Killing Xianxia Protagonists With An AI System In Another World!

34 Pure Love between Flowers, First Kill of the Past! Christmas 2x size chapter!

She told me she was forced to cultivate in the White Lotus Foundation Techniques, and that man plans to refine her into a Human Cauldron… We are pretty similar, I suppose, but in the end I have you and that is why I can have hope…"

"Well then. Let's go kill that External Elder and save your girlfriend." Saying this, Shu Yidan immediately went to wake up Xiaoyi.

"Hey fellow disciple! We are going to go kill a Nascent Soul! You wanna come along?" Xiaoyi seemed a little annoyed at her sudden awakening, but hearing Shu Yidan's words, she immediately shook off all sleepiness.

"Sure, senior brother! Let's go, we've got no time to waste!" She said this while quickly readying herself.

"H-hey?! You are just going to go battle a Nascent Soul, just like that?" Feng Shiyao's surprise was yet to wear off!

"Me and Elder Wang have some history. You know, the only thing that was holding me back from splattering Elder Wang's guts was reason: I can't kill people as I please due to my status…" Saying this, Shu Yidan's eyes flashed with bloodlust.

"…But that fucking son of a bitch is a White Lotus! He has to be put in his allotted place in hell! By the way, your master needs to accompany him to hell as well, Shiyao… Sorry." Saying this, Shu Yidan had no hint of being sorry.

Feng Shiyao suddenly remembered the battle of last night, and she remembered that Shu Yidan was strong. Strong enough to contend with Nascent Souls. And he had influence if he didn't wish to dirty his hands. And so, there was no need to worry.

That girl would be saved. She would be saved.

But it wouldn't do to show her heart on her face. "I wanted to splatter that bitch's guts myself but yeah, you can kill her, I don't mind at all."

The gleeful expression that had murderous intent coloring it was just exquisite… Feng Shiyao's beauty almost made Shu Yidan fall for her.

Their little conversation done, the trio quickly left the cultivation residence!


As the trio used all sorts of footwork techniques to set off in a race down the hilly path of Mount Azurewind, Shu Yidan sighed. "By the way, I don't really have an excuse to kill that bastard…"

"You secretly took Duan Shanwei as your lover and officially planned on taking her as a concubine after you completed your secluded cultivation, but External Elder took a liking to her. So you angrily broke out of seclusion and came to take your woman back." Feng Shiyao immediately ratted out a plausible scenario.

"That sounds good enough, then. Do you have a communication artifact or something…"

"As expected… That piece of shit is either in our Sect Library to steal our sect's accumulated knowledge or giving lectures to cut off the talents of our sect by misguiding them! We should immediately uproot this weed before it strangles the flowers!"

Saying this, Shu Yidan used his escaping technique in earnest, and wings of azure blue appeared behind him, taking him soaring into the sky! Feng Shiyao picked up Xiaoyi and followed behind him as butterfly-like wings of red fire and azure wind to appear behind her back.

Like Messengers of Heaven, they set off together into the sky.

"…By the way, why didn't we set off from the Peak?" Feng Shiyao asked.

"You wanna die to the Skyguard Formation? Flying from the top of the peak will set it off!" Saying this, Shu Yidan sighed before passing a message to her with divine sense. 'And I can't casually unseal it either… the damage upon the formation control mechanisms in yesterday's battle is a bit too much…'


The Greeting West Peak was on the west-edge of the Sect. The newly joined disciples of the sect, most of them being mortals, were allotted cultivation caves on this peak.

The Quelling Doubts Courtyard was located at the bottom of the peak. An External Elder of the Sect, a Nascent Soul would lecture on the basics of Qi Refining, teach a few spells and solve the doubts that the young disciples faced.

Facing the crowd of hundreds of youths who were seated on the ground in seiza posture, stood a single middle-aged man with a young man and woman behind him.

"Greetings, young eagles of our glorious Heavenly Wind Sect! Today I, Elder Wang shall hold this session of Quelling Doubts." The fat man with his potbelly jutting out said with a jovial grin. Even though this man was dressed like a wealthy merchant, there was no one who dared to disrespect him by speaking.

"My son, Wang Qin", Elder Wang the man behind him came forward. "And my fiancée… Duan Shanwei will be assisting today." Duan Shanwei hesitantly stepped beside Wang Qin.

The three of them revealed their cultivation bases: Nascent Soul, Golden Core and Foundation Establishment – the three steps that awaited and were longed for by Qi Refinement cultivators. After showing themselves, the two immediately stepped back for Elder Wang to begin his lecture.

"Let's talk about the Wind Blade Spell…" As the Nascent Soul External Elder began lecturing, a different conversation was going on behind them.

"You talentless slut… it has been six months since you've been cultivating the White Lotus Heart Sutra and you have yet to cast the White Lotus Seed in your heart. Father told me that you cannot be stained by a hint of Yang Essence, so I cannot even use your hands for comfort! Bitch, how long are you going to take?!" Hearing the angry words, Duan Shanwei simply looked downwards.

