Killing God Island

Chapter 409: Meeting plan

Of course, in order for everyone and himself to be able to get out of this t zone, even if more people will die, it must be implemented. In Chen Tian’s real thoughts, he has always abided by the statement of the king’s destiny. Although he did not believe before, there are When I had to believe, people’s luck and people’s fate had to make people feel that everything seemed to have been set free in a fixed number of days, plus the moral meaning and meaning of the king’s destiny, it was all Chen Tian wanted. What I have always done is that not only Ms. Zhao but also Jin Kairui have passed through. Chen Tian does not have the spirit of the king. The so-called king's gas is a feeling that the real master and the master meet each other, which is related to the real strength. It doesn’t matter much. The relationship is just a feeling of strength and weakness, but what Chen Tian wants to pursue is not to give people a sense of strength and weakness, but a person who wants to be respected and respected as a king. To the capital and qualifications that make people new and admire, so although Chen Tian does not want people to be kings, his way of doing things belongs to the kingly way, and the madness known as the world’s strongest man has the spirit of being king but is not Men who do not have the way of kings.

But which side does the fate refer to, which side can really come to the end, so the person to whom the destiny returns is also the one who can survive the **** wind that is about to unfold. Although the Chen Tian group is the opener, but The moment a large-scale battle really broke out in full swing, you can really retreat if you are not sure. After all, how many masters of the Nanpai know so far is that apart from their chief, the six generals will preside over the overall situation of the Nanpai, and The number of masters in the six generals’ departments is unknown, only knowing that Gu Siniang led the 500-horse handsome men's army to attack here, but unfortunately she failed to retreat from the whole army, and the battle is deeper. In the face of strong enemies, the Jin Kairui couple had no choice but to leave but faced the enemy together with their husband and wife. If the Chen Tian gang was no longer at that time, the Jin Kairui couple would not have the stupid strength of their two sons. It is absolutely no match for the 500 Army Corps led by Gu Siniang and Wuhen.

So to a certain extent, Kim Carey also admired Chen Tian’s benevolence, so Kim Carey was very particular about them. Of course, Kim Carey didn’t know that his wife secretly derailed...

But even knowing Kim Carrey will not show it, because Jim Carrey’s mind is not as good as Ye Minyu, but he can show his very sophisticated aspect in all aspects of his work, and he can do everything in place. This is also his ability to a The main reason for the safe retreat of Ou Ping An, if it were not for this, although his current skill in the a area can’t be said to be unreasonable, at least it is definitely difficult and dangerous, so he would choose to retire with his wife i Youdian in that year. I chose such a far back area, in order to be able to not meet opponents who are stronger than their own strength during their seclusion here. Although their two strengths are indeed not weak, there is no such strong evolution area in all aspects of this evolution. Who dares to say that he can always be the king in a region.

Jin Kairui has been in this area t for six years, and has been here since the beginning of the history of chaos in area t. At that time, there was no difference between the organization of the southern school and the organization. Everything was a scene of killing and killing. T-zone competes for its own territory. It is really crazy and **** scenes every day, but now the overall situation of T-zone has been decided. It takes a lot of ingenuity to return to the beginning of history, mainly to let all people fight each other. Only then can the purpose of Chen Tian and others be achieved.

At present, Ye Minyu is holding a combat meeting with all the staff. At this time, Chen Tian’s group has expired. So far, Chen Tian’s group has a total of members. Yao Jun sitting on the throne, Chen Tian on the left, Ye Minyu on the right After that, next to Chen Tian were Angelina, Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng, and next to Ye Minyu were Wu Yifan and Jin Kairui, this time apart from some things Ye Minyu wanted to let everyone do, Ye listed some people who must be killed. Only in this way can the internal conflicts of various organizations and the conflict between the entire group and another organization be sharpened. Secondly, she also wants to listen to the opinions of other people, as well as her inner thoughts and concerns. some things.

Before Yao Jun, who was still sitting, Chen Tian took the lead to say: "Since Minyu, you have called everyone up for a meeting, compared to the general planning of this task and all aspects of things have been cleared up? Call us Everyone is their own. If you have anything to say, you don’t have to turn around. I believe that after so long, we all know each other a little bit, and we have no doubts about your safety, so you want to arrange what you want. The arrangement is good!" Although this sentence is very warm, Yao Jun sitting in the main position is very embarrassing, because this sentence should be said by him. Although he is not as powerful as Chen Tian, ​​how can I say this The captain's title is still here, do you just ignore me? So Yao Jun was very angry, but it was just that he did not show it in his heart, but continued to sit in the same position without saying a serious expression, but Chen Tian’s sentence was not intended to embarrass Yao Jun. , But a word blurted out, Chen Tian did not go to work in the company, nor did he join the army or read many books. Although some rules are understood by individuals, Chen Tian feels that everyone is like a brother and sister. There is no need to be so restrained in the face of trouble, everyone wants to say whatever they want.

