Killing God Island

Chapter 142: Unpredictable

"Okay! Then we will start tomorrow!" Yao Jun finally said this very atmospherically, and Chen Tian and others also nodded at the same time. This time it was like a leader to make a decision. The feeling of approval.

What happened on the other side of the bridge shocked Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin, especially the slaves under Locke, who had no status like animals here, and they would be slaughtered if they did not work hard. It is natural to whip to wait, even being killed here anytime, anywhere.

And those women who work hard are humiliated and miserable every day, but the Locke group is much stronger than the Kaweier group, because they not only have the slavery filling force, but also a group of powerful men, plus the name of Beiran Crazy scientists of Hughes could detect where there is water resources, and then let these slaves dig wells, add steel to his series of research.

Even now he has independently developed the aircraft. Of course, in order to better conquer the hearts of people, Locke personally took Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin brothers and sisters to visit all corners of his site.

"How are you brothers and sisters holding me up here?" Locke asked directly.

"I think it's not bad, but I really want to know how long the plane will take?"

"You don't need to worry about this. You are a coincidence. The plane can fly for a few days, or slow for a month or so."

"Really? That's really filled!" Zhuo Wenxin jumped happily but Zhuo Yanxuan didn't believe this, Zhuo Yanxuan said in the ear of his sister: "His words may not be true, this person is not What kind of kind, although we join them, we must be careful to protect him."

Zhuo Wenxin immediately nodded and said, "Got it!"

At this moment, Locke took Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin to a cabin, and the cabin was very dark at the moment of entering, but when his eyes adjusted to it, his brother and sister's expression suddenly changed. This is Locke's own In the laboratory, there are many very cruel torture tools. The tools here are very diverse. There are more than forty hammers of different sizes and shapes, electric saws, props and chains that torture people.

And in the dark corner in front, there were more than a dozen women and four or five men whose limbs were cut off. Zhuo Yanxuan asked directly: "Here is it?"

"This is my private laboratory. I'm working on people who have been strengthened. How strong is the body's recovery ability? What are the essential differences between men's and women's fortifiers, or evolutionary misunderstandings? Wait, also want to see the legs of men and women will grow out after cutting off their legs, or to restore the body of the human body is also to distinguish the evolution of different potentials between people." Locke said proudly Own point of view

Zhuo Yanxuan also directly asked: "Then did you come to the conclusion you want?"

"Some conclusions have been reached, but in fact it is still some distance away from the conclusions I want to know. I will give you a practical operation now, and you will slowly fall in love with this kind of experiment!" Locke said and took it directly The mask and gloves walked over, and then he picked up a knife and walked to a sturdy man who was tied. At the same time, he walked to the front of the bound man, picked up one of his arms and cut his skin with a knife, and the blood quickly bleed out, but Locke said bluntly It is said that although this island is full of strengthened people, the recovery ability is also different from person to person. It is not that the strength is strong. The recovery ability is fast. This cannot be generalized. This person who is separated by my knife from the large artery of the arm is actually very good, because He betrayed me and all my brothers before they fell to the point where they are today.

But you also saw that after I gave him a knife, his recovery ability was not obvious, so the conclusion is that recovery ability is not directly proportional to the degree of evolution, on the contrary, some weak people have several times stronger recovery ability than him. But as their body evolves certain special abilities will not change, this is the conclusion I have drawn through many experiments, and the most amazing thing about women is that they will evolve slightly faster than our men, and their cell activity is also higher than that of men. At least twice as fast. But their evolutionary cells in the body are not stable, which means that even if they evolve fast with men, at least eight of their ten evolutions will fail, otherwise we will be better than theirs. "

"It turned out to be like this!" Zhuo Yanxuan said this with some sentiment, but his real heart was another look. This man is really insidious and poisonous. Is he giving our brothers and sisters a horse? It implies that his betrayal will end up like this, right? It's also like talking about our knowledge, it's really uncomfortable guy!

Although Zhuo Wenxuan thought so in his heart, his expression seemed to be very educated, and the two chatted very warmly or even aloof the younger sister. At this time, what Locke thought was: "The strength of the brother and sister is really good. After talking, the brother of these two should be the kind of person with simple mind and four limbs, and his sister is more like a ignorant girl coquettish and cute, it seems that these two people will not treat me once they join. Instead, my heart will enhance my strength. It seems that the next step is to give this brother and sister a thorough brainwashing and let them do things for me in the future!"

Just when Zhuo Wenxuan and Locke both thought about each other, but when they were talking with each other very warmly, Zhuo Wenxin also secretly pondered on the side: "This man looks good when he meets him, but since my brother let me kick him, Then, even if he is good again, as soon as my brother says a word, I will immediately cut his throat."

At the same time, a group of Fez Germank near the Rock Bridge encountered an extra large tiger that was almost ten meters long and tall enough for someone to stand upright. The biggest difference between this tiger and other tigers is that the two teeth protrude too long. It is just as domineering as the long-extinct saber-toothed tiger. The appearance of this tiger has also attracted the attention of Fez.

Only Gu Shouchuan was still calm and said in a wheelchair: "Don’t worry, this tiger looks tough but will not attack us suddenly. If I guess right, this tiger should be one of the seven war madmen. Yan Xiao's mount."

At this time, because of the hot weather, Chang Yanxiao was lying on the back of the tiger, which caused the tiger to be too big. Everyone did not notice that there was one person lying on the tiger's back, and this person was Chang Yanxiao.

"Then what should we do? Are we going to detour?" Pajson asked Fez Germank, and the old man turned his head to Gu Shouchuan, and Gu Shouchuan could see that everyone didn't want to detour. After all, this hot weather makes people do not want to take another step, so Gu Shouchuan followed the meaning of his father-in-law: "No need to bypass, then I will talk to him first!"

Although Gu Shouchuan was sitting in a wheelchair, he sent a very weak energy fluctuation to the front. Of course, Chang Yanxiao on the back of the tiger can recognize this energy fluctuation. This wonderful immersion into the micro realm is not accessible to ordinary people. , So everyone except Chang Yanxiao did not feel the invisible greeting of Gu Shouchuan.

I saw that Chang Yanxiao sat up directly from the tiger's back. He rubbed his eyes and said, "I thought that an expert actually used this method to wake me up. It turned out to be Gu Shouchuan!"

Gu Shouchuan motioned for Zhang Ling to push the tower behind him, and Gu Shouchuan also jumped from the tiger's back. When the tiger saw the master coming down, he sat comfortably behind the master, while Chang Yanxiao's face was sullen and sloppy. The wheelchair youth in front walked.

Both sides are holding each other, but their expressions are smiling.

"How could this guy appear here? Anyway, I will go over and say hello to him first. Chang Yanxiao's inner world at this time thinks of these, but Gu Shouchuan laughs and does not speak but he is secretly thinking in his heart. , How could Chang Yanxiao appear here? And just now the madness also appeared here, a small v zone could actually meet these two people, what happened in this zone? Or did they have other tasks? ......The Prins family and the Ruandi family temporarily joined forces to solve us in this area? No matter what purpose Chang Yanxiao came here for, I have to go over and visit him in person Talk again.


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