"Slut, for the past week I have covered your body with talismans to facilitate your lust - Winds of Stimulation, Fires of Desire, Water of Lust and Earth of Submission! They have almost ran out of power yet you have yet to nurture the White Lotus Seed within you!" Ranting, the man called Wang Qin screamed.

"Don't you feel pitiful, you slut? Your body craves for cock, why won't you obey it? Your family has already abandoned you so why haven't you given in? For your loyalty to this worthless sect? Haha, if we revealed our true identities even the Sect Master would come pay obeisance. Give in to your true nature and you will gain the qualification to become a True Disciple of the White Lotus Cult!" At the conclusion of the rant, he ruthlessly slapped her cheek.

"Father failed in obtaining any traces of whatever he infiltrated this trash Sect to seek. We will be leaving this shithole soon. If you don't quickly nurture that White Lotus within you… Well, father will get a little hands-on with your soul!" Wang Qin kept on ranting without a care.

With a final lewd look at her, he gave her butt a sharp pinch before looking away, tired of her.

Duan Shanwei had grown used to it. The impotent young man would rant and rave. In her heart, the desire to give in, to let the white lotus bloom and destroy her sense of self burned. She suppressed it.

Six months ago the Wang father and son made an agreement with the clan head - her uncle. She was handed her over and the two became External Elder and External Deacons of the Heavenly Wind Sect by using the power of Duan Family as one of the Ancestral Clans of Heavenly Wind Sect. She had no idea what the pair had lost in the transaction, but from Wang Qin's rant, it should have been something valuable.

Then, her life as it was ended in a blink. She, who was a mere Qi Refining cultivator was piled with resources until she reached Foundation Establishment. Then, the White Lotus Foundation techniques transformed her in body, mind and soul… and the transformation was completed by the perverted actions of Wang Qin.

Wang Qin played with her, all to prime her to have a breakdown, to lose all sense and allow the White Lotus to awaken. He couldn't go too far, as any contact with male sexual fluid would immediately destroy their plot. The longer she took, the greater foundation and talent she would have…

But if she never awakened, the whole process would be meaningless! Wang Qin was getting desperate, same as his damned father!

First he used his hands, then sex toys and finally turning to talismans… but it was all futile! The water of lust had stopped flowing down her thighs! She would never break! She had a reason!

Unlike what Wang Qin believed, she still had a reason to persevere. The figure of that elegant girl who her hair in a hornlike twin pair came to her mind. A woman who was a beauty in both her outer body and inner spirit. The jovial girl was the Dao Companion of the Sect Master's disciple… who seemed to hate her presence and was rumored to have entered seclusion to ignore her!

Reminiscing of Feng Shiyao's soft hands over her burning body, of their first night of linking Yin and Yin, a faint blush filled her indifferent lips. They were of similar circumstances and forced onto similar paths. Over the past months, she had been guided by that Golden Core senior of her so many times…

Feng Shiyao's master was covetous of her perfect body and was raising her to seize it…

Duan Shanwei's 'husband' only wanted her body as a cauldron and was suppressing her to part away her soul from her pure body…

With a strong will, she waited for her fate to come and pass, unwilling to bend. There was love and so, there was hope… No, there was never any hope but love still gave her strength.

Thinking of her only love, the secret communication talisman burnt. Secretly, she communicated with her via divine sense, as disaster would fall on their pure love if a man came to know…

"Shanwei, Shanwei! My time has come, millennium! My Dao Companion is coming over to rescue you! Here is the plan…!" Hearing the ridiculous plan, Duan Shanwei didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

How badass could her Dao Companion be? Even if he had broken through to Nascent Soul, he would be fated to be suppressed. Elder Wang was no pushover. He was of the White Lotus Cult after all…!

As these thoughts lingered in her head, an unknown amount of time passed. And then, she found herself looking at what seemed to be a falling star.

No, it was only the flashing bright energy of a Golden Core cultivator using high-speed flight techniques. Seeing Feng Shiyao descend elegantly with those butterfly-like red and blue wings caused her heart to beat furiously.

Feng Shiyao descended right in front of her, and seemed to invite her with a gentle gaze. Duan Shanwei was seized by a sudden impulse, an uncontrollable urge.

She ran. Ignoring Wang Qin, ignoring Elder Wang, she ran ahead, all to close that gap. All to escape to her love!

Wang Qin who stood beside her and Elder Wang seemed to be stunned. Stunned at the descended Golden Core, stunned at her daring to shield Duan Shanwei. But as cultivators, they immediately recovered, and a stream of restrictive spells flew at the running girl.

Duan Shanwei suddenly realized her stupidity. Even while knowing she couldn't escape, why did she try?

And then, that stream of spells was cleaved through by a single azure bladelight! A Wind Blade, the spell Elder Wang was teaching the Qi Refining cultivators!

