Killing Xianxia Protagonists With An AI System In Another World!

20 Legend of the Cultivation God dess , calling even Heaven down to parley!

It was a pure white scroll of good paper with black ink falling upon it as if splattered accidentally. It seemed quite sloppy, yet it was still a calligraphy portrait. Eight characters were drawn by a skilled master, and they joined together to form the portrait of a woman.

Being a portrait drawn with calligraphy technique, it was obviously hard to discern. The image was an optical illusion. Seeing the woman's portrait in the calligraphy was like seeking out the Big Dipper Constellation in the starry night sky.

It seemed only like a work of art, and it wasn't even a good one at that. But Shu Yidan gently used his fingers to feel the drawing. Using only the sense of touch, he ran his fingertips all over the scroll. He seemed like a blind man reading a particularly good book in Braille.

After a few minutes passed, he returned it to the Sect Master. The Sect Master gently smiled before putting it away.

"This is a self-portrait, drawn by the founder of our sect herself! She ascended 20,000 years ago leaving her blessings in the Founder's Altar! She is worshipped as the Daxian Eight Trigrams Divine Lady, but we who hold her legacy respectfully call her Founding Ancestor!" Sect Master's tone held great respect.

"'Daxian', the title's literal meaning being Great Immortal. It is like how the Buddhists title their apex cultivators 'Mahatma' – literal meaning being 'Great-Souled'. Their language is Sanskrit, though." The Sect Master lectured.

Hearing this, Shu Yidan had a stray thought – Mahatma Gandhi's true name wasn't Mahatma!

The Sect Master continued without paying attention to Shu Yidan. "The Writ of Heavenly Emancipation. It is the legacy treasure of our Heavenly Wind Sect. It is also an incomprehensible mystery since the 20,000 years of our sect's establishment. Do you know what the legend says?"

"Can't you tell it yourself?", Shu Yidan licked his lips.

"No, I always used to tell you the story at bedtime and now I want to hear you tell me in my twilight years." The Sect Master said with a sparkle in his eyes.

Shu Yidan sighed before he finally obliged.


"Back before the Founding Ancestor ascended to Heaven, she decided to leave a legacy for our sect. She took a blank scroll to write down the Eight Trigrams Divine Law that she cultivated, but heavenly lightning struck it down. She did it seven more times but heavenly lightning still struck, destroying her hard work. Then, she took another blank scroll to draw this calligraphy portrait."

Heaven asked the Founding Ancestor to not leave the Eight Trigrams Divine Law behind since it was too mighty and it would be unfair for only the disciples of her sect to have such power.

Founding Ancestor replied that without it, the later disciples of her sect would be too weak and would not be able to stand against the greed of the world. Was it not unfair that the peerless sect she had built to be helpless against the entire world?"

"Finally, they came to a decision. Founding Ancestor would not pass down the entirety of the Eight Trigrams Divine Law, only leaving behind the Heaven-Wind Two-Trigram Divine Law. In exchange, Heaven took a vow that until our sect would not fall until the end of time."

"The Sect was named Heavenly Wind Sect after the Founding Ancestor ascended. The calligraphy-portrait is called Writ of Heavenly Emancipation from this legend. For 20,000 years since the Sect's establishment, no one has been able to divine its purpose. Yet it is a fact that our Founding Ancestor did exist, that she was the mightiest of her era and that she left behind the Heaven-Wind Two-Trigram Divine Law."

"Paying heed to this knowledge, our Sect has never been attacked since its creation. No one wants to test what our Founding Ancestor left behind. Our Sect also subscribes to the Daoist philosophy of non-action and secludes away from the world. And thus, we are peacefully talking here."

Saying this, Shu Yidan ended the story. The Sect Master had a foul expression.

"What bad storytelling. This is worse than a fucking Buddhist koan, words that seem like they carry great meaning but are like water. It was like an aesop without a fucking proverb. What did the Sect Master leave behind in the scroll?" The Sect Master asked with a foul tone. "Don't you remember, in your childhood I always ended the story by telling you about what secret could lie in that scroll? Perhaps a peerless legacy, or the map to a divine treasure… Anyway, you would always love that." His tone was nostalgic, thinking of a past that the Shu Yidan before him never remembered.

"Well, it is something that convinced even Heaven to parley. So naturally, it is something that can convince the covetous sects that eye our heritage to back off as well. When an unreasonable existence holding unending enmity attacks to destroy our sect, we would naturally find out. In any case, I hope to never find out what this scroll does in this lifetime." Shu Yidan hadn't lost his carefree manner of speaking. But his eyes were frightfully cold.

Hearing Shu Yidan's words, the Sect Master was speechless for a moment.

A moment later, his eyes turned cold and he nodded in response. "Such ominous implication… Yet that is certainly a good way to end the story. And of course, I never hope to find out either."

After a little more small talk, the Sect Master departed, remarking that Shu Yidan was almost like a brand-new person and he was more reliable than before. Then, he said he would trust his disciple Xiaoyi to stay the night at his residence. After that, he said that since Xiaoyi was beaten by him, he should take the time to 'deepen their relationship' and 'guide her like a senior should guide a junior'.

When the Sect Master finally left and he didn't have to hear those unsubtle implications, he heaved a sigh of relief.

The Sect Master before him seemed like a kindly (perverse) grandfather.

The Sect Master in Shu Yidan's memories that he gained after transmigration was an antagonist who mocked him for his talentlessness.

The Sect Master of the past timeline was a distant figure who left some inheritance for him, before dying to Yang Yi.

And the Sect Master in the memories that his mind was freshly filled with was the master who taught him Daoist spells (like the Wind Blade) during Qi Refining with stern grace while looking down on the body cultivation-based power system of the Jianghu.

Who was the real one? What was the truth?

Thinking about such things, Shu Yidan used divine sense to glance into the spatial ring. There was some stuff to repair the formation, some stuff to recover his cultivation… basically all the stuff he needed. The best inside the ring were three treasures.

Yet apart from that, an interesting looking thing was a manual. Shu Yidan opened it up. Pasted upon the title cover was a little slip, a jade slip. Pouring his divine sense within, around a hundred names, images and relevant information filled Shu Yidan's mind.

This was the record of all the female disciples within the Sect.

And the manual's title was "Eight Revolutions Yin-Yang Dual Cultivation Law".

At the back of the manual was a note: Yidan, this is the best dual cultivation technique that I have! Not of the sect, but of my personal collection!! And a record of all the beauties of our sect!!! I knew you wanted to ask me for it but were embarrassed, good thing I can read you like a book!!!!

I wish you have happy nights rebuilding the Shu Clan!

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