Killing God Island

Chapter 1356: Eighty percent of the 323 anti-injuries

Now these people hiding and secretly surrounding Chen Tian and all the people present, most of them dare not easily do it, except that part of them care about the strength of the three brothers and sisters Chen Tian and Zhuo's.

Of course, there is another reason, and this reason accounts for a larger proportion, and they care more about the other people who are also hidden around them. They are not the same as each other, and of course they are alert to each other. In addition to this, they also feel that the time is not right yet.

After all, there are still a few people in the Quartet Alliance who have not been resolved, and now the three positions that Chen Tian helped in the past are fighting. Of course, the position of the brothers and sisters of the Zhuo family is not a total of three positions. Two of them follow Zhuo. Brothers and sisters came to support Chen Tian, ​​the head of the organization Steve Lanji and one person singled out, and the organization's real second-rank Stanson and a relatively strong person outside the trick, the other one is the women's team The muscular female Guda in battle with the position in battle.

Gu Da has been killing the man since she chased it, but she met another very difficult opponent, and there are more enemies nearby, but the same is left for Steve Ranji. More than a dozen survivors are fighting the only remaining people in these Quartet alliances.

Therefore, this position belongs to the most chaotic place in the current battle. In addition to these members of the women's team, since forming an alliance with the Chen Tian team, they also belong to the Chen Tian team to fight together and live together in the t zone for several months. It is natural to have a deeper friendship with the other two who just appeared to help Chen Tian as an alliance. Of course, Chen Tian also knows that they will listen to Zhuo's brother and sister's plan.

There must also be the interest they want, and Chen Tian naturally counted the incident of timely assistance to the Zhuo brothers and sisters, so in Chen Tianxin, the brothers and sisters are still fighting with the women’s team. The member Kudha has a relationship with himself.

Therefore, Chen Tian naturally chose to directly solve the other side and then support the other two, and the strength of the other two is not weak. Although it seems that the situation of the two is not good at the moment, Chen Tian does not I didn't plan to save these two first, so it can be seen that doing things in Chen Tian will also divide the more important person in that side, so if Chen Tian is considered to be a reckless man by his appearance and behavior, it would be wrong.

Chen Tian’s purpose was very clear this time. Even the two men of Ning She must also rescue the muscular female Guda. This is mainly because the women’s team’s help really helped Chen Tian. If there is no women’s team Their help, this time Chen Tian, ​​they could not have been so smooth in this great melee, this point Chen Tian still knows, and in the past few months, Chen Tian also regarded them as his own.

So now, there are still four fighting positions. It is perfectly possible to remove the strength of your team Ling Zifeng, and the other three are at a disadvantage. Of course, these three positions will choose the alliance friends who are closer to them than they are. That’s why Chen Tian’s double flight directly flew in the direction of Guda, the muscular female, and this Guda’s real strength is actually very strong, but in terms of killing, you may not be able to kill.

And the opponent she is dealing with now is the kind where you are not as strong as you are. It is very difficult to kill me. Just like Chen Tian dealt with Duranfoss, Chen Tian’s strength is absolutely stronger than Langfos. There are so many, it can be said that if Chen Tianzhao can be effective for him, the strength of these two people is not at the same level at all, so if it is not that Dronfoss's exclusive ability is very strong, it is impossible to compete with Chen Tian at all. Fifty-five.

Therefore, on this killing island, it is not that the strength is stronger than the opponent. It can easily kill the opponent. Unless your strength is already to a certain extent, the opponent you meet will always make you caught off guard, and Kudah thinks that his strength is in This area is definitely about killing anyone who wants to kill, and it is absolutely possible to achieve this if you are not hiding your own strength. After all, he once went to area a with Shirley.

Although the time spent in Zone A was very short, and was the only survivor among the batch of reinforcements Shirley last reorganized in that war, but at least the difference from Zone A to Zone T is still a lot of areas, strength. Naturally, I think that it is still very easy to kill these people in the t zone. Although his strength is okay, at least in the t zone, it is definitely very strong, even more than the energy accumulated in Chen Tian’s body when there is no injury. More, but this t zone belongs to the threshold of this island towards the master, but in this threshold zone, it is also stuck many people whose strength is far beyond the strength of t zone.

For example, Chen Tian and them, of course, this person who hasn’t scored a victory in the 300-round battle with Kudat belongs to this kind of person, and he does not have Kudakang in terms of physique. He is certainly stronger than him in terms of strength, but his exclusive abilities are just like when Chen Tian fights with Duo Langfos, many of Kudat’s attacks are useless to him.

auzw.comAlthough this kid’s exclusive ability is not as strong as the Doranfoss ability, it is also a very special ability. His ability is to turn himself into a similar rubber. The elastic side of the same machine, and the extremely elastic side of this side is not just that it will be bouncing off when hitting him. To be precise, hitting the elastic side of this machine will give you a percentage of the power you hit. Eighty percent of the power will hurt the opponent, and absorb 20% of the power used to restore his physical strength and ability.

