Killing God Island

Chapter 1355: Unrest Factors Hidden in Everywhere

Doranfoss' ability to displace the plane should originally displace Zhuo Wenxin and his own space into two spaces, and block any other attacks from the other side, and at the same time make herself appear in the still period of time after her attack, And gave her a fatal blow and then returned to normal time.

However, Zhuo Wenxin did not appear in the plane space that she should have appeared. This suddenly disappeared in the plane, which caused Duranfos to be dumbfounded. Not only was she panicked, she also said to herself in her mouth: " Could this woman be invisible?"

Just after he said this sentence, Zhuo Wenxin suddenly appeared in a plane space that no one should have appeared at all, and Duranfos was precisely because he could hide in this and normal when the other party attacked himself. The completely isolated orientation of the plane space will prevent the attackers from finding him or even hurting him, but he really did not expect that Zhuo Wenxin could even enter this space, and attacking Doranfoss in this space would follow normal time. Duan beat him the same.

So Duranfos was kicked by Zhuo Wenxin in the same position again, and the bridge of his nose was kicked by Zhuo Wenxin. This time, another foot completely kicked the bridge of Duranfos's nose. Going in, this time the facial features of Doranfos were completely transformed, and this time he was kicked out by Zhuo Wenxin again, but not only was his face injured so simple, but also the nerves in the brain were damaged by the shock, causing his body to fly out. Wanting to stand up, I found myself starting to swing from top to bottom.

However, Zhuo Wenxin did not suffer a slight injury and continued to walk towards him. It seems that Zhuo Wenxin was just warming up and did not really want to result in him. It seems that Zhuo Wenxin thinks that he and Chen Tian have a five or five opening. In fact, her expectations are a bit too high. In fact, his melee ability is far worse than that of the brothers and sisters Zhuo and Chen Tian. If Chen Tian can hit him, he will solve it without any effort, but Chen All of Tian’s moves were ineffective against him, and there was no way to seriously injure him.

The eyes of the evil emperor of Zhuo’s brother and sister seem to be able to overcome him. No wonder Zhuo Yanxuan did not personally shoot. At this time, the victory and defeat have been divided. Zhuo Wenxin is not interested in playing with him. From the vertical direction of her serious expression When Duranfos walked, she could see that she was ready to kill him, and Duolangfos, who had been injured by Zhuo Wenxin's two-legged brain and was swinging left and right, even had a little unclear speech: "Where are you? sacred?"

After he said this sentence, he was basically weak. He asked this sentence by his last strength, because at this time Zhuo Wenxin's fingers had pinched his neck and lifted him up. Seeing that Zhuo Wenxin is not taller than Langfoss, but Zhuo Wenxin's strength is not small at all. It is a breeze to lift him up by holding Duranfoss' neck in one hand, as long as Zhuo Wenxin wants to kill him, only fingers He can be easily pinched to death with a strong effort, and now he has a hypoxic state in which his limbs are flushed with redness. From the state of straight kicking of his feet off the ground, it can be seen that he is now struggling a few seconds before death.

Zhuo Wenxin did not kill him directly, just to let him die after hearing these words: "You are not worthy of knowing the names of me and my brother, because your strength is really rubbish, and you want to dominate the king only by your own exclusive ability. People, in's rubbish!"

Zhuo Wenxin finished this sentence, and threw it directly with his right hand. Doranfos’ body was directly thrown into the air by Zhuo Wenxin within a few seconds of his death. Just when he was lucky that he was not dead, I saw Zhuo Wenxin straightened his fingers and waved upwards in the manner of a hand knife. The body of Doranfos was instantly divided into two by the air flow swayed by Zhuo Wenxin's hand knife. It was spraying blood on both sides of Zhuo Wenxin, and the red raindrops that were like special effects for a while fell together with the body of Dorofus, which was cut into two sections, but Zhuo Wenxin passed under the blood drop that fell from above. But there was no drop of blood, showing how fast Zhuo Wenxin evaded.

As the younger sister approached Zhuo Yanxuan, Zhuo Yanxuan also applauded his sister's wonderful performance, pointing to the other side and saying, "It seems that this place is very unstable, and some masters who want to fish in troubled waters hide In the dark, this time we have helped Chen Tian to do a lot of help. Next, we should not be too involved in this battle as well. It may be that the great melee is too fierce. Now we are hiding in the t zone. There are more and more masters attracted from all over the place. Although the current form of the Quartet Alliance will definitely be defeated, it is difficult to say whether another battle will occur here."

