Killing Xianxia Protagonists With An AI System In Another World!

33 Feng Shiyao's Female Lover, Fearsome White Lotus Sect!

"This is like… Well, your Master wants to screw you over so hard, I feel a bit threatened…" After examining all the techniques Feng Shiyao had cultivated, Shu Yidan's attempt at a euphemism got a hearty laugh from Feng Shiyao.

"Brother Yidan, don't worry! For now and for eternity, I shall be forever loyal to you!" Grand words like that came out once Feng Shiyao stopped laughing.

"Anyway, I am pretty sure about the techniques you've been cultivating. Congratulations, you can qualify as the Outer Sect Disciple of the White Lotus Cult, the Founding Ground that gave birth to the great art of Yin-Yang Sexual Dual Cultivation!" Shu Yidan's next euphemism didn't bring a smile though.

Ignoring Feng Shiyao's lack of speech, Shu Yidan continued, "Well, the technique is a fucking hot mess of Daoism, Buddhism and Demonic Cultivation. Other sects also have cultivation lineages also merge their techniques together, but they are extremely artful and restricted to only Nascent Souls. Only the White Lotus Cult dares to hand these techniques to Qi Refining cultivators."

Hearing Shu Yidan's analysis, Feng Shiyao frowned.

"…Damn." Only one word came out from Feng Shiyao's lips.

"Don't worry. Your master hasn't granted you the mental cultivation technique to unify the scattered techniques you've been training in and give birth to the White Lotus. That's really good." Hearing Shu Yidan's words, Feng Shiyao sighed.

"You… Now that you've found out, why are you acting like that?" Hearing Feng Shiyao's words, Shu Yidan frowned before asking:

"What do you mean?"

"You… Damn, don't act like me training cultivation techniques from the White Lotus Cult is a non-issue!" Feng Shiyao angrily said.

"…As I said, you haven't been training in the White Lotus mental technique and haven't cast a Lotus Seed, so the cultivation techniques are basically non-issues." Saying this, Shu Yidan gave Feng Shiyao a look.

"…You are totally the best. You've made me so wet, I could totally fuck you for three days and three nights." Saying this, Feng Shiyao fluttered her eyelids.

Shu Yidan felt a mild compulsion spell that he hastily removed.

"Didn't I tell you? I will forever be loyal to you… And well, I was planning on joining the White Lotus Sect for the Heart Law, but if you say so, I'll give up on that plan." Saying this, Feng Shiyao kissed him on the cheek.

"…Thanks." Shu Yidan said with a heavy sigh.

"I am sorry, but I was desperate. I knew that bitch was priming me for possessing my body. Even you could sense it, so it would only be natural for me to know. I had to check if the techniques I was cultivating contained hidden traps.

So I got in contact with a White Lotus would-be Initiate and made her believe I was like her. We got closer by Yin-Yin dual cultivation. I did verify all my techniques, and apart from the mental techniques, nothing else is missing! I was planning on obtaining the White Lotus Cult's mental technique from her and I even got halfway through seducing it out of her…"

"But yeah, it is how it is, I have more or less all the White Lotus Foundation techniques, all slightly modified to remove mental cultivation aspects. Only the White Lotus Heart Sutra is missing." Saying this, Feng Shiyao concluded.

"Wait, there is a fucking White Lotus cultist in the vicinity of the Sect?!?" Feng Shiyao's shocking confession of her seduction of a White Lotus Cult would-be Initiate was cut short by Shu Yidan's loud exclamation.

"…Yeah, my target was the would-be fiancée of the Sect's External Martial Head, Duan Shanwei…" Feng Shiyao blushed saying this.

"Duan Shanwei… if it is that way, then why would she marry…? Wang Fan, our sect's External Martial Head…. is a White Lotus? But he is a man!" Shu Yidan's broken words made it easy to understand how hard he had lost his cool.

"He is an Early Stage Nascent Soul, why wouldn't he be capable of joining the White Lotus Cult? At that level of cultivation, all sects…" Feng Shiyao said with a surprised expression.

Shu Yidan suddenly realized that Feng Shiyao had absolutely no idea of what the White Lotus Cult truly was! "Not the White Lotus Cult. A man would never be accepted in that cult of rabid madwomen and would never rise a step higher than a boytoy! All disciples of that sect are women!"

"Men in the White Lotus Cult are all resources for the Dual Cultivation training of the sect disciples. Starting from the age of 13, mortal boys are brought into the sect. If they are able to survive the baptism orgy, one disciple might take interest and take one survivor as a boytoy. He gets cultivation resources and techniques, but his status is worse than a slave…" Saying this, Shu Yidan paused.

"I'll spare you a horror story. White Lotus Cult is a female-only only Sect, it does have male cultivators within, but they are no disciples, to say the least."

Saying this, Shu Yidan continued. "Anyway, glossing over that topic, fixing your cultivation won't be too hard. Your master is intent on possessing you - seizing your body and swallowing your soul, so the restrictions on you aren't lethal and can easily be bypassed. And you haven't cultivated the Heart Technique, so you haven't stepped on the path of insanity either! Damn, I feel so relieved…"

Hearing Shu Yidan, Feng Shiyao reminisced about her nights with Duan Shanwei. 'She always looked so glum… Even though I tried every way to get that technique out of her, she refused… Was she trying to protect me?'

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