Killing God Island

Chapter 2009: G Zone Chapter 24 Trench Coat Man Waking Up Suddenly

But as Chen Tian kept hearing his name and who remembered the voice, why did I feel that voice was so familiar.

Chen Tianyue thought so that the mind would subconsciously hurt. This is because the cerebral cortex affects the external brain waves. Some people are concerned about this sound, why they are so familiar, they questioned it, and subconsciously related themselves to Ye Minyu in reality. The memory began to elicit slowly.

The introduction of real-world memories has caused Chen Tian’s autonomous world to slowly begin to collapse quickly. Chen Tian’s warm family and his handsome appearance have all disappeared. Even if you don’t want to keep things that are not yours, you still can’t keep them. The reality is so cruel, Chen Tian watched his world slowly collapse, leaving a man's tears.

Chen Tian is not a crying man. The reason why he shed tears is that he feels powerless, because the happiness he wants and the life he wants cannot be controlled in his hands, and even many things are in order to continue to live. By oneself, this series of things all stem from their incompetence.

Although Chen Tian is capable of fighting, he cannot control his own destiny, so Chen Tian is also deeply aware of this through this matter. To live the life he wants, he must first break the current situation. So Chen Tian is more determined the next goal.

At the same time, Chen Tian also opened his eyes. At the same time he opened his eyes, the helmet that fixed Chen Tian was also lifted by himself. Chen Tian was the second person in the whole team to wake up. It has been another ten minutes. Thirty hours have passed, giving these people who are still immersed in the autonomous world a short period of thirty minutes.

At present, only Ye Minyu and Chen Tian are awake among the nine people of Chen Tian, ​​and the rest are still sleeping, but Ye Minyu sees that this trick works well, and also allows Chen Tian scholars to use this method to help the rest of the people wake up and say Ye Minyu Just lying next to Ling Zifeng called his name.

Chen Tian also learned that he called his name in Xu Shun's ear. Although the effect of this approach was not too great, it was always better than doing nothing. It was this way for the two of them. When he was about to get away with Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng, the windbreaker suddenly woke up.

The windbreaker man woke up autonomously because he also noticed many problems in this world under the rapid change of the autonomous world, and because he did an experiment in his own autonomous world, he determined that this world is not real. After the real world, the windbreaker did not wake up autonomously, and this autonomous world, which was loyal to him, did not completely collapse.

The windbreaker man made an experiment by himself, which is the result of his "suicide" in this world. It may be because the windbreaker's autonomous world is different from the world that Chen Tian expects, so even if he notices it, he is not completely Woke up, but after the windbreaker "suicide" the whole world collapsed instantly, and he also woke up from fear. The autonomous world he created originally was full of fear, but he did not have any fear in this world because of fear. .

But even if he knew that the world was false, let him stand and jump on the highest building, the scene of the moment of falling and the scene of his body falling on the ground, it was really full of fear, and he The world is completely collapsed by this huge fear until it wakes up.

As soon as the windbreaker woke up, he found that Chen Tian and Ye Minyu were trying to wake up the rest of the people. They did not expect that the windbreaker even woke up on his own, so Chen Tian and Ye Minyu were very surprised, but after the surprise Let him follow him, ready to wake up the rest as quickly as possible.

After all, there are still thirty minutes of these helmets buckled on the heads of these still sleeping people will explode, and I am afraid that they will lose their lives, so now everyone must wake up as much as possible, especially the three battles of the entire team Li, Chen Tian has now woken up, and now Xu Xu and Ling Zifeng are close.

At present, the two have not been awake. For Ye Minyu, the two of them must wake up, otherwise they will lose two important fighting forces. This is Ye Minyu very worried, so now Ye Minyu is trying to wake Ling Zifeng Chen Tian tried to wake up Xu Shun, and now the windbreaker suddenly woke up, which was an extra manpower.

He can now be responsible for helping to wake up others. At present, if one can wake up one, try to wake up one. After all, thirty minutes is not very long. If a person can’t wake up, then someone else can save it. Now That is, how many can be saved first in a period of time.

After all, the time is urgent, but if you forcibly remove the helmet attached to their heads, it is likely to suffer more serious consequences, so you can only wait for him to wake up on his own, but this is not so easy, Chen Tiandu almost did not have a degree After this hurdle, especially those who entered the island each have their own stories, and they all have different things in their hearts that are difficult to give up.

It is difficult to give up and whether to understand the choice at a critical moment. This originally tested the self-subjective idea of ​​the inner world. Some people may think it is easy, but it is difficult to talk about anything and really do it. This is why many people The reason why you will be killed in g area, g area is a very test of inner quality and whether you know how to give up some things that you think are the most important.

This is the test of this level, whether you can give up what you want in exchange for the future you want more, or whether you will always be immersed in your own phantom world. This comprehensive test of psychological quality is just like the test of human "nature". As terrible as ever, there was a comprehensive exploration of human "sex".

Comparing the goodness and evil of human "sex", and exchanging good people and bad people in a special environment, you will find that bad people sometimes do many good things that are difficult for good people to do. People, but when faced with the test of true substance, most good people will consider themselves selfishly first, and then the life and death of others.

But the bad guys sometimes take the lead in considering others. What kind of strange argument is this? In fact, the result of the argument is that people's "nature" good and evil will undergo incredible changes at the juncture of life and death. The steps of good and evil can completely look at the surface. Some of the so-called conscience is from the heart, and some is manifested on the surface. Show it to others.

To truly see a person, it is necessary to verify the person in all aspects, in order to truly distinguish the "sex" of the person and the heart is that the Buddha is a good person and a bad person, the change in the person's inner world is very wonderful, and some people are Bad guys can become good guys later, but it is not unreasonable that this "sex" is difficult to move.

A bad guy who is side by side, even if he is changed or beaten into a good man in many ways, but he is still a bad guy in his bones. This is just like the deadly virus hidden in the human body. It will still die, that is to say this kind of person looks like a good person or a bad person.

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