Killing God Island

Chapter 1236: Tiankai Wanqi 203 exquisite and stylish small leather pants

The people in front of Chen Tian who were armed with weapons, they had not waited for the attack, all of them committed suicide with their weapons on their necks while running, and all fell down one by one in the middle of the run. on the ground.

And everyone's neck is bleeding. This ability is the ability of Yan Xi's evil emperor's eye. Of course, Yan Xi has a lot of glasses after the catastrophe. Her evil emperor's eye was once given to Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin. Only, so the three of them can feel each other as long as they are close.

As these people all died in the road, the three daughters of Kuang Qi and Qian Da also directly entered the site of Orshadin. Of course, because of the warning before the death, hundreds of fully armed people are now ahead. People, they have regarded the four of them as intruders, anyway, they have just killed all of them, and now it is useless to explain, so at the corner of the mouth, a smile appeared again, and they also said to the three of them: " Give you a minute to kill all these people!"

At this time, there were at least hundreds of people gathered in front of the four of them. Of course, more than half of them did not arrive here in time. The leader of these people, Orshadin, did not arrive here in the first time, but he was mad The meaning is very clear, all those who block the road are solved in one minute!

Kuang Qi said this, it was quite casual, and he also believed that she could definitely do it, and Kuang Qi hid aside and sat down, Miss Qianda looked very forward at this time with a very taxing look The whole person is motionless as if time is still, and these people who are running towards them are, after all, reinforced people, and they are all reinforced people who have evolved twice, and their running speed will naturally not be slow.

But Miss Qianda completely ignored the process of them flying towards her. Just when these people were only one meter away from her, the gas formed around him instantly condensed on the body of the knife, and a knife more than one meter long waved out of her. In a moment, a very exaggerated white knife awn immediately cut off the big tree at the moment of a hundred meters away, and all the people who ran to him in this range were cut into two in half by her like this tree. , Guangqida alone solved half of them instantly, but the other half of Qianda didn't care at all. Instead, she turned to the knife and turned towards madness. It can be seen that Qianda absolutely believed that the two of them would definitely be able to do it soon. From the beginning to the present, it takes a maximum of five seconds, and the other part is completely resolved after 13 seconds to 28 seconds. However, the field where they fight is not as clean as Qian Da, except for the trees and the trees that are 100 meters away. Cut off, and all other objects are not destroyed.

Han Li and Yan Xi were all destroyed by them, and the whole thing was destroyed very violently, especially Han Li's surroundings looked like the scene of the car accident. Both the corpse and the surrounding things were destroyed. Unrecognizable, mainly because Han Li's attack method is special. It is a powerful and domineering attack through the huge tail behind. Some are similar to Xu Tian of the Chen Tian team, but Xu Shun is a blade like a knife, and she is The blunt effect is similar to a hammer, but Han Li’s tail is only strikingly powerful. In fact, it seems to be very powerful compared to Xu Shun’s tail blade, but in fact it is not comparable to Xu Shun’s tail blade. Xu Shun's tail blade is of an artifact-level hardness. Han Li can't compare this alone. Although it is incomparable with Xu Shun's tail blade, it is still very easy to deal with these people.

It’s crazy to see that the three of them have solved all the people around him, so he also got up from the position where he was just sitting, and then looked at his watch. It really didn’t take a minute to solve all of them, although soon It took too long to deal with these people, but everything was not in a hurry to achieve success, so after he got up, he clapped his hands to the three of them while walking, deliberately giving the three women a very satisfied appearance.

But before waiting for the madman to walk near the three girls, a person appeared instantly, and this person was no one else. It was the boss of this site, Orshadin, and he appeared to attack the three girls directly without saying anything. The attack is naturally easy to detect with the strength of these three women, but the three women didn’t want to attack him, so all three jumped at the same time, and where they jumped, Orshadin instantly used double The foot kicks out a deep pit about one meter directly.

The surrounding smoke and dust scattered from the sky, and Orshadin also jumped out of the deep pit again, but he was kicked in again by the small figure that appeared suddenly as soon as he jumped out, and he was heard immediately afterwards. With a bang made by the body colliding with decent, Orshadin did not expect these people to have such strength, and even just jumped up and did not see who attacked himself.

He was kicked into the deep hole just now, and it was Han Li who kicked Orshadin into it, and Han Li was preparing to walk over to see if the kid was hurt. When did you suddenly find that the people in the pit were gone, and Han Li could certainly perceive the life and death of Orshadin through her perceptual perception, but could not confirm his injury, so she went directly to prepare to see what happened . I didn’t expect that the person who was just inside the pit now disappeared, but Han Li didn’t panic, because Orshadin’s Voice: "Kill me so many men, what the **** are you, and who shot you?" As the voice came out, he also kicked his horizontal leg sweep directly, but was clearly carrying her Han Li raised her hand directly to block it, and said to Orshadin sideways: "Sorry! We are just passing by. If you feel disturbed, then I will give you a rest for free!"

