Killing God Island

Chapter 1237: Tiankai Wanqi Pian 204 violently kicked, all the players in the audience were all kil

When Kuangqi meets this kind of man who is not good to women and ignores his warning, no matter who this person is, how many people are there as long as Kuangqi meets this type of person, basically do not use these three women.

He will personally get rid of them all. Although their strength is not worthy of playing against Kuang Qi, he has no qualification to be killed. After all, the people who let Kuang Qi kill are very strong. Yes, some top-notch talents.

And seriously threatened the interests of the four major families and the interests of the rest of the heads of state, only to let Kuang Qi go to solve them. These people did not have this ability at all, but because of some past events that he did not want to remember when he was a child, he let him see Basically, such people will be killed directly.

In addition, he still doesn’t want to interfere too much with the original order on this island, but there are always some people like Orshadin who don’t give face to themselves. In fact, Orshadin was pitted by his men this time. Of course, because of his own strength.

Since he thinks that ordinary people will not be his opponents at all, he will only give Chen Tian their current reputation as a relatively well-known and powerful person, and use his microcosm to detect thin and tall men who have a mediocre strength, and these women Because of their respective reasons, the strength of the detected results was under him, and then saw that many of his men were killed by them, so Orshadin did not deal with this matter rationally, and directly directed Qian Da , Han Li and Yan Xi three girls launched an attack.

However, it seems that he is a strong attack. In fact, for these three women, they did not hurt them at all. Not only that, when Orshadin was ready to jump and attack again, he was kicked directly by Han Li. He attacked the deep pit he stepped on. This speed and strength also scared Orshadin. He was originally confident in his own strength. In this t-zone, he is a top-level master.

It can be said that if the leader of the twelve sites in the t zone is positioned as the strongest, then Orshadin belongs to the master after the strongest level. Even if he participates in the war in the area where Chen Tian is now, his strength definitely belongs to Masters at the same level as the senior cadres of the Quartet League, even slightly stronger than their level, I didn’t expect that I just saw a black shadow, how did this black shadow kick him on the body, he didn’t respond to the body and then again He was heavily kicked into the pit that had just landed.

But Orshadin’s abilities are not limited to these. From the speed level, it is obvious that he is under Han Li, but he uses the dust that has just fallen, and uses many people to use the subtle perception in the invisible situation. Force, to sense the movement of energy, use energy storage to a piece of energy that can completely store energy. This trick could have been used as a hidden weapon, but even with the strength of Han Li just attacked her.

At her speed, she can definitely avoid or block it. Instead of attacking him, it is better to use this as a bait, making him think that I am still in a pit. When he comes up to check, attack her after going around. This tactic is indeed He can detect the next moment when Han Li walks over, and at the same time, the whole person jumps behind Han Li at a very fast speed to prepare for a sneak attack on Han Li.

Unexpectedly, although Han Li turned his back on her, he had already seen this little trick. Just when he was about to kick Han Li's head, he was directly raised by Han Li's right arm. Living.

This foot Orshadin was going to kick her to death, so the strength of this foot was naturally not small, but unexpectedly not only let Han Li prevent it, but also directly hit by the tail that was suddenly extended Chest, Han Li's ability is a mixture of lizard and gecko ability. Both his tongue and tail are very deadly offensive. That's why Han Li's battle is very destructive.

The moment when Orshadin was hit, it was like a hammer hitting his chest. Not only did his sternum shatter, but also his internal organs shattered. Although the heart was still beating weakly, this person fell to the ground After he was dying for a while, although Orshadin also has a strong repair ability, but the injury has exceeded his own repair ability. At this time, Orshadin fell to the ground, although his body seems to be intact. There were no wounds, but his chest collapsed on the ground, his nostrils collapsed, and blood began to ooze into his mouth. He pulled out the whole body a few times before staring at his eyes and died.

And the place he looked at with his eyes was the position of Kuang Qi. After all, he could no longer move his body after he fell to the ground. At this time, only Orshadin could see Kuang Qi, and Kuang Qi was already wearing his face. He smiled and walked over to this side. As the madness approached him step by step, his consciousness slowly blurred until the foot of the madness crossed his body while Orshadin stopped breathing.

Orshadin originally wanted to live safely in this place, so he did not intend to participate in the war between Chen Tian and the Quartet Alliance. He originally thought that he could continue to live here, although this area is compared with the rest of the site It is relatively remote, but there are more than a thousand people who can be a hegemon here. It is also a small kingdom. In Orshadin, I think that living here is more comfortable than outside the island. As long as it can kill people, what is there? .

But people are not as good as the sky. Orshadin did not escape the catastrophe in the end. He was solved by the passing gangs. The original madness just wanted to talk to him and wanted to discuss it. But he was blocked by his men and him, and finally ended up being killed by Han Li. Because Han Li has been following the madness for some time, the strength is also greatly increased. After all, with the madness, the strength wants to remain strong. difficult.

