"Hey! The skills of these three people are so good that they are more than enough to be the anchors. What's wrong, they want to be actors!"

Just when the water friends were still discussing.

After Hui clicked to exit the game and returned to the record settlement interface.

When he saw the enemy Xiao Qiao's ID, there was a flash of shock in his eyes.

Jing Hui!

The director of his crash turned out to be the legendary rich woman Jinghui!

No wonder it has so much power.

I can find several actors in this segment as high as [-].

Arrange yourself clearly!

It's just that he couldn't figure it out.

Why are his three two or five teammates at the most critical time?

Suddenly there was a shocking reversal, and it went directly against the water?

Where did they put it to play Mission Impossible?

"I just sent away a national costume Yao yesterday, and today another big director Jing Hui came?"

"As expected of the peak game at the end of the season, all kinds of monsters and monsters have come out!"

Yu Hui sighed with emotion, then shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

He glanced coldly at his three actor teammates.

Although they finally found out in conscience, they began to play the game seriously.

But the fact that they are actors is indisputable.

The report is still to be reported.

As for whether or not he will be officially banned, it is not up to him to decide.

Think of this.

He also had indifference on his face, and clicked the reports one by one.

Just what he didn't expect.

He just exited the record settlement interface and was about to start the next peak match.

I received an official email from the king.

Open the email and take a quick glance at its contents.

roughly means.

His last three teammates were suspected of malicious acts such as "manipulating the results of the game" in the game.

All have been banned for [-] days, and all their heroic power has been emptied.

The national standard is confiscated and banned from the list.

see this result.

The barrage in the afterglow live broadcast room is boiling again!

"Niubi! This time, Tianmei has finally done one thing, and if it is banned, it is forbidden! I will reluctantly give Tianmei a compliment for its efficiency!"

"Not only has the title been banned for half a year, but the national standard has also been repossessed? Hiss... so vicious? I just want to say about this, well done! It's very pleasing!"

"I've said it long ago, if you dare to act on these two big anchors, that's courting death! What's more, our President Yu's live broadcast room has [-] million popularity, so many brothers are watching, these three iron-headed babies still dare to Acting? Look! Sure enough, the number is gone!"

"Damn it! It's not fair! Why are the anchors like Mr. Yu and Mr. Han being cast, and the actor's number will be blocked soon, and I have met so many actors in the Diamond Bureau, but Tianmei never cares?!"

"Brother, the Diamond Bureau is not called an actor, it's just a simple dish! What are you thinking?!"

"Why! Why are these three actors' accounts blocked, but Jing Hui's account is nothing at all?! Just because she is a noble V10?"

Just when the barrage was still hotly discussed.

Afterglow also started an indomitable upward rhythm once again!

Since she had just been played by an actor, Yu Hui was also in a very unhappy mood at this time.

And his opponent has naturally become the object of his venting!

In the next two rounds, his Ma Chao slaughtered all the way.

The enemy's flank can't be stopped at all, and the surging rhythm of afterglow's attack is like a tidal wave!

Basically, within two minutes, he will be single-killed by Yu Hui's Ma Chao.

Within five minutes, a tower will be uprooted by Sunset's Ma Chao!

Within [-] minutes, you must get through the road and directly break through the enemy's sidewalk highlands!

In the face of Yu Hui's big move, Ma Chao sprinted away, sparks and lightning all the way, and Ma Chao poked like a mad dog.

The other side is also mentally broken.

He was directly beaten by Yu Hui's Ma Chao and surrendered.

The second one was due to encountering the anchor of Doulong next door, which took a lot of effort.

The game time dragged to fifteen minutes.

Under the leadership of his four-kill Ma Chao, his teammates directly crushed the enemy crystal!



Peak score: 2720 (+18)!



Peak Score: 2738 (+22!)


After seeing the two consecutive victories of Sunset, the peak score reached an exaggerated 2760 points.

It surpassed Muse and Kejie one after another and ranked second in the country.

More than just Sunset's live broadcast room.

Even fans of other anchors were stunned when they heard the news.

One by one, they left their beloved anchors behind and poured into Sunset's live broadcast room one after another.

Let the popularity of Sunset's live broadcast room rise again!

It soon reached the popularity of [-] million.

Even if it is tens of millions of people away from Liu's goal.

It's only one step away!

"It's from Han Bing! I heard that the anchor was going crazy at night? It's been a night of winning streak, surpassing Kejie and Musei, and the bottom line is guaranteed to be No. [-] in the country. Become the hope of fighting against the road this season?"

"I'll go! President Yu's record is really something that can be achieved by humans? If it wasn't for seeing that he was disgusted by actors every day, I even doubted that President Yu would not be the biggest director hiding behind the scenes and controlling the peak competition. what!"

"It's from Li Zhien next door! I heard that this anchor is very powerful. I will come to witness the birth of a miracle with my own eyes tonight!"

"Li Zhien? Isn't that the anchor of Doulong next door? Good guy, is Mr. Yu all so popular next door?"

"It was broadcast live from the palm next door! I heard that this anchor beat up our national costume Ape Ge Ting'an yesterday, so I specially made a live broadcast of Meow Teeth and came to join in the fun!"

"Upstairs! I came from the Penguin live broadcast platform! After watching this anchor! I found that I couldn't go back!"

"Cow! I just came here, and I saw the anchor win again? This score is almost [-]!"

"It seems that President Yu is determined to push Meng Lan off the top of the list!"

"Meng Lan! The list is in danger! Return quickly!"

"Good guy! Let President Yu get Ma Chao again! It seems that this is over!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, this is blood? This man is really terrifying. Playing a [-]-percent game in a peak match is like playing a baby, giving me the illusion that I can do it!"

"This anchor is invincible. I'm afraid it won't take a whole team of anchors, or one or two professional players to frustrate his spirit!"

In the sound of discussion on the barrage.

After Hui's Ma Chao once again found the perfect time to start a group.

A wave of sprinting around.

The shooter Marco chasing the enemy is a set of three lightning whips!

Even if Ma Ke on the opposite side had two meat suits, he would not be able to resist the inappropriate damage of all-out Ma Chao.

He was immediately carried away by the three-shot crit!

The enemy's front row, Lian Po, had nothing to do with Yu Hui's Ma Chao.

He could only watch helplessly as he slaughtered his own back row.

In the end, I could only reluctantly accept the fact that this has gone far!



Peak Score: 2775 (+20)!

After a whole night of trying.

Sunset's peak score was finally hit by him to 2795 points!

It is far from Menglan, which currently ranks first in the country.

Only the last 30 minutes left!

In other words.

Just two more wins.

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