Killing God Island

Chapter 1480: R Zone 17: The final parting, the consciousness before death!

Ye Minyu immediately took the rest of the people except Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun, and Ling Zifeng, immediately abandoned the previous arrangement, and ordered the three women, Bird Girl, Bug Girl, and Stretch Girl, to temporarily stun Angelina. Find a place to hide with Lin Xue first. They have no way to wait for the two of them to escape together. Now it is up to them to see how lucky they are. If they are not discovered, they may wake up. Try to escape from here by yourself. If you are found in a comatose state, you will be caught alive just like the three Chen Tian who were arrested.

Now that the situation is urgent, Ye Minyu has to give up the moment of these two people in order to save more people's lives. This is not because Ye Minyu wants to abandon these two people, but it is more dangerous to take these two people now, and Three more people are needed to protect them.

At present, in terms of the number of opponents and the strength of the opponents, they are already unable to cope with it. If they do not do this, they may not be able to escape, so Ye Minyu is actually very wise to do this, although before it was for Angelina It was Lin Xue who became stronger before performing surgery on these two men, but who expected that the development of the situation was so different from Ye Minyu's previous plan, and because he overestimated his team's strength, he did not fully understand the strength of the other party. The strategy of blindly entering the opponent's base was too risky.

However, Ye Minyu did have too much confidence in his team's strength in the recent battles, and when they battled these people before, they were too easy to solve them, so this time the strategic layout of Ye Minyu failed because of neglecting the enemy. However, Ye Minyu absolutely does not allow himself to make mistakes again and again. Since this time it was because of his own reasons that this kind of result occurred, he must choose something to preserve the overall situation.

After seeing Chen Tian in Ye Minyu that they haven’t been with them for so long, they should know that either Chen Tian was caught alive or they were dead, so Ye Minyu must now take everyone out of here by her own way, and only by leaving here can they be renewed Make a plan to fight back against them, and now it is hard to guarantee it, let alone a counterattack, and let alone a counterattack is basically a state of siege by them.

Now if the choice of self-aggrandizement is desperately struggling with them, the result may be destroyed by their regiment, so Ye Minyu must appease everyone's emotions while directing them how to strategically fight the enemy. After all, this sudden change, even if they are all alone After a hundred battles, it may be forced to want to fight with them, and the other party may want to make them fight hard. After all, the other party is not only strong, but also has a large number of people. It doesn't matter how many people are, and the level of strength of these people is obviously not so weak.

Therefore, the forced Ye Minyu had to take the method of escaping without a fight, but the light escape was simply not able to escape so easily, and it also required someone to stop them, so there were at least several escape directions detected by Ye Minyu A hundred meters away, and then penetrate a wall to leave the base, but the back chase is very tight, if no one dedicated to stop these people, I am afraid they can not easily avoid the pursuit of so many experts.

So someone must sacrifice for this group, and it’s not enough for anyone to go. It must also be able to withstand these people and fight for more time for the rest. Otherwise, it’s the kind of death. Ye Minyu couldn't bear to let A Ruiqi go, but now I am afraid that no one but A Rui Qi can stop these people, A Rui Qi is the best relationship with Ye Min Yu in this team.

Although Angelina has a good relationship with Ye Minyu, Angelina and Chen Tian have a better relationship, so if the whole team is the most loyal to Ye Minyu, then only A Ruiqi, so at this time Ye Minyu is also hesitant For a long time, I always couldn't bear to let Ariqi go against the chasing soldiers at this time. After all, I got along for a long time, and in this situation, going means going back and forth.

So Ye Minyu wanted to say it a few times, but held back just looking at Ai Ruiqi but said nothing, until the pace of these enemies was getting closer and closer, without waiting for Ye Minyu to speak, A Ruiqi himself stood very chic They came out and said to Ye Minyu: "Have you leave here quickly! Except for Chen Tian, ​​they are surprised that my strength here should be the strongest, so at this time, I would not be justified if I did not stand up to block them. It seems that these people My strength is not weak, and I don’t know how long it will last, so you can run as fast as you can, goodbye!" He said this to Ye Minyu

Ye Minyu looked at Ai Ruiqi, and somehow his tears had crossed his eyes, but he said in a very serious tone: "Must not die! Otherwise, I will not collect the corpse for you!" Ye Minyu finished this sentence, The rest of the people took a quick walk to the original route.

Just when Ye Minyu ran out of less than 100 meters, a roar in front also reminded him that the gate was hit by more than 20 people and flew more than 3 meters high. With so many people appearing in front of Arridge, he was calm. He spread his arms and flew countless pokers flying in the air from him, and these people didn't give him any time at all. In order to hunt them down, these people directly attacked Arric, who was blocking the road.

At this time, Arridge directly combined with the poker densely, forming an unbreakable poker wall, directly blocking all the back, and the rest were only him and the people in front of him, and Arridge was serious. The expression said: "My ability can make these pokers as hard as steel. Even if you want to break through your own strength, it is futile. The only way to make these disappear is to kill me, otherwise you will not want to take a step here.

It can be seen that Ariqi is desperate to fight with these people this time. It seems that he has already made his own choice and consciousness. He had been a gambler before he came to this island. He came to this island and was not subdued by Ye Minyu. Before, it was also a selfish person who only wanted to use it himself. It was not until he joined the team that he was slowly changed by this atmosphere. To be precise, it was changed by Chen Tian.

And it was completely changed from the depths of my heart, even the bad guy Ye Minyu was slowly transformed by Chen Tian’s personality, not to mention A Ruiqi, what he saw from Chen Tian What a man should do, Chen Tian regards everyone in the team as the most important person in his family, which not only makes everyone feel it, but even A Ruiqi and Ye Minyu are deeply touched.

This way of treating yourself as an important person is not something that verbal talk will really make people like Ruiqi and Ye Minyu trust, nor is it possible to really change the concept of everyone in the team with words. Chen Tian uses his own life to protect all people in the most dangerous situations, and takes everyone’s interests as the mainstay. In addition, Chen Tian’s personal charm also allows everyone in this way On the island where you can survive only by killing, you have experienced what friends you can really make.

And every time Ruiqi sees Chen Tian change Xu Shan, Xu Xin finds courage and self-confidence, and also changes Ling Zifeng's arrogance and ruthlessness, and also changes Ye Minyu's insidious and cunning character for everyone, so A Ruiqi also During this time with Chen Tian, ​​he admired him very much, so this time A Ruiqi also had to learn about Chen Tian. He gave up his life and defended it once for the person he thought was very important. Even if it was once, he wanted to be a hero.

After all, Alex has only considered himself since he was a child. When understanding Chen Tian’s character and seeing the happy scene of all the people in this team, Alex really seems to see what Chen Tiankou said, thinking To create a family-like warmth here, we are not only friends but also family members. This feeling at the moment when Chen Tian said this, A Ruiqi seemed to feel this unprecedented sense of relaxation, which was a kind of letting go. Be alert to experience a moment of intense warmth.

Even though this is an island full of killings, although he was treated as a Ye Minyu slave in the early days when he joined the team of Chen Tian, ​​A Ruiqi has now become an official member of this team, since he is a member of this big family , I have an obligation to use my own power to protect everyone I want to protect.

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