Han Li didn't turn around at all after saying this sentence, and it took only a few seconds to complete the sentence, and she kept raising her right arm to prevent Orshadin from just kicking. In the posture of sweeping her legs, Han Li didn’t even move. The next second, her buttocks stretched out behind her butt, and Orshadin didn’t expect that this woman had such ability. Li's tail directly hits Orshadin, but her tail is completely different from Xu Shun's tail blade. If it is Xu Shun's tail blade, it will be cut into two segments if it is hit in eight layers of the body.

But Han Li’s tail is different from Xu Shun’s tail blade. Her tail is not sharp but the same as the blunt instrument of Les. It will cause a very serious internal injury to the opponent. You may not see any major problems when hit, but the body The bones and internal organs are basically as if they were hit by a hammer. The slightest injury after the hit is also a broken bone. If the position of the hit is very fatal, it will be killed on the spot, such as hitting the other person’s head and heart, etc. This person was basically saved.

Even with a fast gene repair ability, the face of this kind of heavy damage is definitely beyond the scope of most of the strengthened people's own repair ability, so Han Li's tail attack line is also quite strong, and the attack method is greatly destroyed It is mainly based on power, so I have to talk about Han Li’s pants. Han Li’s pants are also very distinctive, mainly because of her ability.

Han Li's body and height can't be compared to Qian Da. Miss Wilson, but Miss Qian Da usually doesn't pay much attention to her charm. After all, beautiful women don't have to dress too much and still have infinite charm, and this big lady Qian Da is undoubtedly It is this kind of woman who usually doesn't pay attention to her dress at all, even does not wear makeup or sometimes does not pay much attention to bathing in order to adapt to the environment.

But still the skin whitening body also exudes a woman's unique light fragrance, not the fragrance that relies on perfume and shampoo, and because Qian Da pursues a path of continuous strengthening, she usually wears it more suitable for combat Although her sportswear, trouser legs and clothes seem to be loose, she can still highlight her perfect female body.

Although Han Li is really inferior to Qian Da, she is also a very confident woman with a bumpy figure. Compared with the young girl who has not fully developed her body, Han Li's body is still much better than her. Especially in order to match her ability, she deliberately wore a very sexual leather pants, and left a round mouth where the tail can be stretched out from the hip to the waist.

Coupled with her is very straight and very round. Qiao. hips. It really made many men look at the DC port, and Han Li’s legs are very beautiful and stylish. She wears this in addition to matching her own ability. The important thing is that I also want to seduce, madness, after all, she came to this island just to want to be close to madness, and want to be his woman has been with him, know that with madness, but He will die at any time, and the stronger the person, the stronger the opponent he meets.

Of course, it would be fine to meet any dangerous strength with madness, but it is difficult to say whether these people with him can survive, but the dress of Han Li is really crazy for some fortified people who like women. Qi brings a lot of trouble. There are always some people who come to want to grab women by force. Although the strong on this island can get everything by robbing, of course, women are the same, so this is also formed on this island. This kind of temptation is to grab it, but after meeting the gang of gang Qi these people are all cold. After all, Kuang Qi hates this kind of person the most.

So when he meets such people, he basically doesn’t need to use these three women, so he personally killed such people. Although their strength is not worthy of playing against Kuang Qi, he is not even qualified to be killed by him. After all, Kuang Qi is allowed. The strength of the killing people is very strong, not to mention the most advanced talents in certain aspects, threatening the interests of the four major families and the interests of the other heads of state, so they will let the mad qi to solve them, these people There is no such strength at all, but due to some past memories of childhood when he was mad, he basically killed such people when he saw them.

In addition, he still doesn’t want to interfere too much with the original order on this island, but there are always some people like Orshadin who don’t give face to themselves. In fact, Orshadin was pitted by his men this time. Of course, because of his own strength.

Since he thinks that ordinary people will not be his opponents at all, he will only give Chen Tian their current reputation as a relatively well-known and powerful person, and use his microcosm to detect thin and tall men who have a mediocre strength, and these women Because of their respective reasons, the strength of the detected results was under him, and then saw that many of his men were killed by them, so Orshadin did not deal with this matter rationally, and directly directed Qian Da , Han Li and Yan Xi three girls launched an attack.

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