Killing God Island

Chapter 1523: R District 60: You are strong, but unfortunately you met me, then you are not strong

Zhuo Wenxin can easily kill the abilities used by seven Starks of the same strength level in an instant. Although it is generally summarized as the ability of the evil emperor’s eye, the evil emperor’s eye is only a general term for this pupil ability. This ability can be used from many different abilities that he has developed, just like Zhuo Wenxin's ability to understand the large amount of evil emperor's eyes after killing many people.

The two tricks behind the eyes of the evil emperor are the main reason for easily killing the seven Starks. The strength of the seven Starks is really not weak. The reason why they can be so easy is to use , Dimensional Realization and Space Obstruction

Zhuo Wenxin’s brother Zhuo Yanxuan only realized the space presentation. As for the space barrier, he wouldn’t fully comprehend nature, and it wouldn’t be. However, Zhuo Wenxin is not secretive about his favorite brother, as long as she develops fun There are powerful tricks to tell his brother, but this time because of the appearance of Ben Xi and Big Mac, the brother and sister did not fight each other to practice each other, so Zhuo Wenxin did not have time to tell his brother after the eye of the evil emperor opened. How to use space barriers.

This second presentation is when the seven Starks used their different tricks to attack Zhuo Wenxin at the same time, why did seven of them suddenly short and appear in different places, and even the surrounding environment has completely changed.

In fact, they were hit by Zhuo Wenxin's dimensional realization strategy. The seven people could not see each other or even perceive each other, but in fact the seven people were out of the real world at this time. If there were anyone next to them, they would find them. It disappeared in a flash, and the next second, that is, two seconds later, will appear at the same time, and the corpses of these seven people fell to the ground in different directions.

In fact, at this time, Zhuo Wenxin divided these seven people into different dimensions. They were very close to each other, but they could not perceive the other party at all. No matter where they ran, they couldn't run out, and here only Zhuo Wenxin said Counting, all of their abilities are unavailable, and the time here is completely different from the real-world time. Here he is trapped for three days and may return to the real world or a period of two or three seconds.

So obviously Zhuo Wenxin killed the seven of them separately, and the time it took was not a few seconds, but the moment they appeared in reality was just a few seconds after they disappeared. This is Zhuo Wenxin’s ability to open the evil emperor’s updated fast eye. The used dimension is realized.

Although the ability of dimensional realization is a tricky trick, in fact, it is not the dimensional realization that kills Stark. The dimensional realization only traps the three of them in the plane of the dimensionality ruled by Zhuo Wenxin. Although Zhuo Wenxin can act arbitrarily here, he is not really able to kill the seven Starks in an instant like the one he just realized.

What really can make Stark lose all abilities in the realization of Zhuo Wenxin's dimension, including his own physical ability, is actually another ability of Zhuo Wenxin, and this ability is space barrier. This space barrier ability has its own meaning It is a more horrible skill than the realization of the dimension. Only this skill can make Zhuo Wenxin so arbitrary to say that killing Stark killed Stark.

This spatial barrier is to divide each dimension plane originally formed by Zhuo Wenxin's use of the evil emperor's eye into multiple different dimensions here, but there is no change in the whole. The real division into different dimensions is the enemy he wants to attack. So his abilities seem to disappear completely. In fact, it is just that a fixed individual cannot be formed in different dimensional intervals, so it will completely block Stark's super regeneration ability.

Of course, this trick can also be used on Chen Tian, ​​the effect is actually the same as Stark, so Zhuo Wenxin can easily kill Chen Tian if he uses this trick, and this space barrier is considered to face this undead creature. Nemesis.

Therefore, Zhuo Wenxin is so disdainful to Stark who knows that he can kill and fight more and more, and Zhuo Wenxin's brother is completely not afraid of Stark's reasons. In addition to his strong strength, Zhuo Yanxuan will also be sister. The tricks for the realization of the dimension, although there is no space to block this trick, it is impossible to kill Stark as easily as Zhuo Wenxin, but in the realization of the dimension, as his sister Zhuo Wenxin said, I’m here It is here that the master can attack any here without any restrictions.

So Zhuo Yanxuan couldn't solve Stark as easily as his sister, but Stark was helpless to Zhuo Yanxuan in the dimensional realization. This is why Zhuo Yanxuan was also not afraid of Stark, but Zhuo Wen Xin was the first to solve the battle. She didn't originally want to solve the battle before her brother, so she seemed stronger than her brother and was afraid of affecting her brother's self-esteem.

Zhuo Wenxin is a smart and considerate girl, but the premise is only for his own brother, not for the rest, but Stark has repeatedly stimulated Zhuo Wenxin by killing him and challenged Zhuo Wenxin's tolerance In the end, Zhuo Wenxin finally got rid of Stark many times and finally solved all seven same people who split his body.

Of course, Zhuo Wenxin’s move is also frightening. He hasn’t gotten started to help Stark’s more than two hundred fortified people. The scared two hundred fortified people are afraid to step forward easily. At this time, Zhuo Wenxin looks at Over there, I saw that my elder brother had not used the eye of the evil emperor and was still fighting head-to-head with Stark, but from all aspects Zhuo Wenxin could see that his brother had the upper hand.

Although Stark uses some strange and various abilities from time to time, in front of his absolute strength, these moves are very helpful. Instead, he will be spitting blood when he uses other people's abilities. Of course, Stark’s physique is such that after fighting with different people, he can steal some of the physiques of others for his own use.

Of course, this is also the same, especially after fighting with Zhuo Yanxuan for so long, of course, some of Zhuo Yanxuan’s abilities can also be used, but Stark’s stealing ability is only Zhuo Yanxuan’s physical physique ability, which enhances his own physique. In terms of domineering body hardness, there is no ability to steal Zhuo Yanxuan's ghost mode and evil emperor's eye. The main reason is that these two abilities do not belong to Zhuo Yanxuan.

The ghost mode Zhuo Yanxuan can be used because it has the soul of the ghost king in its own body, and there is no ghost cell. So Stark can’t steal it. Although the eye of the evil emperor has theoretically the cells of Yan Xi’s eyes, However, this ability Zhuo Yanxuan wanted to awaken to use it took a lot of effort to do, not to mention the Stark stealing power.

So Stark simply enhanced Zhuo Yanxuan's physique ability, but even if he enhanced his own physical defense, it would not stand up to Zhuo Yanxuan's beating like a sandbag. After all, Zhuo Yanxuan's current attack strength and Stark, who played at a speed, repeatedly retreated, and did not even give him the opportunity to defend. This super explosive attack was not even seen by Zhuo Wenxin.

At this time, Zhuo Wenxin was also secretly on the side of the island: "I didn't expect my brother to have this trick. It seems that this trick hurts too high. When the brother and I deal with me, I don't want to hurt me. I don't use it. My brother really treats me too. Okay!" Zhuo Wenxin thought of the obsessive state of eyes and expressions here.

She did not directly help her brother in the past, which is enough to prove that Zhuo Wenxin is also very confident in her brother’s strength. She now belongs to her brother’s personal battlefield show. Although Stark is quite strong, but at this time At this moment, Zhuo Yanxuan was completely suppressed, and he didn't even have a chance to fight back.


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