After listening, Zhuo Wenxin smiled slightly and replied: "Why do we care about their life and death, anyway, the one who blocks us is the enemy, and the killing is, why is my brother entangled in these things?" Although Zhuo Yanxuan thinks what his sister just said is reasonable, in addition to his strong strength, Zhuo Yanxuan is also very careful in doing things for others, and he is very organized in everything he does. Before doing certain things, I will think of a set of plans on my own, and improve my plan according to the actual situation, strive to maximize my own interests and create greater benefits for the two brothers and sisters.

Now Zhuo Yanxuan has already traveled with Chen Tian’s promise to work together, and now the form around this is obvious. There are many people who want to take advantage of the chaos when the Quartet Alliance and Chen Tian end their battle. The forces are all wiped out, of course, some of them also hide some people who want to take advantage of personal interests, such as people who compete for nine gems, or such people who follow Tianmen to find a way to leave the t zone. In short, they are not completely hidden around this There are more and more intensified people connected to this battle.

The Zhuo brothers and sisters can sense it, and Chen Tian can also sense it. Chen Tian’s important ability to enter the micro realm after the second awakening is much better than the general primary awakening person, so Chen Tian naturally knows this. There are a lot of fortified people who want to take advantage of the opportunity to hide, but they have not shot now. Although Chen Tian knows where they are hiding, Chen Tian does not want to take the initiative to attack them. After all, Chen Tian’s indiscriminate shots are likely to trigger Unexpected trouble, it is better to let them attack like the pretentious Bosque and Doranfoss, and then kill them in a logical way, otherwise it would be troublesome if these attracted people all angered.

After all, Chen Tian now consumes more than half of his physical energy just in the battle, so if there is a real fight, Chen Tian can’t stand it, let alone the rest of the team? So if it evolves into this kind of result, it is likely to be wiped out by the regiment. After all, dare to appear here to strengthen the people watching and watching, how dare you appear here without any strength? This is why Chen Tian does not actively attack these fortified people.

And these people are also secretly observing the current situation of Chen Tian’s group and the Quartet Alliance, especially the two who have just made pretentious shots. Although they are very powerful, one is beaten and captured, and the other is killed directly, to a certain extent. To calm down these thoughtful people, after all, if you want to get your own benefits, you must first take your own life and fight. Although these people are exhausted after their respective battles, these people are not weak. And the strength of the two guys who just shot was really strong, basically the strength is similar to these hidden masters, so just after the killing of Duo Langfos also let them look at the pair of very good-looking siblings, look These people did not want to provoke these two people for a while.

They also see the strength of Chen Tian, ​​so even if they want to do it, they will choose powerful people like Chen Tian and Zhuo's brothers and sisters to start. These hardened people who are scheming about them prefer to start with weaker people.

But now they don’t dare to do anything more, except that some of them care about the three brothers and sisters Chen Tian and Zhuo’s, of course, there is another reason, and this reason accounts for a larger proportion, and they care more about the same They are not in the same group as the rest of them who are hiding around them. Of course, they are guarding each other. Apart from this, they also feel that the time is not yet right.

After all, there are still a few people in the Quartet Alliance who have not been resolved, and now the three positions that Chen Tian helped in the past are fighting. Of course, the position of the brothers and sisters of the Zhuo family is not a total of three positions. Two of them follow Zhuo. Brothers and sisters came to support Chen Tian, ​​the head of the organization Steve Lanji and one person singled out, and the organization's real second-rank Stanson and a relatively strong person outside the trick, the other one is the women's team The muscular female Guda in battle with the position in battle.

Gu Da has been killing the man since she chased it, but she met another very difficult opponent, and there are more enemies nearby, but the same is left for Steve Ranji. More than a dozen survivors are fighting the only remaining people in these Quartet alliances.

Therefore, this position belongs to the most chaotic place in the current battle. In addition to these members of the women's team, since forming an alliance with the Chen Tian team, they also belong to the Chen Tian team to fight together and live together in the t zone for several months. It is natural to have a deeper friendship with the other two who just appeared to help Chen Tian as an alliance. Of course, Chen Tian also knows that they will listen to Zhuo's brother and sister's plan.

There must also be the interest they want, and Chen Tian naturally counted the incident of timely assistance to the Zhuo brothers and sisters, so in Chen Tianxin, the brothers and sisters are still fighting with the women’s team. The member Kudha has a relationship with himself.

Therefore, Chen Tian naturally chose to directly solve the other side and then support the other two, and the strength of the other two is not weak. Although it seems that the situation of the two is not good at the moment, Chen Tian does not I didn't plan to save these two first, so it can be seen that doing things in Chen Tian will also divide the more important person in that side, so if Chen Tian is considered to be a reckless man by his appearance and behavior, it would be wrong.

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