Therefore, this guy will not be injured by the shock no matter how he hits, and it is not just that it will not be injured by the shock. Just as the muscular female Guda kept attacking him, not only did he not give him any damage, but instead His strength was counter-injured, and he suffered internal injuries from all parts of his body, which is why Guda is clearly very strong, why he hasn’t scored with this person for so long, and his injuries are getting more and more Seriously.

This kind of non-stop anti-injury leads to a more and more serious nausea cycle. Guda has not found out that she belongs to the kind of person who fights, or else she has been chased here because of chasing people, and met I know that someone who is not easy to deal with, not only did not have the character of fighting instead of fighting with him, if I just found out that no matter how I attacked him, he would not be effective, just turn around and run away, this person will not chase Yes, after all, he didn’t want to fight with Kudat, so he kept defending passively.

However, Gudda has been attacking him without giving up. Now as he continues to attack her, no matter from the strength or the internal injury caused to herself, they have reached the level where the other party can attack her, but the other party is still very cautious. I want to make her injuries a little heavier, and it will be easier to solve her after the physical energy is consumed.

Gu Da is not clear why the other party has been attacked by herself for so long, but she still seems to be okay, so what she has always refused to lose is that she wants to use her own strength to overthrow the other party, but it is a pity that she continues to fight like this. Not only is it impossible to solve the other party, it is also possible that she will be solved next. After all, she now consumes a lot of physical energy, and her internal injuries will increase with each attack.

But this situation she did not consider in the battle, so the fortified person like Kudat, if he meets Chen Tian this kind of fighting consciousness is very strong, maybe killing her does not need to be stronger than her to be able to do it, thinking this kind of person I will only consider how to use my own combat abilities to improve my combat power, and then go to fight, and it is too lawful in the battle. There is no flexibility and I never consider the other party's fighting style at this time.

This is in stark contrast to a person with a strong fighting consciousness, such as Chen Tian who fought with Duranfos before. Why did Chen Tian use so many tricks, that is, Chen Tian was fighting while thinking about how to deal with it He, but it is a pity that Doranfos's ability is really no tricks to hit him or have any effect on him, so Chen Tian will play with him for so long and it is still difficult to score.

Whether it is this person in front of Kudat or Drumfoss, in fact, these two are two people who rely on their own abilities to fight. Their melee ability and physical gene evolution are not comparable to those of Chen Tian and Kudat. , But those who rely on their own ability to fight are also a kind of strength. No matter what method is used on this island, as long as they can kill the other party, it is the most important.

Gu Da has actually been internally injured by her own strength, and the injury is very serious. After all, she constantly wants to kill the opponent with a strong attack, but she has not considered what the other party's ability is. Nothing happened at all, so she kept increasing her attack strength, but in the end she just hit his ability, but he was capable of fighting back 80%. To be honest, it was quite ruthless. Good reinforcements are all killed by his ability to counterattack.

However, thanks to Guda’s very strong physique, it may be that his physique and muscles are too developed. All brains may not be enough. Of course, this does not mean that the woman of Guda has a low IQ. She is actually a normal person, just fighting. She was stupid at the time, maybe she is the kind of body that is a good material for martial arts, but the perception is poor.

So she was back injured by her own power and became a serious injury. If he had a strong physical endurance, he might have been injured and could not fight in the future. However, the physical fitness and physique of the Kudat person is really quite awkward. It seems that she has no muscles in this body, but with her non-stop attacking style, if Chen Tian does not come to help him, Kudat can still insist on losing for at least five minutes.

Chen Tian flew over from the side to the side, while looking down and preliminary analysis of the two men’s fighting methods and routines. After the Gudda attacked him and was bounced back, he repeatedly wounded and spit blood three times. Chen Tian has basically Knowing the opponent's fighting routines, Chen Tian continued to fly to the position of Kudat, while thinking about how to solve this man's plan.

It is not only Ye Minyu in the team who has the mind to plan various plans. In fact, Chen Tian is not stupid. Although he does not have Ye Minyu's top intelligence, he is at least a little smarter than ordinary people, especially in the combat aspect. The thinking is Quite a lot of light, of course, in combat, you can get along with various combat methods used by different people. There is no trick in Chen Tian that is fixed and inconvenient.

Of course, this kind of man with a strong combat consciousness, the top three of the Chen Tian team, that is, Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng are all the kind of super combat consciousness. Of course, the other people are also very talented in combat. It’s just that these three people are born with a great sense of combat.

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