Killing God Island

Chapter 1479: R section 16: In order to protect the overall situation, two people were abandoned an


Due to the Stark who was cut in half by the blade of Xu Shun's tailbone, the two people turned into four people, which made Chen Tian's face immediately change. This split form and the other half of the body that grew up quickly Duck, from two identical him now to four identical him, this change surprised Chen Tian very much, so surprised that he immediately took a few steps backwards, Chen Tian immediately stretched his hand forward , The arm turned into several blood touches, and attacked directly forward.

The attack that Chen Tian is now showing is to first test whether the strength of these four people has weakened as before, or it is the same as before. If it is the same as before, then it will be troublesome, from two people to four. It was even more difficult to deal with. Chen Tian thought that two long and identical Starks were twins, but now it seems that they are not twins.

Chen Tian’s blood-touch attack did not work very well. These four people quickly evaded Chen Tian’s attack, and at a very fast speed, the four people surrounded Chen Tian around, left and right, Chen Tian's mood was very heavy at this time, watching his own physical strength has just been consumed by half, and he was besieged here, and the enemy had two more out of thin air, so now Chen Tian is thinking more than just how to bring Xu Shanhe The problem of Ling Zifeng's escape from here also includes how to protect himself now.

Just now, two people attacked with all their strength, and they have reached the attack power that Chen Tian dared not try. Now it has become four Chen Tian, ​​which also shows an unprecedented expression. The exaggerated and willful expression just now has disappeared. In addition to observing the four people around him at all times, Chen Tian looked at Ling Zifeng and Xu Shun, to see who was closer to him now, and his brain was running fast. At this time, he was thinking about how to take Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng Escape here.

But Chen Tian now probably should worry more about himself. After all, it was very difficult to deal with both of them, but now it has become to deal with four Starks with the same strength, and Chen Tian’s physical strength is still just that. In half, the whole form seemed to be a dead end, and Chen Tian looked around, which had already been surrounded by his men. I am afraid that it would be impossible to get close to the wall and break it out.

Of course, the strength of these people around them is also quite good. They can trap Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng, so that they can’t get close to each other at such a close distance, and they can put Chen Tian and other three people in this place. Directly divided, so that they can not be close to each other, it is enough to show that these people's strength is by no means simple, not only the strength of Chen Tian against Stark is very strong.

Also, these unknown masters are not vegetarians. Although some of them have been killed by Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng, the total number of the two of them killed this time is no more than ten. The people did not fall behind in the hands of these two people. Of course, these also belonged to the strong soldiers under Stark, and they also have some general strength.

Even if the gene is strengthened by him, the strength is still normal. Of course, the strength here is based on a combination of various factors. The strength does not mean that their genes are not strengthened after Stark is strengthened again, but the so-called fighting consciousness. It is not possible to fight, just like people with the same strength, one can not fight and one will fight, and there is still a clear gap compared with professional fighting.

This is the so-called comprehensive strength, which is why it is obviously very powerful, but it will be killed by Yao Jun and Wu Yifan of the Chen Tian team. If they are killed, they will belong to this kind of strengthened person with comprehensive strength. Of course, Yao Jun and Wu Yifan Their own reinforcement is really not very powerful, but they are still very talented reinforcements of this fighting power.

The so-called potential is actually a kind of talent, and these two people don’t look at the evolution of genes. They obviously have a big gap with Chen Tian, ​​but they are similar to Yao Jun and Wu Yifan. Although the strength and genetic evolution may be It cannot be called a strong man, but the overall strength of the two of them is very strong, and they belong to a strengthened person whose comprehensive strength is absolutely not weak.

The people who are fighting with Chen Tian are so-called fortifiers with very strong comprehensive strength. The one who fought with Chen Tian is the leader of these people. Not only are they very powerful in research and development, but their comprehensive strength is also quite strong. Not only will he fight, but his own physique will split his own cells, and he will steal other people's cells. His recovery is super strong.

In addition to these, it also has cell genes that are more difficult to kill than Chen Tian. This not only consumes half of Chen Tian’s own physical strength, but also turns himself from two people into four people. The most important thing is that the split gene allows He did not consume Edo's physical strength, but instead allowed him to copy some of Chen Tian's abilities. Although he cannot complete the full control of Chen Tian's abilities like Chen Tian, ​​Stark can now use the non-human state like Chen Tian. Fighted.

