Killing God Island

Chapter 143: Gu Shouchuan's past

"How could this guy appear here? Anyway, I will go over and say hello to him first. Chang Yanxiao's inner world at this time thinks of these, but Gu Shouchuan laughs and does not speak but he is secretly thinking in his heart. , How could Chang Yanxiao appear here? And just now the madness also appeared here, a small v zone could actually meet these two people, what happened in this zone? Or did they have other tasks? ......The Prins family and the Ruandi family temporarily joined forces to solve us in this area? No matter what purpose Chang Yanxiao came here for, I have to go over and visit him in person Talk again.

Zhang Ling pushed Gu Shouchuan to a distance of one meter away from Chang Yanxiao, and Chang Yanxiao asked with a slightly joking tone: "The girl behind you is pretty good!"

"Oh! That's natural, but I'm quite surprised that you are here!" Gu Shouchuan said this with a smile, and Chang Yanxiao also nodded and replied: "You are in this kind of bird No, it’s normal to see me in the place where I shit.”

"Then you came here this time, was it because you were chasing me and so on?" Gu Shouchuan asked with a solemn expression in a low voice and a long tone, and Chang Yanxiao also laughed with a smile: "Ha Hahahaha... Brothers laughed, I came here to do something else, I don’t want to fight with you for nothing!"

Gu Shouchuan laughed when he saw him laughing like this: "Don't you dare to do anything with Chang Yan Xiao? It's reasonable and reasonable for you, a sex-minded character, to find me who is ill-fighted!"

Chang Yanxiao waved his hand and replied: "Although you are seriously ill, but you and I will not necessarily take advantage of the fight, why bother to spend that effort in this hot day? And even if you win, you will not lose your reputation, so I It's impossible to fight with you here."

"Hehe! Since you don't want to have a dispute with me, then please give me a face and let us pass?" Gu Shouchuan waved to the people behind to signal that they would go first, but Gu Shouchuan was just about to leave but was called by Chang Yan. Living.

Gu Shouchuan motioned to Zhang Ling to stop and go back. When he just turned around, Chang Yanxiao suddenly threw a big bottle to Gu Shouchuan: "This medicine is the medicine my godfather Corvins told me to bring to you. I have this bottle for you. You can still live for at least a few months. Once you cut off your medicine, you will know better than me. My godfather asked me to bring you a message. If you can figure it out, you and these people can join the Prins family. , And you may become the eighth madman."

Gu Shouchuan took the bottle of medicine, looked up and down, left and right, and replied: "Help me bring the words to Cowens, saying that I am very grateful for his love, but unfortunately everyone has the ambition to reluctantly." Gu Shouchuan finished. This sentence, turned directly to open.

When he walked to his righteous father, Fez Germack, Fez Germack smiled at him and said, "Since you were a child, I said you were too straightforward. People want to plan for themselves. , Although I have been kind to you, but now you have done my best to me, why should you accompany me to the end?"

"Your father, what you said is serious. If you didn't help you, I would have died in a corner of a street, or I would live like an ordinary person. My body is getting worse now. I want to use it. Protect your godfather with your last life. From the day you and I met, I felt that you are the one who can ultimately do great things."

"I'm afraid my father is very difficult in my life, as good as you expected, I received your twelve sons in the most glorious period of my life, but unfortunately now only you, Orvis and Zhang Ling, That's how life is long and short, but the most important thing is not to regret it."

"I have followed my uncle for so many years, I really have no regrets, and I have learned a lot, so I think it is worth it."

Twenty-eight years ago, a woman was lying on the snow, and an eight-year-old child was kneeling next to the woman who was begging along the street, and the sky was snow-white and cold. In a small alley, he escaped the cold wind, and even asked for a day's meals without giving alms, and his mother's illness became more and more serious, until she finally fell into a coma.

The eight-year-old boy was Gu Shouchuan, and Gu Shouchuan was very weak since he was a child. Until he asked for food in the corner, he saw a thief running towards him, and the person behind him was Fez Germack. With his two men, the thief saw that he couldn't run away and threw the wallet in the trash can on the corner of Gu Shouchuan's meal. Then he was caught without running far.

But he didn't admit that he stole anything at all: "I didn't steal your stuff at all, I don't believe you can search for it!" He repeated this sentence aloud until he found that he didn't steal his wallet.

"What did you run without stealing?" Fes Gemank asked.

"The three of you chased me. This is conditioned reflex. More than ten people chased you. Even if there is no reason, it is enough to make you escape!"

Gu Shouchuan used to pick up the wallet just thrown by the thief: "Wow! My God, the wallet is full of money!" But soon Gu Shouchuan ran over and pointed to the thief. : "It was he who stole it. He just threw his wallet in the trash."

"What are you talking about, Xiaoyao? I'm wearing a full name brand all over my body. Will I choose to steal things? Looking at you... The whole body is dirty. I see that you stole something to marry "Come on to me!" He said this, and made a gesture of contempt, but Fez Germank didn't pay any attention to him, but walked to Gu Shouchuan to get his wallet back, and then opened it to see his expression slightly. Surprisedly asked: "So much money in this wallet, you haven't lost a single piece, you are quite honest!"

Then Fez Germack put a very important thing in his wallet into his pocket and handed it to Gu Shouchuan: "You are honest, so your uncle decided to give you this wallet, now "The money in this wallet is yours." Feis Germank finished the sentence and gave a look to the two men next to him, who immediately gave the thief a hard blow.

Gu Shouchuan heard Fez Germack say that he would give his wallet to himself, and immediately shook his head and said, "If you want to thank me, can you save my mother? My mother has been very sick and has been in a coma for several days. I don’t have money to send him to the hospital. I’m very uncomfortable. I can’t move her, and the hospital won’t give me money or give my mother medicine.”

Feis Germank said immediately after hearing: "Take me to see!" Then waved to the two men: "Enough! Just give him a little lesson, and now go with me to save people!"

Gu Shouchuan took Fez Germank to a small alley. Although it was sheltered from the wind, it was also very cold and dull. The foam under the women was covered with only a paper shell and some newspapers. Fez Germank immediately He asked his mother carrying Gu Shouchuan to go to the nearest hospital for emergency treatment. At the same time, Feis Germank also found that Gu Shouchuan's child was not looking well, so he also gave him a comprehensive medical examination, and found that Gu Shouchuan Has a congenital genetic disease, and is now suffering from high fever.

After a few days of treatment, Gu Shouchuan's high fever retreated, but her mother passed away due to the deterioration of her condition, but Fez. Jemank feels that Gu Shouchuan has a good personality, and he became an orphan at the age of eight and was incurable. I feel that his poor Fez Germank took him back to the Ruandi family and accepted him as a son, and gave him the opportunity to go to college. Gu Shouchuan did not disappoint Fez Germank. The training achievements are quite excellent.

In fact, Fez Germank did not intend to let Gu Shouchuan learn combat knowledge. Because he knew his condition, he only wanted to train him to become a first-class scholar in the family, but everything is unexpected, especially...

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