This is Chen Tian’s idea, but it does not mean that everyone thinks so. Angelina sees that Yao Jun’s face has obviously changed. Of course, Wu Yifan and the rest of them can see more or less, but Chen Tian doesn’t know. Of course, Ye Minyu certainly understands that Chen Tian is a kind of informal person, so he sometimes has few friends because he does not pay attention to some small details, but Ye Minyu does not hate this type of person. It is often said that the **** works hard but does not use the brain. Although Chen Tian is not stupid, he sometimes does stupid things, so sometimes many people think that he is abnormal, but if something is abnormal, if he is investigated carefully It’s really hard to say for a while, it’s not that it’s not that there is nothing to say, but it’s not easy to sum up too much to say. It’s not easy to say whether it’s better to say it or not, plus what this place needs is solidarity And, he is someone who really cares for the team and everyone, and Chen Tian really regards the people of this team as his own, and he is also a major combat force, so Ye Minyu's heart is very respectful and appreciates him.

Of course, everyone understands him, including Yao Jun, and he also knew that the sentence he just said was unintentional, but often this unintentional thing would be very embarrassing. Although it was a little thing, Yao Jun who should have said this sentence changed. It was very silent. In fact, Yao Jun had nothing to say after saying this. Next, he just listened to other people’s opinions and expressed his opinions. As a result, Chen Tian came to such a sentence, and he had to remain silent until the end of the meeting. The main theme of this conference suddenly became the same, and Ye Minyu quickly entered the theme. In addition to the southern faction that is still not enemies or friends with us, Ye Minyu also targeted some of the vulnerable areas in the restricted area. Ordinary people made a simple narrative. Although Ye Minyu also knew that the ordinary people in the restricted area would not be able to do any earth-shattering events when they were united in groups, but completely ignoring them was also a potential hidden danger.

After all, people who can enter this island will have more than ordinary people. No matter whether this person is a combatant or a non-combatant, as long as they can enter this island, their combat effectiveness, intelligence and various abilities are definitely elites. The four major families Since we want to implement the god-creation plan on this island, it is impossible to invest ordinary people on this island. Although it is not clear why these people were invested without strengthening these people, if we look down upon this The power is like a mouse that can eat people even though it is much smaller. Once our plan calculations are implemented, maybe the fisherman's profit will be the most insignificant group. "

"Then what should we do?" Yao Jun, who had just been embarrassed, finally found a reason why he could say a sentence, and this reason is also the thought of all the people who have just been listening to Ye Minyu's words, everyone thinks I know that since these people are all scum with a combat strength of almost 5, they have a lot of arms and even some of the latest weapons and equipment that are not currently used in the world to make up for the lack of these people on the island.

Ye Minyu once again said bluntly: "So I only gathered everyone for this meeting today. Of course, this meeting was not my arbitrarily asking everyone to do anything. I just gave my views and anti-laws to everyone. After a while, I will let everyone talk about their opinions, and then everyone will study and discuss how to make the next plan to be more humanized."

When Yao Jun heard this, he felt that his captain should say the last sentence to reflect the steps that the overall meeting began to discuss, so Yao Jun just wanted to speak, but Chen Tian was the first to say: "We all know your starting point and purpose, You are afraid that everyone thinks that you ordered it instead of you to execute it, and that you are afraid that everyone will have opinions on you, so you will let everyone talk about their opinions to make it clear to everyone in the public. This is the reason I understand the rest. I also understand, so although you said your plan and some special opinions about this operation, let us first understand how you want to make it so that you can make the whole t zone a low tide day?" Helpless, the original sentence should be said by Yao Jun, did not expect this kid to grab my limelight and establish his prestige in the team?

Yao Jun sometimes thinks of other people's inadvertent things as intentional and deliberate, and it is an empty power. This has been since he was a soldier. He has been a person who ties others to command others, whether it is the squad leader at school or joining the army After the captain, if there are few people under his control, it is estimated that his combat effectiveness will be weaker. He is a person who pays great attention to his image and establishes his prestige in front of others. Although he has been beaten badly recently, But this still does not mean that his fighting power has stopped in the realm of zone t.

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