Although the three women just killed a lot of people, they were only a small part, and now they have killed their leaders. Some people with brains are afraid to go on, but Orshadin has two deputies, one called Orfe Mi, the other is Bolard. Both of them have been taken care of by Orshadin, and they are also very powerful. The two are actually very strong. This is why Orshadin reuses these two very much. The human reason is, of course, first of all to entangle them to do things for themselves, and want them to be their right and left hands. In addition to this, there is a very important reason.

That is, if the two men join forces, Orshadin can't beat them, and it's difficult to kill them head-on, and his strength is at the same level as him, so Orshadin will be good to them, and Give them a high position to appease them, and also imitate Liu Guanzhang's worship in the Three Kingdoms, becoming a brother, you can live and die together.

However, this trick is really very effective. For the two of Ofme and Bolard, he really thinks that Orshadin is really good to him, so he does his best for him, but Orshadin is just I think he is a rare talent, and although there were many people on his site, the forces are generally much weaker than those on the other sites, so members with such strength are rare to join.

Of course, let them feel how good it is here. In fact, for the character of Orshadin, since he can kill his original boss in the previous World War, it is enough to prove that he is power. . Desire. How big is that, for the sake of power, anyone can kill, and it is the kind of hard-working and very careful man.

However, the two of Offim and Bolard are the kind, the kind of people who are very decent to the people. These two people were also framed because they were too decent, and they were finally jailed and finally exiled. The end of this island, but one's personality is difficult to change. The two of them are definitely not stupid, but they are very straight, and they don't think too much about the surface, and others will report this kind of life to themselves. Nice guy.

Although most of the people on this island are dead prisoners and prisoners in Doka prisons, there will still be many good people who have been wronged, and Ofem and Bolard are this type of people, but they just fight for justice. But it is naturally not weak in terms of strength.

So they saw Orshadin who was so good to the two of them usually killed. How could these two people not avenge their rebellion, because these two people are not brave and incompetent, they also were before entering the island The elite of a certain department also has its own set of methods for managing these people. In short, the two of them are very powerful and appealing in the eyes of the people who appear now.

So I just thought that Orshadin was killed and they were in complete chaos. When they saw that the two of Offim and Bolad had arrived, they immediately seemed to have the backbone. Standing on the spot to see how the two of them will deal with this matter, and at this time, the two of them also say nothing. After looking at the hundreds of people in front of them, first of all, they are far superior to the madness in terms of momentum and number. There are a few people in the team, and there are two very strong people, such as Offim and Bollard, so these people have been alleviated by the panic just now.

And as these two sentences were spoken by the two of Offim and Bolad, they immediately inspired all of them, "What are you panicking for? The two of us are not dead yet? And Orsha Ding is good to everyone? When the other large organizations object to your strength and can’t let you join, who is the one who took you and has been running around to strengthen our power? As a person, the first thing to understand is to be grateful , The ungrateful one is not human. You have to know that because Orshadin has let most of you join you, you can live in a group until now. Now that he is dead, are you ready to flee?" But they said so together. Words, and also very excited to say it together, Ofemi suddenly coughed. In fact, after covering his cough with his hands, his hands were full of blood.

Ofermi had been recuperating in the organization because he had been seriously injured. He should have been recuperating. He felt that he had come here with Brad after a major incident outside. Now, only Brad has the full combat strength.

And Bollard also knows that Ofermi is injured, and he also sees that what he said just now has inspired all the fighting spirit of everyone around him, so the next step is to make all the energy It broke out, so when Coughing by Ofermi, Bold shouted loudly: "I don't care what you think in your heart right now, anyway, as a man, you must first be bloody, if anyone feels like a man, now Kill them all with me. Are we so many people afraid that they will not succeed?"

After Ballard finished speaking, he rushed over alone, and after he rushed over, these people also looked at each other, and immediately followed, hundreds of people all rushed to them, even seriously injured. In order to cooperate with Brad and enhance the morale of everyone, Ofme also rushed to the madness with them. When the madness saw the dense crowd in front of him, he squinted next to him after all the screams rushed over. These three women, I saw that the three women also all pose in battle, but before waiting for Qian Da to draw a knife, Kuang Qi directly said to him: "Okay! We are in a hurry this time, and these people are too noisy. Now, let me come this time!"

After hearing this sentence, the three girls were stunned, followed by the expressions of the three of them. All of them were tense instantly. I just saw that so many people rushed over and did not feel so nervous. They went forward with the madness. At the same time, the three women at the same time pulled away from Kuangqi as if they were running back.

This is exactly the opposite of these people who are approaching crazy, but now these people think that this may be because we have too many people to scare away the three women, but these people are ready to ignore the three women first, first In front of him, the thin, tall man in a black suit was killed, and they didn’t think that their old meeting was killed by the three women, and it was designated that this man did it, so killing this man was considered revenge for Orshadin. Now!

As a result, Kuang Qi suddenly hit the ground with a punch. When the ground cracked, everyone in front of him was shocked. And because of the power, he was shocked and died while flying in the air. No one survived. This is crazy. One of the most useful tricks to kill garbage is called Tenjin Strike! "

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