Killing God Island

Chapter 1671: P area 60 kill them all without effort

Now these people seem to realize that what Ye Minyu just said about giving them two choices is not a joke that she would tell when she was arrogant.

Originally Ye Minyu said this, there were some team members who abused her arrogance, but Ye Minyu didn't pay attention to this kind of person. In Ye Minyu's eyes, such a person doesn't need to be angry with them at all. , But it seems as natural as playing around.

But in fact, this nature also confirms the current level of Chen Tian’s group. The weakest of the ten people is not Yao Jun, Wu Yifan and Lin Xue. They are currently defined in terms of real combat effectiveness. The weakest, but Ye Minyu is the weakest, but although Ye Minyu did not get all the improvements last time, this team doesn’t seem to need Ye Minyu to go too far to fight.

As the think tank of the entire team, as long as she can protect herself in a large team, in fact, Ye Minyu's strength can indeed achieve self-protection in most cases.

It can only be said that the teams she is in now are indeed very strong, so it is highlighted that her current strength is average. It can be seen how strong the comprehensive strength and personal combat ability of this ten-person team is. Ye Minyu did not put these people present. The most important reason in the eyes is the level of insults of these people. Ye Minyu is also slightly irritated.

So Ye Minyu didn’t plan to forgive them, so he didn’t give them any chance to respond, he counted ten, and directly replied: “It seems that this is your decision. Since you want to be an enemy of ten of us, Then there is no need to be soft-hearted to you, so since you are taking the ears that I just gave you the way of life, it seems that each of you has already realized the death consciousness?"

Ye Minyu's words drew various dissatisfaction from these people, and their screams were one after another, as if the louder the voice was, the less they were afraid of them. Awakened into the micro realm, some people even higher in the micro realm, can not even feel the strength foundation of Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin, Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun, Ling Zifeng the strength of the three of them, many of them can not even perceive At most, they can sense the strength of the other five except these five.

And the remaining five of them are very difficult to deal with in terms of their perception, so when they can’t perceive the strength foundation of the other five, they know that their strength is definitely stronger than them by at least one level, so these people So many talents are just bluffs, and no one dares to take the initiative to pick up beforehand.

Because they are also afraid, this group is not something their own team can solve, but the momentum and face let them make this pull. The rest of the team is bluffing here, but half of these people can feel that Chen Tian is strong, while the other half It’s true that they don’t feel this gap in strength at all. They really feel that just ten people are so arrogant, so they can’t wait to beat them up, or kill them directly, but no one is currently there. Instead, they did not take the first shot, the general strength of such people is indeed quite average.

The slightly smarter people can also fully see that the team of ten people meets so many people, even if they are so calm, they can immediately show the difference between them and other teams, but whether they are smart or stupid among these people It doesn't matter now, because none of them just did what Ye Minyu just said, so everyone naturally understands the meaning of Ye Minyu. After all, everyone’s tacit agreement is not one day or two days, so when Ye Minyu just finished this sentence, the top ten of these people were first led by Xu Tian and Ling Zifeng in the group of Chen Tian. The shot, because these two people had the strength to fight these people just like playing, plus the shot suddenly did not give them any chance to respond temporarily.

And Chen Tian, ​​Ye Minyu and Zhuo's brothers and sisters have not shot yet. They are here to watch the sudden attacks of the others, especially Lin Xue directly took two machine guns in each of his hands and launched a sweep of everyone standing in the front hall and getting together. "Shoot".

Immediately broke up the entire situation where they were originally crowded, and while they were being "forced" by Lin Xue's bullets, they were caught in various traps of Angelina's spider silk, more than 30 More than half of the team was killed and injured in an instant, and most of the remaining ones were some of their own unique skills, or their luck was really good, only to escape the precise cooperation of Lin Xue and Angelina.

Of course, these two people just want to solve the miscellaneous soldiers in the 20-odd team first, and the rest are the very challenging "sexual" people. Lin Xue and Angelina are equivalent to picking skins for the team The remaining meat-eating activities were directly pursued by Yao Jun and Wu Yifan, who broke up these people. After all, these two people have not yet shown their strength after their bodies have been strengthened. Although these people cannot be said to be What a powerful master, but at least when the sparring is still qualified, especially for these two people to practice is simply not suitable.

But Chen Tian, ​​and Zhuo's siblings blocked the retreat of these people, that is to say, those who can easily escape the attack of these two people are eligible to let Chen Tian and Zhuo's siblings start, but they want to leave here. They must pass through the three of them who are guarding the intersection of these three orientation halls, and in this half of the fortified people who have escaped the bullet sweep "Shoot" and Angelina spider silk, when they meet Yao Jun and Wu Yifan again After the back-and-forth attack, their first reaction was to flee from inside and outside the hall, but Chen Tian and the brother and sister Zhuo were the only ones who broke their hope of survival.

Are these three people still alive when they want to go out? So in this battle, basically from the start to the end, it took less than five minutes to solve all these people. Now the hotel lobby is full of corpses and blood stains, except for them. The hotel's service staff and boss, plus the madness of Chen Tian and ten of them who did not dare to provoke them.

However, the service staff here did not stop them from killing. After all, no one here has the right to prevent others from killing people, and it is easy to cause homicide. However, if the service staff of this hotel have to kill people, these people may also They were killed together, of course, these service personnel did not want to make these people make trouble here.

But this is not something they can obstruct, but it is enough for them to collect these corpses. After all, these corpses and blood stains will also affect their business. Where do they go to earn murder points when no one lives? And for them, dealing with people killed by others also gives them extra murder points.

Therefore, the follow-up work after the murder should be handed over directly to these people. Now there are no other guests in the entire hotel except the Chen Tian team and the mad gang, so Zhuo Wenxin smiled at Chen Tian with a smile: "You just didn't ask, how do you stay in the **** room? Now we are left with such a big hotel. We can choose a room at will. Now we can live anywhere we want, as long as we don't annoy the other. Just guys!"

Zhuo Wenxin, another gang, refers to the gang of gangs who currently live here, of course, the rest of her sentence also knows who is implied, but now it really says that Cao Cao Cao Cao Cao, I really didn't expect that Chen Tian and they came over naturally wearing sleepiness alone. It was not hostile to see him with a smile, so everyone was relieved.

Although all the bodies on the ground were the bodies they had just killed, but the blood on the ground didn't matter stepping on the ground, step by step toward Chen Tian.

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