I am named <<TRUE NAME SEALED>> in the world you are living in and I go by Shu Yidan in this world I am living in.

I am sacrificing a portion of my True Immortal Divine Sense to the Founding Ancestor's Writ of Heavenly Emancipation to facilitate our exchange. I could be using this power to destroy a continent or brainwash an entire kingdom, but I am using it to communicate with you, a reader… and a believer.

A believer, meaning believing in my existence. You can read this because you have such faith in me. For good or bad, it means that you believe I exist. This belief comes from the fact that you've just scrolled through my story.

Did you enjoy my story? Did you hate my story? For better or worse, I don't care. Because you have read this and that gives me your faith.

Well then, I want more of your faith! I am no god so I can't fulfil your wishes but due to reverse influence, you can influence my story and fulfil MY wishes!

So, let's have a negotiation and decide on which wishes you want fulfilled. How about that, it would be a win-win for both of us right?

This is going to sound like... a bit weird. But here we go…

1 - This is general stuff.

If you want more girls in this story, comment [KILL YANG YI - 101]!

If you want more comedy like with our old Sect Master, comment [KILL YANG YI - 102]!

If you want more insight into the mystery of the real Shu Yidan and guy who transmigrated into him, me, comment [KILL YANG YI - 103]!

2 - I am really embarrassed saying this, but this is for R-18 content.

If you think the author is terrible writing it and should fucking stop, comment [KILL YANG YI - 201]!

If you want more H-Scenes with Feng Shiyao, comment [KILL YANG YI - 202]!

If you want more H-Scenes with Xiaoyi, please stop with that wish. Pedophilia is bad, shoot Pedobear in the fucking head!

If you want more H-Scenes with my previous life's subordinate, comment [KILL YANG YI - 204]! I haven't actually met her yet but getting into her bed is easy after knowing her 250 long years!

If you want more H-Scenes with a random transmigrator heroine, comment [KILL YANG YI - 205]! Do know that she will most likely be from your world and do know that she'll most likely be fucking pissed! Yet I have the duty to kill the male lead, so it would be helpful to seduce her!

If you want more H-Scenes with a yandere, comment [KILL YANG YI - 206]! I'll reserve the right to ignore that wish unless it gets huge response!

If you want a H-Scene with me NTRing a total piece of shit, comment [KILL YANG YI - 207]!

If you want a H-Scene with me using my influence to bed a girl, comment [KILL YANG YI - 208]!

3 - Finally, this is for the miscellaneous stuff you probably don't care about but I would like either way.

If you want me to meet my past timeline's wife, comment [KILL YANG YI - 301]! I'll be really happy!

If you want me to cultivate really quickly and get really OP, comment [KILL YANG YI - 302]! It would be useful as well…

If you want me to help the Shu Clan revive somehow, comment [KILL YANG YI - 303]! Faith really helps with stuff like that.

And this is for ending the request code. Comment [KILL YANG YI - 404]!

A proper request code would be a mix of all the above categories.

For eg. [KILL YANG YI - 103] [KILL YANG YI - 201] [KILL YANG YI - 301] [KILL YANG YI - 404]

This code adds more info on the real Shu Yidan (and me), completely stops H-Scenes and adds a meeting with my wife from the past timeline.

Why no H-Scenes, you ask? Frankly because it is embarrassing… OK, a random transmigrator would be cool.

I really fucking want to hear proper <<Endorian>> no, E-N-G-L-I-S-H, that's why. Meeting a person from the <<Barbarian West>>, no, A-M-E-R-I-C-A is hard after transmigrating and someone who is <<Worshipper of Death>>, no, E-D-U-C-A-T-E-D is even harder to meet with.

Also, ignore the auto-censor. IDK why this damned System thinks English-Speakers are barbarians and worship death, but whatever.

As for why all the request codes start with [KILL YANG YI]? Well, that's because it is basically the purpose of my life right now. If Yang Yi dies quickly, I'll have a lot of time, and I still have more of my True Immortal Divine Sense to communicate with you. If he dies anticlimactically in his childhood when a horse rams a dick up his ass or something, I would celebrate with a goddamned orgy for sure!

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