This will allow the other two to take a very unfavorable attack on themselves. Moreover, Xu Shun’s current plan is to let Chen Tian repair his body quickly. He does not want to forcibly solve a certain person, but wants to make his own resistance. Try to stay as long as possible. If you can't hold your breath and take a forcible attack on one of the three people, even if you solve one person, the physical strength and injuries you can't afford to be able to withstand the simultaneous attacks of the other two people again. Therefore, the best strategy at present is to maintain physical strength as much as possible to minimize his injury, and wait for Chen Tian’s body to be repaired again. Although Chen Tian’s injury is very serious this time, Xu Shun is still full of confidence in Chen Tian, ​​because Chen Tian is actually It is the soul of the team and the expectation of everyone in the plight. This trust will not change until death, and Xu Shun is also determined to come back to support me as long as Chen’s body recovers, as long as they can block them. One of the individuals, I have a way to solve all the other two. It is precisely because of this idea that you need to persist for so long, Xu Shun has done perfectly in the face of these three strong attacks, But he already had a wounded body and was almost at the limit.

Because Xu Shun felt that all the bones in his body were very painful, and even his eyelids could not be opened. At the same time, when he was spinning around, he felt that he could not see the figure of the two people in front of him, although Xu Shun was tired. Some of them couldn't open their eyes, but Xu Shun's fighting consciousness already exists. Now Xu Xu is launching a self-attack against the people who attack him around him through his strong fighting consciousness.

Of course, this is also what Chen Tian did not expect. Xu Shun’s body will also happen on his own. The idea at this time in Chen Tian’s heart is that this kid is really an interesting person. It seems that his potential is really limitless. Chen Tian thought of it here Immediately on the occasion of a thousand shots, one hand directly supported Xu Shun’s body, while the other hand waved forward while in the eyes of Yudir and the skeleton frame was a red **** touch that looked extremely fierce. The two of them were dumped directly. Without knowing the power of Chen Tian, ​​they jumped up on their own, and Chen Tian also looked at Xu Shun who was dying at this time and said: "It is really hard for you brother, But then I will make them three times more painful than you!"

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