Killing God Island

Chapter 2008: G Zone 23, Chen Tian woke up from the autonomous world

Chen Tian and Xu Shun didn't want to wake up from their respective autonomous worlds at all. Ling Zifeng didn't even notice what was wrong. As for the two infatuated men, Yao Jun and Wu Yifan, they were immersed in their love and could not protect themselves. After Ms. Zhao Increasing the hypnotic brain wave stimulation has amplified their autonomous world by dozens of times.

This means that their world is running much faster than the normal world, maybe one year's speed, so if the autonomous world does not change with time, it means that the autonomous world has problems, although it is Everyone has a different spiritual world, but this autonomous world also has its own rules of operation.

And there are daily and even periodic changes, but this kind of change is so small that it is not easy to detect, but if the change over the years changes at a high speed, then there will be a lot of problems, if the people who are particularly stupid are fully aware of it Out of it, Ling Zifeng’s autonomous world cannot be noticed because his world is a beach and the environment has not changed, plus the only characteristic of this beach is the appearance of different beauties.

For a person who changes every day or even every period, if you want to detect the change, it is actually very difficult, just count a flower with a lot of petals, and you will be dazzled by the countless moments, maybe one day. There are not many petals that can be found if they are pulled out one by one and still on the ground, but this method ultimately breaks down all the flowers.

Therefore, Ling Zifeng wanted to detect the difference in his autonomous world, he had to leave the island completely and even slaughter on this island to completely discover the difference in this autonomous world, but Ling Zifeng could not do such a thing, so he wanted to be easy Waking up is not easy, as for Yao Jun and Wu Yifan, two infatuated men.

The situation of the two of them is almost the same, and they have clearly discovered many problems in this autonomous world, but they forced themselves to not think or believe. Their situation is almost the same as that of Chen Tian. They want to force themselves. Stay in this autonomous world.

They seem to remain in their respective autonomous worlds. In fact, their autonomous world has begun to change slowly. As long as they question this world in their minds, even if this autonomous world still lives here, but their inner Questioning is like a sharp thorn, and this autonomous world is just a balloon.

The world has become unstable, and their respective doubts are like the tip of a needle. The more they question the world, the more the needle enters the balloon, and it will automatically wake up until the balloon is broken, even if you want to force it. Retaining this autonomous world will not be as stable as before.

For an unstable world, there will be many problems, large and small. As long as you question every problem, the world will slowly collapse like a building block. This is what a person is obscure. Under the circumstances, if you tell him a false thing, he will accept it. When he slowly finds out that he has been deceived, the subconscious mind will make himself believe the truth, so that the autonomous world will slowly be followed by his own main consciousness. Annihilation.

So whether it is Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun or Yao Jun and Wu Yifan, the four of them, their autonomous world has begun to be extremely unstable. At this time, coupled with the external interference of Ye Minyu, it will prompt them to wake up faster, Chen Tian In the autonomous world, whether it is chatting with family at home or eating with family.

In his own heart, he will hear someone shouting his name. He feels very familiar with the sound of this shouting name, but he can’t remember the sound as a swap and deep back in his own heart. What is going on in his mind? Who is calling my name, do I hit a ghost?

Because he asked his sister and the rest of the people many times, if they heard someone shouting at themselves, but they could not hear it, but Chen Tian heard it more and more clearly. The more he cared about this, the world kept on Chen Tian’s earthquake, this terrifying and terrifying world on the ground, can’t be stopped by Chen Tian himself, because this fundamental reason exists in Chen Tian’s autonomous inner world. This strong psychological contradiction caused Chen Tian’s The world cannot normally maintain its reasonable "sex" again.

This may be the so-called vegetative person. People often speak in his ears. There is a very small chance that a person who has been diagnosed as a plant will fully wake up. This external disturbance seems to be just the name of Chen Tian, ​​but in fact Chen Tian’s brain consciousness is completely audible, but Chen Tian now has some kind of deep sleep similar to being hypnotized.

Therefore, this move through the outside world can completely affect Chen Tian. It can be said that if Ye Minyu does not use this move, Chen Tian may still be able to forcefully retain the current autonomous world for a long time, although it has almost caused the world to collapse. Bad, but fortunately as long as I firmly believe that this is the real world, and I strongly want to live here and want to stay with my family, so this world that almost collapsed in this way let Chen Tian forcefully retain Living.

But it is no longer stable in this world, so once again called by Ye Minyu's ear, Chen Tian's autonomous world began to collapse again. Although the collapse was not very serious, as Chen Tian kept hearing his name, and Thinking of who is the owner of this voice, why do I think this voice is so familiar.

Chen Tianyue thought so that the mind would subconsciously hurt. This is because the cerebral cortex affects the external brain waves. Some people are concerned about this sound, why they are so familiar, they questioned it, and subconsciously related themselves to Ye Minyu in reality. The memory began to elicit slowly.

The introduction of real-world memories has caused Chen Tian’s autonomous world to slowly begin to collapse quickly. Chen Tian’s warm family and his handsome appearance have all disappeared. Even if you don’t want to keep things that are not yours, you still can’t keep them. The reality is so cruel, Chen Tian watched his world slowly collapse, leaving a man's tears.

Chen Tian is not a crying man. The reason he shed tears is that he feels powerless, because the happiness he wants and the life he wants cannot be controlled in his own hands, and even many things are not in order to continue to live. By oneself, this series of things all stem from their incompetence.

Although Chen Tian is capable of fighting, he cannot control his own destiny, so Chen Tian is deeply aware of this through this matter. To live the life he wants, he must first break the current situation. So Chen Tian is more determined the next goal.

At the same time, Chen Tian also opened his eyes. At the same time he opened his eyes, the helmet that fixed Chen Tian was also lifted by himself. Chen Tian was the second person in the whole team to wake up. It has been ten minutes now, and now two Thirty hours have passed, giving these people who are still immersed in the autonomous world a short period of thirty minutes.

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