Killing God Island

Chapter 408: Destiny

The site of the three major organizations located in the first half of the area of ​​t, which occupies the angle of the boundary line, is Jin Kairui’s site, and Chen Tian and his group have lived here since they came here, and although Jin Kairui’s family looks at many people outside They are a couple with strange characters and strong strength, but they are very good to Chen Tian and his gang, because these two people are very appreciative of potential and strong people, of course, the couple can’t be ordinary. The stronger people will treat them so well, the main reason is that their husband and wife are intent on Chen Tian and his gang.

First of all, Jin Kairui is the most optimistic and most important of Chen Tian’s group, because his physique is exactly the same as that of his team leader Ms. Zhao, which is equal to Chen Tian’s development potential. It is not just a strong and so simple. Sooner or later, it will become another powerful monster of Ms. Zhao, so once again he would like to close the relationship. After his strength changes, no matter whether he can really leave the island later, at least one day will be available to him, this is also Jin Kairui is a wise man who sees things far away, and the other reason is self-evident. Since Jin Kairui's wife has had a relationship with Ling Zifeng, she has been very concerned and caring about Ling Zifeng. Jin Kairui's mind is no longer comparable to Ling Zifeng, who is young and vigorous, regardless of her size or face value. Besides, Ling Zifeng is more powerful than God in certain aspects. Therefore, Jin Kairui's wife You Di'an is It's true that Ling Zifeng is down now.

Maybe let her kill her husband now, or the kind of person she is willing to do, and Udian’s strength is also very strong, at least much stronger than her husband Kim Carrey’s, but Udian’s heart is clear that this Ling Zifeng may It is the strongest among Chen Tian's gang. He has been hiding the strength. It is difficult to detect how strong he is.

Therefore, his strength is a terrifying combat power in the eyes of Kim Carrey’s wife, and Kim Carrey’s wife, Yu Di’an, is like the Miss Qianda who is a strong man who likes to strive for strength and has powerful strength, and In the eyes of Yudian, Ling Zifeng is already the most perfect person in her mind, so this couple is very good to Chen Tian's group. In fact, they are very cruel to ordinary people and ordinary people. Only Chen Tian and his team can make this very strong couple willing to let them live here and it is still indefinite.

Basically, Chen Tian and his gang have been staying at Kim Carey’s house for a month. I’m really dissatisfied with this time. Of course, I can’t worry if I want to make a big deal. The small area is full of ordinary people who have no combat power of five. Although they have some weapons, there is relatively little threat. Therefore, whether it is Ye Minyu’s layout or the layout of the other two major organizational wise men, there is no The small remaining area of ​​the penalty area is included. After all, if you want to really attack in this area, it is very easy, so their threat is zero, but...

But whether it is the Nanpas who were once the top three organizations, or the planners in Atangmen, they will not worry about the ordinary people in the restricted area, because they can’t afford any big waves when they borrow high-end weapons. However, it is feared that there will be diving dragons out of other smaller organizations, but there are indeed some small organizations that have masters. This is usually called a hidden danger, and this is not like the large organization Nanpai. Masters, what kind of masters are more or less some of the origins and names, at least there are records can also be put in some aspects and their combat power is converted into a value, and then layout according to this value, but small Whether there is a master in the organization, even if there is a master or how many masters are unknown, so Chen Tian wants to leave and wants to mess up the entire situation in the t zone, so that the relationship between the parties is broken. It takes a lot of steps to execute, so it will not be an easy task to intensify the contradictions of various forces in the entire t zone in just one month.

But thanks to Chen Minyu, who has such a high IQ in the team, and her work efficiency is also very good, it is very difficult to stimulate internal conflicts in various organizations and their always mutually beneficial relationship, but fortunately Ye Minyu is very good The team members are assigned, so after her series of layouts, the various forces in the entire t-zone have created great conflicts and doubts about each other. As long as the contradictions between them are intensified again in a few days, this t-zone will be again. Fall into a riot that never calms.

This plan can be called horror. Although the original t-zone will often appear dead, but the initial envoy will never occur. The so-called initial envoy is that the original state of the entire t-zone is the same as the current restricted zone. The idea of ​​who serves who is to fight for greater full strength, that is, a kill or a fight, at this time, people who dare to fight and fight are either dead or future organization bosses or alliances with them to become core internal cadres of large organizations, and At first, I don't know how long it took to get the current silence.

