Killing God Island

Chapter 1565: R Zone 59: Two women with unlimited and strong potential.

In addition to the two top masters, Umaru and Ms. Zhao, who have passed her, the people who have been training her to become stronger are super cattle. B, the strength of Kuangqi can be said to be well-known in the world of Megatron. The top master, as long as the top master basically has dealt with Kuang Qi, and basically can say that no one can beat him, so the strongest man in the world is not called by himself, but Many super masters think so, and some people who want to become super masters want to challenge him.

But Challenge Kuangqi does not have the strength of the world's top ten, and challenge Kuangqi is like suicide. The quasi-world top ten masters can't retreat in front of him. It can be seen how terrifying the strength of Kuangqi is. Training Qian Da, Wilson, you said she is still not strong? In addition, she has a strong base of strength when she is following Kuangqi, and it is impossible for Kangqi to let her follow her.

But Kuang Qi didn’t teach Qian Da how to fight one by one. He just let her fight with different masters he wanted to kill, and after she defeated her opponent, she came out to talk to her about the feeling of fighting and then said Out of some views he just watched and some of her shortcomings, and hope she will improve in the next actual combat.

Kuangqi does not systematically tell her how to let her fight, he only allows her to feel and improve herself in the battle, so under the teaching of Kuangqi, although Kuangqi did not personally teach her a trick One form, but Qian Da's strength has progressed like a thousand miles in every battle. Kuang Qi also felt that this woman is indeed a material that can be made.

This is the current progress of Qian Da. Wilson's strength. At this time, Miss Qian Da's strength is definitely far more than Chen Tian, ​​even surpassing the current Zhuo Yanxuan, but can not get rid of Zhuo Wenxin, and at the same time become stronger On the way, if Qian Da and Zhuo Wenxin are really fighting together, it is hard to say who will die, but the one who may die will have a higher chance of dying Qian Da.

As for why Qianda has so many top experts to train her, and she has a very high potential of her own strength, she really has a high chance of dying with Zhuo Wenxin?

The fact is very simple, because Zhuo Wenxin is not as hard as Qian Da, the genetic level of natural self-strengthening cannot be the same as that of Qian Da, but Zhuo Wenxin and Zhuo Yanxuan are also very talented people of the four big families Therefore, when they were strengthened, they did not add all kinds of strange experimental genes like ordinary criminals, but only enhanced the enhancement of the genes, so the genes of other animals or plant insects did not exist in the pair of siblings.

Although the genetic grade is not as good as that of the young lady Qian Da, Zhuo Wenxin is born with a rare martial arts physique and super-smart mind. This physique is very suitable for various battles. Therefore, this kind of physique is born naturally, and this physique is strengthened by the cells of the whole body, making the super physique that should not have the weak point of super repair power more perfect.

Of course, in addition to this, Zhuo Wenxin is born with super ordinary people’s brain wisdom and unforgettable memories, and has learned various combat tactics for his brother’s reasons. The actual combat professional combat is flexibly applied to the limit. If this is the case, it cannot be completely equal to the strength of Miss Qianda.

The key reason is that Zhuo Wenxin's luck is no worse than Qian Da's. Qian Da does indeed have the same luck all the way. Not only is she born of good physique, good potential, and the people who teach her to fight step by step are also stronger than one, but Zhuo Wenxin's luck It seems not as smooth as him, but in fact it is even better than Qian Da. First of all, in order to restore the eyes of her brother, she would rather let Yan Xi transplant her favorite brother with her own eyes.

Zhuo Wenxin, who should have blinded his eyes, was transplanted by Yan Xi to the eye of an evil emperor. This belongs to the great ability of the sky that Yan Xi gave her. Eyes, its scope of action is simply amazing, and its strength can also reflect a very diverse ability according to the use of different people. Of course, the most basic ability is to see farther and even see through some less thick objects, etc. . Of course, the most important thing is that this eye has a powerful combat ability. Zhuo Wenxin and her brother Zhuo Yanxuan can defeat the ghost king and the ghost cry because of the evil emperor’s eye. The master of the heavenly ability, and sealed their souls in the body of the two of them with the eyes of the evil emperor. After all, the exclusive abilities of the two ghost kings and ghost wives are undead, and they are truly mountain undead types. Can only seal, and people without the eyes of evil emperors can not only break but also cannot seal.