"Girl, get out of the way quickly…" The voice came from the sky. Duan Shanwei heeded it, immediately running into Feng Shiyao's embrace.

Only when she was away from harm did she dare look up at the blue sky. One man stood there, a magnificent blade in hand, the source of the bladelight that saved her. On his shoulder sat a little girl, gazing like a hawk downwards.

"Xiaoyi. Take that Golden Core there. Try not to kill him, just cut off his limbs." Saying this, he patted her forehead with a paper talisman. With this, the aura of an unbending mountain seemed to emit from her.

The girl nodded, before jumping down. She aimed her fall precisely at the point where Wang Qin stood.

"A Qi Refining brat dare to attack me?!" Wang Qin's surprised exclamation caused the Qi Refining disciples who were stunned in shock at the event before them to freeze!

The girl dared attack a Golden Core at Qi Refining, what guts!

Sudden snow began falling from the sky, the sign of a Dao Domain! White light flashed around Wang Qin. He stared at the falling girl with disdain, and his eyes flashed with lust. Her noble bloodline could be seen at a glance, something that would be very welcome for his dual cultivation!

The girl descended. A sword appeared by her side. A single movement, a single stroke.

And then… there was swordlight. For a moment Wang Qin and all the Qi Refining cultivators watching the event were surprised. Swordlight flashed, and a yellow bridge of stone was born for a brief moment.

The snow disappeared. Wang Qin's arm was cut off. The little girl didn't hesitate and following instructions, immediately chopped off Wang Qin's other limbs.

"Brother Shu's talisman is pretty good…" As she muttered this, she looked at him. The little battle had ended, it was time for the good stuff.

The man in the sky had already descended on the ground. He slowly walked towards Elder Wang who seemed as if he had been locked in place. Elder Wang didn't even dare to turn his face from the man coming for him, not even daring to look at his son who was screaming like a pig.

Not even Duan Shanwei was interested in Wang Qin's bloody body flopping. While the sight of her tormentor screaming in pain after being tortured and castrated filled her happy dreams when Feng Shiyao wasn't in them, she couldn't be bothered with it right now.

Her eyes were fixated upon the man who descended from the sky to save her and who was going to send her tormentor to hell!

The pensive look on his face could steal the heart of any girl. At least, Duan Shanwei herself, a girl who had grown to hate men and could only desire the touch of a woman found that she liked the look of this man.

The chang-pao robes he wore were of pure white with red highlights. The 'Feng' character blazed on the back of the robes marked him as standing high atop the hierarchy of the Sect. True Disciple, the Sect Master's True Disciple!

His long black hair danced behind him. His eyebrows were given a slender cut. His face was beardless. His slender frame gave him a grace that should have been solely reserved for the fairer sex. And with every step he walked, this grace emanated, shocking the hearts of all onlookers!

Duan Shanwei could never think that she would see a man who could surpass her in beauty…

But for all his beauty, he could never be mistaken for a woman. The reason so wasn't upon his body, but in his eyes. The aggressive murderous intent aimed at the reason for her torment, Elder Wang!

"Elder Wang… we seem to have some fate. I have remembered you for a long time, after all which proper man would forget his first kill…? Once upon a time, I killed you on your wedding day. Too bad I can't afford to kill you now though… But don't worry, you will still get to enjoy a fate worse than death..."

The graceful movement of his body paired with murderous desire bursting externally! It was perfection! Any woman would fall for a man like this, a man who would splatter the guts of her tormentor and take her away to safety!

Even though Duan Shanwei couldn't hear the words he spoke, she could still feel the dominating will of the man!

Just then, she felt a soft press on her left cheek… that quickly turned into a little ache! A pinch! Her beloved senior sister just pinched her!

"Shanwei, we only enjoyed our Locking Yin Exercise yesterday, and yet you are already hungry for my man…! Don't give him such a lustful look while standing beside me! It makes me feel weird!" Looking at Feng Shiyao's embarrassed expression, Duan Shanwei felt a trace of loss. The light of affection that shone in her eyes would never appear while looking at her…

"...Well, forgive me for glaring... but Senior Sister... your man is amazing." Saying this, Duan Shanwei was a bit embarrassed.

"Good, good! You, me and Shu Yidan, the three of us are going to have a lot of fun! Last night when I sucked him off, I completed my two cultivation techniques and established a Dao Domain! I can't even imagine what a threesome (3P) would get me!" Seeing Feng Shiyao going on and on about dual cultivation like a peerless genius of the art would, she felt a bit cowed.

While her body and bloodline was good enough for the White Lotus Cultists to scheme to seize it, she couldn't match her senior sister's enthusiasm. Thinking about how she had been tired out of her wits yesterday while 'locking yin' with Feng Shiyao, she couldn't help but blush.

"Oh, but my dear Dao Companion is a bit conservative! If you act a little shy, I am pretty sure he'll fall for your act quickly! Shanwei, go get him! I'll support you all the way!" Duan Shanwei couldn't help but shake her head at her sister's antics.

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