Killing God Island

Chapter 1670: P area 59 I think you are, you have done a good sense of death!

How can these more than thirty groups that seem to be crowded scare Chen Tian's group?

Let’s not talk about the fact that others are Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng, they used to dare to fight against the situation of thousands of people. That situation is almost all people at a glance, but now it is less than 150 people. How can the number scare Chen Tian and their group of eight? And Chen Tian is currently together with such ruthless people as Zhuo’s brothers and sisters. The two people’s ability is so great that the four families have determined that the two people who have greater potential than Chen Tian’s group are currently together. Cooperation, so they would be so arrogant, or could Ling Zifeng do such arrogant behavior?

It may be that the loud noise of these people in this hall is too noisy. Soon, Chen Tian, ​​Ye Minyu and Zhuo Brothers and sisters were brought down. These four people came to solve this problem. Chen Tian looked serious. It can be seen that Chen Tian is very dissatisfied with these people's actions, but Chen Tian did not speak, and the brothers and sisters Zhuo stood behind Chen Tian and Ye Minyu. Chen Tian's group took care of it. If something really happened, the brothers and sisters would stand on Chen Tian's side and help Chen Tian's group temporarily.

Chen Tian handed over all responsibility for negotiating with these people to Ye Minyu, and he stood on the side closer to Ye Minyu to protect her in case someone attacked her in the process of negotiation, while Ling Zifeng and Xu Shun is at the forefront of everyone, and they will play a big role in the event of a failed negotiation.

After all, the cause of this incident is Ling Zifeng, so this time Ling Zifeng obviously hoped that the negotiation failed. Since Ling Zifeng can directly reveal the final body form by himself, he is not as afraid of fighting the strong as he was before. After all, Ling Zifeng, who can switch the body at will, has a big gap with him who is fighting in human form. Ms. Zhao sent Ling Zifeng to protect Chen Tian. If it is just the power that Ling Zifeng’s human form can use, it is simply not qualified, even if It is the limit of the strength of human form that is even worse than Chen Tian’s current strength. How to protect Chen Tian’s safety?

And Ms. Zhao’s attending meetings and dealing with people and hiring can be described by wizards, so how can Ms. Zhao Lingzi’s true strength be known, so Ms. Zhao’s fancy is Ling Zifeng’s body strength, but the disadvantage is that before Ling Zifeng The strength cannot be turned into the true ontological form he wants directly according to his will.

This is also one of Ling Zifeng's own weaknesses, and the power that his human form can use is the existence of power, and it is impossible to use his own strength in human form, so that not only his human form cannot bear this power, And it will also lead to the form that the excessively sought power is not the real body of Ling Zifeng's true worm.

However, after the last second enhancement, it actually overcomes the previous deficiencies of Ling Zifeng before. Ling Zifeng, who can use the real body state at will, is definitely much stronger than Chen Tian now. The real body state of Ling Zifeng can be used. Ling Zifeng’s power is really terrifying, and it can continue to evolve. Ling Zifeng is so arrogant because he knows how strong he is now, but Ling Zifeng is also arrogant in this kind of arrogance. The arrogance within the scope is the case now.

Although more than 30 teams gathered to provoke them proactively, Ling Zifeng's perception of the ability of more than 30 teams to enter the micro realm did not put them in their eyes.

In fact, this is indeed the case, let alone Ye Minyu also saw her attitude towards these people in the few sentences negotiated with them. For the current ten people of Chen Tian's group, there is no need to fear the eyes These people's bluff, so Ye Minyu can only be near Chen Tian and Angelina. As soon as she raised her hand, Angelina had handed a big horn to Ye Minyu. Ye Minyu directly shouted to the people who are currently crooked in a very indifferent tone after picking up: "First of all, I will give you two options now. Before that, I hope you all Keep quiet first!"

Ye Minyu used a big horn to scream, so her volume was instantly so that the noise of these people all stopped, and Ye Minyu did not pause at all, and continued directly: "I will give you two now Road, the first road is now safe and stable, go back to sleep, don’t make ugly troubles here, the second road is to die here with our enemies, next night, I don’t want to disturb us There is too much time for each other, so next I will count dozens, those who leave within these ten, you can still enjoy the sunshine of tomorrow, and those who are still standing in place after ten, we will regard them as The enemy, of course, this kind of people just leave their lives."

After listening, everyone in the room looked at each other, looked around, and looked at the actions of the others at this time, considering what they should do now. Each other's advance and retreat and come back to discuss what one side should do at this time.

Ye Minyu didn't consider what their inner thoughts were at this time. Who called Ye Minyu now is the strong, and those who dare to challenge the strong should have paid the price, so Ye Minyu now belongs to these people Play a slaughter game, and Ye Minyu is the one who slaughtered them. The strong can completely ignore any feelings of the weak, and everything can be left to "sex".

So "Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven, Six, Five, Four, Three, Two, One!" Basically, Ye Minyu simply reads ten of them in a reading form, and in this case, there is no one at all. The person left, and just after Ye Minyu read the ten numbers, she suddenly narrowed her eyes and looked at the people in the hall, her tone also passing by her gaze.

It became very dark and said, "It seems that none of the people present are leaving, is this your decision?" The people in the hall immediately expressed different expressions, because they saw Chen Tian's group of ten people looked It's a posture to fight with them. All in all, it looks pretty bad now, as if these ten people are really present. So many people can't help them.

Judging from their expressions, these people now seem to realize that what Ye Minyu said just now is not a joke. Originally, after Ye Minyu said this, there were people who abused her arrogance, but Ye Minyu ignored this kind of person. In Ye Minyu's eyes, there is no need for such people to be angry with them. Anyway, Ye Minyu is now saying a cruel thing, but it is as natural as playing.

But in fact, this nature also confirms the current level of Chen Tian’s group. The weakest of the ten people is not Yao Jun, Wu Yifan and Lin Xue. They are currently defined in terms of real combat effectiveness. The weakest, but Ye Minyu is the weakest, but although Ye Minyu did not get all the improvements last time, this team doesn’t seem to need Ye Minyu to go too far to fight.

As the think tank of the entire team, as long as she can protect herself in a large team, in fact, Ye Minyu's strength can indeed achieve self-protection in most cases.

It can only be said that the teams she is in now are indeed very strong, so it is highlighted that her current strength is average. It can be seen how strong the comprehensive strength and personal combat ability of this ten-person team is. Ye Minyu did not put these people present. The most important reason for being in the eyes is the level of insults of these people. Ye Minyu is also slightly irritated.

So Ye Minyu didn’t plan to forgive them, so he didn’t give them any chance to respond, he counted ten, and directly replied: “It seems that this is your decision. Since you want to be an enemy of ten of us, Then there is no need to be soft-hearted to you, so since you are taking the ears that I just gave you the way of life, it seems that each of you has already realized the death consciousness?"

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