But because of the behind-the-scenes planning of Chen Tian and his team, they will fall into the early history again. This will mean that many people will be killed in the chaos because of the behind-the-scenes manipulation of Chen Tian and others. Of course, if you want to leave here, you will have to pay a certain price. What you don’t pay is your own life, or what you don’t pay is the life of others. Of course, Chen Tian has understood this truth for a long time. Although Chen Tian has his own principles and justice, it is impossible to be completely justice-oriented on this island. As long as the so-called justice is conscientious, don’t kill too many innocent people for their own purposes. As for the lives of some people, there is always a death, but your death is worthwhile for me to achieve the so-called purpose, and Chen Tian Now the obsession in my heart is to leave this island. Of course, these people together with Chen Tian also want to leave. Of course, everyone may want to leave. Since everyone’s purpose is the same, then the Eight Immortals cross the sea. Well, if you have the ability to survive, you will be eliminated without the ability, so in Chen Tian’s mind, this plan is not a slaughter, but a fight for a better future, so everyone will die at different times, and for Chen As far as Heaven and others are concerned, people who died in this period are dedicated to those who died in the next period. No matter who will die in the next period, someone will always achieve the goal of leaving the island.

Although the people who may leave the island may not be everyone, at least the process of struggle is worth remembering, and whether the process of struggle is right or evil from a normal perspective, at least this is the so-called survival on the island Game, this game doesn't care whether you are selling or recharging, or even ordinary players, as long as you can play, you can play until the end, the winner is the king and the loser is the rookie, these eight words have no record process, only Wang and Ko The difference is the substantial difference between positive and evil. As long as you win the diagonal, you can be said to be positive. If you lose, you will be worthless by future generations.

Although Chen Tian does not have such a high level of life comprehension, he understands this deeply because his manager has covered his heart for a long time with reality. His decisions on right and wrong are often only Will win, he will not pretend to be a good person in this kind of place, nor will he rely on the strong to bully the weak, his heart still retains the pure man's mentality, always standing in his head a heavenly man when encountering personal matters , How to do it, sometimes Chen Tian will let everyone be in their own opinions, and then consider their opinions or say their own opinions, this is the embodiment of Chen Tian’s growing up, by the ugly men who are looked down upon by others He became known as a ghost man in prison. This step-by-step arduous process was only clear to him. After being selected by Ms. Zhao to strengthen her body, various managers after entering the island also changed him again. Although Chen Tian is fighting now It was mysteriously expressing various exaggerated expressions and movements, but his heart was already changing with time and environment.

Of course, in order for everyone and himself to be able to get out of this t zone, even if more people will die, it must be implemented. In Chen Tian’s real thoughts, he has always abided by the statement of the king’s destiny. Although he did not believe before, there are When I had to believe, people’s luck and people’s fate had to make people feel that everything seemed to have been set free in a fixed number of days, plus the moral meaning and meaning of the king’s destiny, it was all Chen Tian wanted. What I have always done is that not only Ms. Zhao but also Jin Kairui have passed through. Chen Tian does not have the spirit of the king. The so-called king's gas is a feeling that the real master and the master meet each other, which is related to the real strength. It doesn’t matter much. The relationship is just a feeling of strength and weakness, but what Chen Tian wants to pursue is not to give people a sense of strength and weakness, but a person who wants to be respected and respected as a king. To the capital and qualifications that make people new and admire, so although Chen Tian does not want people to be kings, his way of doing things belongs to the kingly way, and the madness known as the world’s strongest man is a king but has nothing to do with. Men who do not have the way of kings.

But which side does the fate refer to, which side can really come to the end, so the person to whom the destiny returns is also the one who can survive the **** wind that is about to unfold. Although the Chen Tian group is the opener, but At the moment when a large-scale battle really broke out in full swing, you can really retreat if you are not sure. After all, how many masters of the Nanpai know so far is that apart from their chief, the six will preside over the entire Nanpai situation, and The number of masters in the six generals’ departments is unknown, only knowing that Gu Siniang led the 500-horse handsome men's army to attack here, but unfortunately she failed to retreat from the whole army, and the battle is deeper. In the face of strong enemies, the Jin Kairui couple had no choice but to leave but faced the enemy together with their husband and wife. If the Chen Tian gang was no longer at that time, the Jin Kairui couple would not have the stupid strength of their two sons. It is absolutely no match for the 500 Army Corps led by Gu Siniang and Wuhen.

So to some extent, Kim Carey also admired Chen Tian’s benevolence, so Kim Carey was very particular about them. Of course, Kim Carey didn’t know about his wife’s secret derailment...

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