This time Starck was a little bit convinced of Chen Tian. Chen Tian has been in a state of being beaten. If it weren’t for Chen Tian’s anti-beating physique, he would have been replaced by the rest After being beaten to death, Chen Tian is now a bit completely desperate. The four Starck Chen Tian can't beat him at this moment. Even Chen Tian is struggling to change the status quo.

Xu Xuan and Ling Zifeng on the side are also helpless. Although Xu Xuan can be used as a weapon for killing the whole body, and it is definitely a high attack and has very high combat skills, but in the face of the suppression of these numbers around them, they are all In front of the hard power, Xu Shun was the first of the three people to be arrested due to various factors in their strength. Due to the close distance between Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng, Ling Zifeng certainly saw Xu Shun being arrested. A live scene.

In order to support Xu Shun without passing by, Ling Zifeng directly used his own exclusive weapon and directly slammed dozens of people around with sound waves. Since this was the trick that Ling Zifeng suddenly used, these people did not have any precautions. The shocked people covered their ears, and some ears and nostrils were bled by high-frequency sound waves, showing how powerful this sound wave is.

If the upper part of the surrounding is not bulletproof glass, I am afraid that these glasses have been shattered by sound waves, and it is not all enemies that are affected. Even Chen Tian was short-circuited by the shocked brain for just a few seconds, although Ling Zifeng blew a sound wave. But the rebound of the surrounding walls caused the sound to reverberate for a few seconds, and Ling Zifeng moved to Ling Zifeng at a very fast speed during these seconds. The steel flute in his hand directly smashed the two men who held his two arms. Head.

Xu Shun just got out before they could stand up completely. The two were kicked by the suddenly appearing one on the rotating side of the air. The one kicked his knees and fell to the ground. The person who attacked the two was Si Duck, Stark, who had been split into four, should fight Chen Tian. Why did he suddenly appear in front of the two and attack them?

The reason is very simple. Chen Tian has been defeated and captured by three other Starks alive, and Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng, who were kicked to the ground by one person, were also held down by Stark's men and used chains at the same time. Tied it directly.

The three Chen Tian were captured alive by the Stark group. At the same time, the other people who escaped from the Chen Tian team were also very optimistic at this time. The strength of these people who chased Ye Minyu was naturally not weak, although these People were introduced into the previously designed formation by Ye Minyu and others, but these people could persist in Ye Minyu's formation for such a long time without dying, and they were still approaching them gradually. Ye Minyu had to admire these people.

Although some people also died in the formation, they did not reduce their number much. They belonged to using their own strength to arbitrarily arrange Ye Minyu's formation and broke it, making Ye Minyu had to issue a final life-saving plan, although Ye Minyu She didn't want to do this, but the current situation could not allow her to spend more time thinking about the rest of the countermeasures.

Ye Minyu immediately took the rest of the people except Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun, and Ling Zifeng, immediately abandoned the previous arrangement, and ordered the three women, Bird Girl, Bug Girl, and Stretch Girl, to temporarily stun Angelina. Find a place to hide with Lin Xue first. They have no way to wait for the two of them to escape together. Now it is up to them to see how lucky they are. If they are not discovered, they may wake up. Try to escape from here by yourself. If you are found in a comatose state, you will be caught alive just like the three Chen Tian who were arrested.

Now that the situation is urgent, Ye Minyu has to give up the moment of these two people in order to save more people's lives. This is not because Ye Minyu wants to abandon these two people, but it is more dangerous to take these two people now, and Three more people are needed to protect them.

At present, in terms of the number of opponents and the strength of the opponents, they are already unable to cope with it. If they do not do this, they may not be able to escape, so Ye Minyu is actually very wise to do this, although before it was for Angelina It was Lin Xue who became stronger before performing surgery on these two men, but who expected that the development of the situation was so different from Ye Minyu's previous plan, and because he overestimated his team's strength, he did not fully understand the strength of the other party. The strategy of blindly entering the opponent's base was too risky.

However, Ye Minyu did have too much confidence in his team's strength in the recent battles, and when they battled these people before, they were too easy to solve them, so this time the strategic layout of Ye Minyu failed because of neglecting the enemy. However, Ye Minyu absolutely does not allow himself to make mistakes again and again. Since this time it was because of his own reasons that this kind of result occurred, he must choose something to preserve the overall situation.

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