So the brothers and sisters belong to the couple of ghost kings in destiny, so Zhuo Wenxin not only possesses Yan Xi's evil emperor's eye ability, but also has the ability of ghost king and ghost wife, plus Zhuo Wenxin's own exclusive ability is super fast The speed of movement, these two anti-celestial abilities plus Zhuo Wenxin’s super fast movement speed and natural fighting consciousness and skill, Qianda will definitely have a greater chance of losing with her, and it is easy to die in Zhuo Wenxin. In the hands.

However, it is not easy for Zhuo Wenxin to kill Qian Da easily. Of course, the two belong to the same level of power, so Zhuo Wen Xin also has a certain chance of being killed. The reason why Qian Da loses is higher, then The reason is that although Qian Da’s strength is really strong, he does not have the core anti-natural ability. Unlike Zhuo Wenxin, in addition to super talent, he also has a large amount of very natural ability to reverse the situation in battle.

So even this woman really wants to fight, Zhuo Wenxin is definitely stronger than Qian Da, but to kill Qian Da, the current strength of the two will still pay a heavy price, but in the future the strength of the two will not It would be hard to say if it would be pulled apart, but the talents of the two women, Zhuo Wenxin and Qianda, are very high, and they are both women with infinite possibilities of becoming stronger.

After all, Qian Da is following a madman, and his strength will definitely continue to grow, and Zhuo Wenxin is also a person with a very talented understanding. Although it is impossible to direct her to become strong like a madman, Zhuo Wenxin’s evil emperor Eye of Eye can make up for her lack of guidance from famous teachers. Eye of Evil Emperor is an ability that can develop infinitely different powers and various possibilities. It is difficult to say to what extent this ability can be developed with Zhuo Wenxin’s smart mind. So, for their brothers and sisters, they don’t need a famous teacher to become stronger. The two of them are enough for research and discussion.

Just like Zhuo Wenxin’s ability to kill Stark’s Evil Emperor’s Eye, he used the Evil Emperor’s Eye ability to develop two new moves. These two moves are two-dimensional realization and space barrier.

Zhuo Wenxin’s brother Zhuo Yanxuan only realized the space presentation. As for the space barrier, he wouldn’t fully comprehend nature, and it wouldn’t be. However, Zhuo Wenxin is not secretive about his favorite brother, as long as she develops fun There are powerful tricks to tell his brother, but this time because of the appearance of Ben Xi and Big Mac, the brother and sister did not fight each other to practice each other, so Zhuo Wenxin did not have time to tell his brother after the eye of the evil emperor opened. How to use space barriers.

This second presentation is when the seven Starks used their different tricks to attack Zhuo Wenxin at the same time, why did seven of them suddenly short and appear in different places, and even the surrounding environment has completely changed.

In fact, they were hit by Zhuo Wenxin's dimensional realization strategy. The seven people could not see each other or even perceive each other, but in fact the seven people were out of the real world at this time. If there were anyone next to them, they would find them. It disappeared in a flash, and the next second, that is, two seconds later, will appear at the same time, and the corpses of these seven people fell to the ground in different directions.

In fact, at this time, Zhuo Wenxin divided these seven people into different dimensions. They were very close to each other, but they could not perceive the other party at all. No matter where they ran, they couldn't run out, and here only Zhuo Wenxin said Counting, all of their abilities are unavailable, and the time here is completely different from the real-world time. Here he is trapped for three days and may return to the real world or a period of two or three seconds.

Therefore, Zhuo Wenxin killed the seven of them separately, and the time it took was not a few seconds, but the moment they appeared in reality was a few seconds after they disappeared. This is what Zhuo Wenxin can use when he opens the eye of the evil emperor. Dimensional realization.


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